Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:40 PM · Sep 30, 2021 Permalink
Today’s session was finishing off Anuénué, which apparently does NOT include getting the elections resolved? That’s going to make it very annoying to eventually check the other path.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:42 PM · Sep 30, 2021 Permalink
First stop: the palace, where the ministers are still arguing and corruption still rampant...
Finance Minister: “So, are we settled here? I’ll stop asking about those [red text] miscellaneous fees [end red text].” Administration Minister: “Oh ho. And in return, I accede to the budget decrease?” Finance Minister: “Yes! The reason it’s being decreased in the first place is because of your profligate spending.” Administration Minister: “Madame minister, that’s a bit harsh. I know all about your habits. Perhaps I should share what I know?”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:46 PM · Sep 30, 2021 Permalink
The tables have turned. Since the guard nearby is worried about it coming to blows, I’m guessing the next step of this vignette will be fisticuffs.
Administration Minister: “Lies are unbecoming of a lady. I hear you used [red text] public funds [end red text] to travel to Alfard to listen to Quaestor [...]” Administration Minister: “[...] Verus’s speech?” Administration Minister: “Surely that’s not an appropriate use of [red text] public funds [end red text]! The nation’s money isn’t your [red text] travel budget [end red text].” Finance Minister: “Y-you have no proof at all. If this is a joke, I’m not laughing!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:48 PM · Sep 30, 2021 Permalink
To the throne room, sponsored by Stating The Obvious. What good is Corellia’s foresight, we’ve only ever seen it fail?
Sagi: “I’m sorry, Your Grace. We couldn’t stop promachination.” Corellia: “No, it was we who failed to see the problem coming.” Corellia: “None of us dreamed they would move in so quickly.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:50 PM · Sep 30, 2021 Permalink
Still a flat no to any alliance. Unfortunate.
Corellia’s use of we is interesting, it feels both like a royal we and a collective “we, Anuénué”.
Sagi: “The Empire has already begun promachination in Diadem and the other continents.” Sagi: “Please, I ask you again—help us stand against Baelheit.” Corellia: “No. We shall deal with the problem on our own terms. We cannot join forces with you.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:52 PM · Sep 30, 2021 Permalink
And asking about branches just gets us the boot...
Sagi: “I see... Then would you at least give us the fell-branches we need?” Corellia: “This discussion is over. I’m quite busy dealing with the Imperial army, so I’ll have to ask you to [...]” Corellia: “[...] leave.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:55 PM · Sep 30, 2021 Permalink
Though JUST SO WE KNOW the guards need to be REASSIGNED due to STAFFING. How UNFORTUNATE it would be for branches to go missing then. TRULY TRAGIC.
Also, hell of a blunt dismissal.
Corellia: “Summon the guardsmen protecting the fell-branches.” Corellia: “We shall need every last man fighting against Baelheit’s troops.” Corellia: “If some fell-branches were to disappear in the meantime... I suppose it cannot be helped.” Corellia: “You’re still here? Our business is concluded. Kindly leave.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:57 PM · Sep 30, 2021 Permalink
Polishing an equally blunt political caricature, the Righty Chairman has come back to headquarters and is a giant hypocrite. SURPRISE.
Righty Chairman: “You look like you’re wondering about me eating [blue text] traditional Komo Mai cookies [end blue text]. It’s fine, no one’s [...]” Righty Chairman: “[...] watching.” Righty Chairman: “Knockoffs really just don’t cut it. We thought blue would make them stand out, but it’s so unappetizing.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:01 AM · Oct 01, 2021 Permalink
Yes, kiddo, blockades based on cookies is in fact NOT NORMAL.
Child: “The Lefties are speaking now, right? The blockades have stopped. I guess that’s normal, though.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:05 AM · Oct 01, 2021 Permalink
Milly disappears again...
