Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:50 PM · Feb 11, 2023 Permalink
Escaping Tarazed, cont: we’ve killed Verus, Wiseman ate him and so we re-killed the resulting abomination, much emotion was had, we had to leave Guillo behind for frankly bullshit reasons, but this flying fortress is still exploding and we really should get out of there.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:53 PM · Feb 11, 2023 Permalink
The one-way door from earlier is, of course, being a problem. The herd of drones would be a lot more threatening if we hadn’t sent do many of them to the scrapyard that you could rebuild Tarazed with the parts!
Sagi: “Lia, there’s no way we can open this with our bare hands!” Sagi: “There’s a switch right there! Let’s try that!!” Sagi: “It won’t open! The blasts must have jammed it! Dammit, now what?!” Milly: “Sagi—they’re here! How much longer?!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:55 PM · Feb 11, 2023 Permalink
Our duo runs through the door, more drones come in… and a familiar rando drops from the ceiling with a giant fire punch that pushes them away
Sagi, as the door opens: “Got it!” More drones crowd Sagi and Milly. The drones are swept up in a wave of fire started by the newcomer’s fist hitting the ground. Sagi: “Heughes?!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:57 PM · Feb 11, 2023 Permalink
He gives us no choice and closes the door before Sagi can even attempt to fight alongside him. Hi Heughes, bye Heughes
Heughes: “I told you I’d chase you to the ends of the sky, Sagi…” Heughes: “But this place’ll have to do. Take Milliarde and go!” Sagi, behind the closing door: “Heughes!” Heughes: “Now… let’s just see how many punches I’ve got left in me!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:59 PM · Feb 11, 2023 Permalink
Just like in Vega, very explicit “machines are not reliable” text. There it was minor annoyances, here it’s a lack of reliability during a major crisis
Sagi: “What are you doing?! The exit is just ahead!” Sagi: “We don’t need machina to get there!!” Sagi on an elevator: “Damn! It’s broken!!”
Dialog choice: “We have to jump!” versus “Give it a chance”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:27 PM · Feb 11, 2023 Permalink
Next stop: the big room where a flag hologram thingie still stops us. Luckily Nasca’s here with his hacking skills
Sagi: “End of the line… The shutter’s closed!” Nasca, offscreen: “Don’t worry. I’ll open it now.” Nasca, typing at the computer: “I just need… a little time. It takes some finesse to work these locks.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:29 PM · Feb 11, 2023 Permalink
It’s a dead man’s switch somehow, so Nasca can’t leave with us… but he’ll be fine, right?
Milly: “It’s open!” Sagi: “Come on, Nasca, you can escape with us!” Nasca: “…No, I can’t. If I stop typing, the shutter will close again.” Nasca: “I know Tarazed better than anyone. Right down to the exit routes.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:31 PM · Feb 11, 2023 Permalink
Sagi: “…All right. Just promise you’ll get out.” Nasca: “I will.” Nasca, alone: “Exit routes… Right.” Nasca: “Well, it couldn’t hurt to look.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:32 PM · Feb 11, 2023 Permalink
Neat touch to block off some paths to avoid making a new state for some rooms
Sagi: “It looks like the elevator still works! Let’s take it downstairs, fast!!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:33 PM · Feb 11, 2023 Permalink
Looks like the pilot has a sense of self-preservation and we lost our ride. Oh no
Sagi: “The Sfida’s gone!” Milly: “Our wings of the heart won’t carry us back from this high up!” Tarazed, exploding some more.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:35 PM · Feb 11, 2023 Permalink
An explosion yeets Milly right off the ledge, Sagi jumps right after her, and they both end up in freefall.
… Did I miss Valara then?
Milly: “Sagi! We’re out of time!” Milly, offscreen: “Kyaah!” Sagi: “Millyyyyyy!” Sagi, flying down into the empty sky to catch Milly: “Urgh!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:38 PM · Feb 11, 2023 Permalink
My brain has gone “LES CAROTTES SONT-ELLES CUITES? NON!” so many times during this whole ending, I swear. Kinda ruins the mood. No I can’t actually explain this to non-French-speakers.
Anyway, you know Duhr is below! At least glide? Something?
Milly: “Are we… Is this the end?” Sagi: “I don’t know.” Milly: “Sagi… don’t let go…” Tarazed, smoking even more and sinking.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:39 PM · Feb 11, 2023 Permalink
Sfida to the rescue, because of course!
