Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:08 PM · Oct 25, 2022 Permalink
I’m BACK! (For a few days. No way the game is getting finished anytime soon. Sorry about that)
Today: seeing what on earth I was in the middle of doing and reacquainting myself with the gazillion systems before actually getting anywhere
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:16 PM · Oct 25, 2022 Permalink
… why was even I in Sheliak again.
*checks previous thread*
Right, done with Greythornes in Diadem, off to the ones in Sadal Suud! Thank you past self
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:24 PM · Oct 25, 2022 Permalink
But before doing that, there’s mail to read, starting with Lyuvann and the world’s least convincing redemption arc.
Also: what exploits, and does this mean this shithead is pro-Verus?
Letter: “Word of your exploits has reached Azha. It’s heartening to hear you’ve been such a help to the quaestor.” Letter: “As for me, I’m fit as a fiddle now. I’m ready to return to active duty.” Letter: “For some strange reason, though, I can’t bring myself to do it.” Letter: “The things I said about the people of Azha… Maybe I was wrong.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:25 PM · Oct 25, 2022 Permalink
“Desert girl”, real good show of respect for the locals there. Speaking of which…
Letter: “I pray for your further success—as does the desert girl who nursed me back to health.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:28 PM · Oct 25, 2022 Permalink
… Almarde has written to Milly which of course means Sagi’s the one reading, and GODDAMNIT ALMA.
Does Almarde know who Milly is, even?
Letter: “Dear Milliarde,” Letter: “Promachination’s influence continues to grow, but I hope this finds you as cheerful as always.” Letter: “Me, I’m doing well. No, better than well. Almost too well!” Letter: “I’m in love. He’s… Well, I can’t say, but we’re serious.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:30 PM · Oct 25, 2022 Permalink
We’re not gonna get an answer to that because it’s more important to keep working the Lead Het Couple. Good thing Sagi’s dense enough to make it somewhat amusing!
Letter: “I’ve decided to nurture these feelings between us. And now the whole world looks different.” Letter: “Take my advice. Don’t you let Sagi get away!” Sagi, surprised: “What?! Are you planning to capture me, Milly?!” Milly, poking out her tongue: “Ugh, Sagi! You can be so dense sometimes!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:32 PM · Oct 25, 2022 Permalink
Also from the dense department, Gibari’s out of his funk!
Letter: “I think I’ve finally found my purpose again!” Letter: “I’ll pick up where my pop left off, and become a great fisherman.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:35 PM · Oct 25, 2022 Permalink
With bonus heartstrings pull, of course.
(Also I guess he can read after all. And no, Ladekahn’s dialog does not change, I checked)
Letter: “I hear from Palolo that Kahn is doing a great job as king.” Letter: “I’m happy to hear it, but also kind of sad.” Letter: “Next time you see him, pass along a message to him for me, OK?” Letter: “Tell him, “Knight or not, I’ll always defend my king.””
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:39 PM · Oct 25, 2022 Permalink
To Pherkad!
I remembered seeing the description here but not Guillo’s reaction. The murderbot appreciates arts and crafts, turns out.
And we can definitely afford to waste money I’m barely using any come on Sagi let’s buy Guillo a WORLD’S BEST BABYSITTER mug
Inspection text: ““Hand-fired earthenware, straight from the master!” Price tags decorate these warped mugs and […]” Inspection text: “[…] plates.” Guillo: “Hmm, he’s got a good eye… Sagi, what do you say we pick one of these up?” Sagi: “No, Guillo, you know we can’t afford to waste any money!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:48 PM · Oct 25, 2022 Permalink
The punster is at it again
Punster: “So I spend the whole day daydreaming in Nunki Valley, and when I get home, my mother lays […]” Punster: “[…] into me.” Punster: ““Where did I go wrong to raise such a Nunklehead?” she says!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:49 PM · Oct 25, 2022 Permalink
Once more to varied reactions from our leads
Milly, eyes closed in disapproval: “……” Sagi, laughing: “Ahahahaha! A Nunklehead! Get it?!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:57 PM · Oct 25, 2022 Permalink
Truth, as ever, comes from children
Child by Rodolfo’s manor: “Mom is always telling me to grow up to be a great person so I can live in a place like this myself.” Child: “But is the Rodolfo guy who lives here really that great a person?”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:59 PM · Oct 25, 2022 Permalink
Speaking of Rodolfo, there’s our next squeaky friend
Sagi: “It seems to be staring right into my heart…” Inspection text: “An entire bottle of salt water has been set aside here for who knows what purpose.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:02 AM · Oct 26, 2022 Permalink
Shocking absolutely no one, Rodolfo is in fact a greedy sellout! I’m guessing this is a new payout, not the one we saw in Cebalrai, implying he let Nunki Valley burn and is lying the whole time. Wasn’t a difficult guess.
Rodolfo: “One, two, three… Ooh, three times the previous amount!” Rodolfo: “The Empire really is soft… All this just to get promachination going? With this much moolah, I could…” Rodolfo: “Whoa?! …Oh, it’s just you. Don’t startle me like that.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:05 AM · Oct 26, 2022 Permalink
The next Greythorne is in the laundry area and mostly gives a new twist on all that flavor chatter.
Laughing villager: “Ahahahaha. Hah… So what do you mean by that?” Punster: “How does that guy laugh at gags this dumb?” Child: “I know I have to just tell her how I feel, but…” Child: “It’s so awkward telling her that I’m in love with her sister…”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:07 AM · Oct 26, 2022 Permalink
SOMEONE, however, sees right through us. He’s the only one so far!
