Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:06 PM · May 25, 2021 Permalink
Okay let’s try and go finish Azha today because I AM TIRED OF WORKING WITH THE BADDIES.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:25 PM · May 25, 2021 Permalink
Okay so Blank Magnus work as dictaphones and can play back sound, sure, why not, this makes sense
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:34 PM · May 25, 2021 Permalink
Nollin, who supervises flame ice packing and claims he’s guilty, kinda hesitates when asked for details about the bomb. So we go ask Mallo, who KEEPS TALKING TO COPS, and tells us he’s never handled explosives.
(This is also absolute nonsense about lava as always but whatever)
Mallo: “Explosives...? Well, everyone doing mining work knows at least enough to set and detonate them.” Mallo: “[red text] Nollin’s never even handled gunpowder, let alone a bomb. [end red text] You’re barking up the wrong tree.” Mallo: “We handle them around lava, so they’re designed to not go off that easily.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:36 PM · May 25, 2021 Permalink
Juwar, our other self-declared culprit, makes a compelling case for his own guilt. Which is not at all suspicious.
Juwar: “I had the bomb all ready to go before leaving for Mintaka. I took it into the city, set it, and left.” Juwar: “Well, sure. I’m the mining chief. I can cover up if a bomb or two is missing, no sweat.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:39 PM · May 25, 2021 Permalink
Almarde is written as either incredibly naive or actually NOT TALKING TO COPS. Unclear.
Bein’s the obligatory Conscience Voice in this mess.
Mallo actually explains why she’s helping! Which is a nice subtle touch.
Almarde: “I’m sorry... I’m an Azhani, too. I could never suspect my friends.” Bein: “Sagi... Do you really have to do this?” Mallo: “Your investigation here will help make sure no more people get hurt, right?”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:43 PM · May 25, 2021 Permalink
Everyone gets assembled again, we play back Mallo’s testimony because Magnus record audio I GUESS.
PLOT TWIST, Bein was in Mintaka, we still have two suspects. He tries to throw Mallo into it, but she denies it. Hurray, more questioning.
Mallo: “Wasn’t Bein in Mintaka that same day?” Bein: “Yes, it’s true, I was in Mintaka.” Bein: “But since you’re bringing it up... Didn’t I see you there the same day, Mallo?” Mallo: “Don’t look at me like that! I wasn’t there!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:44 PM · May 25, 2021 Permalink
“Hey Sagi you wanted to assassinate the Emperor yourself, are you sure-“
Bein: “Sagi, let me ask you one thing. What do you think of the Mourning Mistral’s actions?” Sagi: “There are better ways to make a point. There have to be!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:51 PM · May 25, 2021 Permalink
Nothing especially interesting in the other dialog branches. If you tell Bein that the Mourning Mistral’s actions are wrong, Sagi does express distress at having seen the bomb hurt a lot of people. Makes sense.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:25 AM · May 26, 2021 Permalink
Our main hint this time is from Almarde, who’s definitely written as Extremely Kind-Hearted, suggesting that someone’s lying about having been in Mintaka once Milly guilt-trips her enough.
Guess she changes her mind eventually considering the events in EW.
Almarde: “Me? Well, I don’t think you can change anything by resorting to violence.” Milly: “We were there. We saw a lot of people get seriously hurt.” Almarde: “I don’t want anybody else getting hurt. Not here. Not in Mintaka either!” Almarde: “Did everyone really go to Mintaka that day?”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:27 AM · May 26, 2021 Permalink
Mallo’s still loudly offended at the suggestion she was there (that’s what you get for HELPING THE COPS), Bein’s got some bland story...
Mallo: “What the heck business do I have out in Mintaka? I was here, please believe me!” Bein: “I was off duty that day, so I figured I’d go into the city and listen to the candidates’ speeches.” Bein: “After listening to the two of them speak, I stopped by the port, then headed home to Azha.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:29 AM · May 26, 2021 Permalink
And Juwar... is definitely lying. The bomb was inside a pod.
Juwar: “This time I thought I’d go blow away the selfish bastards while they listen to their silly speeches.” Juwar: “All right...sure. The Imperial candidates finished their speeches, so I slipped into a nearby building.” Juwar: “I planted the bomb inside and left Mintaka. I didn’t stick around to watch.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:30 AM · May 26, 2021 Permalink
We round up everyone again, do the usual song and dance, and end up with a very confused Juwar.
Sagi: “Inside a building. You’re sure?” Milly: “It was an airpod that exploded, not a building.” Juwar: “But...But that can’t be! The Mistral always targets buildings!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:33 AM · May 26, 2021 Permalink
Mallo decides to spill the beans. SURPRISE, it’s Bein, who promptly makes a dramatic exit with a fade to black.
(Via the shaft that was signposted by a kid throwing rocks down it during our first visit, and which is a usable shortcut in EW)
Mallo: “I’ve finally figured it out. Who this “Mourning Mistral” person really is.” Mallo: “...Bein.” Bein: “Mallo, everybody. I’m sorry. You, too, Sagi.” Bein jumping down the shaft to the right of the room as the screen fades to black.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:36 AM · May 26, 2021 Permalink
We report back to Verus via our long-range walkie-talkie (sure) courtesy of a ridiculous Sagi portrait, and are told to go capture Bein.
None of this looks great for Sagi’s wit because it was really really obvious it was Bein.
Sagi: “I can’t believe it... Bein is the Mourning Mistral?” Sagi, talking into a device: “Quaestor, we’ve identified the criminal. It was someone from Azha, sir. A man named Bein.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:39 AM · May 26, 2021 Permalink
Not sure why Bein starts doing particle effects, and by not sure I mean we’re overdue for another Malpercioling and it’s obvious by now that those are people turning.
Bein: “There’s nothing to talk about! I won’t stop until the Empire changes its ways!” Bein: “Sagi, I had you all wrong! I thought least...would understand!” Guillo: “Powerful words—at least from someone who hides behind women and children.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:41 AM · May 26, 2021 Permalink
The Empire has clearly gotten worse in EW because they’d just shoot down everyone...
Sagi: “I can’t. If I do anything reckless now, the villagers will get hurt!” Lyuvann: “What are you talking about! They’re all in league with him! We should be arresting the whole lot!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:44 AM · May 26, 2021 Permalink
But Imperials are still jerks. Almarde tries to intervene, gets hit hard enough to fall, and considering what’s coming up for those two, DO NOT LIKE.
Anyway the villagers start beating up the soldiers with pitchforks, good for them, and we run out after Bein.
Almarde: “Let me talk to Bein! Just give me a little time!” Lyuvann, having slapped Almarde hard enough that she falls down: “Shut up, woman!” Milly: “Hey, what’s your problem! What kind of scum raises his hand to a lady!” Lyuvann, on the floor, being hit by pitchforks: “Urrrg! Arrest them all!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:45 AM · May 26, 2021 Permalink
Guess we’re still not done with Azha, then.
Next time, I bet we’re getting a dungeon, some puzzles, Bein turning into a giant monster and another trip to “the dream”.
Milly: “It looks like he went to the Lava Caves.”