Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:32 AM · Aug 05, 2021 Permalink
Oh no Nashira had a lot of VERY good dialog and I have a zillion screenshots, this is gonna take a while
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:47 AM · Aug 05, 2021 Permalink
Surprising no one, Nashira’s full of Imperials, and Ladekahn and Gibari are rather upset.
Village docks, crawling with Imperial soldiers and blocked by large vehicles. Title card: “The Fishing Village of Nashira”. Ladekahn: “Something’s not right. I don’t see any villagers.” Gibari: “They’ll pay if they’ve laid so much as a finger on the people here.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:50 AM · Aug 05, 2021 Permalink
They immediately get caught by patrolling soldiers who... don’t seem to realize WHO they’ve caught in spite of Ladekahn being extremely unsubtle. Probably for the best.
Empire Soldier: “You there! What are you doing wandering around! You were ordered to go inside your homes!” Ladekahn: “What did you say? You don’t give me orders!” Ladekahn: “I won’t tolerate you marching around Diadem as you please!” Gibari, as both him and Ladekahn get carried off by soldiers: “H-Hey! Let go, dammit!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:52 AM · Aug 05, 2021 Permalink
We come in too late, Milly wants to rush to the rescue, Sagi has a brilliant plan. We of course ignore all that to go poke around.
I like the “if we do that we’ll need rescuing so let’s make sure we need rescuing” logic here.
Sagi: “Wait, Milly. We’re outnumbered. If we go running in there somebody will have to rescue US.” Sagi: “Why fight a losing battle when we can just get caught instead?”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:53 AM · Aug 05, 2021 Permalink
Look who’s here and ALREADY unpleasant to strangers!
Reblys: “What do you want? There’s nothing to see here.” Reblys: “Get lost, outsiders! And take those Empire scum with you!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:55 AM · Aug 05, 2021 Permalink
If you wanted more Salty Bed Facts, Nashira’s got you covered. Ew.
Inspection text: “This bed, true to its fishing-village surroundings, has been stuffed with hypoallergenic aquatic algae.” Inspection text: “The dried algae stuffing in this mattress wicks away sweat all night long. It’s also edible in emergencies.” Sagi: “Sooo, does that mean it’s on the salty side?”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:59 AM · Aug 05, 2021 Permalink
Close enough to Murex snails (give Tyrian purple).
I’ve mentioned before (in this very room in EW), it’s nice seeing craft stuff being referenced enough to make sense. The castle wheel is correct, the chair is a spinning chair, the bobbins are a Japanese style I’ve seen before.
Inspection text: “Fibers dyed with cancerite shells are being spun into thread here.” Inspection text: “Shells have been ground down to a paste and added to this solution, giving it a vibrant purple hue.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 01:02 AM · Aug 05, 2021 Permalink
Right, the plot.
If we run into random soldiers, we just fight them. We have to “get caught in the right spot”.
We get taken through the storehouse and up to a docked ship that doesn’t look like it held all those armored vehicles...
Sagi: “All right, let’s get caught on purpose so we can meet up with King Ladekahn.” Empire Soldier: “They must be with the other two. Hmph. At least THIS bunch had the good sense to come quietly!” The party being escorted up a staircase through a warehouse packed with soldiers. The party being taken along a dock to a waiting ship.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 01:06 AM · Aug 05, 2021 Permalink
(We now enter an area of blanket warnings for so. many. ableist. insults. Mostly friendly shittalking but still, lots of them)
Our brilliant plan is being judged harshly, but it worked. Except we’re disarmed. Hm.
Empire Soldier: “Move it! You three can join the fun in here. Hand over any magnus.” Ladekahn: “Apparently we weren’t the only ones dumb enough to get locked up, huh, Gib?” Gibari: “Seems that way. Who are they, though? I don’t know their faces.” Sagi: “My name is Sagi. I’ve come from Alfard on Quaestor Verus’ business.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 01:10 AM · Aug 05, 2021 Permalink
Fade to black instead of a renewed lore dump, and it’s back to the problem at hand.
Gibari might need an explainer of what “sneak” means. No, not smash.
