Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:23 PM · Dec 14, 2021 Permalink
Alright, let’s go not-murder Valara and call Anuénué done. Maybe turn into a greythorne. We’ll see.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:43 AM · Dec 15, 2021 Permalink
Valara needs to work on her shit-talking though at least she’s aware of it. It’s been interesting seeing Sagi going from the platonic cinnamon roll to being EXTREMELY PISSED about all of this mess.
Valara: “Well, hello again, ghost boy. Or should I start calling you wicked-god-boy now?” Valara: “Doesn’t quite roll off the tongue, does it?” Sagi: “First promachination, then you pull out the wings of innocent people!” Sagi: “You think you can do all that right in front of me and I’ll just let it slide?!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:46 AM · Dec 15, 2021 Permalink
Re-Tarazed line, re-boss fight. This time the gimmick seems to be a stance where she punches really hard three times, but I seem to be overleveled enough to tank it.
She goes splat. “Not good” indeed.
Valara: “But even if you keep machina from spreading in a couple of places, we still have Tarazed.” Sagi, glowing, facing Valara’s scorpion-like mech. Valara: “What’s going on! It’s like... it’s like you’re a different person!” Valara, as the mech tips forward and to the side: “...Not good!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:50 AM · Dec 15, 2021 Permalink
The convo is a bit more personal this time. Though “look out for me” is a hell of a phrasing considering that, er, no? She was literally “Rude Woman” before we got her name, if I recall?
Valara: “So that’s the wicked god’s power. ...I can’t move my right hand.” Sagi: “Tell me, Valara... Why are you going along with promachination?” Sagi: “When we were in the Dark Service together, you looked out for me.” Valara: “Work is work.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:52 AM · Dec 15, 2021 Permalink
Okay no that was MY nickname for her. Fair enough but also:
Profile picture for user Lia
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:48 PM · Apr 15, 2021 Go
Let me guess, this lady’s gonna be a major antagonist
Woman: “You know, you might want to watch your mouth there, ghost boy.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:54 AM · Dec 15, 2021 Permalink
“Looking out for Sagi”
Profile picture for user Lia
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:50 PM · Apr 18, 2021 Go
Then we’re at the Emperor’s residence making plans 15 meters from the entrance but the VO is hushed so it’s fine.
Sagi’s put in charge and... that immediately gets pointed out as weird by the rude woman, who’s called Valara.
Yeah I think we’re going for trope dunks again
Captain of the Dark Service: “I’ll leave the timing up to you. Everyone else, Sagi is in command.” Valara: “You sure it’s a good idea to entrust the main force to this novice? If he screws up, we take the heat.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:56 AM · Dec 15, 2021 Permalink
Anyway, let’s go into unironic gender essentialism because being a woman must mean being nurturing apparently.
Going into the execution fight has her using her right hand anyway and produces no dialog, same as the others.
Valara: “I’d give up everything it means to be a woman to finish the job. That’s just the life I’ve chosen.” Valara: “I wouldn’t be setting a good example to my men by running home now!”
Dialog choice: “Let her go” or “Give her what she wants”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:58 AM · Dec 15, 2021 Permalink
... is this somehow asymptotically approaching friendship?
Sagi: “Stop, Valara. I don’t want to fight with you anymore.” Guillo: “No one’s questioning your reasons—but once you die, that’s it.” Guillo: “And you know very well you can’t beat Sagi anymore.” Valara: “That’s true. Your pet puppet has a point.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 01:00 AM · Dec 15, 2021 Permalink
You know what, this is not bad, so long as SHE STOPS BEING EVIL which we have not established at all. Oh well.
Valara: “It’s too soon for me to die. I’ll run... like you said.” Sagi: “Heh. Glad to hear it!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 01:03 AM · Dec 15, 2021 Permalink
Back to Opu! We’ve got thank-you letters from all the leaders.
Ladekahn, as always very formal in the main text and much friendlier in the post-scriptum.
Letter: “I’m at a loss for words in expressing my thanks for driving the Empire from the Cloudvents.” Letter: “It is my plan to deploy a group of knights to the location for a follow-up investigation shortly.” Letter: “Sincerely, Ladekahn, King of Diadem” Letter: “Thank you so much, Sagi! Words really aren’t enough! Come visit us all in Diadem soon.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 01:06 AM · Dec 15, 2021 Permalink
Rodolfo’s being Rodolfo, not much to see here.
Letter: “Hey there, Sagi. Those pests finally hightailed it out of Nunki Valley. It’s about time.” Letter: “I was just telling my steward here about how he’s got you to thank for that.” Letter: “But I’m afraid the valley’s lush forests are gone for good. The Empire will pay for that, believe you me.” Letter: “Rodolfo Pherkad’s Lord-to-be”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 01:09 AM · Dec 15, 2021 Permalink
Corellia just sounds Swedish, she even offers to go sit under the tree rather than budge from The Official Neutrality Stance even a twinge
Letter: “Sagi, You did magnificently in driving the Empire’s forces from the Veinroots.” Letter: “As my country remains neutral, I cannot offer you official thanks for your efforts.” Letter: “However, the people here will not soon forget how you saved our precious Celestial Tree.” Letter: “—Queen Corellia”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 01:11 AM · Dec 15, 2021 Permalink
Valara is sending us... thanks? insults? And some fruit. In the mail?
