Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:51 PM · Aug 08, 2021 Permalink
Today: giving stuff to Almarde, starting shit with Camilla, and yanking out a duckling 3D model ‘cause why the heck not.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:55 PM · Aug 08, 2021 Permalink
First off, I got questions about Almarde’s priorities. This guy’s been a victim of a kid thinking rocks make fun noises when thrown down the well, but sure, let’s focus on the Imperial with back pain.
Villager: “Something fell again... I’m bleeding...! Bleeding!! D-Dammit! What’s going on...?!” Child: “That old guy in bed was complaining about back pain!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:57 PM · Aug 08, 2021 Permalink
That one kit will apparently help several people, so that’s great.
Next we need snow and “don’t ask what it’s for”. In unrelated news Lyuvann’s got a fever.
Almarde: “Well? Did you find any [blue text] medical supplies [end blue text]?” Almarde: “Actually, there’s one other thing I’d like your help with...” Almarde: “I want you to get some... Some [blue text] sparkling snow [end blue text].”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:00 AM · Aug 09, 2021 Permalink
We hoof it back to the desert to buy some overpriced snow and bring that back.
Not much of a redemption arc here. Alma, girl, you can do so much better
Almarde: “Thank you. I hope this will help lower his fever some...” Milly, looking shocked: “Alma! So you really are worried about that ogre?!” Almarde: “W-well, yes, of course I am! He’s been injured—it’s only natural to worry...” Lyuvann: “You, huh... I’m not proud of that last scene...”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:04 AM · Aug 09, 2021 Permalink
That gives us a shiny new quest magnus, somehow, which we can use to go start shit.
(Yes the quest list screenshot is out of order, hush)
Quest Magnus menu, focused on the Paramours’ Secret: “Secret lovey-dovey-type whisperings between a certain man and woman. Wouldn’t want this to get out—but if you’re keen on hearing it, you might also be keen on scoring extra spoils in battle.” Quest List UI, focused on “Is my husband unfaithful?!”: “Just what is Lyuvann thinking? It’s been FOREVER since he went into the field. This has NEVER happened before. What if some young strumpet is working her charms on him AS WE SPEAK? Grrrrrrrrrrrr...” Housekeeper: “If I could get some proof and rub it in the missus’ face, I’d finally feel like we were even.” Camilla: “Don’t tell me he’s off fraternizing with some YOUNG GIRL...”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:05 AM · Aug 09, 2021 Permalink
(Almarde please the guy hit you in the face and was ordered to brutalize all of Azha THIS IS A BAD IDEA)
Lyuvann: “Almarde... Let me gaze upon your face, a face filled with kindness...” Lyuvann: “It’s all right, Almarde. Forgive me... Please accept my apology...” Lyuvann: “And my love.” Almarde: “I do! I love you, too!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:08 AM · Aug 09, 2021 Permalink
My god, Skeed, how can you be so young and already such a piece of shit
Camilla, having collapsed: “W-Who is this ALMARDE person?!”
Skeed: “Mother!!”
Vallye: “Mother?!” Skeed: “Mother, get ahold of yourself!! We are the proud citizens of Alfard!” Skeed: “We mustn’t be deceived by some suspicious magnus this lowborn was carrying!” Vallye: “Father can’t possibly be so vulgar a man as that! So please, pull yourself together!!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:10 AM · Aug 09, 2021 Permalink
The housekeeper is laughing her ass off, and Camilla’s now prostrated looping that lecture from her children.
We’ll be back in a bit see if there’re more to this, but I doubt it!
Housekeeper: “Ahh, I feel great. Thank you. Now I can quit with no regrets.” Camilla: “This Almarde woman... J-Just WHO IS SHE??”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:16 AM · Aug 09, 2021 Permalink
Scrolling around the quest list, however, made me notice that a lot of those had FLAVOR.
“The gripes of wrath”, sigh.
“What is the elder doing with a secretary”, huh huh.
And... “Don’t you dare bring me a rockfly corpse”?
Darn, if only I had 35 stagger saves to go back and test.
Quest List menu, focused on “The gripes of wrath”: “Aaaaaargh! I can’t take it anymore! The snarky wife, the husband that never comes home, all this stupid housework... Aren’t there any good listeners left in the world?! I need to RANT!” Quest List menu, focused on “Rescue the secretary”: “Oh no, the elder’s secretary has gone missing! Wait, what is the elder doing with a secretary?! Anyway, she’s probably near the elder, wherever he is.” Quest List menu, focused on “Celebrity needs”: “Celebrities like me eau [sic] it to ourselves to stay beautiful. We need a certain fragrance, thank you very mouche [sic]. The one in Azha—do I have to spell it out for you?! And don’t you dare bring me a rockfly corpse!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:19 AM · Aug 09, 2021 Permalink
Guess who has two thumbs and 35 stagger saves to go back and test
Celeb Lady: “Aaaah! You there! Do you know about the [blue text] eau de mouche [end blue text] found exclusively in Azha?” Celeb Lady: “Please! You simply MUST bring me some, darling! Quickly! I’m seriously entreating you here!” Sagi: “Did we have something to give her?” over the open Quest Magnus dialog, focused on a Rockfly Corpse.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:21 AM · Aug 09, 2021 Permalink
Knew it. Perfect. Love it.
This is such a good Sagi portrait.
Celeb Lady: “Aieeeee!! What IS this? What are you thinking?” Sagi: “Well, you see, this rockfly is used to make eau de mouche...” Celeb Lady: “What possible reason could you have for brandishing such FILTH unless you meant to insult me?!” Celeb Lady: “You’re disgusting, darling! Lowest of the low!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:22 AM · Aug 09, 2021 Permalink
And after that I fired up Renderdoc so I’ll leave you with a duck beak texture that looks like a shitpost
Renderdoc input texture close-up, showing a yellow texture with a black line and dot. It kinda looks like a weird face.