Ladekahn: “I understand your situation. But I can’t do anything about it as long as I’m in here.” Ladekahn: “All right, so how are we going to sneak out of here?” Gibari: “I know! Why don’t we all rush the door at once?” Gibari: “You know, on three? One, two, three, SLAM!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 01:14 AM · Aug 05, 2021 Permalink
Enter convenient plot device in a puff of smoke, with exactly as much explanation as Palolo III in EW i.e. none whatsoever.
(Got a lowish voice and gets called “boy” by Guillo later, ambiguous as the portrait may look to Western eyes)
Youth, offscreen: “Man! What is it with these half-baked, muscle-bound morons, anyway?” Gibari: “Moron?! Who’s up there! Come out and show yourself!” Youth, offscreen: “Hey! Keep it down, already. You bellow like that and the Empire grunts’ll be here in droves.” Youth: “Palolo II, at your service and stuff.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 01:17 AM · Aug 05, 2021 Permalink
I THINK Gibari and him have baggage, somehow.
The pretentious tone with which you’ll be tempted to read that second screenshot is exactly the delivery that happens. Good stuff.
Palolo: “Hey now, don’t get all hot and bothered, Gibster. Who put the crab in your pants?” Palolo: “King Ladekahn has expressed his desire to leave this place.” Palolo: “If you call yourself a knight, try using your head on something besides the door.” Gibari: “Not-not all of us know how to do your sneaky little disappearing act, smart-ass!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 01:20 AM · Aug 05, 2021 Permalink
Palolo unlocks the door because he’s a walking Rogue archetype, and from there it’s planning time. Let’s again ignore that people have wings.
Palolo: “There. Door’s open.” Ladekahn: “Now that we’re out, I know just how to handle the rest.” Ladekahn: “To get out of Nashira, we have to go through the storehouse. Right, Gib?”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 01:23 AM · Aug 05, 2021 Permalink
I guess the... glubberfish? left way for sea bream over time because that sure isn’t a thing in EW.
Just. So many good lines.
Also Gibari cannot count but is this a riff on how a single model often represents a group, I CANNOT TELL
Gibari: “This time of year it’s supposed to be filled with glubberfish.” Gibari: “But instead, it’s just full of those Empire jerks. What a letdown.” Ladekahn: “Yeah. Our problem is those soldiers. Gib, do you remember how many there were?” Gibari: “Hm? Oh, uh... Well, there must’ve been thirty, at least?”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 01:25 AM · Aug 05, 2021 Permalink
Palolo is very rude.
At this point I was frankly confused about how accurate information was going to help, but it’ll end up “making sense”.
Gibari: “Yeah, I’m sure of it. That was the number, for sure!” Palolo: “Dude, your problem isn’t just your memory. That storehouse can’t even HOLD thirty people.” Ladekahn: “We could catch them off guard if we were sure of their numbers.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 01:28 AM · Aug 05, 2021 Permalink
We get blurry “memory views” from Guillo and Milly, but I got screenshots, hah. Gonna have to take this again see what happens if I get the numbers wrong.
I love that Gibari’s absurd guess is even an option.
Ladekahn: “I need good, solid information to come up with the best plan. Accuracy is critical.” Ladekahn: “All right, do you remember [red text] how many soldiers were on the second floor of the storehouse [end red text]?” Sagi: “I’m pretty sure I saw three soldiers.” Ladekahn: “Next, tell me [red text] how many soldiers were below, on the first floor of the storehouse [end red text].”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 01:30 AM · Aug 05, 2021 Permalink
Plan execution time! We don’t get to HEAR the plan ahead of time so we just have to trust them.
Milly, that’s rich coming from you, considering how often you pick fights with Guillo.
Ladekahn: “OK, the storehouse is just ahead. Gib, Palolo, you know what to do.” Gibari: “Palolo! Try not to get in the way.” Palolo: “That’s my line. You just be ready to move when the king tells you to, dimwit!” Milly: “Ugh... I hope we can trust these kids to get us out of here.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 01:31 AM · Aug 05, 2021 Permalink
(And on this cliffhanger I’m going the hell to bed. Second half tomorrow. So. Much. Dialog.)
Lia @liareplaysbk · 08:33 AM · Aug 05, 2021 Permalink
Forgot to point out that Sagi‘s reply here suggests the “inspection text” is diegetic somehow, in which case who is talking (the Spirit?) and how do they know all this?
Profile picture for user Lia
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:55 AM · Aug 05, 2021 Go
If you wanted more Salty Bed Facts, Nashira’s got you covered. Ew.
