Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:07 PM · Aug 06, 2021 Permalink
This time we’re jumping down into the secret tunnel. Guessing it’s back to Sheliak from there? We’ll see!
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:32 PM · Aug 06, 2021 Permalink
Nope, there’s an invisible wall on the island map and we have to go through the Cloud Passage AGAIN. Rude.
Diadem island map, Sagi on the marker for West Cloud Passage. Milly: “Looks like we’ve eluded them.” Guillo, eyes glowing blue: “Don’t get careless. The havoc we wreaked ought to warrant at least a pursuer or two.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:35 PM · Aug 06, 2021 Permalink
Young Ladekahn might be a somewhat reckless terror of a teenager, but the sense of duty’s already there. Back through the passage and to Elnath, then.
Boy I don’t envy the French fanloc having to pick between “tu” and “vous” in all this dialog.
Ladekahn: “I need to mobilize the Knights of Diadem as swiftly as possible.” Ladekahn: “I won’t let the Empire do as they please with my kingdom!” Sagi: “We’ll accompany you to Elnath, Your Majesty.” Ladekahn: “Thank you. We can talk more about Quaestor Verus’s proposal at the castle.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:52 PM · Aug 06, 2021 Permalink
The voicework is perfect, I definitely want to throw him off the cloudpath.
Also this game’s version of Chaotic Dance is even worse than the original, don’t @ me
Giacomo: “I hear you made quite the stink in Nashira. Nervy little sneak.” Milly, looking annoyed: “Again? Didn’t you learn anything from the stomping we gave you in Mintaka? Please—step aside.” Giacomo: “Silence! This time I will win! Prepare to die, Sagi!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:05 AM · Aug 07, 2021 Permalink
We of course win, Milly is smug, the jerk limps away. Sagi, you’re being awfully optimistic.
Is that why Giacomo ends up so jacked in EW? Got his ass kicked too much and decided NEVER AGAIN?
Milly: “Oops, we beat him again.” Giacomo: “Curses! Why am I not strong enough to beat them?” Giacomo limping away, escorted by two Dark Servicemen. Sagi: “That’s OK. I’m sure he learned his lesson this time.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:12 AM · Aug 07, 2021 Permalink
The... cavalry? shows up down below. Rambari’s tone here is not concerned so much as concerning, he’s worried AND pissed off.
Guillo: “Sagi, something’s coming.” Rambari: “King Ladekahn! Don’t budge an inch! I’ll be right there!” Rambari: “Faster, Celsica! If we let the king get away again... Oh, let’s not even talk about that.” Celsica: “Y-Yessir! I’ll go faster! I’ll try to go faster, sir!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:16 AM · Aug 07, 2021 Permalink
We’ll pretend that the implication is getting grounded and not something way more ominous
Ladekahn: “Yipes... it’s Uncle Ram.” Gibari: “Look, Kahn—he’s doing that chin-stroking thing.” Gibari: “Pop’s lethal when he starts doing that.” Ladekahn: “Don’t tell me these things, Gib.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:22 AM · Aug 07, 2021 Permalink
Ladekahn and Gibari go down the nearest cloudspout (actually a dead-end to the cloud-making school) to go home alone. That can’t be safe.
And Palolo goes poof, as he does. I do hope we see him again, he’s fun.
Ladekahn: “Sorry, but I’d better make my exit while I’ve got the chance. I’ll see you at Elnath, Sagi!” Palolo: “Someone’s in a royal rush.” Palolo: “Well, I think I’ll be heading back to my hideout.” Palolo: “Who knows, maybe we’ll meet again. Farewell for now!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:31 AM · Aug 07, 2021 Permalink
Oh no, how unexpected, the baddies made it to the important place while we were away? Who could have foretold this
Rambari: “Argh! Why can’t he sit still! Where does he think he’s going at a time like this?” Milly: “Just fo back to Elnath and you can see him! He said he’s go straight there.” Rambari: “You don’t understand. I’m worked up for a reason!” Rambari: “It’s just like you said, Sagi. Baelheit’s men have started something at the Cloudvents!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:35 AM · Aug 07, 2021 Permalink
Beautifully diegetic bullshit reason for us having to walk.
Rambari: “Sagi, I must hurry back to Elnath. Please join me as soon as you can.” Milly: “Sir Rambari, would you mind giving us a ride in that boat of yours?” Rambari: “It’s considered back luck to allow anyone other than knights on the boats. You’ll have to walk back.” Milly, after Rambari and Celsica have left: “Ex...cuse me? Him and his old wives’ tales.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:39 AM · Aug 07, 2021 Permalink
Guillo blesses us with one more questionable animal metaphor, this time about Kahn and Gib’s unruly behavior, and... we do NOT have to walk, we get bounced back to the map. Good.
Guillo: “A prancer wouldn’t act that wild if you gave it an open feedbag.” Diadem island map.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:41 AM · Aug 07, 2021 Permalink
We of course proceed to get distracted and check on things. No changes to dialog in Sheliak but I had missed this thing.
(We do not get further details on the traumatized Greythorne)
Inspection text: “Gossip magazines have been stacked here. The missus must enjoy reading them.” Milly: “Greythorne Witnesses Terror!” “Ice Witches: an Eyewitness Account!” Milly: “Friendship Below the Taintclouds”? Milly: “Each one is shadier than the next, but I am a bit interested...”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:44 AM · Aug 07, 2021 Permalink
Also, we got mail.
(If you’ve ever been exposed to young kids learning to write: Yup. Spot on.)
White text on black: “SaGi Tik SaGi saGiSaGisaGiSa SaGisaGi SaGi TiK” White text on black: “Dear Sagi, This is Mom.” White text on black: “Tik insisted on writing you a letter. He’s still learning.” White text on black: “Right now he can only write your name and his, but he’s really giving it his all.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:46 AM · Aug 07, 2021 Permalink
We also have spam and DAMNIT SAGI GROW A BRAIN
White text on black: “***** IMPORTANT ***** GREAT NEWS for you Dark Servicemen out there!” White text on black: “No Dark Serviceman worth his rock salt goes anywhere without his trusty PARAMACHINA!” White text on black: “That’s why you need special SUPER-GOOP (RM) high-concentration machina oil!” Sagi: “Do you think Guillo is OK without any SUPER-GOOP?”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:48 AM · Aug 07, 2021 Permalink
After which the Thornflowers I was holding have aged into Nectar, letting me do some mixing and get the much-coveted Medic kit.
Next time: we finally give that to Almarde. Serves Lyuvann right to have been in pain this long, at least.
Mix Recipes menu, focused on the Medic Kit: “A small box filled with antiseptic and bandages. Keep this handy and you’ll be prepared for anything. Or at least keep that attitude, so enemies will have a harder time knocking you off your feet.”