Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:47 PM · Sep 13, 2021 Permalink
Let’s go talk to everyone in Komo Mai and screenshot anything amusing we find, huzzah.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:27 PM · Sep 13, 2021 Permalink
Yes Sir I will definitely not exploit the questionable election system that sounds like a game mechanic and gets “ballot” in Quest Magnus Blue Text later
Anuenue Guardsman: “Not from around here, huh? We don’t want any trouble with the election. Sure you know the rules?” Anuenue Guardsman: “There is no set minimum number of votes in this election. 1 to 0 votes still counts as a win.” Anuenue Guardsman: “1 vote per person is the rule, but as anonymous ballots with proxies are allowed, it’s impossible to enforce.” Anuenue Guardsman: “The system is far from perfect, but it’s based on an honor code. Please don’t exploit it.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:31 PM · Sep 13, 2021 Permalink
Turns out the reason cookies are free is because they’re being handed out by politicians, who each have their cookie type in a specific color.
Righty Staff: “Vote Righty today! Vote Righty today! Vote Righty today!” Righty Staff: “How about an [blue text] original Komo Mai cookie [end blue text]? It’s our way of saying hello, that’s all! No pressure! Well? Well?!” Lefty Staff: “Vote Lefty today! Vote Lefty today! Vote Lefty today!” Lefty Staff: “How about a [blue text] traditional Komo Mai cookie [end blue text]? This is where it began! Fancy a taste of the real thing?”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:36 PM · Sep 13, 2021 Permalink
Rampant cookie-based corruption! Oh no!
Anuenue Guardsman: “This election is seriously off kilter. Who ever thought they’d give out Komo Mai cookies as incentives?” Anuenue Guardsman: “Here in Anuenue, those cookies are a common greeting. Who would sink so low as to exploit that?” Anuenue Guardsman: “We can’t stop them from handing out cookies, but that doesn’t mean you should go accepting any.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:41 PM · Sep 13, 2021 Permalink
The guards are so good at stopping corruption that we, er, aren’t allowed back towards the entrance if we’re carrying the wrong cookies.
Which are of course the ones we need for the port sidequest else it’s no fun
Anuenue Guardsman: “There has been a lot of corruption with this headmaster election. We’re on patrol now to stop that.” Righty Staff: “I can’t let someone with pro-Lefty [blue text] traditional Komo Mai cookies [end blue text] pass.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:47 PM · Sep 13, 2021 Permalink
It’s not just a complete bullshit two parties thing either? We get background on the Righties: corruption scandal that never got hard evidence, wanting reform, and... magnus privatization? What?
Townsperson: “The Righties are really going all out. They would have been reelected if not for that scandal.” Righty Chairman: “I will reform this school, no matter the sacrifice! Place your trust in us, the Righties, and rest assured!” Righty Chairman: “I will see that organic magnus refinery is privatized, breaking the School of Magic’s monopoly!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:56 PM · Sep 13, 2021 Permalink
Up we go, and we find a guy utterly wrecked because he ate the wrong cookies (...), students complaining that their school is blocked by politics, and a kid who has key mechanical info for us. We can get past the cookie blockade!
Student: “Either way, I wish I could get my classroom back. Both sides have been taken over by election staff...” Lefty?: “Aww, man. Aww, man! I just ate an [blue text] original Komo Mai cookie [end blue text] without thinking.” A corridor full of greenery and bordered by water. Title card: “The School of Magic”. Child: “They’re letting people by who have more [blue text] original [end blue text] cookies than [blue text] traditional [end blue text] ones, though.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:02 AM · Sep 14, 2021 Permalink
The school itself, like last time, has a metric fuckton of lore, but opt-in.
We get yet another version of the Malpercio tale: Malpercio fought the OTHER gods, and borrowed the power of the Dark Brethren to do so.
Divinity Professor: “Can I help you? Your face says you want to study here at the school.”
Dialog choice: “I’d like to learn” and “It does not!” Divinity Professor: “A thousand years ago, the gods fought a war that started over the wicked god Malpercio’s rebellion.” Divinity Professor: “Malpercio borrowed the power of the Dark Brethren in order to bend the world to its wicked purposes.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:04 AM · Sep 14, 2021 Permalink
Though it is consistent with what Verus told us.
Now er I’m a twinge concerned because who’s currently looking at teaming up with the Brethren? And... there are five of them... Huuuuuuh
Profile picture for user Lia
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:55 PM · Aug 18, 2021 Go
This is YET ANOTHER version of the story! Previously we’ve had humans vs Malpercio, humans vs gods at large, now it’s Malpercio vs other gods? Huh.
