Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:31 PM · Sep 23, 2021 Permalink
- There’s gonna be a giant machine we can’t beat.
- Shanath is gonna be a jerk.
- A giant monster will show up.
- Sagi will scream and boom we’ll be back in the past.
Or maybe it’ll actually surprise me. GO GO GO
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:40 PM · Sep 23, 2021 Permalink
How about “It’s too dangerous” AND “Let’s go” because (as Sagi answers) we don’t have a choice?
The first stop is at the end of the line, has some great treasure and a very... peculiar room, but nothing to inspect.
Sagi: “We can get to the core of the Veinroots using the cable car Lolo built.”
Dialog choice: “Let’s go, Sagi!” and “It’s too dangerous”. The cable car having gone past the obvious opening and to a platform all the way to the left. An empty room with strange transparent things on the floor and the back wall. To the left are two treasure chests.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:42 PM · Sep 23, 2021 Permalink
Let’s go to the actual core, where we get our two first bingo squares: giant machine and Shanath being a jerk. Forgot to list “we’re of course too late” in there, or it’d be three.
Sagi standing in front of a glowing entrance after stepping off the cable car. Guillo: “We’re too late.” Shanath: “Why hello, Sagi. You never do seem to make it in time, do you?”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:46 PM · Sep 23, 2021 Permalink
On one hand I’d make fun of Sagi for still refusing to accept that Sanath is just a monster, on the other I’m someone with no cognitive model of lying, so. Y’know what, I’m not judging, I just hope this asshat gets what’s coming for him eventually.
Sagi: “Shanath! Look what you’re doing! Is it really worth murdering people over this?!” Shanath: “What a hurtful thing to say. I am human, you know. The thought of taking their lives never crossed my [...]” Shanath: “[...] mind.” Shanath: “I just fixed them up so they don’t get in the way of our work.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:48 PM · Sep 23, 2021 Permalink
Huuuuuuh that’s a new development and also seems really really monstrous. Guess we’ll get more explaining on the topic soon.
Guillo: “Someone pulled out their wings of the heart. They’re all unconscious.” Milly: “You yanked out their wings? What a horrible thing to do!” Shanath: “Horrible? Quite the contrary. They should be thanking me.” Shanath: “Now they’re ahead of their time. Heart-wings have no place in an age of man and machina!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:51 PM · Sep 23, 2021 Permalink
Giant monster, bingo square three. This one immediately turns into... a different, even creepier plant thing.
It looks like an afterling from a human though, so, who died this time? Guess we won’t find out?
Valara: “Shanath! There’s something out there!” Valara: “Grr... An afterling?” The afterling melting into a black puddle. Shanath: “So... they can live in plants, too. Every day you learn something n—“
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:54 PM · Sep 23, 2021 Permalink
Hey it’s Shanath’s turn to get an afterling headache!
Doesn’t matter, orders are orders, Valara starts shooting it.
How did they even get a live one to drop on us in Sadal Suud if they always kill those things to secure them?
Shanath: “Urgh! Ahhh...” Valara: “Shanath! What should I do with this thing?” Shanath: “Ungh, secure it, obviously!” Valara readying the machina’s tail laser to strike the roots afterling.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:57 PM · Sep 23, 2021 Permalink
It’s our chance! But Sagi has the weirdest instinct that killing the afterlings is bad actually. Doesn’t know why.
Fair enough, if an action gave me horrible headaches and sent me back in time repeatedly I’d also consider not doing that.
Guillo: “If we strike now we might be able to defeat that girl, arma and all.” Sagi: “Yeah. But I don’t want to kill the afterling in the process.” Sagi: “I don’t know why, but we’re not supposed to kill it.” Sagi: “I’m not sure... But my heart is telling me—“
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:59 PM · Sep 23, 2021 Permalink
Could this maybe be a suggestion for the fight? It’s repeated a couple times to make sure you REALLY memorize it, I can’t imagine that it’ll be relev-
Milly: “If we attacked the roots, wouldn’t that help it get away?” Guillo: “Right. Don’t hurt the afterling! Strike only the roots and we can set it free!” Combat defeat “You lose...” screen.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:02 AM · Sep 24, 2021 Permalink
The trick here is that the boss has two forms. When it’s “up” your attacks hit the roots. After it uses Posture Shift and “folds”, your attacks hits the afterling itself.
It’s got a few strongish attacks but otherwise it’s trivial and just a race against Valara’s attacks.
Combat screen, showing the boss “standing up”. Combat screen, showing the attack title “Posture Shift”. Combat screen, showing the boss “folded down”.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:07 AM · Sep 24, 2021 Permalink
Victory! We freed the maybe-not-evil-then creature! No headache! Will I not get my bingo?
Milly: “It’s getting smaller! It must be losing power because we freed it from the roots!” Sagi: “No pain... It doesn’t hurt! No headache!” Guillo: “Could that be because we freed the afterling?”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:09 AM · Sep 24, 2021 Permalink
Thank you Valara for being a jerk, I get my bingo.
Admittedly there was a bit of surprise so I double-win, really.
Valara: “Who says it’s free?” Valara: “My mission is to secure this thing.” Valara readying the machina’s tail laser again. Sagi: “Ugh...”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:10 AM · Sep 24, 2021 Permalink
Aaaaand we’re back right where we left off. There’s more dungeon, yay.
Ven: “Hey, how far do we have to go?” Seph: “Just a little farther. Stop your grousing.” Thoran: “Ven, nothing you say will change anything now. Let’s just keep going.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:11 AM · Sep 24, 2021 Permalink
Does it start with “Cor” and end in “Hydrae”
Milly: “This keep reminds me of someplace I learned about at school. What was it called again...?” Milly: “Ohh... I can’t remember.” Guillo: “Right now the most we can do is follow along until our time here is up.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:12 AM · Sep 24, 2021 Permalink
It looks like much the same as earlier. Ven can’t fly high up but I’m sure we’ll need him for a thing, there’s a light beam device further up, etc.
We’ll go through that NEXT TIME
Ven: “Sorry... I can’t fly that high up.”