Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:09 PM · Sep 21, 2021 Permalink
Alright. We’re in Opu, Lolo can help if we chop a branch off the magic sacred tree, Milly is super jealous because it’s getting time to develop the Contracted Heteronormative Romance Between Protagonists, yay.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:18 PM · Sep 21, 2021 Permalink
What the heck is “Burst” in combat and why does it MAKE MY EARS EXPLODE
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:20 PM · Sep 21, 2021 Permalink
“When the MP level reaches 5, the maximum, the player can activate MP Burst which allows cards to be activated without cost for the entire round”
It lasted literally 5 seconds how the hell is this supposed to be usable
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:06 AM · Sep 22, 2021 Permalink
Anyhow, first stop was Sedna.
Maia’s got a weirdly ominous assessment of Sagi which I Do Not Like because he clearly has a link to the afterlings.
A knight has a silly letter-counting puzzle but joke’s on you I got a screenshot key.
Also, weirdest Greythorne ever.
Maia: “You’ve got to be one of those legendary warrior-hero types or like a god of destruction or something!” A jumble of capital N, E, D, S, A letters spanning three lines. Greythorne: “Squeak? Squ, squ, squ, squeak!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:09 AM · Sep 22, 2021 Permalink
[CW domestic violence I guess...?]
The terrible divorcing parents are now repeatedly punching each other in the face so, er, guess their kid was right to run the hell away. Geez.
Sagi standing by as one character in dark brown punches a character in light blue. Sagi standing by as the character in light blue punches the character in dark brown.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:13 AM · Sep 22, 2021 Permalink
A few missed snippets from Komo Mai: suspiciously blunt politics, surprisingly modern chemistry textbook, what are the Lefties doing with that info in their room HMMM.
Hey @BatenPosting, there’s your answer, looks like particle physics are known at least to a degree.
Komo Mai local: “The Lefties are more likeable, but they seem ineffective. The Righties just seem dishonest.” Chemistry Guide: “Strong and weak nuclear forces are critical in determining the element of the synthesized matter, and...” Inspection text: “This is the Komo Mai census record. It details the name, age, and interests of all the city’s residents.” Milly: “This isn’t supposed to ever leave the library... How did it get here?”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:16 AM · Sep 22, 2021 Permalink
Celestial Tree time!
In a shocking, shocking turn of events, asking to just chop off a branch pretty please gets us yelled at.
A large tree with sunlight filtering through the canopy. Title card: “The Celestial Tree”. Celestial Tree Keeper: “I’m sorry, but the Celestial Tree is off-limits. May we help you?” Sagi: “Yes, excuse me—is there any way you could spare some wood from the Celestial Tree?” Celestial Tree Keeper: “Don’t be absurd! There’s no way we could take a blade to the Celestial Tree!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:19 AM · Sep 22, 2021 Permalink
Milly: vindicated.
This character: definitely related to Mayfee.
The plan: not looking good.
Milly: “See? I told you so. Don’t look at me.” Woman: “What is the matter? Servants of the Celestial Tree shouldn’t raise their voices like that in her presence.” Celestial Tree Keeper: “Yulfee! You have to hear this. These people are telling us to slice off a part of the Celestial Tree!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:22 AM · Sep 22, 2021 Permalink
Luckily some branches just fall off naturally - how convenient - but those are still special and we need Her Grace to approve soooooo BACK TO KOMO MAI. Even if Corellia is supposed to be right here meditating by the roots. Anuénué!
Yulfee: “If you need a piece of the Celestial Tree that badly... there are ways.” Yulfee: “Every year she sheds some of her branches.” Celestial Tree Keeper: “Yulfee! The fell-branches are still sacred wood containing the power of the Celestial Tree!” Sagi: “It’s all right, I understand. We’ll speak with the queen.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:25 AM · Sep 22, 2021 Permalink
Guards running out of the castle? Well, that can’t be good. It’s not like this could possibly obey the pattern of the Empire showing up after we failed to secure help from the local ruler so we can get our ass kicked by another machina arma, right.
Guards running out of the castle in two neat files. Sagi: “What was that about? They sure seemed to be in a hurry.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:39 AM · Sep 22, 2021 Permalink
Oh no! The Empire has shown up and taken over what sounds like a core of the island’s very nature! Who could have foreseen this!
Corellia is being incredibly unpleasant in this sequence, and the voicework is on point. Isn’t she the one with foresight?