The Sfida, feeling providential. Sagi: “The Sfida!” Milly: “We’re saved…?”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:40 PM · Feb 11, 2023 Permalink
Okay I love this
Valara: “Still in one piece, ghost boy?” Sagi: “Valara! What are you doing here?!” Sfida Attendant: “She seized the ship and started giving me orders, Master Sagi! Said she’d throw me overboard if I didn’t […]” Sfida Attendant: “[…] take her to rescue you!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:42 PM · Feb 11, 2023 Permalink
Perfect. Wonderful. A++ Valara moment and exquisite Sagi answer, I love it and it even excuses the ridiculous useless plot twist
Valara: “I… I never used the word “rescue”. What do you think I am—nice?!” Valara: “Work is work—and pulling your ass out of the fire made today’s docket.” Valara: “Don’t get any ideas. I just did my job.” Sagi: “Then you deserve a raise. Thanks, Valara!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:45 PM · Feb 11, 2023 Permalink
Why is everyone gathering in Mintaka. Seriously. This makes no sense. At least make it Hassaleh? Or a friendlier place? Who let Tik and Wacho do international travel without supervision? Aaaaaaanyway
The Sfida, docked in Mintaka. Sagi and Milly have just exited it and are meeting up with Rodolfo, Corellia, Ladekahn and Gibari, Palolo, Lolo and Tik and Wacho.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:47 PM · Feb 11, 2023 Permalink
We then get a different angle on the docks, and Milly and Sagi plotting something. The self-worth issues come back with a vengeance
Sagi: “What’s wrong, Milly? The sun will come up if we don’t hurry.” Milly: “You really don’t mind… having me along?” Sagi: “What are you saying? You’re the whole reason I want to go!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:50 PM · Feb 11, 2023 Permalink
Maybe the main plot could have given this some room earlier so it didn’t leave a somewhat sour taste by giving us so much Demure Milly Has Cyborg Dysphoria right at the end? IDK
Milly: “But… what about your mother?” Sagi: “I’ll go see Mom once things have settled down. Don’t worry.” Milly: “But… my body…” Sagi: “Why should that matter? I know what your heart’s like, Milly. That’s all I need.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:52 PM · Feb 11, 2023 Permalink
Bless this immediate jump back into turbo-goof though. SURE, let’s make Milly a new and improved body out of WOOD, that seems REASONABLE.
(This is actually a major breach of privacy on Sagi’s part, even to help!)
Sagi: “Besides, I talked to Lolo.” Sagi: “With a little work, she can use the Celestial Tree’s fell-branches to make you a body just like anyone […]” Sagi: “[…] else’s.” Milly: “What?! Sagi! You told Lolo?!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:54 PM · Feb 11, 2023 Permalink
Speaking of people with no respect for privacy, Palolo’s here!
Sagi: “Huh? …Well, yeah. Was I not supposed to?” Milly: “Of course not! Why did you tell her?! Now that Lolo knows—“ Palolo, invisible: “… Everybody else is sure to find out?” Palolo appears in a leafy whirlwind.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:56 PM · Feb 11, 2023 Permalink
Everyone who’s got no business being in Mintaka is still here and comes running, because I GUESS
Palolo: “Shame on you two! Trying to sneak off without a word to your friends.” Ladekahn: “Palolo’s right! Why didn’t you tell us?” Ladekahn: “I could’ve arranged to send you on the Mindeer, Diadem’s finest ship!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:00 PM · Feb 11, 2023 Permalink
Who are the Rodolfo defenders being catered to here. I have questions. Identify yourselves.
Also of course Lolo would be a stressball chatterbox and of course Palolo would be mean about it
Rodolfo: “I came running when I heard about the wedding… but it looks to me like you decided to elope. What’s the big […]” Rodolfo: “[…] idea, Sagi?” Milly: “Lolo, I know you’re back there. Come on out!” Lolo: “I… I’m sorry… Palolo asked me what was going on, and I, um, I just sort of cracked.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:02 PM · Feb 11, 2023 Permalink
“Quiet life”
Godspeed, Sagi
Corellia: “So… I’m told you’ve decided to go to Mira?” Sagi: “That’s right. We’d rather live a quiet life, someplace far from prying eyes.” Sagi: “Mira seemed like the perfect choice.” Corellia: “I see… Well, I’m certain Duke Calbren would be delighted to have you.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:04 PM · Feb 11, 2023 Permalink
‘Nother dialog choice. That’s the negative-ish answer…
Palolo: “And Lia? I guess he’s going with you?” Sagi: “Mm-hmm. That’s the plan.”
