Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:43 PM · May 03, 2021 Permalink
Let’s distract ourselves from having watched some depressing stuff about a far-right military threat in France by... going back to Alfard.
Yeah er that’s not optimal is it? ONWARDS
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:48 PM · May 03, 2021 Permalink
I regret to say that we have yet another adult woman hitting on our underage protagonist. What is this, Ocarina of Time
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:00 PM · May 03, 2021 Permalink
The funeral gets shooed out of the way pretty quickly, with some minor worldbuilding. Good Emperor, apparently?
But mostly, the Emperor’s dead, long live the Emperor, and that’s what everybody’s hyped for. Makes sense so far.
Guillo: “My, what a grand procession. This Olgan must have been popular with the citizens.” Milly: “It’s thanks to Emperor Olgan that the Empire has come as far as it has.” Milly: “Uh-huh. They’re here to mourn the passing of the emperor, but they’re also excited about his successor.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:02 PM · May 03, 2021 Permalink
It’ll be another 30 hours before we start getting answers about Milly, isn’t it
Milly: “You know, I’ll bet the imperial candidates’ speeches are coming up.” Guillo: “You’re awfully well informed.” Milly: “Of course I am! Who wouldn’t be? They teach you these things in preschool.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:05 PM · May 03, 2021 Permalink
Otherwise I think the goal of the area is to drive home that the people of Mintaka have a few loose bolts.
- The aforementioned propositioning;
- A child enthusiastically awaiting Grandad’s funeral...
Citizen: “If I’m going to get hit on, I’d rather it be from a hot young lad like yourself, stud.” Child: “Did you see the funeral? The people looked like ants marching. It was fun to watch.” Child: “Mommy and Daddy said that it’ll be Grandpa’s turn soon. I’m so excited!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:08 PM · May 03, 2021 Permalink
- Whatever the hell is going on with that watermelon which I’m sure will SOMEHOW come up;
- An old person talking to a painting?
Citizen 1: “She said no melon until we get back, but I swear, it’s speaking to me! “Eat me!” See, hear it?” Citizen 2: “I don’t care if it’s doing a jig! Not one bite of that melon until we get back!!” Inspection text: “This watermelon is gigantic. You kind of have to wonder what color it is on the inside.” Elderly person: “Sweetheart, what’s the matter?! Your face is blue, and... square?!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:11 PM · May 03, 2021 Permalink
- Whatever the hell is going on here. The kid and the husband are spinning on one leg the entire time.
Which tells me this is self-aware. Geez, EW got weird but at this pace I am TERRIFIED of what Mira will look like.
Citizen: “What on earth was I thinking, getting hitched to a ballet freak like him?” Citizen: “I guess the only choice I have is to become a weirdo myself.” Citizen, now collapsed on the floor: “It’s time for Plan B! I’ll do this, and then that—ooh, and then THAT, too.” Citizen: “First I’ll get a big drum full of water and stick some you-know-what in it...”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:20 PM · May 03, 2021 Permalink
Unsure if the vegetarian household (which still somehow has Diadem salted fish in a jar) counts as “Mintakans aren’t okay”
Child 1: “Hey, Mom, how come all we eat is salad?” Child 1: “She said it was because we have a vegetarian household...” Child 2: “Bleagh! Raw vegetables again? I hate this stuff!” Child 2: “I want some nice, greasy food! Bust out the deep fryer!!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:20 PM · May 03, 2021 Permalink
There is so much more weird flavor text in this and it goes so far off-kilter, I did not expect that TBH.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:55 PM · May 03, 2021 Permalink
One more Food Fact for the files. Not just aspics after all. There’s also a carbonized potato in the fire.
Lots of window sights also speak of waterways surrounding Mintaka, which seemed pretty darn gone along with the trees 20 years later.
Inspection text: “Vegetables for salting and potatoes for roasting have been piled high here.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:00 AM · May 04, 2021 Permalink
Time for the candidates’ speeches!
So Baelheit is also governor of Azha, huh huh.
Besides that, he sounds like a pretentious jerk, we’ve seen him plotting evil things already, and “promachination” just sounds so very ominous.
(He gets a lot of applause)
Officiator: “Presenting our first imperial candidate, governor of Azha and commander of the Machina [...]” Officiator: “[...]Vanguard—“ Baelheit: “I ask you—could anyone besides me, your humble servant Baelheit, possibly shoulder this great legacy?” Baelheit: “Upon my election as the next emperor, I will devote myself to the complete promachination of Alfard.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:03 AM · May 04, 2021 Permalink
Oh, are we finally going to maybe tackle the whole “Alfard people got no wings” thing then, MAYBE.
