Lia @liareplaysbk · 06:45 PM · Dec 24, 2022 Permalink
Alright, let’s finally thread up this pile of screenshots!
Last time, we’d just gotten to Duhr where it turns out there was a ton of upgrading to do, so that took a few hours.
It also enabled a few sidequests to finally wrap up…
Lia @liareplaysbk · 06:50 PM · Dec 24, 2022 Permalink
Notably, Extreme Stress lets us make Fluella Cooties, meaning we indeed have something to give to the knight power-drunk on cheese.
(Please don’t give people diseases, I write having finally lost my covid-dodging streak, it’s very cruel)
Knight of Diadem 1, being punched by another knight who is tall and very buff: “You were [red text] sickly and always had the flu [end red text], but at least you had a heart! Go back to the way you were!” Sagi: “Did we have anything to give him?”
Quest Magnus UI focused on Fluella Cooties Knight of Diadem 2, now smaller and stick-thin: “Ugh… cough. Hack, cough, cough!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 06:52 PM · Dec 24, 2022 Permalink
This is a messed-up friendship on so many levels. MOVING ON
Knight of Diadem 2: “Wh-what was I…? That’s right… Celsica…” Knight of Diadem 1: “That’s right is RIGHT! Are you finally back to your old self? You big ninny idiot!!” Knight of Diadem 2: “Please, take this, for giving my friend the pox… and some scruples.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 06:54 PM · Dec 24, 2022 Permalink
Got this ominous spell for Guillo at some point, everything seems fine
Magnus Gathering screen, focused on Shadowflame Engine: “Lv. 3 magic for Guillo. Evil spirits use Guillo’s body as a host, their lamentations flooding forth to consume the enemy as Guillo blows their body to pieces. Darkness attack.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 06:56 PM · Dec 24, 2022 Permalink
Atria has a cutscene at the entrance now (had to go fetch a cactus). I’m sure this isn’t foreshadowing for a future bossfight.
Guillo: “This feeling in the air…” Guillo: “Could it be Wiseman?” Milly: “Didn’t he die during the battle?” Sagi: “No, we don’t know that for sure.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 06:57 PM · Dec 24, 2022 Permalink
Definitely gonna need to explore in there at some point. Not just yet, though!
Sagi: “The legends don’t even mention Wiseman.” Guillo: “He could have slipped away during the confusion of the battle and survived.” Guillo: “Yes, there’s no question. This sensation… Someone with a heart beyond reckoning is very close.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 07:01 PM · Dec 24, 2022 Permalink
Back in Duhr, we came back with some wine for the mask artisan. Who says “on the house” but just asked us for a trading item so go figure!
Mask Artisan: “Hey, now! I thought I told you, no masks until I got my booze!” Sagi: “Did we have anything we could hand over?”
Quest Magnus UI focused on Mountain Apple Wine Mask Artisan: “All right! Have a mask, on the house. Take your pick!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 07:05 PM · Dec 24, 2022 Permalink
There are three masks there, each with different descriptions but giving the same Quest Magnus. I started with the leftmost one to clear the path to the chest, which has a bit of Sedna.
Inspection text: “This ritual mask exudes a somber atmosphere. Its exquisite design makes one hesitate to even touch […]” Inspection text: “[…] it.” Textbox: “Obtained the magna essence [blue text] Ancient Mask [end blue text]!” Quest Magnus screen, focused on Ancient Mask: “A mask worn by the Children of the Earth, who once sealed away the wicked god. Today it is purely ornamental, though dark energy from the war still clings to it. Boosts dark offense.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 07:07 PM · Dec 24, 2022 Permalink
Two more jugs of wine later, all three masks are picked up (and promptly turned in for upgrading armor)…
Inspection text: “This men’s mask’s tips are pointed. The understated use of color is strikingly attractive.” Inspection text: “This women’s mask has a rather sleepy expression. The design’s curved lines are quite beautiful.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 07:10 PM · Dec 24, 2022 Permalink
Which doesn’t mean we can’t get more, we’d just need to bring cookies this time. Which are an even greater pain to get now that the election is done, thanks videogame!
Mask Artisan: “Ahh, I couldn’t drink another drop! Hmm? You want another mask?” Mask Artisan: “Well then, hmm… I feel like something sweet now. [red text] I don’t care if they’re original or […]” Mask Artisan: “[…] traditional, just bring them here! [end red text]”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 07:12 PM · Dec 24, 2022 Permalink
Gemma actually does have people who want to leave. Unfortunately for them I know JUST the place!
