Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:27 PM · Aug 01, 2021 Permalink
This time we’re advancing the main plot I promise...
... after we check the side rooms, obviously.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:31 PM · Aug 01, 2021 Permalink
We find Fun Facts in both rooms.
First is that Diadem people put clouds in their tea, making it salty. SURE.
(It also says that the desk behind is made of solid gold, which would make for one very fragile desk because gold is pretty soft)
Inspection text: “A quick peek inside this pot reveals a half-dissolved cloud still swirling about.” Sagi: “Time for a taste test... Ugh, bleah! Salty!!” Inspection text: “Cloudy tea is a bit salty to the tongue, but that flavor has won it great popularity among gourmets.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:33 PM · Aug 01, 2021 Permalink
And then we learn that clouds can also be... turned into pillows and mattresses? Sure. After all if we can walk on them it makes complete sense, doesn’t it.
Inspection text: “This popular memory-foam pillow was crafted using a hybrid of mud rubber and clouds.” Inspection text: “Beds made from clouds need occasional re-stuffing, or the clouds lose their fluffiness.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:48 PM · Aug 01, 2021 Permalink
Oh hey that salt water I was waiting on has turned, off to other places I go to do more mixing and finish off a sidequest maybe?
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:12 PM · Aug 01, 2021 Permalink
Foreshadowing, return of the revengeance
Celsica: “I’d wager the Knights of Diadem could stand against anything. Even one of those monsters you hear [...]” Celsica: “[...] about of late.” Sagi: “So... you know about the monster.” Celsica: “Yes. Fortunately there hasn’t been a sighting in our kingdom yet.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:15 PM · Aug 01, 2021 Permalink
Finally, we’ll see the training yard (by the Mindeer dock?) and meet the infamous king-
Celsica: “Here we are at the training yard. Please go right on in.” Boy: “Uncle Ram, we can finish the lesson later!” Boy: “Any minute now they’ll be bringing in the day’s catch down in Nashira! I can’t miss THAT!” Man: “Sire, come back! We’ve barely even started!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:20 PM · Aug 01, 2021 Permalink
This is made considerably funnier by starting off-screen, makes the scene efficient.
We see Ladekahn for basically five seconds before he runs off, Gibari takes the time to insult his dad (in-character, his thing was already to disrespect superstitions in EW), and they’re off.
Boy: “Don’t worry, I won’t be long! A king’s gotta know his kingdom! Gib, I’ll be waiting!” Boy: “I’m going, too, Pop.” Man: “You know the legends! Disaster will befall our land the year the king sees Nashira’s catch!” Gibari: “You and your myths. Tell it to the cloudgulls, old man.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:20 PM · Aug 01, 2021 Permalink
The voice acting choices make Ladekahn sound so much younger than Gibari, but IIRC they’re supposedly the same age?
That outfit also sure is a thing.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:22 PM · Aug 01, 2021 Permalink
Anyhow we’re off to the audience chamber to clarify a thing or two. Of course committing the Knights to opposing Baelheit means getting a hold of His Majesty. Whose judgment is clearly er impeccable.
Sagi: “The quaestor believes it will be difficult to stop him without the assistance of each nation’s leader.” Rambari: “Certainly it would be unlike Diadem to deny anyone help.” Rambari: “But matters of foreign policy require King Ladekahn’s judgment.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:25 PM · Aug 01, 2021 Permalink
So of course our quest is now to go get a hold of those two. Things seem a twinge tense between Rambari and his son, a previous sentence hinted at planning a beating. Yaaaaay.
Milly: “Those two that ran off earlier were the king and your son?” Rambari: “Yes, my idiot son Gibari. Thanks to him, King Ladekahn’s picked up all sorts of unkingly habits.” Rambari: “Of course. You’d be doing me a favor. Please, bring the king and that blasted Gibari back.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:26 PM · Aug 01, 2021 Permalink
This here, which er definitely er needs context. No comment
Rambari: “So help me... the next rod that boy sees won’t be the kind you fish with. Where did I go wrong...”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:28 PM · Aug 01, 2021 Permalink
Anyway we’re not going there today because the half of Elnath that was blocked off got opened up
Rambari: “Sagi! I nearly forgot. If you’re going to Nashira, be careful.” Rambari: “It’s just... they don’t take kindly to folk from other lands. There’s a saying the coming of visitors [...]” Rambari: “[...] heralds a poor catch.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:41 PM · Aug 01, 2021 Permalink
Did anyone want more Cloud Bed Facts? No? I sure didn’t want that Cloud Bed Fact
Inspection text: “This bed was made using Diadem’s clouds, so it tastes salty if you lick it... or so they say.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:43 PM · Aug 01, 2021 Permalink
There’s a guy doing push-ups in the corridor for some reason, and the Greythorne head bob is perfectly synced to it. See the subtle change in the angle of the head? It’s delightful.
Sagi standing on a staircase landing. A man nearby is at the bottom of a push-up, next to a Greythorne looking towards him. Sagi standing on a staircase landing. A man nearby is at the top of a push-up, next to a Greythorne looking up towards him.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:47 PM · Aug 01, 2021 Permalink
Could have done without the reminder that sexism is a thing but glad they got over it I guess
Man: “Lady Celsica was appointed the Knights’ current leader by Rambari’s recommendation.” Man: “For a while, her promotion was met with a good deal of whispers and aspersions, [...]” Man: “[...] but now all you hear are peoples’ remarks at how keen Rambari’s eyes were to have chosen her.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:49 PM · Aug 01, 2021 Permalink
We can actually go into the training yard and take a peek! And get a heart-wrencher from Celsica.
A training yard on top of a building, with a bunch of knights running around and practicing fighting. Celsica: “We’ve no guarantee one of those monsters won’t show up here. But we will be ready for it.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:52 PM · Aug 01, 2021 Permalink
And @amidoh specifically said I should check the statue for some reason. The description changes: pic 1 is before the cutscene, pics 2 and 3 are after.
Inspection text: “This engraving bears the likeness of Diadem’s previous king. Perhaps King Ladekahn looks similar.” Inspection text: “This engraving bears the likeness of Diadem’s previous king.” Sagi: “Wow, he was a pretty buff guy. Do you suppose Ladekahn will grow up to look like this?”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:57 PM · Aug 01, 2021 Permalink
Next time: heading to Nashira I guess? Plot Magic will have made the Cloud Passage manageable somehow I suppose.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:55 AM · Aug 02, 2021 Permalink
... I just noticed that Ladekahn is missing a foot in that one screenshot he’s on-screen, that’s disturbing. Might have to replay the cutscene - I’m still stagger-saving to hell - and see if it persists as he runs down the stairs.
Same with Gibari, the back foot looks too short.