Also “Dark Brethren”, we’ve heard that word in Cujam. Hm.
Verus: “It began a thousand years ago, when the wicked god Malpercio rebelled against the other gods.” Verus: “He called forth a host of Dark Brethren, intending to remake the world as he saw fit.” Verus: “Soon the other gods were annihilated, the earth withered, and the world fell into darkness.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:08 AM · Sep 14, 2021 Permalink
Well, this ties together the “wait those magnus things existed before Alfard” and “Alfard invented magnus”.
Though we haven’t exactly seen much in the way of gods yet. Hmm.
History Professor: “It appears that the magnus we use today existed at that point in time as well.” History Professor: “In fact, contemporary magnus technology was a result of the Empire reviving the gods’ ancient [...]” History Professor: “[...] technology.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:14 AM · Sep 14, 2021 Permalink
This is all next to the Lefties doing their thing, which is mostly indulging in wishful thinking and wondering where the heck their candidate went.
He’s easily distracted, they say. Might accidentally do something silly like... eat the wrong cookies maybe?
Lefty Staff 1: “At this rate, things don’t look good. The projections are too close—it’s impossible to say for sure.” Lefty Staff 2: “The Righties have pulled every dirty trick in the book, but Queen Corellia hasn’t said a word.” Lefty Staff 2: “She’s tremendously strict about ethics, and she has the power to see into the future.” Lefty Staff 2: “Put all that together, and it means we’re guaranteed to win this time! ...Hopefully.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:18 AM · Sep 14, 2021 Permalink
The Head Teacher is a child that looks much like the Headmaster 20 years later (... surely not the same person tho).
Similarly, impressively well-read and sharp, formulating the hypothesis of the afterlings and tying it to the events in Alfard.
Head Teacher: “What is it? Who are you? Yes, I’m the head teacher. Is there a problem?” Head Teacher: “You’re another one of the fools who would doubt my abilities just because I’m a child, huh?” Student: “Someone like that just might become headmaster one day. I can’t help but get that feeling.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:23 AM · Sep 14, 2021 Permalink
Off on the Righties’ side is some completely normal and healthy team motivation stuff. Better organized, clearly, but yikes.
Righty Staff Advisor: “Look up, troops!” Righty Staff Advisor: “The ball above you contains a fistful of cash. It’s set to open at the eve of our victory.” Righty Staff Advisor: “Our efforts here are for the Righty chairman, and by extension, for money!” Righty Staff Advisor: “When you’re tired, look up! That ball is smiling down upon you all! Now go get those [blue text] ballots [end blue text]!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:30 AM · Sep 14, 2021 Permalink
We get a snippet about the Children of the Earth, adding that they drove the Brethren back.
Anthropology Professor: “They sealed away the wicked god using 3 sacred treasures and drove the Dark Brethren back to their [...]” Anthropology Professor: “[...] dimension.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:32 AM · Sep 14, 2021 Permalink
The School of Magic this time has an actual Magic class, except it’s... asking students lore questions that they have to answer in their heart otherwise they get teleported out and fail the class? What?
The battle music plays during this, too.
Magic Professor: “It’s time to begin our class. Will your answer to me in your heart. Get one wrong, and you’re out.” Magic Professor: “You’re worse than a koa monkey if you give up your curiosity! Only those who survive will get credit!” Magic Professor: “[red text] Question 4 [end red text] Who were the clan that sealed away the wicked god?” Three students disappearing in a burst of light.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:35 AM · Sep 14, 2021 Permalink
There’s also a bunch of random stuff to examine. Highlights are Making Milly Really Obvious At This Point...
(Note the Oh So RecentTM singular they in a 2006 game, no comment)
Inspection text: “A love letter, still sealed within its envelope, has been torn up and thrown into this trash can.” Milly: “...I guess they couldn’t work up the nerve to deliver it... Farewell, first love...” Sagi: “Milly, you OK?”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:36 AM · Sep 14, 2021 Permalink
... A book vandal who clearly needs to be stopped...
Inspection text: “This shelf is lined with mystery novels, but someone has written whodunit at the start of each book.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:38 AM · Sep 14, 2021 Permalink
And the obvious serving of BEING WEIRD. Thanks, videogame.
And with that, good night, tomorrow we go find Her Majesty and probably get stuck with election chores
Inspection text: “It’s the lost and found box. A keychain, a shoe, some pencils, panties, a notebook...” Sagi: “Huh, what, wait a minute... One of these things doesn’t belong.” Milly: “Lost and found is lost and found. I hope the owners find what they’ve lost soon.”