Dialog choice: “We’ll always be together” vs “One day we’ll say goodbye” Sagi: “The day may come when we have to say our goodbyes. But he promised he’d stick with me for now.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:06 PM · Feb 11, 2023 Permalink
… and the positive
Sagi: “Lia and I decided—we’re always going to be together.” Dialog choice: “No matter where life takes us…” Sagi: “No matter where life takes us, or how long the journey lasts. Let’s always be together, Lia!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:07 PM · Feb 11, 2023 Permalink
I guess Mira only appears at night in this one?
Sagi: “Sagi, the sun will be up soon. We’d better go.” Sagi: “Oh, whoops. Thanks, everyone, but we should get going.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:09 PM · Feb 11, 2023 Permalink
Look, Gibari’s doing great, that depression over a breakup- er sorry major change in life trajectory and trauma of losing his dad clearly is gone!
Gibari: “OK, have a safe trip! I’ll send you some fish from Nashira! Fresh off the hook!” Sagi: “Great! Thanks, Gibari. We can’t wait!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:11 PM · Feb 11, 2023 Permalink
Last words…
(I believe Milly and Lolo can legitimately become BFFs if Milly stops being so weird about it)
Palolo: “I’ll go visit you sometime. Just watch for the whirlwind.” Sagi: “I will. Lia and Milly, too!” Lolo: “Milly, don’t forget to write!” Milly: “Don’t worry, I won’t.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:12 PM · Feb 11, 2023 Permalink
Everyone waves goodbye as the Sfida takes off - are we dragging the pilot to Mira too? - and CREDITS
Rodolfo, Palolo, Corellia, Ladekahn, Gibari and Lolo waving goodbye as the Sfida takes off. Credits, starting with Voice Talent. Refer to another source for the full list of names, I’m not typing all that.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:18 PM · Feb 11, 2023 Permalink
Like last time, we get a bunch of post-game vignettes in low res. They’re clearly minor paintovers of posed 3D models and look a bit goofy.
Unsure who that first picture shows.
The Nashira gang is doing the exact same thing they do in the EW vignette. Savyna’s getting recruited.
Credits, plus a small picture of two characters with pinkish hair looking at the Sfida flying past. Credits, plus a small image of young king Ladekahn at a grave. Credits, plus a small image of Gibari, Reblys and Anna fishing. Credits, plus a small image of two Imperial soldiers from the Dark Service finding young Savyna.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:21 PM · Feb 11, 2023 Permalink
Lolo is experimenting with chemistry, the machina drivers are alive after all,  Sagi and Milly do make it back to Hassaleh, they also meet Calbren…
Credits, plus a small image of a goofy-looking Lolo holding scientific glassware and having clearly blown something up. Queen Corellia is right behind for some reason. Credits, plus a small image of Valara, Heughes and Nasca watching the Sfida fly past. Credits, plus a small image of Sagi and Milly meeting Tik, Wacho and Gena in Sheratan. Credits, plus a small image of Sagi and Milly meeting Duke Calbren.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:22 PM · Feb 11, 2023 Permalink
Credits, plus a small image of the core of Tarazed. The room where Guillo disappeared has had its door blown or ripped open violently.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:24 PM · Feb 11, 2023 Permalink
Then there’s a small scene in the same style as the opening credits, showing Sagi and Milly settled into the manor and Guillo being not dead
Close-up of Milly’s face in a painterly style. Sagi entering the room from the brightly lit exterior. Milly rising after sitting at a desk. Guillo’s hood looking like a pile of laundry on a shelf, with a red glow in the eye slit.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:26 PM · Feb 11, 2023 Permalink
And another post-credits scene (the style jumps get jarring)…
Senator, to a very unstable Geldoblame: “…Good heavens! Is that you, Master Geldoblame? You’re alive!” Senator: “Thank the stars! We’d thought all hope of rebuilding the Empire had left us!” Senator: “Please—you must stand up on behalf of your fellow citizens, as Alfard’s new emperor!” Senator: “You’re the only person left fit to rule!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:29 PM · Feb 11, 2023 Permalink
Oh so he’s just full-on lost it. Much like Verus’ dungeon, that’s a very boring answer
Geldoblame: “Me… the emperor? Heh hah hah, bwah hah hah! Me! The emperor?!” Geldoblame: “You don’t say! Bwah hah hah hah hah hah hah!!” Geldoblame: “Very well. Let’s see if Baelheit’s legacy can’t be put to better use.” Geldoblame: “I accept! If Alfard needs a ruler, then I, Geldoblame, shall gladly rise to the task!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:31 PM · Feb 11, 2023 Permalink
I don’t like this! It feels forced, it’s trying to tie up loose ends that could have been left loose - we know what happens, after all - and the result is wonky.
