Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:28 PM · Apr 24, 2021 Permalink
Back to Sheratan! I fully expect to be sent to deal with the lake monster that’s been mentioned a bunch of times.
Will we get there without further sexual harassment, or disturbing innuendo about greythornes? WHO KNOWS
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:52 PM · Apr 24, 2021 Permalink
The Imperial guest is missing, like a bunch of other people. Though the others we’re told went to the lake.
Villager: “I haven’t seen him for a while now. I wonder if he went home...”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:53 PM · Apr 24, 2021 Permalink
I wonder if they actually coded in something for this, since this is the Franchise Of The Two Weeks 100% Run.
Villager: They say something’ll happen if you run around the well 100 times.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:05 PM · Apr 24, 2021 Permalink
After cookies and errands, it’s nightime, and a mysterious girl who’s definitely not Milly is reporting in to... someone. HMMM.
Girl, offscreen: “Yes, it’s a village called Sheratan in Hassaleh.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:08 PM · Apr 24, 2021 Permalink
1) Good question thank you Mill-
3) Surprising no one, the Alfard Empire was being monsters again.
Milly: “What were you doing in the Dark Service?” Milly: “I know about the Hassaleh Servitude. I learned about it back when I was at the School of Magic.” Milly: “Didn’t the Empire force the Hassalites to work on the construction of Alfard’s cities?”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:11 PM · Apr 24, 2021 Permalink
Well this got dark fast.
At least Olgan’s dead so goal achieved, yay?
Sagi: “I joined to avenge everyone. To kill Olgan.” Sagi: “Yeah. Five years ago every able man in Hassaleh was led off to slave away for the Empire.” Sagi: “Most of them didn’t come back...” Sagi: “The kids in the orphanage are all the children they left behind.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:15 PM · Apr 24, 2021 Permalink
Imperial guest is at the lake, sidequest got, CALLED IT
Villager: “A longtime guest of ours went down to the lake to look for the other villagers and hasn’t returned.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:17 PM · Apr 24, 2021 Permalink
Though sidequests are actually part of the main quest, so, y’know.
Also the NUMBER of lines spent on this Power Rangers joke from the local kids.
Dark Lord of Evil: “Did you really think that your pathetic powers could stop the Dark Lord of Evil?!” Shera Pink: “Take this! All of our powers combined!!” Shera Green: “Even small powers can triumph, when gathered together!!” Shera Blue: “From this day on, you’re the official leader of the Sheratan Rangers.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:18 PM · Apr 24, 2021 Permalink
I don’t have the writerly chops to explain how on Earth Japanese games pull off this kind of tonal whiplash (“Actually, genocide!” to “Power Rangers joke” in five minutes) much better than Western AAA tentpoles ever do, but it’s definitely a thing.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:27 PM · Apr 24, 2021 Permalink
All we can do at the Lake is pick up a weird blank magnus and some flowers, so back to Sheratan we go.
A staircase going down to a flooded area. Title card: “The Lake Botein Ruins”. Sagi: “It looks like a blank magnus, but it’s a little different, somehow...” Inspection text: “Dense air surrounds the reeds. The source of the air appears to be these floating scarlet flowers.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:33 PM · Apr 24, 2021 Permalink
Yay more game mechanics
Elder’s Granddaughter: “But this... this is the magnus he kept with him. He never let it out of his sight.” Elder’s Granddaughter: “Actually, now that I think of it, he gave me his notebook to hold on to.” Elder’s Granddaughter, reading: “Mixers are special magnus that can blend multiple magna essence together.” Textbox: “Obtained a Magnus Mixer!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:35 PM · Apr 24, 2021 Permalink
Also more suggestion that magnus are indeed an Imperial thing.
Guess some things in that godforsaken novel @amidoh is working on aren’t complete nonsense!
Elder’s Granddaughter: “But... the Empire recalled those magnus ages ago!” Elder’s Granddaughter: “You used to work for the Empire, so you must be good at handling magnus, right?”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:55 PM · Apr 24, 2021 Permalink
The next morning, two kids come rushing in screaming about a monster in the lake.
We’ll ignore the OpticsTM of orphans picking cotton and instead be surprised that Guillo seems good with children?
Also surprise it’s one more weird monster like earlier, convenient.
Wacho: “The monster must’ve gobbled up the people who didn’t come back from the lake!” Guillo: “I don’t like the sound of this... Wacho, why don’t you start at the beginning?” Wacho: “With long, gangly claws. Kind of greyish. And it had these beady, glowing eyes!” Sagi: “I know. That sounds just like the thing that attacked us in the emperor’s residence.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:56 PM · Apr 24, 2021 Permalink
More healthy group dynamics
Milly: “I don’t know what this monster business is about, but it sounds like fun.” Guillo: “Did you just say “fun”? Are you some sort of half-wit?”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:57 PM · Apr 24, 2021 Permalink
Villager: “Inside the ruins, there was a wall engraved with some sort of arcane writing.” Villager: “That wall was mesmerizing to look at. I could have stares at it all day and never gotten tired of it.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:58 PM · Apr 24, 2021 Permalink
I’d go tackle that tonight, but I suspect we’ll get a pile of dialog and another trip back to the mysterious place with mysterious people.
Next time: lake monster?