Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:42 AM · Sep 07, 2021 Permalink
Let’s go finish that keep! And finally meet the Dark Brethren see what the fuss is about?
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:44 AM · Sep 07, 2021 Permalink
Thoran seems like he’d get along with Gibari, were they to live in the same timeframe.
Thoran: “Hey! Who are we looking for in a place like this? They could stand to redecorate.” Pieda: “Keep your mouth closed. This is no place for jests.” Thoran: “Pieda, you know who lives here?” Pieda: “You’ll see. Just be quiet and walk.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:46 AM · Sep 07, 2021 Permalink
We just need to follow them and- GODDAMNIT SAGI, TIMING
Sagi: “It’s... it’s another of those headaches... Ugh...!!” Shanath: “I must admit, I didn’t think you’d be able to kill an afterling. Very impressive.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:49 AM · Sep 07, 2021 Permalink
Shanath and Heughes really, really don’t get along. Heughes revs up the machina arma again, rushes forward and is stopped by...
Heughes: “This is no time to be patting them on the back.” Shanath: “I should think not. Now why don’t you hurry up and finish them off?” Heughes: “That’s what I wanted to do in the first place.” Heughes rushing Sagi, winglet blazing and arm cannon held forward, stopped by a figure in a whirlwind.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:50 AM · Sep 07, 2021 Permalink
... our favorite convenient plot device aka Palolo.
Palolo: “Palolo II, at your service... and stuff.” Palolo: “Go on, get outta here... before things turn uglier than Gibari’s... face!” Sagi: “Thanks, we owe you!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:52 AM · Sep 07, 2021 Permalink
He takes the time to mess with the Imperials a bit, then goes poof, SCENE
Palolo disappearing in a cloud of smoke. Heughes: “Nngh?! He disappeared?” Paolo, now to the left: “Over here, pops.” Palolo: “‘Fraid I can’t hand those three over to chumps like you.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:54 AM · Sep 07, 2021 Permalink
At this point Palolo should just be put in charge of saving the world or something. As much as I like the character it makes for really shoddy plotting.
Palolo: “Do you always put yourselves in mortal danger, or do you just wait until I’m passing through town?” Sagi: “If you’d shown up even a second later... we’d all be dead.” Palolo: “Yeah, dead’s not so good.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:56 AM · Sep 07, 2021 Permalink
Milly: “Odd kid.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:58 AM · Sep 07, 2021 Permalink
This lets us go back to the island map. First stop: Cebalrai, where the local are extra-sad, extra-pissed, but confident that the forest will grow back.
EW shows that they’re... not correct
Villager: “I grew up playing among the trees of Nunki Valley’s forests.” Villager: “I know how tough they are. Already new buds are shootin’ up from the scorched earth.” Villager: “It may take a good twenty years before it’s stable again, but the forest will bounce back, I know.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 01:00 AM · Sep 07, 2021 Permalink
We’ve got mail!
More tourism spam...
Letter: “BULLETIN: Visit Eternal Ruins! Witness the historic majesty of Sadal Suud on this three-day tour.” Letter: “For more information, contact the Pherkad Chamber of Commerce.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 01:01 AM · Sep 07, 2021 Permalink
More... it’s not even hate mail it’s not weird and creepy. Giacomo, please get some help and/or a new hobby
Letter: “Sagi! I know what makes us different now. A power beyond simple human strength!” Letter: “I’m going to find that power! Then I’ll come for you! Mark my words!!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 01:03 AM · Sep 07, 2021 Permalink
And a letter from Palolo that may as well be a WORLD STATE HAS UPDATED PLEASE GO CHECK ON THIS SIDE PLOT sign.
Letter: “Oh, by the way—I dropped by Diadem the other day. King Ladekahn has really started looking the part.” Letter: “But he seemed a little blue. I guess at that age, kids still want to be kids... or something?” Letter: “Sagi, you should drop by to see him! Ha ha, look at me, checking up on everyone like some old hen!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 01:06 AM · Sep 07, 2021 Permalink
When we enter Pherkad, Verus calls to check on things, and congratulates us in spite of the complete disaster. I’ll have to go back and check that other dialog option for funsies.