Were the End Magnus mentioned ever in this game? Or was it just “parts” or “pieces”?
Geldoblame: “There are still five pieces left in the world.” Geldoblame: “Find them! All five of them! I want those End Magnus, no matter what the cost!” Geldoblame: “Wait. Before that…” Geldoblame: “Bring me Georg!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:33 PM · Feb 11, 2023 Permalink
And because all of this was TOO SUBTLE
Geldoblame: “Heh hah hah hah, mwah hah hah hah, bwaaaah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah!!!” A faint, dark picture of a one-winged baby floating in a dark green void. White text over black: “The story continues in BATEN KAITOS…”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:34 PM · Feb 11, 2023 Permalink
Save clear data for a new game+ run if I want to, and it’s back to the menu screen!
Textbox: “Would you like to save your game clear data?”
Choices: “Yes” and “No” Baten Kaitos Origins main menu screen.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:48 PM · Feb 11, 2023 Permalink
Takes tomorrow morning for now I SLEEP
Lia @liareplaysbk · 07:25 AM · Feb 12, 2023 Permalink
Alright, so.
This ending is such a mixed bag? Some bits are excellent (notably the Malpercio siblings). Some bits would be great but are weirdly placed (Guillo’s sacrifice). Some parts make no sense (everyone in Mintaka) or are the typical clumsy connection between games.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 07:27 AM · Feb 12, 2023 Permalink
It’s pretty representative of BKO as a whole. The highs are really high, the lows are pretty low. It’s so densely packed with stuff, which is both really neat and kind of exhausting.
I still do not like the combat and have no clue how anyone can prefer that to EW’s
Lia @liareplaysbk · 07:29 AM · Feb 12, 2023 Permalink
Overall that adds up to me liking it a lot less but geez it does a lot of interesting things. I suspect it’ll benefit from a second playthrough.
And its focus on tying up useless loose ends is made more annoying by the major ones it does not tie at all!
Lia @liareplaysbk · 07:31 AM · Feb 12, 2023 Permalink
- Where the hell did Hassaleh go. The whole thing just got memory-holed over two decades?
- Ditto Tarazed and the whole “oh we’re all going to get nuked”, plus tons of people having ripped off their wings to go.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 07:33 AM · Feb 12, 2023 Permalink
It makes for decent drama at that point in time, but then it’s odd that none of it gets mentioned ever?
Though considering how many people are currently set on memory-holing a pandemic that isn’t even remotely over (it’s actually accelerating again) maybe that’s pretty realistic
Lia @liareplaysbk · 07:37 AM · Feb 12, 2023 Permalink
Geldoblame’s arc is also disappointingly quick and cliché, which makes it feel a bit artificial when it could have been a lot more compelling.
Which really brings me to an overall point: pacing is really weird and gets kinda rushed in the later arcs.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 07:39 AM · Feb 12, 2023 Permalink
I played this with a… weird schedule, obviously - a second more normal playthrough would let me analyze it better - but there’s a clear sense that things got more rushed later in the game. The travel log really highlights it because it stops updating weirdly early!
Lia @liareplaysbk · 07:40 AM · Feb 12, 2023 Permalink
EW had the same issue. It has a really sedate pace early on, where it allows things to take their time, occasionally to the point of obnoxiousness. And at some point in disc 2 both games start piling on a lot of STUFF that doesn’t get as much room to breathe
Lia @liareplaysbk · 07:43 AM · Feb 12, 2023 Permalink
In EW character dynamics suffer most from that, because an ensemble cast of 5/6 is pretty large. Origins’ trio needs less room and that makes things a lot smoother, but especially with the number of locations it does make for a somewhat disjointed last stretch.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 07:45 AM · Feb 12, 2023 Permalink
I still love both games to bits, obviously. I don’t regret playing this and trying to find every last textbox (I still missed some, guaranteed).
Fingers crossed the remasters are solid and more people get to enjoy those weird things!
Lia @liareplaysbk · 07:47 AM · Feb 12, 2023 Permalink
That’s it for BKO. Definitely not it for this account, so long as this site keeps kinda working, let alone for me.
What’s next?
- Pull a pile of Twitter data (today);
- Turning my threads into regular HTML pages (next few months);
- Reverse-engineering funnytimes (probably years)
Lia @liareplaysbk · 07:48 AM · Feb 12, 2023 Permalink
It’s been a pleasure, dear zombie micro-fandom. Most of you seem pretty alright