· 12:05 AM · Sep 08, 2021
Nunki Valley kept kicking my ass, so I reshuffled the deck to be more ice-centric and I think that’s helping? That or sheer luck. As for why I’m in there...
· 12:08 AM · Sep 08, 2021
There was a chest in the boss arena. Turns out Heughes politely offers a rematch but lets us walk away if we want to. Heughes, this is not how “I’M GOING TO KILL YOU” works. Take a hint from Giacomo maybe.
· 12:10 AM · Sep 08, 2021
Seriously this makes no sense. He could easily murder us, but Shanath’s far-fetched plan happens instead and they don’t team up. We zoink out to the past and when we’re back and groggy he isn’t charging. Then Palolo is enough to stop him. And now he wants what, a fair fight?
· 12:12 AM · Sep 08, 2021
The other reason to struggle through here is this combo. Turns out two apples and a short-lived Holy Droplet deep into the map is how we get Mountain Apple Wine. We need... two for quests, one for Pac, one to age? Aaaaaargl
· 12:15 AM · Sep 08, 2021
It’s for an old man with a bad back in Rodolfo’s mansion. Rodolfo himself has new dialog that manages to be clueless, correct, cowardly and patronizing all at once. Is it just... not known that the Empire are monsters who enslaved Hassaleh?
· 12:17 AM · Sep 08, 2021
As for what Sagi says if you select “How about some HELP” during the chat with Verus, well. He’s way too good a kid to be that blunt. Put Guillo on the phone next time that’ll go great.