Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:38 PM · Aug 16, 2021 Permalink
Today we poke around all of Diadem looking for new dialog. Shouldn’t take long, right...?
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:01 PM · Aug 16, 2021 Permalink
Oh geez okay you can give the mirror back to either Ladekahn directly or to Gibari. FINE, WE’LL BE HERE A WHILE I GUESS
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:34 PM · Aug 16, 2021 Permalink
Odds and ends first.
Sheliak’s infirmary has a great quest magnus for us but mostly some truly bizarre writing for sneezing.
Aquila: “Hey, feeling any b— Guffaapfft, hackweezpth!” Kaya: “Stop, Aquila, you’ll make the travelers si— Hackaptooey, blaphghght!” Sagi, smiling: “Bless you...” Textbox: “Obtained the magna essence [blue text] Fluella Cooties [end blue text]!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:36 PM · Aug 16, 2021 Permalink
It also turns out there IS a way up to that balcony where someone was dancing, so I’ll have to reload a save see if there’s anything there earlier. Right now it’s just some fancy architectural flavor.
Sagi standing at the edge of a building. Sagi hidden by the building, a wing icon displaying. Inspection text: “This tile has been accented with seashells which refract the light into a brilliant rainbow.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:38 PM · Aug 16, 2021 Permalink
That’s a no with extra salt.
Dancing man: “Mmmm?! You’re pretty good to have made it all the way up here.” Dancing man: “I’ll give you the honor of seeing my dance up close! Consider yourself lucky!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:41 PM · Aug 16, 2021 Permalink
The overall mood in the town and castle is sadness, anger, vowing revenge on the Empire and either worrying or looking forward to war.
Atop the castle in the training grounds is the memorial service, suggesting some time has passed.
Inspection text: “The swords carried by Rambari and Celsica have been thrust into the ground.” Inspection text: “Epitaphs written by Ladekahn and the other knights have been engraved upon the blades.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:42 PM · Aug 16, 2021 Permalink
It’s... a bit irksome how the sadness about Rambari is “He was so dutiful and skilled” when the sadness about Celsica is “I loved her so much”. Oh well.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:45 PM · Aug 16, 2021 Permalink
One knight has some history for us. The Empire just... really has something against Diadem. If Rambari was leading the fight this can’t have been more than two-three decades ago.
Also what ascendancy issues TELL ME MORE, GAME
Knight: “It’s ancient history now, but once, the previous king left Diadem with most of the knights in tow.” Knight: “During his absence, the Empire invaded.” Knight: “The king left the ascendancy issues in Sadal Suud unresolved, and hurried back to his kingdom.” Knight: “What he saw when he arrived was Rambari, holding his ground against over 100 of the Empire’s soldiers.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:48 PM · Aug 16, 2021 Permalink
We also have more hate mail from Giacomo, and spam from the tourism office
White text on black: “DIADEM: Kick Back in a Kingdom! Enjoy four days of vacation fun in Diadem with your own expert guide!” White text on black: “Take a commemorative photo of the famous changing of the guard in the castle town of Sheliak!” White text on black: “For more information, contact the Diadem Travel Bureau.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:51 PM · Aug 16, 2021 Permalink
Also some hint that Gibari is Not Okay.
Off to Nashira! He’s definitely not.
Child: “I spotted Gibari on his way back to Nashira while I was walking along the Cloud Passage.” Child: “I couldn’t say for sure ‘cause he was so far away, but it looked like he was crying...” Anna: “Gibari has been sitting there just festering this whole time.” Anna: “When I ask him what’s wrong, all I get back is “Nothing.” It’s completely unlike him.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:53 PM · Aug 16, 2021 Permalink
That friendship is off to such a great start
Reblys: “Look at that hole... Those imperial bastards! I can’t believe they trashed Anna’s bar!” Milly: “A-Actually, that was Gibari.” Reblys: “WHAT?!” Reblys: “... Dammit! I guess I was an idiot for leaving it to him in the first place.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:54 PM · Aug 16, 2021 Permalink
Look but more importantly than a chunk of wall HE TRASHED A SPINNING WHEEL THAT IS NOT OKAY. Gib, do you have any idea how expensive the damn things even are.
Inspection text: “This battered wreck was a spinning wheel in a previous life.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:56 PM · Aug 16, 2021 Permalink
We also have an old woman being weird about a teenager again, and a kid teaching us absolutely nothing.
Old woman: “Gibari is a regular chip off the old block. He’s every bit as dashing as Rambari.” Child: “Psst, do you want to know a secret? Reblys likes Anna!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:58 PM · Aug 16, 2021 Permalink
Otherwise the village looks much as it did, the Imperials didn’t even clean up their comatose comrades. What a mess.
