Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:20 PM · Aug 22, 2021 Permalink
Okay! Pherkad! THIS TIME we’re finishing it I’m sure.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:22 PM · Aug 22, 2021 Permalink
Right, and I was going to look up how  Pac-Man works...
*opens GameFAQ*
Apparently just moves to neighboring cards to eat them, so that’s easy enough to manage. Let’s grab it and get rid of that Chronic Fatigue then.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:34 PM · Aug 22, 2021 Permalink
The front door of the mansion has very possessively labeled apples, and a familiar jerk blocking the way.
Look, we’ve kicked his ass twice, jamais deux sans trois, sooooo?
Inspection text: “This barrel full of mountain apples has been labeled “Rodolfo’s: keep your mitts off.”” Milly, standing with her fists on her hips: “He can’t take a hint.” Giacomo: “Rodolfo’s still not back?”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:38 PM · Aug 22, 2021 Permalink
(Mildly out of order, this is actually before Giacomo pipes up)
This mansion is pretty and REALLY HUGE.
Sagi disapproves of the obviously sound plan. Boooooo.
Sagi, as the camera pans up to the top of the mansion: “This is the way to Rodolfo’s estate.” Sagi: “What should we do—crash the front gates or find another way in?”
Dialog choice: “Let’s find another way” and “Crash! Crash!” Sagi: “That’s... not a good idea. They look like they’re just waiting for someone to try that.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:40 PM · Aug 22, 2021 Permalink
Even the Dark Service has had it with Giacomo’s nonsense.
Dark Serviceman: “Nah, he’ll be in Cebalrai for a while. Here we are guarding a lordless mansion—talk about bottom of the [...]” Dark Serviceman: “[...] barrel.” Giacomo: “... Sagi! He did this to me! If I was just a little stronger...” Dark Serviceman: “Quit your bellyaching, Giacomo. You’ll get another chance.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:41 PM · Aug 22, 2021 Permalink
Anyway, next is Cebalrai via Nunki Valley which means we’re going back to Diadem instead.
Milly: “I remember learning that it’s just a tiny hamlet... What business could he have there?”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:44 PM · Aug 22, 2021 Permalink
Geez the Pac-Man magnus works fast, Chronic Fatigue is all gone already. Excellent.
Diadem plans: check on His Majesty, check on Nashira, possibly stagger-reload if there’s a branch again.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:26 PM · Aug 22, 2021 Permalink
Nashira’s looking a lot better! No more Imperials, and crates full of fish for us to steal. It magically gets filleted when we pick it up, don’t ask.
Also it’s from the water? Unlike the sea bream we see flying around in EW? I HAVE QUESTIONS
Villager: “King Ladekahn brought the knights here and beat up all the Empire’s soldiers!” Inspection text: “This crate is full of still-twitching glubberfish fresh from the water.” Quest Magnus menu, focused on Glubberfish Filet: “The pride of Nashira, and their second-biggest catch after sea breams. It fetches a higher price because it’s harder to come by. One of Sagi’s favorites. “Aww, Milly, the guts are the best part.””
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:27 PM · Aug 22, 2021 Permalink
Some news have er not made it yet
Villager: “If we don’t get working, King Ladekahn and that crusty old fool Rambari will give us hell!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:28 PM · Aug 22, 2021 Permalink
Villager: “I’m doing the paperwork now to have a scheduled skyliner start running between Pherkad and here.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:32 PM · Aug 22, 2021 Permalink
Otherwise it’s just some new dialog here and there - including some happiness about the impromptu remodeling - and Reblys being even more of a jerk, plus Gibari still being depressed.
I do wish we saw him monologuing to a greythorne, but alas.
Old woman: “We can hear Anna’s cheerful voice every day now through the hole in the wall Gibari opened up.” Reblys: “Hmph, stupid Gibari, moping around all the time. Just leave him to it!” Bar customer: “It appears that troubled youth has finally chosen to rise up and start anew.” Bar customer: “Once he’s been washed in the Lesser Celestial River’s waves for a while, he’ll make an ace fisherman.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:33 PM · Aug 22, 2021 Permalink
It’s been a while since we checked on Hassaleh! Not much has changed, there are a couple new bits of dialog.
Villager: “I hear the Empire’s invaded Diadem. The rumors have made it all the way out here to Sheratan.” Villager: “Do they have that big a need for other countries’ resources? How selfish can those people be?”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:35 PM · Aug 22, 2021 Permalink
Gena gets some new lines of no consequence that feel suspiciously like they could play out at any point, nothing really worth mentioning but it’s good flavor.
Wacho ASKS A VERY GOOD QUESTION. I hope we get that answer eventually.
Wacho: “But... what happens to an island once it’s been promachinated?!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:37 PM · Aug 22, 2021 Permalink
Back to Pherkad, we get interrupted on our way out. The forest’s full of bugs. Note the change in nametag.
Now I’m suddenly wondering whether cardinal directions are useful / stable on floating islands. Do the continents rotate ever?
Granny: “Ohh, I’m worried... I can’t help but be concerned!” Tree-Hugging Granny: “The woods at Nunki Valley, south of the city, are crucial to our day-to-day lives.” Tree-Hugging Granny: “But lately the lightbugs which act as the forest’s protectors have started coming out in droves.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:40 PM · Aug 22, 2021 Permalink
We get tasked with clearing the bugs off the path and given a special item: if that isn’t the next area’s minor puzzle mechanic right there.
Textbox: “Obtained the valuable item [blue text] Holy Leaf [end blue text]!” Tree-Hugging Granny: “If you use that holy leaf at the base of one of the sparkling trees in the forest,” Tree-Hugging Granny: “you can gather holy droplets and be enveloped in their power.” Tree-Hugging Granny: “For a limited time, that will make the lightbugs avoid you instead of attacking.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:41 PM · Aug 22, 2021 Permalink
And on this very important conversation, that’ll do it for today. Hopefully it’s less miserable than the Cloud Passage.
Greythorne: “Squ-squ-squeak! Squeaaak!” Sagi: “It sounds like it’s talking to me.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:03 AM · Aug 23, 2021 Permalink
Also reminder that if you want to look at those silly mascots up close I made a thing