Letter: “I owe you one for Anuenue. NOT that you should have interfered. You’re too soft, ghost boy.” Letter: “I’m sending you a Holoholo fruit along with this letter.” Letter: “It’s the softest fruit in Anuenue. A fitting gift, don’t you think?”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 01:13 AM · Dec 15, 2021 Permalink
Yeah, didn’t think s- DON’T PUT IT BACK, SAGI
(What a clever way to avoid branching on letter dialog. Also the novel has established that magnus smell of their contents, so, er)
Textbox: “You find a rotten food magnus tucked inside the envelope...” Sagi: “Blegh! How long ago did she send this?!” Textbox: “You put the rotten food magnus back in the envelope.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 01:16 AM · Dec 15, 2021 Permalink
Greythorne Adventures Part 1 will get tweeted tomorrow because the dialog got LENGTHY. Stay tuned.
Textbox: “Obtained the magna essence [blue text] Salty Water [end blue text]!” Greythorne: “...Squeak.” Sagi: “It seems to be staring right into my heart...” A pink greythorne being showered with salty water.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:41 AM · Dec 15, 2021 Permalink
So. We’re a greythorne now. And it turns out we cannot get stuck because Sagi stops us from leaving the room. BOOOOO
(I’m sure there’d be a way to remove that piece of code and allow leaving the room, see what breaks)
Greythorne, with Sagi’s portrait: “Squ-squeak!” Sagi, with a pink Greythorne portrait: “Squeak?”
Dialog choice: “Back to my body!” or “Just a little longer!” Sagi, with a pink Greythorne portrait: “Squeak! Squeak squeak!” Sagi, with a pink Greythorne portrait: “(We were told not to stray too far, or we won’t be able to change back again, remember?)”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:43 AM · Dec 15, 2021 Permalink
So, let’s go talk to Lo- what?
Lolo: “NUOOOOOO!!!! Don’t come near meeee!!!!” Sagi, back on the worldmap: “Whoa! H-huh? What just happened?”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:44 AM · Dec 15, 2021 Permalink
Okay let’s go get more water and try aga- WHAT
Lolo: “Eep! Ooh... Err...... Ugh.........” Lolo: “EEEEEEK!!!” Sagi, back on the island map: “Whoa!! ...Hm? What’s going on?”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:45 AM · Dec 15, 2021 Permalink
Does Lolo just. Hate greythornes.
Lolo: “Not again...! Mm, mm, ooh... Calm down, gotta calm down...” Lolo: “It’s... not use!! I can’t TAKE IT!!!!” Sagi, back on the island map: “Whoa!!! Huh? What am I doing here?”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:47 AM · Dec 15, 2021 Permalink
Or is it a full-on greythorne phobia?
Lolo: “Eek! ...Is what I won’t scream! ‘C-C-Cause I’m not scared! Sc-Sca-Scaaaa...” Lolo: “Eee, eee, EEK!!! Get out, get oooooout!!!!” Sagi: “Whoa!!!! ...... What the heck is going on?”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:49 AM · Dec 15, 2021 Permalink
How many of those are there even
Lolo: “C-Come on... H-Here, little squeaky, squeaky... Aren’t y-you c-c-cute...” Lolo: “No, you’re not, NO! You’re NOT!! I can’t DEAL WITH THIS!!!” Sagi, back on the island map: “Whoa!!!!! Hm? Err, uh... When did I get here?”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:51 AM · Dec 15, 2021 Permalink
Lolo, you’re hurting the greythorne’s feelings
Lolo: “People say you’re cute little animals, so if I try... I’ll learn to like you. I love, I love my little [...]” Lolo: “[...] greythorne—“ Lolo: “N-No, nooo, it’s no use! You’re still just freeeeeeaky!” Sagi, back on the island map: “Whoa!!!!! Ungh! My h-heart... It hurts...”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:52 AM · Dec 15, 2021 Permalink
Maybe it’ll be fine...?
Lolo: “Ah! Little greythorne! You came back! I’m so happy.” Lolo: “Ah! Little greythorne! You came back! I’m so happy. See, I’m... fine?”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:53 AM · Dec 15, 2021 Permalink
Lolo: “Let me give you a great... big... hug...” Lolo: “Let me give you a great... big... hug... No I can’t, I can’t, I JUST CAN’T!! I guess there’s no getting [...]” Lolo: “[...] over it, I can’t STAAAND them!!!” Sagi, back on the island map: “Whoa!!!!!!! ......Ungh. .....Ugh.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:54 AM · Dec 15, 2021 Permalink
Greythorne: “Squeak...” Sagi: “It seems to be closing its heart off. Let’s leave it in peace.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:58 AM · Dec 15, 2021 Permalink
The other linkable greythorne is in the throne room, and lets us establish some more that Corellia is in fact an eldritch abomination. But hey, the molting cave is accessible now!
Red greythorne being addressed by a green greythorne: “Squeeeak.” Corellia: “Sigh... My body has grown weak.” Corellia: “The extract from the Celestial Tree’s blossoms should tide me over, but... this throbbing...” Corellia: “Oh... my body... Perhaps even I cannot... remain here forever.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:58 AM · Dec 15, 2021 Permalink
Next time: more of that nonsense, let’s find all the linkable greythornes around the sky.
(I’ve docked in Alfard, so guess who’s next)