Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:58 PM · Oct 27, 2022 Permalink
Today: videogame chores, starting with important plushie duties
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:02 PM · Oct 27, 2022 Permalink
It is true that a half-stuffed plush toy is a weird kind of body horror. The end result is delightful, despite its… oddly threatening description?
Oh well I’ll keep it around and see what happens.
(Had to do all of this twice to feed Pac obviously, Gena gives extras)
Mix Recipes screen, focused on the Floppy Greythorne (3 cottoncap fruits plus a half-baked greythorne): “Its belly is partly full now, but there’s still some space left. Finish it, please—because those puffy entrails are just plain creepy. Come on, this cutie needs more stuffing to be happy!” Mix Recipes screen, focused on the Fluffy Greythorne (4 cottoncap fruits plus a floppy greythorne): “Its belly is full and feeling great! Super duper fluffy. It even acts as a cushion. Adorable! But be careful with it, or else…”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:06 PM · Oct 27, 2022 Permalink
Then I went to execute the cookie recipes, which took a while due to hitting a bird rather than the fruit FIVE TIMES IN A ROW. Should have made a save state on the first try, geez
Mix Recipes screen, focused on the Traditional KM Cookie (water, flour, celestial seed, holoholo fruit, love syrup): “A traditional cookie for traditional minds. In the long history of Komo Mai cookies, this is the one true tradition. Contains a real Celestial Tree seed. Slightly boosts offense.” Sagi standing under a tree filled with fruit and a running bird: “Let’s aim for the biggest one! We’ll have to time it so we don’t hit that Holoholo chick.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:12 PM · Oct 27, 2022 Permalink
Miscellaneous upgrading to keep working on the Gathering…
Upgrade screen, showing a thunder element mantle and Fresh Air becoming a mystery item: “The hide of a thunder beast sewn together with lightning. While the stitchwork is clumsy, the maker’s strong will shines through.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:16 PM · Oct 27, 2022 Permalink
Random sidequests…
This isn’t a Soulsborne game but I wonder if there’s supposed to be a narrative implication here: it’s very unusual to not just give us quest rewards.
Disembodied Man: “If I could touch material objects, I could at least offer some [red text] flowers [end red text] in their memory…”
Plus Quest Magnus selection panel, focused on a Nameless Flower. Disembodied Man: “But I did hide something under the bed in the stateroom. It’s yours to keep.” Inspection text: “A magnus has been hidden underneath the mat.” Stockpile screen, focused on Zelos Kune: “Worn by a woman after losing out in a love triangle. The flames of jealously kindled by muddled love and hatred are not easily snuffed out.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:22 PM · Oct 27, 2022 Permalink
Sedna has a VERY subtle hint for us about where to find the rest of the town.
… it makes sense that Wiseman would be behind this
Villager: “I have no idea when this place was turned into magnus, but…” Villager: “If it was, say, a thousand years ago, then [red text] you’d probably find some of its magnus back then [end red text].”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:27 PM · Oct 27, 2022 Permalink
Finally, the heartflask has gotten even creepier, I’m sure Georg has a well-rehearsed speech to reassure me- or not
Gathering screen, focused on the late-stage Heartflask: “The vessel has nearly filled with hearts. It almost feels like you’ve gained a second heart yourself. Georg still hasn’t disclosed his plans, though… Requires periodic inspection, of course.” Georg: “Here about the [blue text] heartflask [end blue text]? I’ve just reached a break in my research. Let me take a look.” Georg: “…Mmm. This proves my hypothesis. It’s exactly as I’d thought.” Georg: “I don’t detect any irregularities. Just continue exactly as you have until now.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:28 PM · Oct 27, 2022 Permalink
Next: main quest? Maybe Duhr first? If you have non-spoiler suggestions for what order to do things in, I could use those!