Villager: “This dense cloud cover hanging over my head is so depressing… I want out of here.” Villager: “Is there some bastion that would welcome me, somewhere beyond this gloomy sky?” Quest Magnus UI, focused on Immigration Papers.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 07:14 PM · Dec 24, 2022 Permalink
There’s a blue flower right at the bottom of the village, you don’t have far to go!
I like that it acknowledges how WEIRD this scheme is
Villager: “Ohh! So that’s my promised land, is it?” Villager: “What am I waiting here for? It may not be an easy move, but I’ll get there, no matter what it takes!” Villager: “Thank you. I don’t even really know who you are, but thank you.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 07:17 PM · Dec 24, 2022 Permalink
Speaking of Sedna, let’s go check on it… and hey, that was the last of the immigration sidequest, hurray!
Dialog here keeps being entirely normal
Mayor: “Ohh, at last! You’ve brought us five new townsfolk!” Mayor: “Euphoric rapture!! Ohh, the blinding heavenly light!!” Mayor: “Whoa! Steady, man, steady… I just about died and went to heaven. I distinctly felt a skyward pull, yes…”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 07:19 PM · Dec 24, 2022 Permalink
What a reward. Let’s go turn that in.
Mayor: “As promised, here’s my most secretly prized of prized secret possessions.” Mayor: “This masterpiece is so valuable, an appraiser once leaped out a window just to avoid giving it up.” Textbox: “Obtained the magnus [blue text] Sedna Odd Sculpture [end blue text]!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 07:21 PM · Dec 24, 2022 Permalink
It looks just as… post-structural as the magnus suggested, and now we have art commentary about it. Thank you Sedna, Mira’s absence is not felt as keenly
Sedna villager: “My keen artistic eye tells me this sculpture is a true masterwork!” Sedna villager: “It perfectly expresses everything, from love to eternity to rotten food.” Sedna villager: “Who could have made such an amazing piece? I’d like to meet them face to face…”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 07:23 PM · Dec 24, 2022 Permalink
Gemma villager now in Sedna: “My promised land, at last! I’m glad I took your advice and moved here.” Gemma villager now in Sedna: “Hmm? How did I get here?” Gemma villager now in Sedna: “Truth to be told, I stowed away on your ship. You mean you didn’t notice?”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 07:26 PM · Dec 24, 2022 Permalink
We also have this extremely useful dialog in a house (it keeps going for another 5 textboxes and I refuse to alt-text all of that)
Villager 1: “Hey, little brother of mine. I’ve got something to say.” Villager 2: “Look, big brother! Ice-cream sandwiches!” Villager 1: “I’m full. Would you just hear me out?” Villager 2: “I just love ice-cream sandwiches. Love ’em to bits!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:28 PM · Dec 24, 2022 Permalink
(One dinner later…)
Once that was all done, it was main plot time again! Kamroh is here but is not The Great Kamroh yet, turns out
Krumly: “Great Kamroh! You have visitors!” Kamroh: “What’s the matter, Krumly?” Krumly: “Oh, Kamroh! I didn’t know you’d be here. Good, wait till you hear who’s outside!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:30 PM · Dec 24, 2022 Permalink
Krumly’s characterization is weird in this one. He’s nothing like the bitter coward we meet in EW, he feels almost… immature, maybe?
Also that Great Kamroh mask sure… is.
The Great Kamroh: “Krumly, pipe down! That’s your only shortcoming—you make too much confounded noise!” Krumly: “Ehh heh heh… I’ll work on that.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:33 PM · Dec 24, 2022 Permalink
Not the most formal language either. The vibes are just WEIRD but that’s Duhr I guess
The Great Kamroh: “Hoo! Sweet stinking powtarts! Where did you come from?” Krumly: “It’s all right. You can speak freely to the Great Kamroh.” Sagi: “Sir, we came from the sky.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:37 PM · Dec 24, 2022 Permalink
Sagi: “She’s from Alfard. Guillo and I are from Hassaleh.” The Great Kamroh: “Hassaleh? Did you just say Hassaleh?! But that can’t be right…” The Great Kamroh: “Then again, it would explain how the puppet survived…”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:41 PM · Dec 24, 2022 Permalink
The not-great Kamroh restates what we know about which continents were sent up, and we start getting something resembling an explanation at last
The Great Kamroh: “Hassaleh is the battlefield where the gods waged their war a thousand years ago.” The Great Kamroh: “It’s the stretch of earth where ancient cities like Cujam and Atria once stood.” The Great Kamroh: “As you say, our ancestors only raised five continents into the sky—and Hassaleh was not one of […]” The Great Kamroh: “[…] them.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:42 PM · Dec 24, 2022 Permalink
Emphasis on “resembling”
The Great Kamroh: “It’s said that countless gods were slain in the ancient war.” The Great Kamroh: “And Hassaleh was where most of them fell. Perhaps the land absorbed power from their remains […]” The Great Kamroh: “[…] and drifted into the sky as a result.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:47 PM · Dec 24, 2022 Permalink
To the side room, where there’s another Guillo in cold storage!
