Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:41 PM · Sep 12, 2021 Permalink
So. The dreaded bird is dead, but we’re in the jungle without the necessary MacGuffin so things might get messy.
Onwards? And in circles, probably?
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:33 AM · Sep 13, 2021 Permalink
The feather we collect from the corpse teaches us that Guillo was wrong, the bird tastes like shrimp, not poultry. SURE.
(I was reading about how barnacle geese were thought to be related to barnacles just today, heh)
Quest Magnus menu, focused on the Holoholobird’s Plume: “Tail father of the terrifying Holoholobird. Did you know Holoholobird is tender and tastes like shrimp? Anyway, bring this to the proper location and you might face her again.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:37 AM · Sep 13, 2021 Permalink
The Sfida Attendant is procrastinating on starting work, seems like, and can give us some info. The “latest news” structure tells me we’ll be back a bunch of times...
This guy really deserves a more custom design! He’s so weirdly worldly and nice for an Imperial soldier.
Sagi: “Well, Lia?”
Dialog options: “Ask about the Holoholo Jungle”, “Ask about Komo Mai”, “Ask about the latest news”, “Ask about other news”, “Nothing for now”. Sfida Attendant: “The jungle is crawling with bizarre animals, and the weather can turn to nasty rain in no time flat.” Sfida attendant: “Anuenue is a land of art and academia, so its inhabitants are a little on the unique side.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:38 AM · Sep 13, 2021 Permalink
We also get Bonus Alfard School Facts, apparently
Sfida Attendant: “Sometimes I can’t shake the feeing that the Holoholobird over there might still be alive.” Sfida Attendant: “It’s like back in school. We’d be dissecting pollyfrogs, and you could swear it was staring right at you.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:40 AM · Sep 13, 2021 Permalink
Go north and all we get is one of those maze-like maps that loops on itself. Not that way, then.
Sagi on a winding path in a lush green jungle.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:45 AM · Sep 13, 2021 Permalink
Going south leads to a series of almost side-scroller-like maps, and eventually to an intersection that offers us a number of Suspicious Interactive Things.
Sagi standing in front of a small body of water from which several paths radiate, with a wing icon over his head. A large tree with large red fruits at the top. “There’s brightly colored fruit growing on the tree.” Milly: “Sagi! Those are “blooderflies”, not butterflies! One sting and you’ll be too busy scratching to sleep!” A colorful bird in its nest. “Judging from its loud cries, it’s a member of the species “obnoxious.””
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:46 AM · Sep 13, 2021 Permalink
(Rest of thread tomorrow morning otherwise it’ll have too many typos)
Lia @liareplaysbk · 07:39 AM · Sep 13, 2021 Permalink
All the way to the left of the series of maps is a sleeping olifant. Milly’s still sounding freaked out and taking it out on Guillo with a lecturing tone, which keeps impressing Sagi.
It’s going to get very very old very very fast, even if it makes complete sense for darn kids.
Guillo: “I think it’s sleeping.” Milly: “Olifants can turn really savage when they’re upset.” Milly: “Especially right after they wake up. They go berserk and charge right at you!” Sagi: “Wow, Milly. You really do know everything.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 07:40 AM · Sep 13, 2021 Permalink
Try to go left again and it just loops around...
Sagi: “Hey, didn’t we just pass through here?” Milly: “See? See!! What did I tell you?”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 07:42 AM · Sep 13, 2021 Permalink
... leading to hatching a Cunning Plan...
Sagi: “Hey, Milly. Do you know which way Komo Mai is?” Milly: “The rainbow’s over yonder, so I guess it would have to be... that way.” Milly: “Oh, but what difference does it make? We can’t get out without a trail.” Sagi: “Maybe we could get some help from the olifant...”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 07:44 AM · Sep 13, 2021 Permalink
... to wake up the olifant and have it carve us a path.
Well, there’s an obnoxious bird nearby, let’s try that? Nope, it does make an incredibly annoying noise but the olifant sleeps on.
Sagi: “Didn’t you say it charges when it gets mad?” Guillo: “I see. So we make our own trail.” Guillo: “All right, then. Let’s get this pugnacious pachyderm out of bed.” Sagi standing close to the olifant as a brightly colored bird flies in circles overhead.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 07:49 AM · Sep 13, 2021 Permalink
As I expected, the “latest news” category is a HEY HAVE YOU TRIED THIS YET helper.
Butterflies then? It now lets us collect some nectar, which we can put on the olifant so it gets awoken by bloodsucking insects. Adventure game logic right there.
Sfida Attendant: “I saw some butterflies gathering in the sun over there and thought I’d take a little nap a while back.” Sagi, in the butterfly flower patch: “We could use this to our advantage...” Textbox: “Obtained the magna essence [blue text] Holoflower Nectar [end blue text]!” The olifant rearing, with the party half-hiding nearby.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 07:50 AM · Sep 13, 2021 Permalink
It carves up a path, and off to the island map we go!
