Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:15 PM · Aug 30, 2021 Permalink
Last highlights thread because I’ve upgraded all I could think of and fed Pacman most everything I could gather or mix.
After that it’ll be off to Nunki Valley for definitely not a giant forest fire I guess?
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:19 PM · Aug 30, 2021 Permalink
I don’t know if this happens over time or as Pac gets fed, but more and more members of Quzman’s extensive family are showing up. They’re all referencing their future / past character, really, meaning the return of not-great fat jokes. They’re a touch less aggressive at least.
Battuta: “I’m all for sleeping outdoors. I can’t think of anything better than sleeping under the stars.” Zuhr: “I never get tired of looking at my husband’s muscles. Muscles make a man, I say!” Nubata, a fat man: “Asakir, enough already! Muscles are just gross.” Al-ahtir: “He just went out of his way to stand under the Nunki Valley waterfall. He really is weird.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:21 PM · Aug 30, 2021 Permalink
The upgrade ingredient hints actually vary by seller and are full of personality! Here the first one is in Pherkad, the second in Sheratan, but it’s the same item, a Yesterbean.
Upgrade screen, focused on an unknown quest magnus. “The ingredients are unknown. As a kid, I heard about some giant beans that grow on thorny vines on one of the islands.” Upgrade screen, focused on an unknown quest magnus. “I don’t know what the ingredients are! Try that big bean from the thornwoods. The one that’s popular with the kids.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:22 PM · Aug 30, 2021 Permalink
The Pherkad shopkeep would get along with Gibari, seems like.
Upgrade screen, focused on an unknown quest magnus. “The ingredients are unknown. You want a rock that can survive an olifant’s headbutt. It wouldn’t survive mine, though.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:24 PM · Aug 30, 2021 Permalink
And the shopkeep in Azha is, er.............
Upgrade screen, focused on an unknown quest magnus. “Ingredients unknown... Refreshing...? What’s that like? What would the air taste like...? Pure...air...?” Upgrade screen, focused on an unknown quest magnus. “Ingredients unknown... You don’t mind injuries any more... This little box... makes it stop hurting...”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:26 PM · Aug 30, 2021 Permalink
Speaking of weirdly ominous things, the heartflask has changed again and now looks just a bit menacing. Georg had nothing new to say and Sagi somehow did not have questions.
Quest magnus menu, focused on the heartflask, looking like a globe filled with a weird blue mass with orange dots. “The vessel has filled up with even more hearts. It doesn’t seem to be after YOUR heart—but one has to wonder what Georg plans to do with this. Don’t forget the periodic inspection!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:29 PM · Aug 30, 2021 Permalink
Finally, UI annoyances. Just like EW, there are 3 levels of detail for items. And sometimes level 2 has more info than level 3! This is not good design!
Upgrade screen, focused on the unknown result. The bottom detail panel, partially expanded, shows stats and “Prevents knockdown”. Upgrade screen, focused on the unknown result. The bottom detail panel, fully expanded, shows stats, an image and a description, but not “Prevents knockdown” mention. Description reads: “The gi worn by a renowned martial artist throughout his entire life. The many scars it bears whisper tales of past battles to the wearer, keeping them on their feet.”