Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:35 PM · Aug 29, 2021 Permalink
Note to self, we do not attack the Cancerites now lurking around the Cloudvents because HOLY CRAP THEY HIT HARD
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:06 AM · Aug 30, 2021 Permalink
Sedna’s got people now, and I’m pretty sure the music’s gotten richer? We get a lovely new sidequest that is gonna clog the quest magnus and therefore gets to wait, we need those right now.
Mayor: “If you run across anyone [red text] looking to move somewhere new [end red text] during your travels,” Mayor: “put in a good word for Sedna, would you?”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:08 AM · Aug 30, 2021 Permalink
Sedna, why are you like this. Yes, I know, too close to Mira and it made everything weird and the furniture chatty, BUT STILL
Duck Prince: “I’m the duck prince! I’m using my magical powers to talk directly to your heart!” Prince’s Bed: “I’m the Duck Prince’s super-snuggly, fabulously fluffy bed! But he’ll get mad if you sleep in me!” Table: “My, what a cute couple! Everyone who sits in my chairs falls instantly, madly in love!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:11 AM · Aug 30, 2021 Permalink
Also we finally got some cheese. The knight who wanted it gets markedly larger, and... the belts go AWOL, leaving the knights with a case of the Rayman. Woops?
If past glitches like this one are any indication this must also be true on original hardware.
Quest Magnus menu, focused on Pow Milk Cheese. “The result of segregating the protein from pow milk yogurt. Take it from the Sadal Suud Dairy Council: “This’ll put the pep in anyone’s step.” One of Milly’s favorites. “The stinkier the better!”” Two knights practicing. The rightmost one is markedly thinner to the point of looking weak. Two knights practicing. The rightmost one is now markedly larger and taller, and bullying the other.