Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:04 PM · Dec 27, 2022 Permalink
Let’s go talk to everything and everyone see what comes next. Might end up being the Coliseum. We’ll see!
If there are things I should extremely not miss, do let me know, vaguely, sans spoilers.
(Don’t expect a thread before tomorrow though)
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:56 AM · Dec 28, 2022 Permalink
Turns out the revisit is taking a while AND I’m not too tired to fire off the highlights!
First stop: the Endmost Bethel. This darn chest is still locked.
Inspection text: “A mysterious force holds this shut.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:57 AM · Dec 28, 2022 Permalink
Next: Nekkar. The lake does change color, turns out.
Inspection text: “The lake’s waters are red. You feel the strength returning to your heart! Probably.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:59 AM · Dec 28, 2022 Permalink
For reference, Milly told us about that here:
Profile picture for user Lia
Lia @liareplaysbk · 08:40 PM · Oct 28, 2022 Go
After much falling and climbing, we get to the falls and Milly proceeds to keep being a kid…
Milly: “Hurry up! Come on, you two!” Milly: “This lake is special. Every day the water changes color! Blue, red, yellow, white, green! Isn’t that […]” Milly: “[…] neat?” Milly: “I used to come to the lake and tell my own fortune. I’d pretend good things happen on white days.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 01:01 AM · Dec 28, 2022 Permalink
Next: Alfard! Specifically, the house with the worst children. I’d missed the table to the side that has “DHA candy”. Sounds wonderful.
Inspection text: “This open can is loaded with candy. “Mountain apple candy, now with DHA!”” Inspection text: ““Includes 100% of the lushest fruit’s DHA!” “Delicious, chewy DHA candy!””
Lia @liareplaysbk · 01:05 AM · Dec 28, 2022 Permalink
In the Dark Services Headquarters, it turns out one of the dead soldiers has some reading material for us…
(Which reminds me I should check my own travel log)
Sagi: “This is… It’s his travel log.” Sagi: “This is the only page that was really filled in carefully. I wonder what it says.” Travel log: “That spiriter kid, Sagi, came in as a new recruit the other day, and the others are really laying into him.” Travel log: “It reminds me of when I first got here. I guess it’s because we both come from the boonies originally.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 01:07 AM · Dec 28, 2022 Permalink
I’m not going to shed tears for a dead black ops grunt, but it’s a nice touch, referencing the silly tutorial quest and adding some depth to it.
Travel log: “I’m not going to make a big show of it, but maybe I’ll give him a little errand and some encouragement.” Travel log: “That’s right, those torches in the hallway needed to be relit.” Travel log: “If I make him take care of that, nobody will question me giving this coupon to him afterwards.” Sagi: “……”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 01:08 AM · Dec 28, 2022 Permalink
And Savyna’s still here. Oh well, plenty of rotting apples and stale water to subsist on.
Sagi: “…Is she planning on staying here?”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 01:11 AM · Dec 28, 2022 Permalink
To Azha! Turns out Juwar would like more info about what happened to Bein. Whichever answer we pick, Sagi says the same thing.
I was surprised by this, because plenty of NPCs here ask us for explanations but do not actually let us speak!
Sagi: “Wow, what do you think we should say, Lia?”
Dialog choice: “That monster was Bein” versus “That monster killed Bein”. Sagi: “Bein was… well, that monster…” Juwar: “I see… So that monster got him after all…” Sagi: “No, actually…”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 01:13 AM · Dec 28, 2022 Permalink
I truly hate that the Azhani show us so much grace when we’ve quite obviously enabled the Empire here.