Inspection text: “This bed, true to its fishing-village surroundings, has been stuffed with hypoallergenic aquatic algae.” Inspection text: “The dried algae stuffing in this mattress wicks away sweat all night long. It’s also edible in emergencies.” Sagi: “Sooo, does that mean it’s on the salty side?”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:04 AM · Aug 05, 2021 Permalink
The scene after that is a lot of clunky puppet theater. Apparently having the correct numbers was enough for Ladekahn to anticipate exactly where everyone was going to be, allowing Palolo and Gibari to coordinate kicks and barrel-tossing to take everyone out without a hitch.
Ladekahn: “Okay, great! It’s just like we talked about.” An Imperial soldier rushing Gibari and Palolo who have freshly fallen another two soldiers. Ladekahn: “Right on time. This is what we planned for! Gib, do your thing!” A barrel rolling down the stairs at incoming soldiers.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:07 AM · Aug 05, 2021 Permalink
Sure, just whip out a witty retort and slide down the railing to kick heavily armed soldiers down, this is reasonable
Empire Soldier: “These kids are fierce! Fall back, fall back!” Palolo: “I think you mean “fall flat!” Eat my feet!” Palolo twistint in the air, having kicked Imperial soldiers in the chest.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:09 AM · Aug 05, 2021 Permalink
The soldier goes to activate the defense drones and doesn’t quite get there.
Guess the king’s a mastermind despite all previous evidence to the contrary.
Gibari: “Kahn sure called this one.” Empire Soldier: “What do you mean?!” Gibari, as the camera pans up to reveal Ladekahn next to a barrel above the soldier: “I MEAN... a barrel’s about to fall on your head.” The soldier sprawled on the floor next to a fallen barrel.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:11 AM · Aug 05, 2021 Permalink
We can then inspect the KO’d soldiers for extra flavor text.
Inspection text: “Gibari’s drop kick must have knocked this soldier’s wits to the next continent.” Gibari: “How’s THAT? The Amazing Gibari’s Super-Duper Drop Kick never fails! Want me to teach you?” Palolo: “Only you could come up with a move that looks AND sounds that dumb.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:12 AM · Aug 05, 2021 Permalink
If there’s one thing the murderpuppet appreciates, it’s fighting skills.
Inspection text: “Palolo’s tackle seems to have put this soldier into a light coma.” Guillo: “Right in the solar plexus. The boy has excellent form.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:14 AM · Aug 05, 2021 Permalink
No comment.
Inspection text: “The soldier Gibari’s barrel hit lies sprawled here, ready to roll down the stairs at any moment.” Guillo: “Who throws barrels at people?” Guillo: “What are you, some giant monkey who’s made off with a pretty wench?”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:16 AM · Aug 05, 2021 Permalink
Here’s the “makes sense I guess” justification for Ladekahn’s Sherlock-like planning abilities: Imperial soldiers are poorly trained and predictable. I GUESS
Inspection text: “This poor soldier lies in a heap after being beaned with a barrel from above.” Gibari: “I can’t believe they acted exactly like you said, Kahn.” Ladekahn: “Further evidence that poorly trained soldiers only act in a limited set of simple patterns.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:19 AM · Aug 05, 2021 Permalink
I am pretty sure that using the eye laser on things full of fuel would indeed be bad.
Sagi doesn’t answer Gibari’s question, but this suggest the Empire was ALREADY established as brutes a good while back.
Sagi: “These are the Empire’s armored cars! They really don’t want us leaving, do they?” Guillo, eyes glowing red: “Should I... lay waste to them?” Sagi: “No! You’ll just wind up laying waste to Nashira in the process.” Gibari: “Hey! I like the way you think! You sure you’re from the Empire?”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:21 AM · Aug 05, 2021 Permalink
Secret tunnel time again (or already depending how you look at it). Gibari has one solution for all problems.
Gibari: “OK, let’s use the secret passage in the pub.” Palolo: “Um, hello? See the front of the pub? There’s a whole slew of ugly mugs waiting outside.” Gibari: “Oh, um... Well, I was gonna... you know...” Gibari: “One-two-three-SLAM?”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:25 AM · Aug 05, 2021 Permalink
The people in the house are a chance to establish that Ladekahn and Gibari are respected and liked.
