Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:09 PM · Apr 25, 2022 Permalink
Let’s keep the yelling about the shitty emerald billionaire for main, open GameFAQs, and see what the hell Almarde wants me to cook up. Onwards, if this sidequest could stop getting weirder that’d be nice but at this point I am expecting the worst.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:10 PM · Apr 25, 2022 Permalink
TWO snows and The Stuff? Oh come on that’s just a bullshit recipe.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:19 PM · Apr 25, 2022 Permalink
Support your local businesses and enjoy some home-cooked delicacies
Snow Saleswoman: “How many did you want to take? The snow [red text] loses its effect with time [end red text], so be sure to stock up.”
Dialog choice: “1 for 1000 gold” or “Never mind”. Quest Magnus screen, focused on a freshly mixed “Shaved Ice of Love”: “A shaved ice made with special secret flavor syrup. Love is truly eternal. Even a broken heart is soon mended by the power of love.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:21 PM · Apr 25, 2022 Permalink
Greythorne sounding as convinced as I am, Sagi ending up in a suitably depressed pose, and off we go?
Greythorne: “…Squeak.” Sagi as a Greythorne facing a Greythorne as Sagi that is on its knees holding its head. Sagi as a Greythorne: “Squ-Squeeeak?”, above the open Quest Magnus menu focused on Shaved Ice of Love.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:24 PM · Apr 25, 2022 Permalink
Well, that’s underwhelming. Basic thanks, an item I already have many copies off, and back to bland dialog while human. Pretty sure Milly doesn’t need any taking care of but oh well.
What if I reload the room, though?
Almarde: “This is filled with love? Thank you!” Almarde: “Sagi, you should be sure to take good care of Milly, too.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:27 PM · Apr 25, 2022 Permalink
We overhear a conversation and Sagi, being a Good Boy, can either go forward or turn back. Doesn’t seem to affect much beyond getting more dialog, tho.
Almarde: “Lyuvann,… …about your… …fine.” Lyuvann: “…you, Almarde… You’ve… all this… …a look at…” Almarde: “Lyuvann…! Ahh,… …fever…” Sagi: “Whoa, this, wait, this sounds kind of private…”
Dialog choice: “Let’s leave them be…” or “Oh, it’s fine.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:32 PM · Apr 25, 2022 Permalink
The stuff we overheard is actually this extremely uncomfortable exchange which I guess is supposed to be romantic? Anyway the Greythorne can spy on all of it.
Almarde: “Lyuvann, if you’re worried about your injury, I think you’re fine.” Almarde: “But with a wound like this, even now that it’s closed up… Look, it’s still so swollen.” Lyuvann: “Thank you, Almarde. You’ve looked after me all this time, haven’t you?” Lyuvann: “I’m truly grateful. I… I need you, Almarde.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:33 PM · Apr 25, 2022 Permalink
Almaaaaarde you can do so much better, please
Almarde: “Lyuvann…! Ahh, it’s too soon for you to get up. You still have a fever!” Lyuvann: “I know. I’m sorry… and thank you.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:34 PM · Apr 25, 2022 Permalink
Very useful dialog choice, that.
(It’s to get a Paramour’s Secret)
Sagi as a Greythorne: “Squeak?”
Dialog choice: “Yeah, let’s!” and “No thanks”.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:39 PM · Apr 25, 2022 Permalink
But hey look, the violent officer for the fascist Empire is a good guy now, he’s sent the soldiers packing! Blaaaaargh.
I wish this made the discomfort and shittiness a bit more obvious via villager chatter. Maybe it does, I haven’t check with everyone again.
Lyuvann: “Hello, Sagi. Take a look, I’m good as new!” Lyuvann: “I’ve sent the soldiers outside back to the capital. I figured it was high time to stop doubting these people.” Sagi: “I see, so that’s why. But was it all right to have done that without clearance?” Lyuvann: “It’s fine. After all, I’m still here, keeping a close watch over things.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:41 PM · Apr 25, 2022 Permalink
What we get are kids, er… look you’ll learn that when you’re grown up okay
Child: “That old guy is pretty much a loser, but I guess he’s kind of cool.” Child: “Mom thinks so. She said he was “one cool caracal.” …What does that even mean?”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:42 PM · Apr 25, 2022 Permalink
Rest of the thread tomorrow. The “for some reason” is, of course, Greythorne shenanigans.
Inspection text: “For some reason, this jar has been filled to the brim with salt water.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 07:17 AM · Apr 26, 2022 Permalink
Ladekahn seems to be just fine. OR IS HE, let’s be very stealthy by turning into a Greythorne where everyone can see.
Ladekahn: “Leave it to you to beat that machina arma, Sagi! Now the Cloudvents will be safe again.” Sagi, looking at a pink Greythorne: “It seems to be staring right into my heart…”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 07:19 AM · Apr 26, 2022 Permalink
One knight clearly longs for this universe’s version of living as a cat, while the other suggests that His Majesty might, somehow, actually not be fine. Shocker.
Knight 1: “Sigh… You look like you haven’t a care in the world. I’m jealous.” Knight 2: “Greythorne, would you ease the King’s mind?” Knight 2: “After losing Rambari and Celsica, and distancing himself from Gibari, he’s not been his jovial self…”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 07:21 AM · Apr 26, 2022 Permalink
Writers, subtext, cowards, etc
Ladekahn: “Oh, it’s just you… Sigh.” Ladekahn: “Heh, I talked big in front of the others, but the truth is, I wish I could still play more.” Ladekahn: “To think the plan to go see Nashira’s catch ended like this…”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 07:27 AM · Apr 26, 2022 Permalink
Okay that is a lot in not many sentences here.
