Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:09 PM · Sep 14, 2021 Permalink
Let’s go back to saving the world, by... *checks notes* why does it just say COOKIES in all-caps?
To the palace! I’m sure none of this cookie nonsense will end up relevant!
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:40 AM · Sep 15, 2021 Permalink
By “to the palace” I obviously mean “Let’s get distracted”.
The Righties’ cookies are apparently less popular, who’d have thought.
Cookie Dealer: “Hold it, hold it! [red text] Traditional [end red text], man, [red text] traditional [end red text]! The original kind gave terrible color.” Crying Girl: “I want [blue text] traditional Komo Mai cookies [end blue text]! I want [blue text] traditional Komo Mai cookies [end blue text]! I want [blue text] traditional Komo Mai cookies [end blue text]!” Crying Girl: “Not this kind! I just had this kind! It tastes like food coloring!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:42 AM · Sep 15, 2021 Permalink
<nerdery> Interestingly blue food coloring is a very limited range of options, and that deep a blue would in our world be synthetic indigo. In this world, Thornflowers were mentioned as a blue dye? Who the heck knows what they used. </nerdery>
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:44 AM · Sep 15, 2021 Permalink
When we do deliver the correct cookies, the cookie dealer just gives us his election ballot despite promising to pay us. So that’s why the local sidequests are not showing up as sidequests, they’re “buying votes” sidequests.
Cookie Dealer: “Here, use this to cast a vote for whomever you see fit. I’ll leave my vote in your hands.” Textbox: “Obtained the valuable item [blue text] Election Ballot [end blue text]!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:49 AM · Sep 15, 2021 Permalink
We of course get sidetracked some more making mixes, and I’d just like to highlight how NOPE NOPE NOPE this monster is.
Combat screen, showing the party facing a trio of plant monsters. Close-up of the central monster. It has a human nose and mouth inside its petals.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:54 AM · Sep 15, 2021 Permalink
Corellia looks near-identical - not a surprise, she was always described as weirdly not aging - and is... behaving the same.
If (When) Alfard fucks things up here it’ll make her behavior in EW even more infuriating.
Corellia: “Welcome to Anuenue. You’ve come quite a long way to see me... What message is it you bear?” Sagi: “Your Grace, I’d like to speak with you about the Empire’s attempts to promachinate the world.” Corellia: “I know of your plight. Stories of promachination reached my ears some time ago.” Corellia: “We have always stayed neutral and peaceful in matters of foreign policy—a tradition I intend to keep.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 01:00 AM · Sep 15, 2021 Permalink
Guillo tries and fails to start shit. Look, I’m all for disrespecting royalty, but at this point you make Kalas look polite and that is quite the achievement
Guillo: “And suppose the Machina Vanguard has already arrived on your soil...” Guillo: “You think neutrality and that smug little grin will stop them?” Corellia: “I assure you, if promachination shows signs of spreading into Anuenue, I shall take the necessary [...]” Corellia: “[...] action.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 01:04 AM · Sep 15, 2021 Permalink
Well, that was useful.
As often both dialog options actually converge on the same line, just starting differently. Probably it’s about affecting the bond with Sagi.
Corellia: “However, as of yet I’ve heard no such news. There’s nothing more to discuss.” Sagi: “What else can we do?”
Dialog choice: “Let’s harass her” and “Not much”. Sagi: “Yeah, it’s not like she’s siding with promachination. Let’s report to the quaestor and see what he thinks.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 01:06 AM · Sep 15, 2021 Permalink
The Queen notices the Spirit convo and asks for confirmation. Nothing more... for now.
Corellia: “Did you just... You wouldn’t happen to be a spiriter?” Sagi: “Huh? Me? Y-Yes, Your Grace—I am.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 01:06 AM · Sep 15, 2021 Permalink
Just like this thread which has a bunch more to go and it’s too late. The rest tomorrow!
Lia @liareplaysbk · 07:05 AM · Sep 15, 2021 Permalink
Call Verus, mission accomplished / failed again, go back to Mintaka. Surely the ship is fixed now.
(Like hell it is)
Sagi: “Sir, we weren’t able to secure Queen Corellia’s help.” Sagi: “But she doesn’t seem to be in support of promachination, either.” Verus: “Ever the pacifist, even now. All right, I suppose there’s no point in pursuing the matter further.” Sagi: “Yeah. Let’s go back to the Holoholo Jungle. Repairs to the Sfida should be done by now.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 07:08 AM · Sep 15, 2021 Permalink
Around the palace are a bunch more Quest Magnus and fun convos...