The villagers are... a bit optimistic, since all the knights are off in the Cloudvents trying to flush the invaders out, or defending Sheliak.
Nashira village, still crawling with Imperial armored cars and soldiers. The warehouse, still full of knocked-out soldiers. Villager: “I know... I just know the king will be here with the knights to save this village.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:01 AM · Aug 17, 2021 Permalink
If we go to Gibari, we get some definitely 100% honest lines...
Gibari: “Me? I’m doing all right. I was always more cut out for fishing anyway, aha ha!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:05 AM · Aug 17, 2021 Permalink
And now there’s a branch. If we talk to Gibari FIRST, we get this and can give him the mirror.
Gibari: “Huh? What’s that you’ve got in your hand?” Gibari: “Whoa, that’s the [blue text] royal mirror [end blue text] I lost! But how did you guys get it?!” Sagi: “I found it at the Lesser Celestial River. It’s important, right? Here, take it.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:07 AM · Aug 17, 2021 Permalink
If we tab out of the quest magnus selection when he asks what’s in our hand, we get this instead and can just repeat the conversation.
Must have pretty sharp eyes to spot a magnusified mirror.
Gibari: “No, I guess not... There’s no way you’d have that.” Gibari: “I-It’s nothing. Just talking to myself.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:08 AM · Aug 17, 2021 Permalink
If we do give the mirror, he emphasizes once again how important the thing is. Hm, wonder what Ladekahn will say then.
Gibari: “Yeah, it’s real important to Kahn.” Gibari: “So I dropped it that time...” Gibari: “Thanks. You guys are life-savers.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:11 AM · Aug 17, 2021 Permalink
Oh nooooooo Gibari why are you so... not bright
Ladekahn: “Ahh, Sagi! Thanks for coming. I’d been wanting to thank you for a while.” Ladekahn: “Gib returned the [blue text] royal mirror [end blue text] to me. You were the one who got it back to him, weren’t you?” Ladekahn: “Silly Gib was so happy to give it back, he made a huge scene.” Ladekahn: “But I think he misunderstood. It’s not like I removed him from the knighthood because of the mirror...”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:12 AM · Aug 17, 2021 Permalink
After which we have this sentence. Take note, ‘cause that’s where the other branch will join.
Ladekahn: “I hope he’ll understand that someday. I trust he will...”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:15 AM · Aug 17, 2021 Permalink
If we instead go to Ladekahn first, we can’t talk to him until we give the mirror back.
Sagi, on top of the open quest magnus UI: “Now that I think of it, we’re still holding on to the [blue text] royal mirror [end blue text]. Shall we give it back to Ladekahn?” Ladekahn: “Huh? That’s the [blue text] royal mirror [end blue text]! So you had it...” Sagi: “Yes, I found it at the Lesser Celestial River.” Ladekahn, sad: “I see... Then that means Gib...”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:17 AM · Aug 17, 2021 Permalink
Ladekahn, sad: “My mother gave this to me. I’m glad to have it back!” Ladekahn, sad: “I loaned this to Gib because I trust him so much.” Ladekahn, sad: “I even forgave him when he lost it. I don’t think I could’ve done that for someone else...” Ladekahn, sad: “I’m sorry, I was just thinking out loud...”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:20 AM · Aug 17, 2021 Permalink
And the branch joins the other again.
Ladekahn, sad: “In any case! I’m happy to see it again. Thank you, Sagi.” Ladekahn: “Gib seems to think I’m mad at him for losing it...” Ladekahn: “But it’s not like that. I hope he’ll understand someday. I trust he will...” Ladekahn: “Hey, Sagi. If you’re in the neighborhood of Nashira, would you check up on him for me?”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:23 AM · Aug 17, 2021 Permalink
If we go back to Nashira at that point, Gibari just repeats his “I’M OKAY I SWEAR” without anything else (yet?).
And Ladekahn just loops on this. Maybe there’s more to this plotline later? We’ll see.
Ladekahn, sad: “We’re doing our best here. We can’t let promachination go unchallenged...” Ladekahn, sad: “And Uncle Ram and Celsica... I can’t dishonor their memory by just sitting around.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:25 AM · Aug 17, 2021 Permalink
And on a bit of “Hey can someone with an American Gamecube tell me if that blue line on the right is there on actual hardware”, we close up for today because the Cloudvents are being a PITA. We’ll go check the temple again next time.
A section of the Cloudvents, with a pure blue line on the right edge of the screen.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:26 AM · Aug 17, 2021 Permalink
I’m not sure which version of the mirror thing I want to make “canonical” in my playthrough. Probably giving it to Ladekahn, that makes more sense, but the idea of poor Gib running back thinking THAT was the problem... My poor heartstrings.