Milly: “I have a quick trip to make. Why don’t you go on ahead? I’ll catch up later. Sorry.” Guillo: “The wench has a habit of disappearing. Not that I’d miss her one jot if she stayed gone.” Sagi: “She did say she wanted to see the outside world. I’m sure there’s all kinds of things on her list.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:07 AM · Oct 01, 2021 Permalink
I really, really love how often the nametags are used for narration and humor. Pretty sure this was “Bounced Man” or the like earlier!
Unbounced Man: “Isn’t anyone going to stop me? I’m going to pass through! I really mean it!!” Lefty Staff: “Go right ahead through, sir! You’re absolutely free to! We aren’t setting up any blockades!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:11 AM · Oct 01, 2021 Permalink
The Lefty candidate is indeed a disaster.
I’d be curious what the JP text says because this, er, maps uncomfortably well to actual institutional left and right TBH.
Lefty Staff: “What a fiasco. The Lefty candidate gets major stage fright during speeches.” Lefty Secretary: “Ummm, well, you see, yeah, I... I’m kind of a Lefty. Sometimes.” Lefty Secretary: “Wouldn’t it be great to reform the School of Magic some? I’ll see what I can do, so, uh... vote Lefty?”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:13 AM · Oct 01, 2021 Permalink
Milly comes back near-immediately, sounding down and not biting on any of Guillo’s jabs. Hm.
Guillo: “I was hoping you were gone for good this time.” Milly: “... Sorry.” Sagi: “Guillo! We never thought that, Milly. Come on, let’s go.” Guillo: “When did she get so sensitive? There goes my fun.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:14 AM · Oct 01, 2021 Permalink
Thread will get completed tomorrow because turns out packing down an entire loom on 5h of sleep is exhausting?
Teaser: Corellia might be stealing bodies and Skeed gets sent to the shadow realm!
Lia @liareplaysbk · 07:34 AM · Oct 01, 2021 Permalink
Back in Opu, we get our main quest pointer again and some Facts about a local beauty contest. Anuénué is trying hard for Secret Horror Island this time, huh.
Lolo: “With a [blue text] Celestial Fell-branch [end blue text], I could have the Sfida and the waterwheel done in a snap.” Villager: “Oh, but there are rumors going around that the girls chosen as Miss Komo Mai wind up [...]” Villager: “[...] disappearing without a trace.” Villager: “I wonder if it’s because they’re so beautiful it’s criminal?”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 07:36 AM · Oct 01, 2021 Permalink
The same villager was previously telling us about Corellia’s beauty coming from the tree / “woops no I shouldn’t have said that I meant negative ions”, so make of that what you will.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 07:37 AM · Oct 01, 2021 Permalink
We got mail! A “To Somebody” one that is just weird and vaguely creepy...
Letter: “Dear Somebody,” Letter: “It’s big and humid. What if my ball falls off the big tree?” Letter: “Won’t you write back?” Sagi: “Write back to WHO? We don’t even know who’s sending these...”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 07:40 AM · Oct 01, 2021 Permalink
And a letter from Ladekahn, not really giving us anything new.
Letter: “Words cannot express my thanks for your help at the Cloudvents.” Letter: “Diadem will join forces with Quaestor Verus in taking measures against promachination.” Letter: “May the swords and clouds of Diadem never waver.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 07:42 AM · Oct 01, 2021 Permalink
The post-scriptum is more casual and confusing because we truly did not achieve much of anything in either of those places.
Ladekahn doesn’t strike me as the sarcastic type but this being earnest is... weird.
Letter: “Way to go, Sagi! I heard about all the stuff you did in Anuenue and Sadal Suud.” Letter: “You’re a tough act to follow, but I’ll do my best. Watch and see!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 07:46 AM · Oct 01, 2021 Permalink
The vignette in the House Of Bad Parenting has progressed again and oh no what happened
Mother: “We have to leave this place, too...” Mother: “Maybe we should just give it up and move to Mira.” Mother: “I hear everyone there is a weirdo. At least we’ll be welcome there.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 07:50 AM · Oct 01, 2021 Permalink
... ah so by “tomboy” they actually mean “trying to murder other kids”. Unless it’s a local tradition to begin with, who knows!
