Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:23 PM · Dec 12, 2021 Permalink
Let’s go revisit Diadem! Unless an energy miracle happens I don’t think I’m finishing this game this year, but hey, I can try. Onwards!
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:44 AM · Dec 13, 2021 Permalink
The dialog in Sheliak is new. Mostly it’s worry about the amount of atmospheric pollution in Alfard, and wanting revenge on the Empire. Nothing too interesting.
Knight: “The sky above Alfard has gone an obsidian black of late. What are they building there now?” Child: “It’s really not all that different from usual. The sky over Alfard is always all black like that.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:46 AM · Dec 13, 2021 Permalink
Yaaaaay Helping Creepy Stalker Part Two, so fun. I hope someone actually beats this guy’s ass by the time we’re done.
It’s fun how consistent long vowels for effect are in this game, it’s near-always multiples of three.
Singing Man: “I stiiill just can’t forget about that giiirl!” Singing Man: “[red text] Once again, I beseech you! Bring this sooong... to my beloooved! [end red text]”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:47 AM · Dec 13, 2021 Permalink
No sir that’s trauma not genetics
Sheliak resident: “The king has grown do much in such a brief period...” Sheliak resident: “He’s even started to exude a regal aura about him. Genetics are an amazing thing.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:48 AM · Dec 13, 2021 Permalink
It sure will, about, maybe, twenty or so years from now
Child: “Gibari isn’t the type of man to rot away in that tiny village!” Child: “I know in my heart that the day will come when he rises up again to aid the King!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:51 AM · Dec 13, 2021 Permalink
Nashira: not much new, mostly stuff about fish and about Gibari being depressed. Some fun bits about the future skyliner tho.
The bar wall has yet to be fixed.
Fisherman: “If we could get a skyliner to come right to the wharf, we could ship fish fresh.” Villager on the dock: “I’m doing the paperwork now to get a scheduled skyliner going from Pherkad to here, but...” Villager on the dock: “Well, talks with that Rodolfo person have proven difficult. He keeps asking for incentives from us.” The bar in Nashira, still with a giant hole in the wall.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:56 AM · Dec 13, 2021 Permalink
To the castle, since our target’s in the Cloudvents. The idea of Alfard being subtle about their might is hilarious.
There is literally only the one guy saying anything about the Vents. It’s the next beat in the tiny story we’ve gotten about that.
Watchman: “Honestly, I’m surprised to discover that Alfard was hiding this kind of military power.” Man on balcony: “The knights were deployed, but after taking a second beating, they pulled back out.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:59 AM · Dec 13, 2021 Permalink
Otherwise it’s all the same Celsica and Rambari mourning as before.
To the Vents! Nasca’s still there being disturbingly fanatical, what with being a literal child and all.
Nasca: “Back again? ...Why?” Nasca: “The groundwork for promachination is all but complete. Only one step remains before the deed is done.” Nasca: “Machina will dominate this continent. Diadem, Land of the Clouds? Hehehehehe.” Nasca: “There won’t be any clouds!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 01:02 AM · Dec 13, 2021 Permalink
I wonder if the Tarazed line gets a different answer if you fight Nasca first. Might check at some point.
In any case, Sagi goes into foul mouthed- plus turbo-mode, and it’s fight time.
Nasca: “The whole sky will be under Tarazed’s control!” Sagi: “The hell it will! This has to end, Nasca! Starting with you!” Sagi, arms glowing as he faces a small tank with his sword drawn: “Say your prayers, Nasca!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 01:05 AM · Dec 13, 2021 Permalink
I’m sure the fight has some actual smart mechanics much like Heughes but I bruteforced my way through it.
Is Nasca still here really? The thing blew up entirely...
The party facing a very broken tank. Guillo: “We did it, Sagi! We defeated the machina arma!” Sagi: “It’s not over! Nasca’s still there!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 01:08 AM · Dec 13, 2021 Permalink
Guillo’s being more vindicative than before, oddly.
And er Nasca do we need to talk to your brother about not being a jerk to one’s siblings
Nasca: “Machina arma are invicible! They can’t be destroyed!” Guillo: “Sorry we had to break your toy. I suggest you run before we decide to break you!” Nasca: “I’m not r-running! If I ran... my brother would never let me live it down!” Nasca: “I couldn’t bear for him to laugh at me! I won’t run! Now come on, fight!”
Dialog choice: “Let him go” and “Give him what he wants”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 01:11 AM · Dec 13, 2021 Permalink
Guillo is being VERY vindicative. Heughes didn’t cause nearly the same reaction, so maybe there’s something about the whole hating children stuff
Sagi: “Yeah... it’s over. He can’t continue promachination without his arma.” Guillo, eyes blazing red: “Sagi! You’re going to let him walk away?!” Sagi: “That’s right.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 01:14 AM · Dec 13, 2021 Permalink
Nasca begs us to fight, until we walk away and get booted to the island map.
If we do choose to fight, just like Heughes, there’s no real dialog and just an execution battle against a much weaker enemy. (Pour one out for emulator save states)
Sagi: “Go. I don’t care where, but go.” Nasca: “No... don’t you dare! Fight me! FIGHT ME!” Nasca, on his knees: “Fight me... Fight me... Fight me...” The Diadem island map.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 01:16 AM · Dec 13, 2021 Permalink
Going back shows the machina gone, Ladekahn has all of two textboxes for us, Balcony Guy has a half-dunk. It’s all rather anticlimatic.
The deep room in the Cloudsvent, now empty. Ladekahn: “Leave it to you to beat that machina arma, Sagi! Now the Cloudvents will be safe again.” Ladekahn: “Allow me to thank you on behalf of the nation of Diadem.” Sheliak resident on the balcony: “Rumor has it that an agent of the Empire defeated it. I guess that means the Empire’s in chaos, too?”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 01:17 AM · Dec 13, 2021 Permalink
Anuénué is next! I expect that to take a lot longer, if the elections are finally getting resolved. The looooooong delay between making a choice and resolving it is frustrating, it’ll make it much harder to check both paths unless I go save hacking.
We’ll see!