Lia @liareplaysbk · 02:07 PM · Jan 15, 2023 Permalink
So. Tarazed is a thing now and Baelheit wants to play Battleship with all the other islands.
Obviously that means the world state has ticked forward and there’s another metric fuckton of new dialog. Will I finish this game ever? Unsure.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 02:13 PM · Jan 15, 2023 Permalink
Most people in Greater Mintaka have new dialog. The variety of viewpoints is great, makes it feel so much more grounded even with few people!
I also lol’d at the Great Leader Complex Thoughts thing, that is used deadpan in France to stonewall journalists from the president
Mintaka citizen 1: “What’s their reasoning for demanding we give up our wings?” Mintaka citizen 1: “Personally, I don’t really care whether I have mine or not, but I’m still curious.” Mintaka citizen 1: “I suppose we common folk can’t hope to understand the thoughts of a great man like the emperor.” Mintaka citizen 2: “They’re even allowing foreigners to board. Lord Baelheit is so generous.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 02:17 PM · Jan 15, 2023 Permalink
Nice diegetic “hey you’re about to lose access to the Warm Cheers / Icy Jeers quest magnus, don’t miss it” there.
Otherwise no real change, Verus and Geldo don’t have new things to say, we can still Greythorne it up, but we still can’t get into the darn locked room.
Empire Soldier: “So, Tarazed’s been completed… You’re going to infiltrate it and stop Baelheit, right?” Empire Soldier: “All I can do is offer my support. This may be my last chance… It’s all about guts, guts, guts!” Geldoblame, talking to Sagi-the-greythorne: “Don’t be frightened, now. Here, I’ll give you something that looks just like you.” Empire Soldier: “These are the quaestor’s private chambers, where he retires to speak with his guardian spirit.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 02:18 PM · Jan 15, 2023 Permalink
The palace no longer has guards and rooms that had people are now empty. Literally nothing to see here unless we need rubber.
Sagi standing in the now-empty palace room with the chunks of rubber.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 02:21 PM · Jan 15, 2023 Permalink
This character’s been like this the entire game and it’s great.
No changes with Skeed and Vallye, guess they’re staying put and getting disintegrated (again), tragic
Mintaka citizen: “The public broadcast just said that if we don’t cast aside our wings, they’ll shoot down the entire island.” Mintaka citizen: “Killing those who don’t obey, quashing the seeds of dissent… Baelheit has shown his true colors.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 02:24 PM · Jan 15, 2023 Permalink
We can AT LONG LAST enter Baelheit’s office and loot the chests! One contains another super-fast Prototype Mixer which for some reason has a separate Gathering entry. The other is a random armor magnus I already have too many of.
Also that’s a hell of a large “bullet”
Textbox: “Obtained a [blue text] Magnus Mixer [end blue text]!” Textbox: “Obtained the magnus [blue text] Golden Helm [end blue text]!” Inspection text: “These bullets are ornamental, a mere show of military force. They’re too precious to actually […]” Inspection text: “[…] fire.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 02:27 PM · Jan 15, 2023 Permalink
A sad gilder, some extremely chaotic kids making plans…
Gilder: “I guess there’s no need to do any more repairs around here.” Gilder: “Still, this city is the product of Gramps and my blood, sweat, and tears. Maybe it’s time I retired…” Child: “I’ve decided to live here in a toootally empty Mintaka! We’ll have it all to ourselves!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 02:29 PM · Jan 15, 2023 Permalink
This soldier actually was asleep for the past few states of the area. Details like this are just lovely
Empire Soldier: “I was asleep the whole time, so I’m not sure what’s going on here.” Empire Soldier: “What’s everyone all worked up for? Did something happen?”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 02:35 PM · Jan 15, 2023 Permalink
The sleeping woman is huh not improving.
And it turns out Tarazed was at least in part built by soldiers who actually respected their NDA. Okay, sure, I guess?
Puffy-Eyed Woman: “Anyone who disturbs my rest…” Puffy-Eyed Woman: “gets their @*#%&! lopped off, then stuck in their !*@&$%# to boot!!” Empire Soldier 1: “These days I think back on the time I held a hammer instead of a gun and actually get kinda nostalgic.” Empire Soldier 2: “We were under a gag order until now. I’m happy I can finally talk about it.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 02:39 PM · Jan 15, 2023 Permalink
There’s so much confusion, in so many flavors, it’s GREAT world-building. Shame that it’s not quite followed through - there’s a lot of people left - but hey, they tried.