Anuenue Guardsman: “Queen Corellia! It’s only a matter of time until they take control of the Veinroots! Please, command us!” Corellia: “How could you allow such an invasion? You should have noticed sooner!” Anuenue Guardsman: “But my queen, we never dreamed they would strike right at the Veinroots! They caught us unaware.” Anuenue Guardsman: “They’ve brought in some sort of giant machina. If we don’t act soon...”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:43 AM · Sep 22, 2021 Permalink
The guards get sent off - it’s interesting to see Corellia as a military commander! - and we get snapped at.
You’d think this would have taught her a lesson about ignoring teenagers with weirdly ominous messages for the next go 20 years later huh
Corellia: “Companies Two and Three, hurry and join Company One. Company Four, you protect the Celestial Tree.” Corellia: “I shall follow shortly. We will not suffer this invasion a moment longer!” Corellia: “You’re still here? As you can see, I don’t have time to humor you.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:46 AM · Sep 22, 2021 Permalink
Sagi wants to help and get rebuked, because neutrality. Again the tone is cutting and ice-cold.
Sagi: “They mentioned machina... Don’t tell me it’s the Empire!” Corellia: That’s none of your concern. Now kindly stand down—my men await me.” Corellia: “The answer is no. Anuenue can solve its own problems. We have no intention of accepting another [...]” Corellia: “[...] nation’s aid.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:50 AM · Sep 22, 2021 Permalink
He insists that it’s personal, not in Verus’ name - I don’t doubt it, we’re at three for three on complete failures - and it’s mini lore dump time. Interesting.
Corellia: “... Very well. If it means that much to you.” Corellia: “The Empire has seized what we call the Celestial Tree’s “Veinroots,” which lie beneath our soil.” Corellia: “All life in Anuenue stems from the Celestial Tree. Her roots span the entire continent, but the Veinroots [...]” Corellia: “[...] are where they grow thickest.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:51 AM · Sep 22, 2021 Permalink
No we won’t
Corellia: “The Empire must be planning to promachinate those Veinroots. Can you stop them?” Sagi: “This time we’ll stop promachination before it starts!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:54 AM · Sep 22, 2021 Permalink
Guillo still has eyes on the prize and a terrible sense of timing. We also had a dialog option to ask about the branches ourselves.
Guillo: “Sagi, what about the branches?” Sagi: “Could you spare us some of the Celestial Tree’s fell-branches?” Corellia: “... I will consider it. But that discussion can come later. Right now we haven’t a moment to lose.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:57 AM · Sep 22, 2021 Permalink
Anuenue Guardsman: “My queen, is this wise? This year’s fell-branches are more potent than usual.” Anuenue Guardsman: “Besides, we already had another use in mind, did we not?” Corellia: “I never said I would give them branches.” Anuenue Guardsman: “Yes... Yes, of course. Such treasures aren’t meant for the likes of them.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 01:03 AM · Sep 22, 2021 Permalink
And this will get finished tomorrow ‘cause I started too late again. But hey, look what’s finally turned!
(Shoutouts to a terrible Milly pun)
Quest Magnus UI, focused on “Local Hero Guillo”: “A plaque of Guillo, beloved sidekick, whose honor hath been restored. No one talks about the kids who became fans of the Guillo in the wanted poster, but burst into tears when they saw the real deal.” Quest Magnus UI, focused on “Local Hero Milly”. “A plaque of Milly, beloved heroine, whose honor hath been restored. We won’t mention the time she creamed that poor guy who put up the wanted poster. “Me, eat and run?! Try again, buster!!” Quest Magnus UI, focused on “Local Hero Sagi”. “A poster of Sagi, beloved hero, whose honor hath been restored. The world was once in the thrall of vicious rumors, but now it sings his praises. Huzzah, huzzah! OK, maybe not, but he’s still the town hero.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 07:49 AM · Sep 22, 2021 Permalink
The Celestial Tree looks very different now: the Keepers are off to the side, worried, and their tents are gone, along with the treasure chests it did not let me grab.
I’m not as optimistic as Sagi here.
The base of the Celestial Tree, now an empty green field. There is a glowing opening to the right. Gigantic roots floating over empty space. Title card: “The Celestial Tree Veinroots.” Guillo: “Only a mahina arma would scar the roots like this. They must have one further in.” Sagi: “But we’re not losing again, guys. We have to stop them, no matter what.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 07:53 AM · Sep 22, 2021 Permalink
Applying the Basic Baten Kaitos Map Design Principle, I of course ignore the exit right by the flower and go poke around. All of the paths eventually turn to dead ends with a suspicious opening.
Also suspicious glowing roots. I smell puzzles.
Inspection text: “A giant root growth is blocking the way. The tiny opening at ground level is too small to pass through.” Sagi: “It looks like a dead end. I don’t think there’s any way we’re getting through this tiny hole.” Sagi standing below a suspiciously glowing root.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 07:55 AM · Sep 22, 2021 Permalink
There are branches in a seemingly random spot, and two guards blocking them. I’m guessing that they’ll get orders to give us access once we “save the day”.
