Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:23 PM · Aug 02, 2021 Permalink
Today: first we reload an old save see if Ladekahn and Gibari actually have two feet, then we go poke at the Cloud Passage I guess.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:31 PM · Aug 02, 2021 Permalink
Nope, it’s geometry sorting doing weird things on the back of the dock. Interesting, I wonder if that happens on the original hardware.
Gonna put a pin in that and get Renderdoc out at some point I guess.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:35 PM · Aug 02, 2021 Permalink
Oh my god Wacho (a kid, you’ll recall) send us a letter and it has spelling mistakes. YES.
White text on black: “Starting today, I’m his teecher! From Wacho!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:39 PM · Aug 02, 2021 Permalink
Nothing in the Cloud Passage. To the river then, and glad I went there pre-cutscene since I don’t know if we’d have gotten Milly and Guillo happily threatening to throw each other in otherwise.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:46 PM · Aug 02, 2021 Permalink
Bingo, there are our two runaways.
Don’t see why the currents are a problem when PEOPLE HAVE WINGS but it’s well-established by now that none of that ever makes sense.
Milly: “Look, Sagi, isn’t that King Ladekahn and the other boy?” Ladekahn: “Aw, look, Gib. We’ll never get across with these currents.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:49 PM · Aug 02, 2021 Permalink
We get a mixed exposition / mechanics tutorial with bonus character flavor. The weird waterhweel thingie makes clouds to go between the river and the Cloud Passage, okay.
Gibari: “Hey, which one of us used to be a fisherman? The rivers and roads here are like my backyard.” Gibari: “That’s where this thing comes in. It’s for making clouds.” Ladekahn: “I get it. So wherever we can’t cross, we just take a detour through the Cloud Passage.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:52 PM · Aug 02, 2021 Permalink
Gentle ribbing, posturing hiding lack of confidence, the machine failing to start and Gibari of course giving it a good beating, the characters’ dynamic is pretty clear.
Ladekahn: “That’s pretty smart... for you.” Gibari: “”For you...” Ha! Let’s give this thing a spin, huh?” Ladekahn: “Gib... are you sure you know how to work that thing?” Gibari: “O-Of course I do!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:53 PM · Aug 02, 2021 Permalink
Then the thing starts and they just, er, jump up into the stream of clouds without wings even showing up. SURE.
Gibari, as the machine now emits a vertical stream of pink clouds: “There, see? It’s all taken care of.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:45 PM · Aug 02, 2021 Permalink
Up we go and there are a bunch of soldiers (missed the timing when the camera pans).
Well, that can’t be good, and Sagi said The Words. Bad stuff always happens when you say The Words.
Milly: “Hey, look! Over there! Imperial soldiers!” Guillo: “Rambari didn’t say anything about it.” Sagi: “I’ve got a really bad feeling about this...”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:47 PM · Aug 02, 2021 Permalink
Can’t go any further due to a... wall of light... which is not how physics work but we’re walking on clouds so who the heck knows.
Back down, then.
Not shown: the CRAPTON OF MONSTERS on paths too narrow to avoid them. It’s a chore.
Inspection text: “The path is blocked by a wall of light.” Sagi facing spiraling clouds, a wing icon over his head.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:50 PM · Aug 02, 2021 Permalink
Our two hooligans who somehow still haven’t noticed they’re being followed once more have the minor puzzle mechanic to get us through the obstacle.
Gibari: “A rainbow?! Why’s a rainbow gotta be out at a time like this?” Gibari: “We can’t go back for the mirror now!” Ladekahn: “Re-lax. I’ve got the royal mirror right here.” Ladekahn: “It’s a keepsake from my mother, so I always carry it with me.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:54 PM · Aug 02, 2021 Permalink
Gibari picks up the mirror and points it at the rainbow, which makes it disappear. Then they... jump back up and leave it behind. Is His Majesty maybe a bit of an airhead?
Anyway we pick it up because of course
Gibari, on the rock bank far below, pointing a beam of light at the rainbow blocking the way. Sagi: “If it’s a royal keepsake, then the king will be missing it. Let’s take it back to him.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:56 PM · Aug 02, 2021 Permalink
We don’t even get to talk to the soldiers, they attack immediately.
And this place is huuuuuge so time to turn back and go save after cracking open the next two rainbows.
Combat screen, showing our heroes facing three Imperial Elite soldiers dressed in red uniforms. The Cloud Passage, a second screen full of monsters and blocked passageways.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:57 PM · Aug 02, 2021 Permalink
Hm. That looks different
NEXT TIME: we get sidetracked because Georg clearly needs to check this out.
Diadem island map, with the Quest Magnus menu opened, focused on the Heartflask. The orb now contains a tiny heart.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:01 AM · Aug 03, 2021 Permalink
Oh also that “”For you...” Ha!” subtitle is NOT what’s in the voiceover. There’s a clear “my ass” in there that didn’t make the transcript 🤔
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Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:52 PM · Aug 02, 2021 Go
Gentle ribbing, posturing hiding lack of confidence, the machine failing to start and Gibari of course giving it a good beating, the characters’ dynamic is pretty clear.
Ladekahn: “That’s pretty smart... for you.” Gibari: “”For you...” Ha! Let’s give this thing a spin, huh?” Ladekahn: “Gib... are you sure you know how to work that thing?” Gibari: “O-Of course I do!”