Also yay, invasion plans. Nope, don’t like him.
I’m sure this won’t related to Diadem people going “well Alfard’s left us alone for 20 years” in EW.
Baelheit: “Then, when we have finally shed outdated conceptions like “wings of the heart”—“ Baelheit: “I shall provide you all with winglets—true wings for a new generation!” Baelheit: “With the blessings of machina, I pledge to unite every continent under the Empire’s reign!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:04 AM · May 04, 2021 Permalink
So random citizens cast their votes but the senate decides? Hm. Democracy lite, then?
I actually hope we get more info about this! Political systems are a great worldbuilding component!
Baelheit: “And so with you, my dear countrymen, I humbly await the sage decision of the honored [...]” Baelheit: “[...]members of the senate.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:09 AM · May 04, 2021 Permalink
Verus is way less eloquent, uses a cane and has a visible limp.
That makes the lady who has the hots for the guy going “Let me be your cane” SLIGHTLY less weird.
Anyhow he’s more concerned with the monsters we’ve been seeing.
(Sable is heraldic black. Strange word choice)
Officiator: “Next, let us hear from our second candidate: Quaestor Verus!” Verus: “Sightings of sable, perversely-shaped monsters—creatures of unknown origin—have been[...]” Verus: “[...]reported on every continent.” Verus: “As the head of military affairs, I cannot overlook this menace!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:13 AM · May 04, 2021 Permalink
He tries to play the Spiriter angle, the crowd still does zilch.
Guillo’s not exactly being nice but the assessment isn’t wrong. Milly is again weirdly well-informed about the state of things for a Sheltered GirlTM.
Verus: “I swear to you, in my own name and that of my guardian spirit!” Verus: “I will save the Empire and the world from these fearful beasts!” Guillo: “And zero talent for winning over a crowd.” Milly: “He’s just too honest. He has no standing in a promachination-obsessed Empire.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:17 AM · May 04, 2021 Permalink
THANK YOU this is about 10 hours overdue
(I am going very slowly)
Guillo: “Promachination? Baelheit said something about that. What does it mean?” Milly: “It’s a movement that seeks to use machina—you know, machines—to make a better world.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:22 AM · May 04, 2021 Permalink
IN AN UTTERLY UNFORESEEN TWIST except for that kid in Mintaka who basically told us this would happen, a bomb goes off and our quest is now to help the wounded.
Sagi: “Milly! Guillo! Are you OK?!” Guillo: “But if you’d been standing where I was, you’d be very dead right now.” Milly: “Indiscriminate terrorism. There’ve been a lot of attacks recently.” Conscientious Boy: “Hey, excuse me?! Why don’t you stop spacing out and do something to help the people who are hurt!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:26 AM · May 04, 2021 Permalink
Getting the required items for some reason means raiding Geldoblame’s place, so we get some character hints.
Actual friendly comment on his taste! Good!
Verus scrapbook! Weird!
Children’s toys! Possibly unfortunate callback to EW we‘ll see!
Empire Soldier: “This room is the private property of Geldoblame, Quaestor Verus’s steward.” Inspection text: “This chest just reeks of class. This homeowner has excellent taste.” Inspection text: “”My Verus Scrapbook”?? It’s probably best to respect the owner’s privacy.” Inspection text: “This crate holds a variety of things from children’s toys to a first aid kit.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:32 AM · May 04, 2021 Permalink
Around town is a bunch of new dialog.
We got ourselves a Mintakan ecologist?
And two characters having a fistfight over the candidates, including what feels like self-dunks on character designs. It IS a silly hat.
Citizen: “Uh-oh... I saw jet-black smoke rising up! That’s not good for the environment.” Citizen: “Things are bad enough with deforestation and pollution. What’s the big idea?!” Fighter 1: “What’s with that Baelheit guy? Have you seen that silly hat he wears? Give me a break!!” Fighter 2: “Verus’s haggard face makes him look like he’s down on his luck. He’ll take the Empire down with him!!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:33 AM · May 04, 2021 Permalink
Finally, on this question where the answer is definitely not “Azhani because they’re being treated like shit again”, we have rescued everyone and can go see Verus.
NEXT TIME: that.
Sagi: “Yeah, but still. Who in the world would do something like this?”