The Great Kamroh: “Now then, step into that room over there.” Guillo: “……!!” Sagi as Guillo walks forward towards the other puppet: “That’s…!” The Great Kamroh: “That puppet has been passed down from chief to chief since ancient times. Its name is Seginus.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:51 PM · Dec 24, 2022 Permalink
That’s DEFINITELY a bad idea
Guillo: “…Would you mind if I touched it?” The Great Kamroh: “Not at all. It’s the spit and image of you. Who’s to say the connection doesn’t run deeper?” Sagi: “But… I don’t know… Do you think we should, Lia?”
Dialog choice: “Sure” versus “Wait…”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:52 PM · Dec 24, 2022 Permalink
If you pick “Wait…”, it does just that and lets you leave and come back.
Sagi: “Yeah, something… something’s gonna happen. Don’t touch it yet, Guillo.” The Great Kamroh: “I’ll stay here with Seginus. Come back if you change your mind.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:55 PM · Dec 24, 2022 Permalink
If you pick “Sure”, magic light happens and… teleportation to inside the puppet somehow? Sure, this game needed to get weirder!
Guillo: “Here we go…” A bright light appears where Guillo is touching Seginus. A strange blue landscape with caltrops-looking walls. Title card: “Seginus, the Eldritch Puppet”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:58 PM · Dec 24, 2022 Permalink
Thank you Milly
Milly: “What… what is this place? Are we inside the puppet?” Guillo: “Mmm… it does feel that way…” Milly: “First the distant past, and now the inside of a puppet… What’s the point of being surprised anymore?”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:00 PM · Dec 24, 2022 Permalink
What does that even MEAN
Guillo: “Oh, stop pouting.” Guillo: “Even a bunnycat sent to the hutch without supper would at least try to grin and bear it.” Milly: “Well, good for the bunnycat!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:01 PM · Dec 24, 2022 Permalink
Guillo: “…I feel like I’ll finally get some answers here.” Guillo: “Sagi, Milliarde… please, help me do this. I beg of you.” Milly: “Hey… don’t act like that. It’s creepy.” Milly: “Besides, I don’t remember ever saying “no.””
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:04 PM · Dec 24, 2022 Permalink
And we’re off! Footsteps make cute light patterns, there’s a weird puppet crop circle, and ominous red orbs that make it glow. Guess we need five of those.
Sagi, running and leaving light flowers under his steps. A large imprint on the ground, looking a bit like Guillo’s silhouette. Sagi standing in front of a red orb-thing. The silhouette, its center section now glowing bright blue.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:06 PM · Dec 24, 2022 Permalink
Once an orb is activated, it also turns some of the caltrops squishy so you can go through them. The second orb seems to be rougher on our team…
Sagi passing through a caltrops-looking wall. Sagi, standing in front of a red orb-thing: “Urgh!” Milly: “Something’s forcing its way into my mind!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:08 PM · Dec 24, 2022 Permalink
Because it’s flashback time! We kept hearing that the Children of the Earth were powerful wizards, but apparently a large part of that power was Guillo and pals.
Child of the Earth: “Magi, are the vessels prepared?” Sorcerer: “We’ve made four of them. Seginus and Syrma, Dubhe and Guillo.” Sorceress: “The two of us will control them. Two vessels each—that is the most we can manage.” Child of the Earth: “We’ve received word that Rasalas has disappeared. There’s not a moment to lose.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:12 PM · Dec 24, 2022 Permalink
This also starts to clarify what “gods” even were: apparently it’s Wiseman’s people?
(Hey everyone writing about Xenoblade and its obsession with godhood PLEASE PAY ATTENTION TO BK)
Child of the Earth: “Yes, their acts are irremissible… If we don’t stop them soon, our land will be the next to fall.” Child of the Earth: “But how do we face their power? They’re no longer what we’d call human. They are gods!” Child of the Earth: “With these! We’ll use these vessels—and vanquish the gods!” Child of the Earth: “Have them ready for magic transfusion as soon as possible. We’ll help in any way we can.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:13 PM · Dec 24, 2022 Permalink
Seginus’ memories, then. Another bit starts glowing, onwards we go!
