Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:18 PM · Dec 28, 2022 Permalink
Revisit All The Things, part 2: go!
Might complete it today depending on what pops up, then hit the Coliseum? We’ll see!
Lia @liareplaysbk · 01:26 AM · Dec 29, 2022 Permalink
Did not complete it today, too much mixing and upgrading left. Thread tomorrow when (if) Twitter is less buggy.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:37 PM · Dec 29, 2022 Permalink
Gonna go do more of it and make one big thread. We’ll see when exactly!
Lia @liareplaysbk · 01:04 AM · Dec 30, 2022 Permalink
So. Revisit highlights.
This turns out to be incomplete, I GameFAQ’d it and it’s egg + water + blaze + flame + flame + rain + salt = boiled egg aka COMPLETE BULLSHIT.
But it’s done and fed to Pac
Villager: “You put the eggs in water and boil it. Cool them in freezing rain, add a pinch of salt and you’re done.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 01:06 AM · Dec 30, 2022 Permalink
The school of magic has some gratuitous bickering I think I’d missed…
Milly: “The second man from the right is the school’s founder and first headmaster, Mister Einzelbe.” Guillo: “Oh ho, I’m impressed. So you managed to stay awake through at least one lecture?” Milly: “They talked about him all the time, so it would have been hard not to… h-how rude! Stupid dingbat!!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 01:08 AM · Dec 30, 2022 Permalink
Truly, deeply gratuitous.
Inspection text: “Someone’s test paper has been crumpled up and thrown into this trash can.” Guillo: “What have we here…? “Milliarde, 7 points. Stop doodling on your test paper”?” Milly: “I graduated ages ago! And I wasn’t doodling, ugh!!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 01:11 AM · Dec 30, 2022 Permalink
Digging through the trash also yields a blue cookie, which is EXCELLENT, that’ll save me some mixing. The mask artisan is not convinced.
Inspection text: “Someone threw an [blue text] original Komo Mai cookie [end blue text] into this trash can.” Mask Artisan: “…But what’s up with this color?!” Mask Artisan: “Is this the color of FOOD? What do they add to these to get them this color?!” Mask Artisan: “Talk about nasty… Well, that’s fine. A promise is a promise. Take this mask.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 01:13 AM · Dec 30, 2022 Permalink
So of course that means mixing up a traditional one see if it’s any more approved. Nope.
Mask Artisan: “Whoooa! Th-this is a [blue text] traditional Komo Mai cookie [end blue text]!” Mask Artisan: “…It looks a little dicey. It’s like a squished slime. Do these things even really taste good?” Mask Artisan: “Well, that’s fine. A promise is a promise. Take this mask.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 01:16 AM · Dec 30, 2022 Permalink
As I feared, Azha’s dialog has avanced to “Yeah sure you helped the fascist but we love you now”. The previous stage had so much richness and nuance, what a waste.
Villager 1: “Ohh, Mister Detective! You set Bein’s pick down there, didn’t you?” Villager 1: “I’ll have to go pay him a visit soon. Thank you.” Villager 2: “I heard from Juwar. You were a friend of Bein’s, right?” Villager 2: “It must have been tough for you, too. I’m sorry I gave you a hard time before. No hard feelings?”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 01:19 AM · Dec 30, 2022 Permalink
It lays it on a bit thick, too. All of those people were pretty mad at us right before!
Villager 1: “I hear you guys tried to save Bein from that monster.” Villager 1: “At first, I thought you were friends of that woman riding the weird machina. Sorry about that.” Villager 2: “It’s all those imperial bastards’ fault. You weren’t responsible for any of it.” Villager 3: “You and he were friends, right? You’re welcome here any time you want to come visit.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 01:22 AM · Dec 30, 2022 Permalink
We do get tidbits of info, though. Like Celsica, he was an orphan, raised communally and beloved for it.
Villager: “What happened to Bein was unfortunate.” Villager: “He drifted into the village as a young child. An orphan. We all joined in with raising him.” Villager: “As a result, I think he felt more protective of the village than any of us.” Villager: “Nobody expected him to go so far as to lay down his life, though. That foolhardy, wonderful child…”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 01:24 AM · Dec 30, 2022 Permalink
Okay the previous version of this POINTEDLY did not let Sagi answer so I think we’ve got more self-aware caricature happening
Villager: “Oh, it’s you! I heard Bein passed away!” Villager: “How come you didn’t tell me sooner?!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 01:27 AM · Dec 30, 2022 Permalink
Also the person who got hit by a dropped rock is awake and… I’m sure everything’s fine
Child above the well: “Is it just me, or do you hear some creepy laughter from down below…?” Child above the well: “Have I opened up a door that was never meant to be opened, or what?” Child above the well: “What am I going to do if something nasty comes crawling up here…?” Villager, dancing in place: “Uwahahaha! I can see them! All the pretty stars!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 01:30 AM · Dec 30, 2022 Permalink
Grim, but the sole remaining bit of welcome nuance here. Also confirming that the Empire loves its death penalty and likely public executions, not that there was ever any doubt
Villager: “I heard about Bein… But this was probably better than being executed at the capital.” Villager: “I’m sure he’s happy to be sleeping at the workplace that he loved, instead of some far-off place.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 01:32 AM · Dec 30, 2022 Permalink
Also we can annoy the Rock Salt Merchant by bringing the wrong thing. I need to try that with Diadem salt too.