Guard: “We’ll protect the fell-branches with our lives... None will have the treasures of Anuenue!” Milly: “They’re so desperate to guard them... They must really be important to the nation.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 07:57 AM · Sep 22, 2021 Permalink
Since everything’s blocked off, time to go towards what is nearly always a boss room. Seems early, and indeed the path is gone. Is it the return of stealing Imperial pods?
Sagi: “The root’s been burned away!” Sagi: “It looks like we’ll have to cross to get to the Veinroots... but how?”
Dialog choice: “Jump!” or “Give up”. Sagi: “No way, it’s too far! Even with our wings of the heart, we’d fall halfway.” An Imperial soldier in a flying pod by the entrance on the opposite side.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 07:59 AM · Sep 22, 2021 Permalink
No, because we got a gadgeteer who can help. Milly proceeds to keep being petty, ft. more stomping.
Game please we’ve already gone around the island three times in one hour, can we NOT
Guillo: “Couldn’t we ask Lolo to make us something? Gadgets seem to be her specialty.” Sagi: “Right! OK, let’s go back to Opu.” Milly: “Ooh... Lolo this, Lolo that! Hmph!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 08:03 AM · Sep 22, 2021 Permalink
Conveniently it looks like the game is somewhat aware of its own nonsense, and Lolo’s right there.
Sagi: “Lolo! What are you doing here?” Lolo: “I felt bad asking you to do all the work.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 08:05 AM · Sep 22, 2021 Permalink
Okay, so the glowing bits are called dagroots, and we’ll need to harvest a bunch...
Lolo: “I get it. So I just need to make something that’ll help you cross where the roots are broken.” Lolo: “Well, that’s easy enough. And for materials, we can make do with some dagroots.” Lolo: “Yeah, the little root pieces you can find at the ends of the Celestial Tree’s roots.” Lolo: “They’re not super potent, but they should be strong enough for me to throw something simple together.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 08:07 AM · Sep 22, 2021 Permalink
Gameiness intensifies
Lolo: “Dagroots come in five different types, each with a different element. I need one of each kind or [...]” Lolo: “[...] I can’t use them.” Lolo: “Plus they’re hard to reach because of how the roots tangle together and block the way.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 08:10 AM · Sep 22, 2021 Permalink
There’s our way past the dead ends. We’ve seen that Guillo’s pretty elastic but probably not THAT shrinkable.
Milly: “Just how are we supposed to get into the tight spots?” Milly: “Shove the dingbat through?” Lolo, pointing at an autonomous wooden toy: “Oh, you can use this fellah.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 08:11 AM · Sep 22, 2021 Permalink
Also I’ll just. Leave that here. Because after the wood pun earlier I doubt it isn’t at least SOME degree of on-purpose.
Sagi: “So when we run into a tight spot, we just use this toy?”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 08:14 AM · Sep 22, 2021 Permalink
Back to one of the blocked spots, we get confirmation that the glowy things are what we want, and can use the “Woodfellah” who of course is clogging a quest magnus again.
... Guillo’s got magical perception?
Sagi: “It’s glowing faintly. Do you think that could be one of the dagroots Lolo was talking about?” Guillo: “And I can feel a similar presence from further back, too.” The screen panning and showing two glowing roots, one red at the top and one yellow at the bottom.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 08:17 AM · Sep 22, 2021 Permalink
This proceeds to be miserable. The woodfellah moves fast enough to dodge enemies, but has to drag the roots back, which make it way slower and guarantee it’ll hit something. In which case the monster follows it back and we get a fight.
Sagi: “All right, so far so good. Now he’s just got to drag that dagroot back to us.” Milly: “No way! It came running back here with monsters still in tow?!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 08:19 AM · Sep 22, 2021 Permalink
Overall it feels like by making your health refill after each fight, this game deemed it unnecessary to avoid spamming encounters. More of them are in the way and impossible to dodge, fights actually run longer since a one-turn kill is more rare.
Add the animations here... urgh.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 08:23 AM · Sep 22, 2021 Permalink
Which is a shame because I kind of love this roots map? It vaguely reminds me of Kaena (2003 French-Canadian CGI thing), which was terrible and has probably not aged well, but had some cool ideas about what a world inside a giant tree could look like.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 08:24 AM · Sep 22, 2021 Permalink
Even the challenge would be fun if there was... one monster. Not three. After two battles you can’t really dodge to even get there. On just this one screen.
Anyhow. Next time we do a lot more of that and go see Lolo again I guess.