Milly: “Was that… one of this puppet’s memories?” Milly: “When they said “Guillo”… they didn’t mean…” Guillo: “……” The silhouette, now with two sections glowing.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:16 PM · Dec 24, 2022 Permalink
Third orb: apparently the Whale was asleep on the job.
For NO REASON AT ALL the Sorceress and Sorcerer’s voices are real familiar. Like we’ve been hearing them all along, layered above each other…
Sorcerer: “Did you hear? Naos has fallen.” Sorceress: “Doesn’t the Whale have anything to say?” Sorcerer: “Nary a word.” Sorceress: “Then we’ll have to put an end to this ourselves.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:19 PM · Dec 24, 2022 Permalink
Seeing the plan take shape after we witnessed its gory execution at least clarifies a few things, though not why the siblings were targeted rather than… the one who started the whole mess.
Sorceress: “Let us use the three sacred treasures, and strike the final blow with these god-slaying puppets.” Sorcerer: “Agreed. Beyond that, we can only hope our magic will last long enough.” The silhouette, a third section glowing.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:22 PM · Dec 24, 2022 Permalink
Fourth flashback, first mention of Malpercio. Which requires explaining because it was not at all the initial threat. How did the legends even get so distorted?
Also who was Wiseman fighting in Atria, before Malpercio showed up? Who are the Brethren?
Child of the Earth: “It’s begun! Malpercio has stormed the battlefields of Atria!” Child of the Earth: “The Naos survivors have banded together, taken the name “Malpercio”, and risen against […]” Child of the Earth: “[…] Wiseman.” Child of the Earth: “It seems they’ve allied with the Dark Brethren.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:24 PM · Dec 24, 2022 Permalink
Really it all boils down to an environmental pollution issue, which is made weirder by gods having been human originally
Child of the Earth: “Wiseman has summoned dragons, but they are no match for Malpercio.” Child of the Earth: “Atria is a sea of corpses.” Child of the Earth: “We can’t wait any longer. The gods’ remains are toxic—it’s only a matter of time before the earth […]” Child of the Earth: “[…] withers and dies!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:27 PM · Dec 24, 2022 Permalink
Seginus is defective, which is why it’s still here after all this time. And Guillo… got mixed sorcery power, explaining the layered voice.
Child of the Earth: “Are the vessels ready?” Sorcerer: “All except Seginus. It won’t fuse properly with our magic.” Sorceress: “I will use Duhbe. You use Syrma. As for the third…” Sorceress: “You and I will bond both our magic to Guillo.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:30 PM · Dec 24, 2022 Permalink
I can’t recall where the cutoff between flashbacks 4 and 5 was, but eventually we get offscreen dialog that Seginus overheard. Victory but at what cost, etc, and this time Malpercio as the main enemy?
Child of the Earth: “We’ve done it! Malpercio has fallen! Victory is ours!” Child of the Earth: “What are you celebrating for? Open your eyes and look at the earth! It’s saturated with the gods’ poison!” Child of the Earth: “But there are still areas that remain untainted. We must cut them loose before the poison […]” Child of the Earth: “[…] spreads.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:33 PM · Dec 24, 2022 Permalink
And here comes the core conceit, also establishing that Malpercio ended up a lot more powerful than anything else they faced.
Child of the Earth: “Then why not use the gods’ power? Choose the most powerful gods—“ Child of the Earth: “Yes. Seal Malpercio’s remains in each continent.” Child of the Earth: “Use the power of the gods, and raise those lands into the sky! Free them from the tainted earth!” Child of the Earth: “Some of their people are still unharmed. Let us entrust the future to them.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:37 PM · Dec 24, 2022 Permalink
Our two pilots return, tying up the last loose end about Guillo. Ran out of batteries and ended up in a hole, while the other two were destroyed, and Seginus never made it out of the hangar.
Sorceress: “Our magic expired the moment Guillo vanquished the last of Malpercio.” Sorceress: “I presume it was entombed where it stood—in a sea of bodies.” Sorceress: “Syrma and Duhbe were completely destroyed.” Sorcerer: “As they should be. The gods have perished… and the need for god-slayers has passed.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:41 PM · Dec 24, 2022 Permalink
Obviously we get our party re-stating all that into an understandable format
Guillo: “I was built to slay the gods.” Guillo: “Which means… that really was me that killed Lia and his family a thousand years ago.” Milly: “Those two sorcerers—their thoughts and wishes must have remained in your body…” Sagi: “And then one day I dug you up.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:44 PM · Dec 24, 2022 Permalink
Guillo asks for forgiveness. If you refuse to give it, Sagi of course proceeds to be Sagi.
Though please do tell me how a murderer having forgotten they did it would make anything okay, the murder still happened?
