Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:15 PM · Aug 03, 2021 Permalink
Today: we go back go Alfard see what the heck is going on with the Heartflask, then we go catch up to the king and his no-good friend who I’m sure won’t end up in trouble with Imperial soldiers we didn’t expect.
It’ll all go well, guaranteed.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:35 PM · Aug 03, 2021 Permalink
Nope, nothing new from Georg. Back to the clouds, then.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:07 PM · Aug 03, 2021 Permalink
Got distracted by finally solving this puzzle.
I wonder if you’re supposed to find all the recipes, or infer some of them from item descriptions like this one? The Precious Stone said it wanted to be combined with something.
Henpecked Husband: “If I could express my love for her with a [red text] rock that glows like firelight [end red text], that would be perfect.” Mix Recipes screen, focused on a Blaze + Precious Stone mix resulting in Fireglow Stone. “A beautiful, shining stone granted special powers by the flames trapped within. A boon of magna mixture technology, this stone does not exist in nature. Boosts fire offense.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:12 PM · Aug 03, 2021 Permalink
Also this special attack animation sure is... something.
Stockpile screen, focused on Empyreal Wildfire. “Lv. 3 magic for Guillo. The magic power filling Guillo’s belly becomes a ball of fire shining out through the mage’s eyes, bathing all foes in a wave of fire. Fire attack.” Combat screen, showing Guillo glowing with an inflated belly.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:01 AM · Aug 04, 2021 Permalink
This area has SO MANY FIGHTS. And some of them get obnoxiously tricky, like those Armored Cancerites that seem to need to get staggered so they’ll start taking damage.
Combat screen, showing a vaguely humanoid sea creature with rock armor.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:03 AM · Aug 04, 2021 Permalink
There’s a “useless” sconce in an apparently random spot. I’m sure it won’t end up relevant.
(Recycled from the Labyrinth of Mirrors, which... may be an accidental hint)
Sagi: “I wonder what it’s here for.” Guillo: “It certainly doesn’t look to be imperial in manufacture... Why give it another thought?”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:05 AM · Aug 04, 2021 Permalink
We catch up to those two again. The missing mirror has been noticed, sadness ensues.
Ladekahn: “What? You LOST the royal mirror?” Gibari: “I... I’m sorry. I wouldn’t say I “lost” it though—it’s more like I just don’t have it.” Ladekahn, looking distraught: “......” Ladekahn: “Whatever! If it’s gone, it’s gone.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:10 AM · Aug 04, 2021 Permalink
The clouds are too thick to destroy the next rainbow but HEY GUESS WHAT
Sagi standing on a stone bank below the clouds, holding a mirror up to form a beam of light that bounces on the sconce.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:12 AM · Aug 04, 2021 Permalink
This unlocks an area that looks a bit weird at first glance.
Milly: “Might I ask what you all are doing in a place like this, sir?” Old Man: “This is none other than the Diadem Cloud Synthesis School.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:15 AM · Aug 04, 2021 Permalink
We get the synthesis recipe and materials to make Diadem clouds. Not any clouds, Diadem clouds, which need salt because of course.
Old Man: “Sigh... All of my students are incompetents. I’m sorry to have startled you.” Old Man: “Say, you wouldn’t be interested in learning to synthesize Diadem clouds yourselves?”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:16 AM · Aug 04, 2021 Permalink
The fourth wall called, it’d like to stop getting suckerpunched like this
Student: “Hmmm... no matter how many times I hear this recipe, I can’t seem to remember it.” Student: “It would be so much easier if there were a memo of the recipe somewhere I could check.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:19 AM · Aug 04, 2021 Permalink
Anyway, we go off and mix a Diadem cloud, making the teacher happy and give a pep talk to the other students.
I guess this one gets his wish eventually!
The other says it’d be easier with a machine, though the machine we do find in EW doesn’t make clouds so much as reel them in.
Cloudmeister: “Listen up, you dunces! This young man just made a cloud in the blink of an eye!” Student: “I’ll master cloud-making one day, and create a Cloud Passage that’s convenient and accessible to all!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:21 AM · Aug 04, 2021 Permalink
We catch up to our two reckless adventurers again, who cross the dead end by leaping off that poor flying thing in the middle.
Gibari: “It’s no good, Kahn! We can’t go any further!” Ladekahn: “Outta the way, Gib! It’s only a dead end if you’re dead!” Ladekahn, having crossed: “See? Your turn, Gib!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:22 AM · Aug 04, 2021 Permalink
Wouldn’t it be a shame if upcoming plot events were to disrupt this lovely friendship.
I don’t even know what’s going to happen, it’s just so bloody obvious that something is gonna go horribly wrong.
Gibari, having crossed as well, the flying creature gone: “Kahn, sometimes you’re a bigger lunatic than me.” Ladekahn: “I dunno. I’d say we’re about even.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:24 AM · Aug 04, 2021 Permalink
And after plopping our newly mixed cloud down to fix the path, we are DONE and THROUGH and off to Nashira next time.
Geez that was long. So many fights. Urgh.
Diadem island map, focused on Nashira Village.