Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:04 PM · Apr 25, 2021 Permalink
There’s a monster in the lake and as RPG heroes it is our duty to go murder it. Onwards!
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:26 PM · Apr 25, 2021 Permalink
There is indeed a Thing in the lake, it does look an awful lot like the one we killed back in Alfard, and it’s still giving Sagi headaches. Weird.
Guillo: “Down there... That’s the same thing we saw at Olgan’s place, no mistake.” Milly: “You buckled over the moment you set eyes on that thing. You’re sweating a lot, too...”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:33 PM · Apr 25, 2021 Permalink
Why are the kids around even if stuff is obviously dangerous, you ask? Why, because there are puzzle mechanics to explain.
The cursor is a bit much. Could have used some of that handholding for the combat!
Wacho: “They said they went whoosh, whoosh, whoooooosh! and jumped along the broken columns.” Wacho: “And, and, and inside it there’s this [red text]huuuge wall[end red text], and if you move it, crazy stuff happens!” Wacho: “You know! Those pink flowers floating out on the lake.” Wacho: “If you have one, you won’t drown even if you run outta breath!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:37 PM · Apr 25, 2021 Permalink
Urgh, one of the enemy groups here is “LEARN TO CHOOSE TARGETS OR ELSE”. And just like EW, a Game Over on a regular battle is back to main menu, weeeeeee
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:21 PM · Apr 25, 2021 Permalink
When I’m grumping about Milly’s battle animations I mean this kind of stuff BTW. This is a weird victory pose unless the entire point is a look at her cleavage. Do Not Like.
Compare to Guillo’s thoughtful pose and Sagi’s restful stance.
Battle victory screen, utterly overloaded with text.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:53 PM · Apr 25, 2021 Permalink
There are people (look, crates don’t BREATHE) underwater who need to be given lilies to... not die I guess? Getting out would be too hard?
And you need to have some lilies left to avoid drowning if you stay underwater for a bit.
Shifty Wooden Crate: “......” A submerged room, with a man sitting on a crate.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:55 PM · Apr 25, 2021 Permalink
In a STUNNING case of RPG logic, the weird wall we have been told repeatedly would cause things to happen if pushed drains the water from the lake. So surprising.
The same submerged room, the back wall gone. Another room, glyphs on the walls glowing red. The main area, water swirling as it is drained away. The same area, now mostly dry. A statue and a platform have appeared in the center.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:58 PM · Apr 25, 2021 Permalink
The statue is an elevator, the big monster pounces, we win except we don’t, Guillo goes into Murderbot Overdrive and kills the thing, so far we’ve seen it all before.
A large monster pouncing from the water onto the party. The same large monster having knocked out the entire party. Guillo, eyes glowing blue: “......” Guillo, surrounded by a cloud of electricity.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:59 PM · Apr 25, 2021 Permalink
And... no fainting or weird place this time, just a hell of a line from Milly.
Milly: “Not bad, dingbat. And here I thought you were just a can opener.” Guillo, looking down: “I think... I may have been made for the sole purpose of killing these things.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:01 AM · Apr 26, 2021 Permalink
After that we go around rescuing previously drowning / kinda drowned villagers, and get a whole bunch of items for our trouble.
(The “it” is a charm that unlocks a new aura so YES IT WILL BE USEFUL)
Sagi: “Looks like he can’t breathe because his mouth is full of seaweed. Let’s get some [red text]water[end red text] and wash it out.” Village Elder: “This is my thanks for helping everyone. I don’t know if you’ll like it, but I hope it proves useful.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:03 AM · Apr 26, 2021 Permalink
Anyhow that took ages because of having to restart a bunch and make a lot of saves to safeguard against another game over.
But hey, Guillo confirmed Murderbot, villagers saved, monster dealt with, that’s progress, right?
Next time: back to the village and surely no trouble.