Empire Soldier: “All the citizens living here left following the announcement about the move to Tarazed.” Empire Soldier: “I take my duty to protect the people of this city seriously, but if I don’t evacuate soon…” Empire Soldier: “I wonder when I should break ranks with the security here.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 02:42 PM · Jan 15, 2023 Permalink
We then “sneak” into Tarazed, no destination choice. So stealthy. How does Baelheit not have a “wait that’s Verus’ ship, shoot it down” alert system?
Guillo: “Every ship in the Empire must be here.” Milly: “Fortunate for us. We should be able to sneak right in.” The Sfida looking very tiny as it approaches Tarazed. The Sfida, parked inside Tarazed.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 02:54 PM · Jan 15, 2023 Permalink
… at which point we get free travel back so let’s ignore the main plot some more and go search for new dialog!
Put a pin in that nature vs machina food thing, it’ll come back.
And that poor watcher in the tower has been waiting for so long. Heartbreaking.
Hassaleh villager: “Eating delicious food, raised from the bountiful land and water. Now that’s the life.” Hassaleh villager: “Prioritize convenience too much, and one day you realize your food has lost all its flavor.” Watcher: “My daughter and her husband have gone to Tarazed and taken my grandchild with them…” Watcher: “It just tears me up to think they’d take the wings of the heart from a little baby like that…”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 02:56 PM · Jan 15, 2023 Permalink
Gena, we don’t need to talk about Sagi’s dad, we need to talk about what toxic heteronormative patriarchal bullshit you’ve been teaching those kids
Child: “Gena won’t show us her wings of the heart like she used to.” Child: “I bet she’s got a boyfriend, and she’s not showing them to anyone but him now!” Gena: “Sagi… I’ve never really sat down and talked with you about your father.” Gena: “Come back home once all this business is over with, and we’ll have a nice, long chat.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 03:01 PM · Jan 15, 2023 Permalink
Next: Diadem!
The overarching theme here is surprise that shouldn’t be surprise because come on the Empire was always obviously evil.
So Ladekahn is beating himself up some more. But hey he’ll turn out functional in EW, I’M SURE IT’S FINE
Knight at the docks: “Wha-!! What IS that?! Such an enormous machina… floating in the air?!” Knight at the castle gate: “To think the Empire was hiding away the power to construct such a thing! I’m still in shock…” Ladekahn: “It appears I’d underestimated Baelheit’s power.” Ladekahn: “A floating continent, engineered by the hands of men…”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 03:04 PM · Jan 15, 2023 Permalink
This is delightful: “Grandpa” here has been wanting to go and fight since the invasion, but now we get the full context for why he’s like that, and it’s swords plural because “Grandma” was a knight too! And we learn that by eavesdropping on a convo between their grandkids!
Grandpa: “I-I-I-Imperial bastards! Create some sinister secret fortress, will they? Let’s go, dear!” Grandma: “I suppose there’s no point trying to talk you out of it. All right, let me go get out the swords…” Child: “S-so Grandma and Grandpa met back when they were both in the Knights of Diadem!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 03:07 PM · Jan 15, 2023 Permalink
In Nashira, there’s some worry about the whole destruction thing, but mostly DAMNIT the fish is gone AGAIN won’t the Imperials stop MESSING UP THE CATCH
Villager 1: “There used to be an endless school of glubberfish here…” Villager 1: “After that weird broadcast, they’ve disappeared like a receding tide.” Villager 2: “First they come and invade the village out of the blue, now it’s a giant mechanical island?” Villager 2: “Can’t those idiots in the Empire learn to just spend their days fishing in peace and quiet?”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 03:08 PM · Jan 15, 2023 Permalink
Confirmation that people from non-Alfard islands are leaving too. I can’t recall what the person at the other table said but there was definitely someone there earlier.
