Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:29 AM · Sep 06, 2021 Permalink
Today was a short dive into... what’s it called again? Right, Zaurak, Keep of the- WAIT DON’T THOSE EAT PEOPLE
I’m with Thoran, this is a bad idea
An alien, vaguely fleshy corridor with dots of lights strayed about. Title card: “Zaurak, the Brethren’s Keep”.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:31 AM · Sep 06, 2021 Permalink
It’s awfully reminiscent of Cor Hydrae. Don’t like it one bit.
The big round door is blocked by darkness, and as we progress Ven can’t follow. Waiting alone doesn’t seem safe but okay.
Sagi: “We can’t get by with all this darkness in the way. We’ll have to look for another route.” Ven, at the bottom of a glowy ladder: “Sorry... I can’t fly that high up.” Ven: “You go on ahead. I’ll wait here. Don’t forget about me!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:34 AM · Sep 06, 2021 Permalink
We found a weird device that reflects light and lets us collect Light Powder, which is going straight into Pac. Rotating the device removes the darkness and opens the doors, nothing too complex...
Inspection text: “A finger of blue-white light stretches from the device.” Sagi: “This device reflects the light coming from overhead at a 90-degree angle.” The beam of light opening a round door.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:37 AM · Sep 06, 2021 Permalink
We find a bunch of skeleton warriors (hello recycling) doing god knows what around one of their own, and a boulder that... only Ven can take care of.
Back to the device, rotate, open bottom door, go fetch Ven.
The skeletons turn into jugglers when the light fills a room, huh.
Sagi standing at the entrance of a room, facing five skeleton soldiers. One is in the middle looking for its separated skull on the ground, the others are circling around it. Thoran, looking at a very large boulder: “This is a fine mess... Let’s go get Ven! He’ll have the path clear in no time.” Sagi walking through an open circular door. Ven: “Huh? Where did you come from? Oh, well. Ready to go?”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:44 AM · Sep 06, 2021 Permalink
Ven blasts the rock with magic, go Ven, which lets us go put more light powder on the floor to finish up a bridge (because I checked the gap earlier) and cross back over to rotate the device and open the door.
And that’ll do it for now, because I smell a lengthy cutscene.
Ven pushing the boulder away and down with a cyan magic beam. Sagi standing in front of a gap between platforms. The Quest Magnus UI is opened and focused on Light Powder.