Child: “Mom is all upset. She says I ruined my big debut.” Child: “I tried my very best, though. Just when I really got started, Mom came running in looking all pale.” Child: “All we were doing was playing a little game of Push-You-Down-the-Waterfall.” Child: “I was really trying my best, and I didn’t fall down once... I wonder what went wrong?”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 07:55 AM · Oct 01, 2021 Permalink
To the tree with two basically unavoidable encounters on the way!
The guards are gone, Sagi still feels guilty, Guillo applies basic logic, rhe usual.
Inspection text: “This pile of branches is bathed in a gentle glow.” Sagi: “There isn’t a single lookout in sight...” Guillo: “How about we just take a fell-branch before any return?” Guillo: “Sagi, you can’t tell me you don’t understand what she intended with those words.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 07:57 AM · Oct 01, 2021 Permalink
It’s a “you can only carry one” type item. There’s a special line the first time, then something more standard, meaning I get to make the trip a couple times for Pac and “let’s see if it ages” reasons.
Textbox: “Obtained the magna essence [blue text] Celestial Fell-Branch [end blue text]!” Sagi: “These seem to be really important to the people here. Let’s not take any more, Lia.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 08:01 AM · Oct 01, 2021 Permalink
We hand the stuff to Lolo. It’s kinda funny how the magnus looks like one spindly branch and the actual item is a human-size stack of neat logs, good thing we can compress it.
Lolo: “No way... This is wood from the Celestial Tree!” Sagi: “Uh-huh. Fell-branches. Will they be OK?” Lolo: “OK? Are you kidding, they’re fantastic! Now I can make parts just as strong as machina!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 08:03 AM · Oct 01, 2021 Permalink
Boring Jealousy Plot continues
Lolo: “Yes! Thank you, Sagi! Everything’s going to be great now!” Milly: “Hey, what are you—“ Lolo: “Come on, Sagi! Take me to this ship of yours! Show me the Sfida!” Sagi: “Oh... sure, let’s go!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 08:05 AM · Oct 01, 2021 Permalink
Look yes on one hand it’s convenient to not need to carry the stuff with us and risk one more roundtrip, on the other we are going to the Sfida and it’s a bit absurd to say we shouldn’t take the wood because we need it FOR THE SFIDA
Sagi: “We could probably take the magna essence of the [blue text] Celestial Fell-branches [end blue text]—“ Sagi: “but we need these to repair the ship, so we’d better not.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 08:07 AM · Oct 01, 2021 Permalink
I could see those two getting along and nerding out about motor vehicles of some sort together
Lolo: “So this is the Sfida! What a beautiful ship! This is state-of-the-art machina?” Sfida Attendant: “That it is. You won’t find a faster vessel in all the world.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 08:09 AM · Oct 01, 2021 Permalink
Milly why are you like this okay you’re probably also 15 so fair enough but COME ON
Milly: “Still think you can fix it?” Lolo: “I’m... starting to wonder myself.” Milly: “There’s no shame in giving up...?” Lolo: “N-No, no, I’ll fix it. Just wait and see!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 08:12 AM · Oct 01, 2021 Permalink
We get a quick slideshow of Lolo hammering away.
Some plants aren’t drawn darkened like the rest, wonder if that’s an emulator bug or a minor glitch.
Lolo: “I have to live up to the amazing materials you brought me! This will be the repair job of a lifetime!” Lolo working on the Sfida’s front. Lolo working on the Sfida’s back. Lolo working on top of the Sfida as the party rests around a campfire.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 08:14 AM · Oct 01, 2021 Permalink
The ship is fixed by the magic of special wood and hypercompetence, huzzah!
