Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:27 PM · Aug 21, 2021 Permalink
Back to Pherkad! We haven’t seen what Sagi’s bad wanted poster looks like yet and I am HYPED.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:50 PM · Aug 21, 2021 Permalink
Heh, the “What were you thinking” after the kids’ scene gets passed on to Milly if she’s come back. Sooooo much branching.
Milly: “What were you thinking, dingbat! You almost caused a huge scene.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:52 PM · Aug 21, 2021 Permalink
Oh and you can juuuust avoid the hitbox when leaving the docks, causing Milly to leave before commenting on Guillo’s poster...
(Yes, I’m still testing weird combinations of events order see what happens)
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:55 PM · Aug 21, 2021 Permalink
That just makes it trigger when you reenter the screen instead, and Milly is there in the convo even if she hasn’t come back yet. Small scripting oversight or - more likely - slightly too small collision volume.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:02 PM · Aug 21, 2021 Permalink
As for the triggers for the groups blocking the way, those are tested when you enter a screen, and the numbers seem to be:
- 2 for the shop;
- 3 for the bar;
- 4 for the lord’s residence;
- 5 for the kids.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:14 PM · Aug 21, 2021 Permalink
I had missed Milly’s reply somehow, I think only Sagi’s lines displayed? Weird.
Either way yes the glubberfish pun must be just as awful in the original Japanese, then.
Laughing person: “Y-You’ve got to stop! You’re killing me here.” Sagi: “What the heck are they talking about, I wonder?” Milly: “I’m sure it’s something EXTREMELY stupid.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:29 PM · Aug 21, 2021 Permalink
There are also hints peppered around town that there’s trouble brewing in Nunki Valley. Lots of emphasis on it being forested, too, which... I don’t think is the case in EW?
Old man: “Have y’all ever been out to Nunki Valley?” Old man: “One of my friends just loves the forest there.” Old man: “She was worried ‘cause some imperial soldiers were makin’ trouble there before...”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:31 PM · Aug 21, 2021 Permalink
Speaking of things that have changed in EW...
Woman: “I swear, one of these days, I’m going to run the well dry doing all this laundry.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:34 PM · Aug 21, 2021 Permalink
My main save had collected enough posters to chase the group blocking the path to the lord’s residence away, but by the magic of stagger-saving we can see that they’re very fierce indeed. Wouldn’t want to mess with... Cebalrai’s arm-wrestling champion?
Youth: “I’m telling you, if I see them criminals, I’m gonna beat ‘em down and turn ‘em in.” Middle-Aged Man: “Heh, they’re supposed to be pretty vicious. You sure you can take them on by yourself?” Middle-Aged Man: “As it happens, I used to be the Cebalrai arm-wrestling champ in my youth.” Middle-Aged Man: “You just leave it to me and these fists of iron. POW!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:35 PM · Aug 21, 2021 Permalink
There’s an overall theme of making Sadal Suud people sound like a bunch of lazy but busy, at times violent, simple-minded country bumpkins in this that wasn’t there at all in EW. I don’t like it much.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:37 PM · Aug 21, 2021 Permalink
I wonder who this could be and whether he’s in a cell in the sewers of Mintaka.
Quzman is what, 99 in EW? So he must already be pretty ancient here.
Young woman: “I heard one older gentleman in this city is a real lady-killer, but I haven’t seen him around anywhere.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:41 PM · Aug 21, 2021 Permalink
IT IS TIME, we have found Sagi’s poster!
... oh no
Textbox with a poorly drawn picture of Sagi looking sinister: “”Sagi the Wedding Con” Spiriter who will spirit away your life savings. Watch out, ladies!” Milly: “Sagi... This talk about marriage fraud...” Sagi, furious: “Is made up, of course! Come on, have a little faith!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:43 PM · Aug 21, 2021 Permalink
I will again remind the reader that Sagi is 15 and that this ongoing theme of him being a target for adult women is DISTURBING
Milly: “I don’t know... Sagi, something about you just cries out to be mothered.” Milly: “I’m sure you’d be a big hit with rich, older madame-types looking to get married.” Guillo: “He’s still just a soft little kid in some ways.” Milly: “Oh, dear. I think we hurt his feelings!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:00 AM · Aug 22, 2021 Permalink
Quzman gonna Quzman. Taymiya is still his wife in EW so they stayed together a while!
And yes there’s a Naughty Novel in the drawer again
Taymiya: “Ugh... Where has that lunk gotten off to, leaving his wife all alone like this?” Taymiya: “If he’s off with some other woman, I’ll slam him with a divorce so fast, his head will spin!” Inspection text: “This is a stack of private letters. They’re love letters, marked “Return to Sender”...”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:01 AM · Aug 22, 2021 Permalink
Apparently Pollyfrogs are a thing along with Pollywhales.
Inspection text: “It’s been filled with water. Pollyfrogs of various colors are hopping about inside.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:02 AM · Aug 22, 2021 Permalink
Once we collect five posters, the kids move away and open the way to a house...
Sagi: “What the—? This is a whole stack of those wanted posters!” Portrait Artist: “I’m really busy drawing likenesses of these heinous criminals, so try not to get in my way...”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:04 AM · Aug 22, 2021 Permalink
Look, we’re not THREATENING him or anything, we just want to talk about his art skills
Guillo, eyes blazing red: “Oh ho, it looks like we have a real master on our hands here.” Milly: “So, did you draw ALL the portraits on the wanted posters hanging around the city?” Portrait Artist: “Huh? What? Who are you?”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:08 AM · Aug 22, 2021 Permalink
He apologizes profusely, blames the soldiers for telling him we were monsters, and... promises to... redraw the portraits and no one has an issue with that THIS IS ABSURD AND I LOVE IT
Portrait Artist: “It may take me a while, but I promise you that I’ll redraw those posters. Please don’t hurt me...” Milly, poking her tongue out: “Don’t think for a minute something like this will get you off the hook.” Guillo, eyes blazing red: “Draw any more portraits like the ones on those posters, and I’ll earn that “Masked Maneater” title.” Sagi: “All right, that’s enough. He’s said he’ll redraw the portraits. Isn’t that good enough?”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:09 AM · Aug 22, 2021 Permalink
A shoutout to Milly’s incredibly good annoyed stomp animation as the party walks out.
The party walking out, Milly stomping dramatically with shoulders squared and arms flexed.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:11 AM · Aug 22, 2021 Permalink
And I don’t know what it is with this game and BED FACTS, but after heated mechanical beds in Alfard, salty cloud and algae beds in Diadem, we now get tough wooden(?) beds in Sadal Suud.
Stay tuned for more BED FACTS I guess.
Inspection text: “This mattress was made from the same materials as the walls. You could say it’s on the firm side.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:29 AM · Aug 22, 2021 Permalink
A quick trip back to Mintaka to tell Quzman to go the hell home, and he offers us a “Pac” thing.
I’ve looked at just enough of the GameFAQ to know that I’m going to research this more before picking it up.
Sagi: “Your wife asked me to find you and send you back home.” Quzman: “Taymiya did? Hrm... I guess that’s that, then. And I actually kind of liked this place.” Quzman: “Thanks to him, I wasn’t lonely down there, but now he’s a bit of a nuisance.” Quzman: “Leaving why aside for the moment, will you help raise [blue text] Pac [end blue text] in my stead?”
Dialog choice: “Sure” and “Why me?”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:30 AM · Aug 22, 2021 Permalink
Hopefully finishing Pherkad next time? I think that’s all the branching checked now?
I suspect I’ll get sent to Nunki Valley next, which means we’ll actually go check on Diadem because it’s not like we’re in a rush is it