Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:14 PM · Dec 13, 2021 Permalink
To Anuénué, we got an election to steal and need to help Her Majesty molt! Completely normal island, that.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 01:22 AM · Dec 14, 2021 Permalink
Election has been stolen and too much magnus mixing done, it’s late so the thread will happen tomorrow.
It will, alas, feature the Komo Mai cookie recipe and an unexpected ingredient.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:24 AM · Dec 14, 2021 Permalink
Leaving Sheliak has the Sfida Attendant voicing concerns about continued employment. We haven’t seen Verus since stuff went down, but eeeeeeh I’m sure it’s FINE
Sfida Attendant: “The new emperor has been chosen, but what’s to become of Verus now?” Sfida Attendant: “At the whim of the emperor, he could be chased off from his current post at any time...” Sfida Attendant: “W-well I guess there’s nothing someone like me can do sitting here worrying about it!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:26 AM · Dec 14, 2021 Permalink
We go get sidetracked in Hassaleh for magnus mixing reasons, and are force-pulled into the past. If we claim not to remember anything Sagi just tells us to try again.
Milly: “Well? Does he feel anything?” Sagi, glowing. Dialog choice: “I remember!” and “I don’t feel a thing.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:27 AM · Dec 14, 2021 Permalink
This game is REAL SUBTLE about explaining mechanics sometimes.
Sagi: “This... this is Cujam!” Milly: “See? What did I tell you.” Guillo: “Perhaps we can move freely between past and present, now.” Milly: “Uh-huh. We can probably just look at the Brierclock again if we want to go home.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:28 AM · Dec 14, 2021 Permalink
Absolutely not, sorry Gena, there are shenanigans to take care of first
Milly: “OK, let’s get down to finding that heartenbrace! Your mother needs our help. Right, Sagi?”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:32 AM · Dec 14, 2021 Permalink
Such as finally figuring out what Greythorne Inuendo Guy has been working on...
He’s so verbose. He’s so, so verbose.
Old Man: “My research has you curious, right? The study of the unusual power the greythornes possess...” Old Man: “My study is complete at long last.” Old Man: “So? Are you curious? You’re curious.” Sagi: “Greythornes? Hmm, what do you think, Lia?”
Dialog choice: “Totally curious!” and “Absolutely uncurious!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:34 AM · Dec 14, 2021 Permalink
Okay I expected something like that- wait a second, the heart TRANSFERS?
Old Man: “Darn tootin’! Sagi cares! I could tell from the start.” Old Man: “I came across something wondrous while examining those greythornes I love so much.” Old Man: “These amazing little creatures can link their hearts with those of human beings.” Old Man: “The linked human’s heart transfers to the greythorne, and vice versa.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:36 AM · Dec 14, 2021 Permalink
Old Man: “The two hearts literally trade bodies.” Old Man: “I’ve termed this phenomenon the [red text] heart link [end red text].” Old Man: “Haven’t you ever come across a greythorne that seems to pierce your very soul with its gaze?” Old Man: “Those are the ones who possess this amazing ability.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:39 AM · Dec 14, 2021 Permalink
Cool, we can get stuck being a greythorne. Let’s not ponder how not-Sagi would behave were this to happen.
Game, I was expecting the ability to talk to the things, but nooo, you just HAD to be weird.
(We will of course test this, for science)
Textbox: “Obtained the valuable item [blue text] Heart Link [end blue text]!” Old Man: “There’s just one catch.” Old Man: “Be sure not to stray too far from your body after linking hearts.” Old Man: “If that link is severed, you’ll be unable to return to your own body.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:41 AM · Dec 14, 2021 Permalink
Pour water on a greythorne, become a greythorne, sure, this is reasonable, anyway we’ll do a round of this around the sky AFTER we’re done destroying expensive Imperial equipment.
Old Man: “If you spot a greythorne somewhere, try dousing them with [blue text] salty water [end blue text].” Old Man: “That will initiate the body swap. Ooh, this is exciting. Ho ho ho.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:43 AM · Dec 14, 2021 Permalink
Also the east / southern exit of the village is now blocked for no apparent reason
White Caplin: “Mm, baaa.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:46 AM · Dec 14, 2021 Permalink
To Anuénué! First stop, the library, where a ghost had promised to tell us something. The something is a whole bunch of recipes.
Textbox: “Obtained a magna mix recipe!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:48 AM · Dec 14, 2021 Permalink
Next: Opu, where the waterwheel is in place but still not running...
Villager: “Today’s your lucky day, traveler. You’ll get to see the waterwheel make its inaugural spin today!” Villager: “It should start up any minute now. Hmm... that’s odd. I wonder what’s wrong?”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:51 AM · Dec 14, 2021 Permalink
... I grabbed one of those while in the Cloudvents just in case, HELL YES
Lolo: “I feel bad saying this, especially after you brought me those fell-branches...” Lolo: “I’m short on parts again. Just one part, actually.” Lolo: “It’s a special kind of stone called a [blue text] gust boulder [end blue text], and it can’t be found anywhere in Anuenue.” Lolo: “If I just had one of those, the waterwheel would be done in no time—but the question is how?”