One, that is incredibly sad someone please give this kid therapy or something.
Two, it can be interpreted as Gibari not being able to read, which amuses me greatly?
Three, I LOVE how those descriptions are written.
Ladekahn: “All right! As of today, you’re officially Gib! It’s my best friend’s name. You feel pretty special now?” Ladekahn: “Umm, here… I always used to read him this book. …I’ve got no use for it now.” Textbox: “Obtained the magna essence [blue text] Greythorne Storybook [end blue text]!” Quest Magnus screen, focused on Greythorne Storybook. “The story of a little greythorne’s travels. He meets a whole slew of greythornes, and together… they are one! Be inspired by the tale that took the world by storm!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 07:30 AM · Apr 26, 2022 Permalink
And after that he goes into another I’m-definitely-fine dialog loop which can get us more books.
There’s a mechanical unclarity about magnus, isn’t there? Whether taking the essence removes the initial object or not. Not that it matters.
Ladekahn: “Hey, Gib! Being king is actually pretty fun. You want to try your hand at helping?” Sagi as a Greythorne: “Squeak?!” Ladekahn: “Haha, just kidding. You’re so gullible, Gib.” Ladekahn: “You here for that book again?”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 07:34 AM · Apr 26, 2022 Permalink
Let’s go check on the other half of that mess
Nashira villager: “Say, you all are friends of Gibari, aren’t you?” Nashira villager: “That poor kid has seemed so down lately. Go say hello to him before you move on, would you?”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 07:38 AM · Apr 26, 2022 Permalink
Much like elsewhere, human dialog very subtly (no) hints at a deeper truth, especially when Anna’s letter literally said Gibari only ever said anything to the local Greythorne.
Let’s make a salt water mess in the bar, then.
Gibari: “Me? I’m doing all right. I was always more cut out for fishing anyway, aha ha!” Anna: “When I ask him what’s wrong, all I get back is, “Nothing”. It’s completely unlike him.” A blue greythorne being doused with water.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 07:41 AM · Apr 26, 2022 Permalink
The patrons have different dialog. One clearly needs the bartender to say no to the next drink, another is doing the typical I Was Posturing But I Can Be Vulnerable Around Cute Animals.
Patron 1: “Oh, hey! How about it? You drinkin’?” Patron 2: “I painted being an ace fisherman to be some big lofty pursuit before, but…”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 07:44 AM · Apr 26, 2022 Permalink
Look who else is posturing as a tough guy but actually concerned.
And Anna’s just a joy as always, possibly the only well-balanced character in this entire thing really, let’s ignore how weird petting a human-as-Greythorne is
Reblys: “Is Gibari going to be all right? He was really close with his old man…” Reblys: “Wh-What do you want?! I was just talking to myself right now!” Anna: “Well hello, what is it? Are you hungry?” Anna: “…All right, if you cheer up Gibari, I’ll pet you!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 07:48 AM · Apr 26, 2022 Permalink
Traumatized children will literally monologue at greythornes instead of going to therapy
Gibari: “Stupid pop… Who cares about a knight’s pride if… What’s the point if you die?!” Gibari: “I refuse to believe it. That was… That couldn’t be…” Gibari: “…Don’t look at me like that.” Gibari: “…… …… ……”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 07:53 AM · Apr 26, 2022 Permalink
It’s pretty well-built. Lots of “…” in between to pace it, then the floodgates open. Not a squeak as reply, Gib’s doing all the work.
Gibari: “What, you disagree?! There had to be some other way to protect Kahn!” Gibari: “Sorry, I don’t mean to take it out on you. I just kinda… Look, I’m really sorry.” Gibari: “…Even I know pop did what he did because there was no other way.” Gibari: “It’s just when I get to thinking that I’m just like him… That I would have done the same, I get all…”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 07:56 AM · Apr 26, 2022 Permalink
What do we even call rubberducking when it’s a Greythorne? Since it’s established that there are horrifying greythorne-rubber-ducks.
Anyway. He’s all better now! No more trauma! Right?
Gibari: “Haha! This is so unlike me! But I do feel better for having let it all out.” Gibari: “I know where I belong now. I’m Gibari, fisherman of Nashira.” Gibari: “What, back again? Hehe, you’re always welcome here. Be sure to eat some fish before you go!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 07:58 AM · Apr 26, 2022 Permalink
This is not animated and that is tragic
Anna: “You actually got Gibari to buck up? Wow, what sort of magic did you use?!” Anna: “Tee hee, all right. As promised, I’ll pet you!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 08:00 AM · Apr 26, 2022 Permalink
Reblys will not get any character growth over the next twenty years and isn’t that beautiful
Reblys: “Stupid Gibari is finally back to his old, stupid self.” Reblys: “Now we can get back to fishing together. N-Not that I’m looking forward to it.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 08:02 AM · Apr 26, 2022 Permalink
And on this bit of “haha no” and “what do you mean HIDING”, that was the day’s running around.
Apparently I’ve got some Greythornes left in Sadal Suud and Hassaleh, so that’s next. At a snail’s pace due to grabbing mixes on the way.
Nashira villager: “I just hope this new emperor can guide Alfard to becoming a gentle, peace-loving nation…” Watchman: “Honestly, I’m surprised to discover that Alfard was hiding this kind of military power.”