Rock Salt Merchant: “Ooh, so you’ve brought me some.” Rock Salt Merchant: “Yes, a couple swigs of this, and… Wait, this is salty water! What, weren’t you listening?!” Rock Salt Merchant: “I wanted [blue text] rock salt, rock salt [end blue text]! Got it? Then go get it!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 01:34 AM · Dec 30, 2022 Permalink
Next: Pherkad! Rodolfo confirmed to hide cash under the floorboards. Kalas would definitely help himself here
Inspection text: “A single floorboard stands out, its color different than the rest.” Inspection text: “Below it, a box containing neatly sorted coinage has been hidden away.” Milly: “Master Rodolfo sure loves his money. We’ll just pretend we didn’t see this.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 01:36 AM · Dec 30, 2022 Permalink
A detour via Hassaleh…
Villager: “I just heard from a customer that there was trouble at the emperor’s inauguration.” Villager: “They said a hundred-horned monster as big as a castle showed up!” Sagi: “……”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 01:38 AM · Dec 30, 2022 Permalink
And a cutscene at the orphanage. Those kids are just so well-written and voice acted, they’re a delight
Wacho: “Sagi! You’re home just in time!” Wacho: “If’s terrible! The Empire! They’ve finished building their footrest!” Guillo: “You mean a fortress?”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 01:41 AM · Dec 30, 2022 Permalink
The delivery on “Bael, errr, huh, whatever” is really good
Wacho: “Uh-huh, it’s called “Tarazed.” There was this merchant guy from the Empire who said it was Bael…” Wacho: “whatever’s trump card!” Wacho: “And, uh… oh yeah… that he’s gonna use it to rule the world! Is that true, Sagi?”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 01:43 AM · Dec 30, 2022 Permalink
We’re interrupted by a phone call. Absolutely no we’re not showing up ASAP, there’s more completion nonsense to do and a Wiseman to actually deadify
Verus: “It’s me. We need to talk. Can you come right away?” Sagi: “It’s about Tarazed, isn’t it, sir?” Verus: “So you knew. Well, that saves some explaining…” Sagi: “We’ll head back to Alfard immediately.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 01:46 AM · Dec 30, 2022 Permalink
I was wondering why this recipe wasn’t there earlier, but since it’s for a base level plush greythorne, it makes sense it wouldn’t be available until Gena has given us said plush.
Inspection text: “Obtained a magna mix recipe!” Mix Recipes screen, focused on a lengthy recipe to make a Half-Baked Greythorne: salty water + greythorne storybook + six times greythorne song.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 01:49 AM · Dec 30, 2022 Permalink
Also turns out there’s a magnus in the Spring, thanks GameFAQs
Sagi: “Squeak?”
Dialog choice: “Yeah, let’s!” versus “No thanks” Textbox: “Obtained the magna essence [blue text] Spring-Lord’s Voice [end blue text]!” Quest Magnus screen, focused on Spring-Lord’s Voice: “The disembodied voice of the lord that dwells in Moonguile Forest. Even in magnus form it gives off an eerie vibe. What lord? What vibe? That’s another story for another day, boys and girls.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 01:53 AM · Dec 30, 2022 Permalink
Rasalas actually had some very good dialog. The people have realized something is up, but worse is coming. I don’t think we’ve had Wiseman described as a devourer before this?
Girl: “There’s someone out there growing bigger every day by eating the hearts of other people.” Girl: “Life like this is unbearable. But not being myself anymore—that would be even worse.” Villager: “I could feel him coming closer… I could feel him absorbing all those people’s hearts.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 01:54 AM · Dec 30, 2022 Permalink
There is indeed someone new and LARGE on the Alfard map. But I’m just here for some flame ice for mixing stuff, this is future Sagi’s problem. Where did they find that much metal anyway?
The Alfard island map, an immense ship hovering behind the landmass it is quite close to overshadowing.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 02:01 AM · Dec 30, 2022 Permalink
Time to finish the accursed stalker quest. Another delivery of Heartbreaking Song makes the girl mellow and the singer… kick the bucket. Good riddance please stay that way
Frightened Girl: “That song weirdly tugged at my heartstrings! Even though he wrote it, it actually hit home with me!” Singing Man: “Ahh, you’ve delivered my song, haven’t you, my little cupid of looove!” Singing Man: “[red text] Once again, I beseech you! Bring this sooong… to my beloooved! [end red text]” Singing Man: “Ahh, flyyy to her siiide! Oh, my disembodied looove!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 02:04 AM · Dec 30, 2022 Permalink
I hate this quest so much. I knew it was going to go like this. Also ISN’T HE DEAD
Frightened Girl: “Augh! What IS this? It’s poignant! Terribly poignant! I just can’t hold back the tears!” Frightened Girl: “My sympathy for him is flying off the charts! I can’t even deal with how much I feel for him!” Frightened Girl: “It’s incredibly weird, but I just don’t think I can live another day without going to check up on him!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 02:12 AM · Dec 30, 2022 Permalink
Nope, not dead! Happy ending! For, again, stalking! Bad sidequest!
Maybe that’s how all those sad loveless marriages happen. We keep running into het couples where the husband is a disaster and the wife keeps everything running, on every continent
Mature Girl: “This guy’s singing could kill a deaf man, and he’s a total imbecile, but at least I know I can trust him.” Mature Girl: “I have no doubt he’ll always love me. That’s enough to let me look past all the rest. Singing Man: “What amazing love! It has to be love! She’s finally seen my passion!” Singing Man: “And it was all possible because of my sooong! And I guess maybe you helped a little toooo!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 02:13 AM · Dec 30, 2022 Permalink
Next time: Coliseum because the revisit is DONE