Juwar: “I don’t need to hear any more details. He just didn’t manage to escape…” Juwar: “I knew I had a bad feeling about the whole thing from the point that giant machina showed up.” Juwar: “I have no intention of blaming you. Don’t worry about that.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 01:17 AM · Dec 28, 2022 Permalink
Oh hey I was looking for that magnus
Juwar: “But, actually… Could you put this at the spot where he was killed?” Juwar: “It was his favorite pick. It’ll serve as a landmark for when we go to pay our respects later on.” Textbox: “Obtained the magna essence [blue text] Hero’s Pickax [end blue text]!” Quest Magnus screen, focused on Hero’s Pickax. “A pick imbued with the sweat and blood of the flame ice miners of Azha. Having borne witness to the adventures and dramas of the mines, it makes its bearers feel all the more experienced.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 01:19 AM · Dec 28, 2022 Permalink
Into the caves we go. Bullshit sidequest, sure, but especially this late I actually appreciate the chance to reflect a bit.
Inspection text: “Residual black mist swirls about here.” Sagi: “Did we have anything we could use here?”
Quest Magnus UI, focused on Hero’s Pickax. Sagi: “Bein… Juwar gave me this. I’ll just leave it here for you.” Inspection text: “Bein’s pick rests atop the remnants of the black mist.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 01:23 AM · Dec 28, 2022 Permalink
It really belabors the point a lot. If this made every vaguely hostile NPC let go of their anger I’ll be annoyed.
Juwar was the one who lied and put his hide on the line to protect Bein! This is a hell of a flip!
Juwar: “I’ve got to thank you. I’m really, truly grateful.” Juwar: “I’ve taken the liberty of talking about you with all of the villagers.” Juwar: “About how you laid Bein’s pick on his grave site, and about the respect you showed for him.” Juwar: “What happened was terrible, but I want to consider us all friends.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 01:25 AM · Dec 28, 2022 Permalink
And of course he then turns into an infinite distributor of the unique-looking magnus because why wouldn’t he. Pac will be glad
Juwar: “Heyyy, Sagi! You dropped by for a visit!” Juwar: “Oh, was it this you were after?” Textbox: “Obtained the magna essence [blue text] Hero’s Pickax [end blue text]!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 01:28 AM · Dec 28, 2022 Permalink
Next: the Heartflask, looking more ominous than ever!
Quest Magnus screen, focused on the Heartflask: “The vessel has filled completely, and it’s bursting with hearts. Within it you feel something akin to the birth of a new life. Is returning this to Georg really the right thing to do?” Georg: “Goodness, I barely recognized you. You look like a whole different person from the boy I first met.” Georg: “Hehehe… With this, I can proceed to the next phase. You have my thanks, Sagi.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 01:30 AM · Dec 28, 2022 Permalink
Georg takes it off us, gives no reward, and kick us out. COOL QUEST THANKS
Georg: “Objects cannot be made to live… But with this…! I think it’s time you all left.” Georg: “You have no further business here. I’m terribly busy. I think it’s time you all left.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 01:32 AM · Dec 28, 2022 Permalink
This obviously isn’t visible on still images, but I was very surprised to notice spatialized sound!
In the first screenshot, there’s no noise.
In the second, you can hear the rumbling from the engines on the right.
I don’t think I’ve seen this elsewhere in the series?
Sagi standing a fair distance from the machinery on the right. Sagi standing a bit closer to some machinery.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 01:35 AM · Dec 28, 2022 Permalink
This upgrade chain feels like it MIGHT be referencing something (or someone), especially with Machina Gas as a catalyst.
Upgrade screen, focused on Amor Alma. Under the (good) stats is the description: “Built to protect the burning desire to protect one’s loved ones, the defensive capabilities of the portion covering the wearer’s heart are exceedingly high.” Target upgrade card: “The feverish passion held for one’s love makes a man strong and his armor strong, too. His undying emotion spilled forth to encompass his vestments, raising their durability.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 01:37 AM · Dec 28, 2022 Permalink
Finally: how the heck does a Sky where nobody knows that the world is a sphere have “Tropics”. Do tell, videogame.
Inspection text: “This brilliant red is befitting of a city in the tropics.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 01:37 AM · Dec 28, 2022 Permalink
Next: revisit cont by way of too much upgrading. Slow gathering progress is still gathering progress!