Sagi: “That’s the way to Komo Mai, right?” Milly: “Uh-huh. And look, we’ve got a brand new road!” Anuénué island map.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 07:53 AM · Sep 13, 2021 Permalink
The Library of Magic is already looking grim, this time with most paths blocked by rubble, but it IS staffed. The librarian is very stressed and we can pull some of that out, until he... turns into a ghost... swimming in the air?
I’m gonna assume this is normal
Librarian: “Th-These are the history books with unknown borrowers, and these are the unreturned ones... OK.” Librarian: “How the heck do they expect me to get this many books in order all by myself?! I give up! I quit!!” Textbox: “Obtained the magna essence [blue text] Extreme Stress [end blue text]!” The librarian is now transparent and swimming in the air.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 07:56 AM · Sep 13, 2021 Permalink
At Anuénué Port is a weirdly high-effort explanation for the ladder that leads down later.
Development Agent: “I work in land development. I’m living the high life on your tax money, but go easy on me.” Development Agent: “The rowdier kids are always rock climbing here, but it’s led to several injuries.” Development Agent: “I’ve been lobbying for a ladder here, but it won’t happen until after the headmaster elections.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 07:58 AM · Sep 13, 2021 Permalink
Who had “Anuénué capitalist hellscape” on their bingo card? It sure wasn’t me!
Tourist: “Limiting customers to 2 cookies is rough. It isn’t enough to bring home as a gift, so everyone’s hesitating.” Anuénué local: “Why are these idiots in line? If they went to Komo Mai, they wouldn’t have to wait at all.” Kid: “Location, location, location! Komo Mai cookies are free back in Komo Mai.” Kid: “Sell them here at port, though, and they’re valuable souvenirs. I’ll have to remember this.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 08:03 AM · Sep 13, 2021 Permalink
Worry not, there’s a sidequest for us to profit from the cookie grift.
Cookie dealer, in grey: “Oh, man... I should have brought more of these. I wish someone would get me some more.”
Dialog choice: “Want us to?” and “Why should we?” Cookie Dealer: “So, you’ll get me some? I need at least 10 [blue text] traditional Komo Mai cookies [end blue text]. I’ll pay you!” Cookie Dealer: If they all sell, I’ll be rich! Then it’s fabulous [red text] fun time [end red text]! Let’s get to it, partner!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 08:06 AM · Sep 13, 2021 Permalink
The nearby house has a storyteller whose tale feels like foreshadowing, somehow.
Storyteller: “Once upon a time, there was a curious koa monkey who stood on two legs and loved to sing.” Storyteller: “It was so peculiar that the villagers who saw it would shout, “there goes the windsong!”” Storyteller: “That strange monkey would appear, covered in white ash, once every thirty years.” Storyteller: “It climbs up the Celestial Tree and causes it to bloom, and so it has always been.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 08:10 AM · Sep 13, 2021 Permalink
Komo Mai is still looking pretty, even when not decked out for the festival.
A very green city with flowers everywhere. Title card: “Komo Mai, City of Flowers”. Milly: “They call Komo Mai the City of Flowers. The fragrance carries through the whole capital.” Milly: “Queen Corellia should be at the palace.” Milly: “It’s up in the center of town. This is so exciting—I’ve never actually been inside!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 08:11 AM · Sep 13, 2021 Permalink
We’ve got mail! ... wait what
List of unopened letters: “From Heughes” and “Dark Service Welfare Program”.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 08:16 AM · Sep 13, 2021 Permalink
Heughes got the wrong address and is concerned for Nasca. Sagi, being too nice, forwards the letter. It’s not like both of them have tried to kill us enthusiastically after messing other continents up big time.
(I foresee a heel turn on Heughes and Nasca. Less likely for Valara.)
Letter: “To my beloved brother Nasca,” Letter: “I can’t be there to protect you like before. Be wary of everything. Trust no one.” Letter: “You were never the toughest kid growing up. I hope Diadem’s winds haven’t gotten to you.” Sagi: “Brothers, huh... I’d feel bad if Nasca didn’t get his letter. Let’s forward this on.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 08:19 AM · Sep 13, 2021 Permalink
Sagi calls this “junk mail” but that’s just standard military benefits bullshit, which makes complete sense for Alfard. Thanks I hate it
Letter: “** Dark Service Welfare Program ** It’s time for the LATEST fact-filled Welfare Program bulletin.” Letter: “Save 25 percent on overnight stays at select Anuenue resorts! * Servicemen and direct kin only.” Letter: “Insurance packages covering natural disasters and emergency missions! Starting at 2400G.” Letter: “Ready to settle down and buy that dream house in Mintaka? Home loan rates are at their lowest in years!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 08:22 AM · Sep 13, 2021 Permalink
There are A LOT of people around who clearly have a lot to say, so the next session looks like it will be mostly that. An election? Free cookies? COOKIES DRAMA? Exciting.
Villager: “This headmaster election is sure interesting. They’ve never given out Komo Mai cookies like this before.” Villager: “And they’re all ranting about [red text] original [end red text] and [red text] traditional [end red text], when they’re both exactly the same.” Villager: “These elections every 3 years are more fun than the Thirty Year Festival. The wait is shorter to boot.”