Guillo: “I’m sorry, Lia. Forgive me.”
Dialog choice: “I don’t really remember anyway.” versus “How could you?!” Sagi: “Lia… Let bygones be bygones.” Sagi: “I don’t think Guillo even remembers.” Guillo: “That’s true… My memories begin with the day I met you, Sagi.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:48 PM · Dec 24, 2022 Permalink
If you claim not to remember, Guillo refuses to hear it. “All right, I remember” then gets back to the bygones thing, while “Come on” gets us this. Nobody put Sagi in charge of reparative justice anything.
Sagi: “Guillo, Lia says he doesn’t even remember.” Guillo: “Of course he remembers, how could he not? Don’t coddle me, Lia.”
Dialog choice: “Come on, Guillo…” versus “All right, I remember” Sagi: “Cheer up, Guillo.” Sagi: “Even if Lia does remember… what matters is that you don’t.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:49 PM · Dec 24, 2022 Permalink
And it all converges back to our beloved statu quo of friendly insults
Sagi: “Well, the Guillo I know is a good friend.” Sagi: “And I’m sure Lia feels the same way.” Milly: “I guess I do too. But you’re still a dingbat.” Guillo: “Silence, wench! I am not a dingbat!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:52 PM · Dec 24, 2022 Permalink
Obviously once we step out it’s bossfight time. Because we’ve kinda fixed Seginus / Dark Samus Guillo Edition enough to spot that Malpercio’s right there.
The fight isn’t too tough, or I’m over-leveled, doesn’t matter!
Voice: “MALPERCIO… KILL MALPERCIO. THAT IS MY CALLING.” Sagi: “Who said that?!” Milly: “Impossible… Is it responding… to Lia?!” What looks like a greyscale version of Guillo, standing ready for a fight.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:54 PM · Dec 24, 2022 Permalink
And victory kicks us back out into the outside world.
Sagi: “Ahh… ungh…” Milly: “I guess the sorcerers’ strongest wishes must have stayed with Seginus, too.” Milly: ““Kill Malpercio.” Even after a thousand years it didn’t forget.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:56 PM · Dec 24, 2022 Permalink
Poor Guillo. Definitely cursed knowledge, that!
Guillo: “You have my gratitude, Great Kamroh. Thanks to you, I know who I am at last.” Guillo: “…Even if it was better I didn’t.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:58 PM · Dec 24, 2022 Permalink
Yeah that does seem like the smart thing to do. Though who knows, maybe Seginus could have helped 20 years later!
Guillo: “Great Kamroh, I have one favor to ask.” Guillo: “Would you seal this puppet away?” The Great Kamroh: “I don’t know what you saw. But this feels like the right time. I will seal Seginus’ power.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:00 PM · Dec 24, 2022 Permalink
We exit the room and this comes completely out of left field.
Yeaaaaaaaah about that-
The Great Kamroh: “Kamroh, Krumly… I’ve decided to step down.” The Great Kamroh: “I am giving up the elder’s seat. Kamroh, the people are now in your hands.” The Great Kamroh: “I trust, with Krumly’s help, you will lead the Children of the Earth down the right path.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:03 PM · Dec 24, 2022 Permalink
I suppose that makes sense. The no-longer-great Kamroh then disappears back into the side room…
Kamroh: “…Yes, Great Kamroh.” Krumly: “……” The Great Kamroh: “If Seginus’ time is through, then so is my own. I will bear my responsibility through to the end.” The Great Kamroh: “Perhaps bringing you and Seginus together was my destiny.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:04 PM · Dec 24, 2022 Permalink
… where he is nowhere to be found, but we can go back into Seginus if we want. Go figure!
Guillo: “Sorry. There’s something that still bothers me.” Guillo: “Do you mind us going in just one more time, Lia?”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:08 PM · Dec 24, 2022 Permalink
The Newly Great Kamroh has some platitudes and random items for us, and that’s this questline done!
I’m sure he’ll do great. Maybe start by teaching the people of Gemma to air out their bedrolls.
Great Kamroh: “From here on, it will be my duty to lead the Children of the Earth as the next Great Kamroh.” Great Kamroh: “It’s a tremendous responsibility, but I’ll give it my best.” Great Kamroh: “Be well, Sagi. I’ll be praying here that your path will always be lit in brilliant […]” Great Kamroh: “[…] incandescence.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:09 PM · Dec 24, 2022 Permalink
Next time: go grab a frame capture in that flashback see what colors Guillo’s siblings actually have, talk to everyone in Duhr again in case anything has changed, then… go pickup some Heartenbrace for Gena at last?