Guillo get ANNOYED.
Sagi: “I’m sorry, sir. We weren’t able to stop promachination in Sadal Suud.” Verus: “I see... Another machina arma?”
Dialog choice: “That’s right” and “How about some HELP?” Verus: “That’s all right. Come on back. You can give me a detailed report once you’ve returned.” Guillo: “Callous, isn’t he? I almost died, and he says “good work”?”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 01:09 AM · Sep 07, 2021 Permalink
Which, in turn, prompts Milly to echo exactly what I was wondering but being a jerk about it. She’s just being mean, it doesn’t even sound like banter: upset to begin with, maybe.
Sagi: “Huh? You could hear him?” Guillo: “I have good ears.” Milly: “Good ears?! What are you talking about, dingbat? Show me where you have ears!” Milly: “And please—you almost “died”?! What would a dumpy puppet like you know about dying?”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 01:10 AM · Sep 07, 2021 Permalink
Honestly I’m on team Guillo here
Guillo: “Sagi, that’s it! She’s due for an eating! You have to let me, I can’t take it anymore!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 01:11 AM · Sep 07, 2021 Permalink
The old man who was talking non-stop has now switched to pestering the Greythornes.
Old man: “So you see, blah blah blah... And then the pow said to me blah blah...” Greythorne: “Squ-squ-squeak! Squeaaak!” Sagi: “It sounds like it’s in some kind of trouble.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 01:13 AM · Sep 07, 2021 Permalink
A bunch of dialog has changed.
The young man who was struggling to haul a wagon is now flat on the floor, having failed.
The kids still have Questions for us.
Young man lying down on the ground: “A-After I ran the whole way here... carrying all this... the liner... already left...” Child: “Did he have lots of money? Did you get lots of good food? Did he give you lots of candy?” Sagi: “I can never tell if Rodolfo is popular with the people here or not.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 01:15 AM · Sep 07, 2021 Permalink
A guy at the bar has what sure looks like a recipe for us. Palolo’s found his new hideout.
Bar customer: “Ugh, I can’t go on! It’s going to take blazing heat and icy rainwater to cure this [blue text] chronic fatigue [end blue text]!” Palolo: “I just love this spot. This well is like my private hideout.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 01:20 AM · Sep 07, 2021 Permalink
We go check on Quzman and, er. Look I didn’t expect to need a CW for grooming and that Sabin-the-doubly-married-without-consent could get any more gross, yet HERE WE ARE.
The game is IMO keenly aware that this is disgusting, what with that “No, this isn’t subliminal”.
Sabin, a grown man, talking to a child: “You’ll grow up gorgeous. I personally guarantee it! I’m never wrong, I tell you!” Sabin: “You’ll grow up and ask me to marry you. You’ll live happily ever after.” Sabin: “How about we practice now? No, this isn’t subliminal training. I’ll give you a mountain apple later.” Al-athir: “Sabin is really interesting. I’d take an interesting man over a macho man any day.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 01:23 AM · Sep 07, 2021 Permalink
Nunki Valley now looks much less green and has different, considerably tougher monsters.
It also has... “love syrup” where the Pollywhales were nuzzling. I went there with full pockets but I sure look forward to what the heck that magnus description is going to be.
Sagi standing in the middle of Nunki Valley, now neither on fire nor forested. Inspection text: “A small puddle of Nunki’s world-famous [blue text] love syrup [end blue text] has been left on the ground here.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 01:25 AM · Sep 07, 2021 Permalink
I’ve got a combo to pull off and a Pac to feed with some new things, and maybe half of those battles are dangerous enough that I end up sent back to the title screen, so. Might be there a while, we’ll see.
Next time: depends on how that goes and what the game lets me do!