Nervous Guardsman: “The finance minister and administration minister are going at it over next year’s budget.” Nervous Guardsman: “I’m here in case it comes to blows. Everyone always avoids this job. It’s so depressing.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 07:11 AM · Sep 15, 2021 Permalink
What the heck is wrong with Anuenue politics. Between the mess of the election and this, it looks like quite the mess.
Administration Minister: “Madame minister, could you think this through again? The funds you’ve allotted here are insufficient.” Finance Minister: “You need to stop deducting personal entertainment expenses as [red text] miscellaneous fees [end red text]!” Administration Minister: “Wh-What are... Y-you must be joking. Hahahaha...ha.” Textbox: “Obtained the magna essence [blue text] Poor Excuse for a Joke [end blue text]!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 07:15 AM · Sep 15, 2021 Permalink
Bed Facts are rather underwhelming this time. Though this brings up the question of how “the tropics” means anything in this world.
Inspection text: “This bed’s exotic aura calls to mind scenes from the tropics. Its design is popular with resort-goers.” Inspection text: “This top-grade silk mattress paired with a gorgeous canopy ensures a perfect night’s sleep.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 07:17 AM · Sep 15, 2021 Permalink
Guillo keeps being a jerk.
Inspection text: “A finely ground powder of some sort has been mixed into this cream.” Milly: “Could this be the source of Queen Corellia’s beauty...?!” Guillo: “Feh, give it up, wench. Pretty things don’t suit you.” Milly: “Shut up, can opener!!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 07:20 AM · Sep 15, 2021 Permalink
Off to the Sfida! It’s now raining heavily in the jungle and a bunch of animals need help. That’s the obnoxious bird we bothered earlier, a Holoholo chick whose mom we murdered, and a random hograt stuck in the mud.
Each of them gives us a combat magnus in thanks.
Sagi standing in the jungle, now very dark and rainy. Sagi: “That bird is being attacked by an alraune! We have to help it!” Sagi: “It looks like the Holoholo chick is in trouble. Let’s help it out.” Sagi: “A hograt! It looks like it’s stuck in the mire. We should help it out!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 07:26 AM · Sep 15, 2021 Permalink
We make it to the ship. The poor attendant is missing critical parts to do a good job, and even then there’s too much to fix.
Sfida Attendant: “Sir! Thank goodness, I was worried about you out in the rain. Everyone, come inside and dry off!” Sagi: “What’s wrong? The Sfida still seems to be having some trouble.” Sfida Attendant: “Yes... You see, they hit a crucial part of the drive system.” Sfida Attendant: “And even if I did have the parts I need—she’s taken quite a beating.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 07:29 AM · Sep 15, 2021 Permalink
We then get to pick who of Verus or Corellia to ask for help. If we choose Verus, Geldoblame is the one to pick up...
Man: “This is Geldoblame. What is it, Sagi?” Sagi: “Oh, Geldoblame! The Dark Service attacked and the Sfida took a lot of damage.” Sagi: “We’re having trouble repairing it here. Is there any way you could send a large ship to Anuenue?” Geldoblame: “Hmm... As much as I’d love to say I’ll have it there in a flash...”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 07:32 AM · Sep 15, 2021 Permalink
... and can’t order that for us since Verus is out. Oh well. Coulda mentioned this when we talked to Verus earlier maybe, though I guess we assumed the Sfida was fixable.
Geldoblame: “Quaestor Verus is away at the moment, and I don’t have the authority. Can you make things [...]” Geldoblame: “[...] work on that end?” Sagi: “It’s no good. The quaestor’s out so we can’t get a ship.” Guillo: “That’s fine with me. I don’t care one jot if we wait right here.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 07:34 AM · Sep 15, 2021 Permalink
Milly’s concerned we’ll have a repeat of the bird problem - can’t blame her - and we decide to ask Corellia anyway.
If we pick Corellia from the start, it jumps right to Sagi agreeing and we don’t get the Geldoblame bit.
Milly: “No stinking way! We don’t know when another one of those birds will come swooping in again!” Milly: “Come on, let’s go ask Queen Corellia. It can’t hurt to try, right?” Sagi: “Yeah... The queen might help if it’s just a matter of fixing the Sfida.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 07:36 AM · Sep 15, 2021 Permalink
So in true Anuenue fashion, next time is running back the other way to see whether Her Grace can help us somehow. I’m not optimistic.