Palolo: “……?! Waaait a minute, is that…?” Palolo: “Wow, where did you learn a trick like that? That looks like a lot of fun!” Palolo: “You’re still a long way from my skills, but you’re definitely moving in the right direction!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:10 AM · Oct 26, 2022 Permalink
And then he sends a letter which makes it really weird because I suppose we cannot have nice things
Letter: “Thanks for showing me that cool trick before!” Letter: “I never expected you to hop up to me looking like THAT!” Letter: “Even I, the Master of Mischief, was humbled.” Letter: “So, what? You use that little trick to hop in the shower with Milly, or what? You perv!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:10 AM · Oct 26, 2022 Permalink
(Rest of thread tomorrow, it’s late)
Lia @liareplaysbk · 07:48 AM · Oct 26, 2022 Permalink
In Cebalrai, we get a… wide range of opinions about Rodolfo.
Who decides those things anyway? Who “got” him the lordship?
Villager 1: “He struck me as a shrewd, weasely sort of man. I hope his appointment wasn’t a mistake…” Villager 2: “Rodolfo is well aware of that bounty. He respects it, and I’m sure he’ll do a fine job.” Villager 3: “Rodolfo, huh? I don’t know, in the end he’s just a roughneck with money.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 07:50 AM · Oct 26, 2022 Permalink
In Moonguile, there’s a place we can’t enter and a Greythorne we can douse, so let’s see about that
Sagi: “Hmm… There’s something about this place…” A Greythorne being drenched with water.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 07:52 AM · Oct 26, 2022 Permalink
Hopefully all of those dialog choices are for quest magnus, because they truly could make you agree to anything this way.
And also! If the Greythorne in Sagi’s body can only squeak why can’t Sagi in a Greythorne body talk, that CLEARLY makes no sense! :D
Sagi: “Squeak?”
Dialog choice: “Yeah, let’s!” versus “No thanks” Textbox: “Obtained the magna essence [blue text] Greythorne’s Song [end blue text]!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 07:54 AM · Oct 26, 2022 Permalink
Let’s go poke at that spot again- oh hey that looks familiar
The Greythorne at the top of the screen where the wall ends, with an exclamation mark over its head. The same Greythorne standing before the spring where the first End Magnus is in BK:EW.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 07:56 AM · Oct 26, 2022 Permalink
I’m sure it’s fine
Inspection text: “A voice echoes in your head…” ???: “The spring catches the moon’s soul, and the moon the hearts of man; frail hearts shall have words.” ???: “Sleep, my child, sleep on; the time has not yet come.” Sagi: “…Squeak…?”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 07:58 AM · Oct 26, 2022 Permalink
To Sheratan! Where there’s another nook to look at, aw
Sagi hidden behind a building, showing an exclamation mark icon. Inspection text: “The picture of a greythorne you drew as a little kid is still here, undisturbed.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 07:59 AM · Oct 26, 2022 Permalink
More importantly, there’s an available Greythorne in the orphanage…
Sagi invoking a Magnus in front of a blue Greythorne.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 08:00 AM · Oct 26, 2022 Permalink
Sis: “Sagi sure grew up in a hurry.” Sis: “Seems like just yesterday we were taking baths together. Well, that’s puberty for you.” Sis: “Maybe I’ll use the guiles of an older woman to seduce him!” Sis: “…Guillo would probably kill me, huh?”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 08:02 AM · Oct 26, 2022 Permalink
More nametag humor. I really love that they play with those so much.
Child: “Hey, Jackson, Wacho says the name Jackson sounds dumb!” Child: “I think it’s cooler than Wacho’s dumb idea, “Pelican Bob”!” Sagi (Jackson?): “Squ, squeak…”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 08:05 AM · Oct 26, 2022 Permalink
Tik and Wacho at least are being delightful. The idea that Guillo is hollow enough to be a child and a Greythorne in a trench coat is… disturbing, but sure!
Tik: “Isn’t Sagi done with his job YET?” Tik: “He’d better hurry it up so we can play together all we want!” Wacho: “You remember waaay back when you and I played hide-and-seek and we hid inside Guillo?” Wacho: “I was totally hidden, but you had to peek out of the mask and get us found! Nice work.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 08:07 AM · Oct 26, 2022 Permalink
Maybe an answer about the Greythorne diet: houseplants.
Though Skeed also gave beans as a treat to his own pet, didn’t he?
Plant-Watching Girl: “Hey, what’s wrong? Are you worried about the Anuelegumes, too?” Plant-Watching Girl: “You’re not thinking of eating them, are you?” Plant-Watching Girl: “I don’t care how tasty they look, these peas are off-limits!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 08:10 AM · Oct 26, 2022 Permalink
Obviously “talking” to Gena yields a bunch of sad squeaks. She seems to recognize Sagi, though, and we get an item.
Sagi: “Squeeeak…” Gena: “Hm…
(Weird spacing in original text) Sagi: “Squeak?”
Dialog choice: “Yeah, let’s!” versus “No thanks” Textbox: “Obtained the magna essence [blue text] Half-Baked Greythorne [end blue text]!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 08:12 AM · Oct 26, 2022 Permalink
I guess that’s our next task, since we’re right next to the cottonfruit gathering point.
So, next time: make a finished Greythorne plushie?
Gathering screen, focused on the Half-Baked Greythorne: “A stuffed animal Gena made for Sagi a long time ago. She had to put it aside because her hands were full with the orphans, so it’s actually more like an unstuffed animal. But you could fix that, right?”