Sagi: “Hmm... Just a little longer... I’ll be up before you count to fifty...” Milly: “Oh no you don’t, sleepyhead. Get up, Sagi! The Sfida’s fixed!” Sagi: “Really? You did it, Lolo?” Lolo: “Yessir! This is my best work yet! Come take a look, Sagi!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 08:17 AM · Oct 01, 2021 Permalink
Praise all around, refusing praise, minor character arc about Lolo’s confidence, it’s a neat way to wrap this up.
Sfida Attendant: “She fixed the Sfida up like new, and she did it all by herself!” Lolo: “Oh, it’s the wood, not me. I couldn’t have done it without the branches from the Celestial Tree.” Sagi: “Whatever, Lolo, this is incredible. Thank you so much! Now we can get back to the Empire!” Lolo: “I should be thanking you. Now I know I can get that waterwheel done.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 08:20 AM · Oct 01, 2021 Permalink
Oh, yeah, Verus usually calls to check. I’m sure that this break in the pattern on top of him being unavailable for a good while does not indicate a plot hurdle about to hit us hard.
Sfida Attendant: “Are we ready to go, then? The quaestor will be waiting for us.” Milly: “Now that you mention it, Quaestor Verus hasn’t called us once.” Sagi: “The Sfida is fixed. We can report once we’re back.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 08:22 AM · Oct 01, 2021 Permalink
Goodbyes are made without further rudeness from Milly, we as always have a standing invitation to return, and away we go!
Sagi: “Well, we’d better go. Take care, Lolo.” Lolo: “I will. Come see the waterwheel once it’s finished!” The Sfida taking off as Lolo waves nearby.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 08:26 AM · Oct 01, 2021 Permalink
Can we just drop that plotline already- wait, what
Guillo: “That girl’s going to be some serious competition.” Milly: “Competition? What are you talking about, dingbat?” Guillo: “Don’t play dumb. This is what you call a love quadrangle.” Milly: “”Quadrangle”? “Quad”?! Where are you getting “quad” from?”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 08:27 AM · Oct 01, 2021 Permalink
OKAY SURE let’s pretend this conversation didn’t happen
Milly: “Assuming you’re counting me—there’s me, Sagi, and Lolo... Who’s the fourth?” Guillo: “Me.” Guillo: “Is that so wrong?” Milly: “Yes! I... I mean, no...”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 08:30 AM · Oct 01, 2021 Permalink
We’re forced onto Alfard but not locked in (meaning next session is Revisit And Upgrade Time). New dialog though, security is being tightened up in anticipation of a major meeting.
The Sfida flying into port in Mintaka. Sfida Attendant: “Are you ready to head out?” Empire Soldier: “The insufficient security at the candidates’ speeches was an embarrassment for all of us.” Empire Soldier: “We’ll have to work extra hard to make sure tomorrow’s council meeting happens without incident.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 08:34 AM · Oct 01, 2021 Permalink
We got more tourism spam. This is from “Mintaka Walker Magazine” that took its sense of safety from the radium face cream era.
Apparently Mintaka just puts machina oil in food. Ewwwww
Letter: “Enjoy hands-on contact with the newest machina on a fabulous five-day trip to the Alfard Empire.” Letter: “Your trip begins at Mintaka’s beautiful port, filled with the enchanting aroma of machina gas.” Letter: “Ride around in the latest machina by day, and enjoy a machina oil-flavored meal by night!” Letter: “See magma up close in the village of Azha, then cool off with shaved flame ice straight from the Lava Caves.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 08:37 AM · Oct 01, 2021 Permalink
Excuse me what
Gilder: “I’ve been gilding this city together with my grandfather for over 40 years at this point.” Gilder: “And now it’s time to say goodbye to this city full of memories.” Gilder: “They built a ship as big as an island at the north of Mintaka. Everyone’s moving onto it now.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 08:40 AM · Oct 01, 2021 Permalink
The path up is blocked, which forces us into a short scene. Apparently there’s something in the air, and Baelheit is said to have defeated the monsters whereas Verus failed. Hm.