It’s a fun arc from “apparent complete disasters” to “weirdly competent in combat” to “oh, wait, they do know what they’re doing, ish”.
Old woman: “Ohh, the glubberfish! Our livelihood!” Ladekahn: “Madam, you have my word. I’ll have the Empire out in time for the season’s catch.” Old woman: “Oh, King Ladekahn! Such words do this old woman’s heart more good than you could know!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:27 AM · Aug 05, 2021 Permalink
It’s not clearly established until then that Gibari /is/ with the Knights, I think?
Villager: “So Diadem’s forces have arrived!” Gibari: “Sorry, but not quite. It’s just us at the moment.” Gibari: “But we’ll be right back with a whole pack of soldiers to kick the Empire out! Just hang tight!” Villager: “You’ve gotten so reliable since you left the village to join the Knights. We’re depending on you!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:29 AM · Aug 05, 2021 Permalink
Reblys is up in the rafters to lay on another pass of “Gibari’s really not bright”
Gibari: “Reblys! What the heck are you doing here?!” Reblys: “The secret passage. Don’t you remember anything?” Gibari: “Ahh! Right, the secret passage! ...What secret passage?”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:31 AM · Aug 05, 2021 Permalink
Is that what the kids call a “himbo”
Reblys: “It heard there was trouble in the pub, and I would’ve gone... but...” Reblys: “This calls for brute strength. That’s the one area you have me beat, Gibari.” Gibari: “Got it! ...Ok, I don’t get it. But leave it to me!” Reblys: “The secret passage is just above. You can climb up that column. Good luck.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:50 AM · Aug 05, 2021 Permalink
Via the rafters, we get into the next house and some drama in the back room.
Gibari does his thing again and kicks the soldiers so hard they, er, go through the wall?
Two soldiers threatening villagers and their fluffpups. Ladekahn: “You invade and plunder my kingdom... and you dare to do it right in front of me!” Gibari, flying through the air feet-first: “Urryahhh!” Gibari: “Bastard! Where’d he go! He’s not getting away!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:53 AM · Aug 05, 2021 Permalink
Yup, they went through the wall and smashed a hole into the pub.
Another familiar face is there and none too happy about it.
Palolo: “I swear, he’s got biceps for brains.” Girl: “Look what you’ve done, you ape! You just smashed a hole in our wall!” Gibari, facing the group that just came in through the wall: “What’d I tell you? One-two-three-suhhhhLAM!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:58 AM · Aug 05, 2021 Permalink
BKO I’d like you to stop being weird about children for just a bit.
That aside, I love how Anna is written even as a kid.
Girl: “Gibari! I’m talking to you!” Palolo: “Give it up, Anna. This one’s a little dull when it comes to the ladies.” Gibari: “Oops! Almost forgot. Anna! We have to leave town. They didn’t find the tunnel, did they?” Anna: “Of course not! See if I let Imperial soldiers set foot into MY pub!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:00 AM · Aug 05, 2021 Permalink
Ladekahn and Gibari jump down into the tunnel, Palolo disappears after telling Anna to not fall for such a fool, and we’re left to poke around.
Inspection text: “These soldiers are out cold. You see telltale foot-shaped bruises...” Guillo: “Vicious... An oliphant on the rampage wouldn’t leave marks like these.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:02 AM · Aug 05, 2021 Permalink
Does she... own the place? What is the story here? Why couldn’t we get a questionable novelization about THAT
Anna: “You’re Gibari’s new friends, right? Come by for a drink sometime.” Anna: “Of course, I’m not serving alcohol to any kids! Tee hee...” Sagi: “Aren’t YOU a kid?”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:04 AM · Aug 05, 2021 Permalink
Storytelling via items, “Gibari direly needs a book on medical basics but is too dull to benefit from it” edition.
Anna: “Oh, hey, I wanted to give this to Gibari, but, you know...” Anna: “Well, you saw what he did! I’m not giving that pub-smashing primate anything! You keep it.” Anna: “Sure I’m sure. I bought it ‘cause Gibari is always pulling one reckless stunt or another.” Textbox: “Obtained the magna essence Basic Medical Primer!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:05 AM · Aug 05, 2021 Permalink
And that was IT, after that I went outside to go get the last treasure and hit the savepoint again.
Next time: secret tunnel, back to Sheliak, more trouble? We’ll see.