Lia @liareplaysbk · 01:10 AM · Aug 29, 2021 Permalink
Revisit All The Things is turning into Feed Pac-Man And Do Upgrades so it’ll be a while. Expect a few days of random highlights and not much else, there’s very little new dialog so far except for in Rodolfo’s residence itself.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 01:12 AM · Aug 29, 2021 Permalink
... is Heughes actually Frau Blücher
Prancer handler: “I came here to try to sell this prancer to Rodolfo,” Prancer handler: “but that man with the long bangs gave me the evil eye as he passed by, and the prancer got spooked.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 01:15 AM · Aug 29, 2021 Permalink
I checked the EW family tree, and this scholarly kid will grow up to be the Diadem mother constantly worried about her kids’ academic achievements (rather than them almost drowning in the river).
Maymun: “It’s going to take diligent study to raise Sadal Suud up from its backwater status.” Maymun: “I’d better start calculating pi now before the School of Magic tests. It’s tough to measure by hand...”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 01:18 AM · Aug 29, 2021 Permalink
I wanted to get extra posters to feed to Pacman but APPARENTLY we don’t need several, and I’m a fair few hours into aging the current ones. Boooooooo.
Guillo, eyes blazing red: “Sagi, Lia. We can’t possibly need any more of these.” Sagi, contrite: “Y-You’re right. Let’s not bother taking [blue text] Guillo’s wanted poster [end blue text].”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 01:19 AM · Aug 29, 2021 Permalink
Can’t go back to Cebalrai, we’re blocked to North Nunki Valley. Oh well.
Sadal Suud island map, focused on North Nunki Valley.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 01:21 AM · Aug 29, 2021 Permalink
Had I missed highlighting the Azha bed facts? Because Azha also has bed facts.
Snark aside each of those actually tells us a ton about the place, it’s certainly not a ridiculous thing to do.
Inspection text: “Sand seems to get into the bedsheets no matter how often they’re shaken out.” Inspection text: “They’re gravelly to the touch.” Inspection text: “This pillow has been stuffed with flame ice dust. It looks cools and pleasant to sleep on.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 01:22 AM · Aug 29, 2021 Permalink
And the Heartflask progress gets us... nothing. Wokay. We’ll see later I guess?
Georg: “Here about the [blue text] heartflask [end blue text]? Might I have a look?” Georg: “...Hmm, yes. This will prove... useful.”