Soldier: “Traffic is currently restricted. We apologize for any inconvenience.” Informed Woman: “They say Lord Baelheit’s going to make some sort of announcement.” Informed Woman: “Well, it’s practically a given he’ll be elected the next emperor. I’m sure it’s something to do with that.” Informed Woman: “I mean, Qaestor Verus made all those promises about stopping the monsters...”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 08:43 AM · Oct 01, 2021 Permalink
But we’re not here for the main plot, we’re here to check on every bit of flavor text.
The woman who couldn’t sleep is now having lovely dreams of, errrrrrr, murdering her neighbors? This is fine
Puffy-Eyed Woman: “Here’s what you get for keeping me up! Enjoy!” Girl: “I’ll help you, Mother.” Puffy-Eyed Woman: “Well then, would you pin down their legs so they can’t run away?” Sagi: “I-it looks like they’re having a fun... dream?”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 08:45 AM · Oct 01, 2021 Permalink
Writers, subtext, cowards, etc
Mintaka resident: “Machina took down that monster. Once all the monsters have been killed, those same guns will turn on [...]” Mintaka resident: “[...] us.” Mintaka resident: “An age of military rule is about to begin...”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 08:48 AM · Oct 01, 2021 Permalink
New Skeed and Vallye shenanigans! This time they’re learning about magic. Vallye manages to be open-minded while still having a rather scary end goal...
Also how sad is it that they’re having to manage their own education due to absent parents
Vallye: “We’ve invited a famous instructor from Anuenue to teach us about magic here.” Vallye: “If the wonders of magic could be merged with the Empire’s machina, it would be a tremendous asset.” Vallye: “Strength of body, mind and heart... The three of those in unison would be mightier than the pen, sword, OR [...]” Vallye: “[...] spell.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 08:52 AM · Oct 01, 2021 Permalink
You know, “douchebag Skeptic” is such a good fit for Skeed as a character, I’m surprised I didn’t think of it earlier.
Magic Tutor: “The color of that boy’s heart... He’s obviously unfit to receive my tutelage.” Magic Tutor: “I’ll show him up close and personal what happens when you underestimate the power of magic.” Skeed: “We’ve invited a tutor from Anuenue to school us in magic directly.” Skeed: “Of course, I don’t believe in anything as unscientific as magic myself.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 08:54 AM · Oct 01, 2021 Permalink
The teacher snaps back with a line that insta-skips and I couldn’t grab, then proceeds to show the kids the power of magic by, er, sending them off... somewhere
Magic Tutor: “Go wherever your heart takes you...” Vallye disappearing in a magical glow. Magic Tutor: “Ah, I was mistaken.” Skeed disappearing in a magical glow.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 08:56 AM · Oct 01, 2021 Permalink
Then the instructor also teleports out. THIS SEEMS FINE
Magic Tutor: “Well then, I’ll be on my way.” The instructor disappearing in a magical glow. The room is now empty.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 08:59 AM · Oct 01, 2021 Permalink
Worry not, they’re all back if we exit and reenter. Apparently they didn’t go far?
(Also a suggestion that the loc was done with too little context, as often, since Vallye calls the teacher “she” and Skeed calls the teacher “he”)
Vallye: “I believe in magic, honest! So why did she have to zap me outside?! I feel neglected now.” Skeed: “Magic is unscientific... Mere parlor tricks. It has to be.” Skeed: “I still can’t believe it. He must have pulled a fast one on me.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:02 AM · Oct 01, 2021 Permalink
At which point they both get zapped again, and that’s the version of the scene that repeats.
Skeed is awful here as always but he’s at least a child! What’s YOUR excuse, horrible magic tutor?
Magic Tutor: “Boy. Doubting one’s professor will only hinder your education.” Magic Tutor: “If you’re still doubtful, I’ll show you again...” Magic Tutor, having zapped both kids: “That takes care of that.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:03 AM · Oct 01, 2021 Permalink
I also checked in Baelheit’s place - nothing new there - then ran back to the save flower.
Next time is Reexplore All The Things Again, we’ll see how much has changed and warrants screengrabs.