Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:35 PM · Aug 11, 2021 Permalink
Got about a zillion things to do IRL so today was just a short bout of side quest cleanup. This kind of stuff.
Sheltered Girl: “I’m tired of the everyday. What I really need is something to give my life a good [red text] jolt [end red text].”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:40 PM · Aug 11, 2021 Permalink
Also went to upgrade a couple things and had mail from Lyuvann, who would definitely need to go get lost in the desert if his continued existence wasn’t a prerequisite for poor Lyude.
“Comrade in justice”. Tsk. What an awful, awful man.
White text on black: “You did a splendid job with the investigation in Azha. Quaestor Verus must be proud.” White text on black: “I am ashamed to say it, but injuries I sustained during that riot have prevented me from returning home.” White text on black: “It is discouraging to think I must remain in this village of thieves, but I have little choice at the moment.” White text on black: “A comrade in justice, Lyuvann”