The quest magnus UI is open and focused on a Gust Boulder.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:53 AM · Dec 14, 2021 Permalink
Lolo fixes a thing and the wheel then starts up via the provision of unsafe child labor. Yaaaaay
Lolo: “Now I can get the waterwheel running! I’m going to get right to it.” Lolo working on the waterwheel. Two children are standing on the larger wheels. Lolo, having moved back: “OK, then! I leave it to you!” The children, running on the wheels.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:55 AM · Dec 14, 2021 Permalink
Like most such side tasks at this point, we get some thanks and a magnus for our troubles.
Lolo: “Sagi, you’ve helped me out with so much... I wish I knew how to thank you.” Sagi: “Oh, don’t mention it. You helped us out a ton, too.” Textbox: “Obtained the magnus [blue text] Twelve-Layered Kimono [end blue text]!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:57 AM · Dec 14, 2021 Permalink
Can we please leave this plot arc to rest, it’s obnoxious
(Probably not, there’s a greythorne in Lolo’s workshop)
Villager: “I wonder if Lolo’s found romance?” Villager: “I overheard her talk in her sleep when she dozed off at work before. She was saying the name of a boy!” Villager: “I remember it was something moist. Boggy? Froggy? Something like that? I can’t put my finger on it...”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:59 AM · Dec 14, 2021 Permalink
In a continuation of the cursed house, a new family has moved in. This time it’s an older couple, maybe they’ll get to stay.
Villager: “This is a pleasant little village, full of quiet and fresh air. I could just drift to sleep right now.” Villager: “We’re truly lucky to have found such a wonderful place to call home.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:05 AM · Dec 14, 2021 Permalink
To Komo Mai! Let’s check on our political opponents... oh my
Righty Staff, looking at their candidate sprawled on the floor: “All we need to do is win. We can say he’s on temporary hiatus for health reasons then.” Righty Staff: “He passed out from eating too many Komo Mai cookies...? We can’t let word of this get out.” Righty Staff: “He’s getting on in years, too—this could be bigger than just the election... What should we do?!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:06 AM · Dec 14, 2021 Permalink
Research Assistant: “None of that scene behind me is my problem. Academics like me are above petty drama.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:10 AM · Dec 14, 2021 Permalink
Going around town, collecting more ballots, which also means darting around collecting magnus and mixing stuff and wrapping up sidequests...
I’m not sure if the joke here got lost in translation or just never was funny.
Administration Minister: “Madame minister, how about we stop pecking at one another and move on, hmm?” Finance Minister: “You’re right. It’s childish to take these preposterous jokes seriously.” Finance Minister: “I suppose there’s no helping it. Finance, from the beginning, has its [red text] grey areas [end red text]...” Finance Minister: “Ohhohohohoho!!”
Administration Minister: “Wahahahahaha!!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:15 AM · Dec 14, 2021 Permalink
Eventually we’ve gathered up all the ballots and the Lefties gather for a very disorganized pep talk. Not sure again whether that’s the translation making the flow weird or something else.
Staff Chief Razor: “All right, that’s [red text] 4 [end red text] ballots, making for a total of [red text] 9 [end red text] ballots. Keep up the good work.” Staff Chief Razor: “The [blue text] ballots [end blue text] are being tallied. You can stop collecting them now. You’ve done well. Thanks!” Staff Chief Razor: “Take a look at the ceiling! I scraped together the funds to buy some confetti.” Staff Chief Razor: “It will take a while for them to tally the votes. How about leaving town for a bit and getting some air?”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:17 AM · Dec 14, 2021 Permalink
This lets some NPCs in town give us mix recipes for cookies. Water (pristine or stale), flour, celestial tree seed, holo holo fruit, and... NO, I REFUSE
The Mix Recipes screen, focused on a still-unknown recipe that contains Love Syrup.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:19 AM · Dec 14, 2021 Permalink
Once we leave town and come back, we get the election results with more disorganized text. The gist of it is pretty clear though. Oh well.
Lefty Staff: “Hooray for the Lefty headmaster! Congratulations on your victory!”
Magic School Student: “Hooray for the Lefty headmaster! Congratulations on your victory!” Lefty Secretary: “Everyone, let’s get more and more and more happy! Thanks for being dumb enough to elect me!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:21 AM · Dec 14, 2021 Permalink
Last few tidbits: yet another very minor connective bit to EW, and a gratuitous dunk on our VERY MAGNIFICENT SHIP. How dares.
Next time: more mixing, then the roots and the last machina.
School Zoologist: “Thanks! By the time I’m a grown-up, I’ll have this place thriving with birds!” Rude person at the docks: “The ship docked now is awfully gaudy. I wonder whose it is?”