Bar patron: “That troubled youth ran off to the island the Empire made…”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 03:10 PM · Jan 15, 2023 Permalink
And now for the most important scene of the revisit. Because in Duhr, a creature has fallen from the sky, wholly unharmed. How bizarre!
Villager: “A strange animal fell down from above the Taintclouds.” Villager: “I brought it here frantically to try to dress its wounds, but there wasn’t a scratch on it…”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 03:12 PM · Jan 15, 2023 Permalink
Of course it’s a Greythorne. What else could it be? The kids disagree on its trustworthiness.
Kid 1: “Anything that can fall that far a distance and be fine is unnatural!” Kid 1: “All right, monster! Out with it! Show your true self!” Kid 2, turning away from the greythorne: “Oh, hush, will you? Something this cute can’t possibly be bad!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 03:14 PM · Jan 15, 2023 Permalink
At which point it grows ten times bigger while one kid isn’t looking. I guess our Whale is a bit of a trickster god!
Greythorne, now a lot larger: “……” Kid 1: “Sis! Lookit!! Look!! It’s totally a monster!!” Greythorne, back to its usual size juste as kid 2 turns to look: “Squeak.” Kid 2: “What are you talking about? No matter how you look at it, it’s just adorable.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 03:15 PM · Jan 15, 2023 Permalink
A certain villa in Komo Mai is now empty. There are Coliseum shenanigans coming, then.
Pannie’s villa, empty of people.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 03:18 PM · Jan 15, 2023 Permalink
Back to Tarazed, then! The inside looks familiar, with a large elevator like the one we fought Shanath on. Better lighting and actual walkways, tho.
… also why is Sagi labeled as Valara? I only noticed now, huh.
World map, focused on Tarazed in the center. Sagi: “Shall we head to Tarazed, Lia?”
Dialog choice: “Head to Tarazed’s port” or “Not right now”. A large space entirely made of translucent blue glass walkways and cold grey mechanical platforms. Title card: “Vega, Machina Metropolis”. Sagi, incorrectly labeled as Valara: “Whoa… Talk about futuristic.” Guillo: “This is no time to gape. We’re supposed to be looking for Baelheit!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 03:26 PM · Jan 15, 2023 Permalink
“Horn pods” is a terrible name. Spoiler: we’ll indeed trade something for access to one of those but it’ll be a LOT sillier.
I’d snark about trading your moral integrity for a shitty electric scooter but we all know that’s actually a thing in the tech industry
Vega resident: “So, what do you think? Pretty awesome, huh? They call these babies “horn pods.”” Vega resident: “We got them from the Empire in exchange for our wings of the heart.” Vega resident: “You guys should go give up those silly old wings and get yourself one of these!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 03:29 PM · Jan 15, 2023 Permalink
The elevator is of course busted so we need to go up and explore some more. Supposedly the previous mechanic is at a café nearby.
Sagi: “It looks like we can use this switch to head down from here. Should we push it?”
Dialog choice: “Push it” versus “Let’s not”. Sagi: “Hmm? It’s not moving.” Middle-Aged Man: “I was just recently put in charge of maintaining this elevator, but I can’t seem to get it to run well.” Middle-Aged Man: “Say, I’m sorry to ask you all, but would you mind asking the previous mechanic about the [red text] wiring scheme [end red text]?”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 03:30 PM · Jan 15, 2023 Permalink
I know writers who use subtext, etc
Vega resident: “Hey, you all are new residents here, right? People have started flooding in from all over.” Vega resident: “I guess it’s only natural, seeing as how it’s either move here or get destroyed along with the islands.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 03:33 PM · Jan 15, 2023 Permalink
A familiar face, but mostly more BED FACTS. What is it with this game and BED FACTS. Darn near every bed in this has unique flavor text. Why. How.
Butler: “This is the Vega villa of Mr. Panie, a noble of Mintaka. What business have you here?” Inspection text: “This brand-new bed shows no sign of ever being slept in.” Inspection text: “This bed’s cleanliness gives it a cold, sterile appearance.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 03:35 PM · Jan 15, 2023 Permalink
Ah, I DID miss that house in Pherkad. We’ll be going back, of course. Also more BED FACTS
Elderly Woman: “I wonder how my son is doing back in Pherkad. I owe him an apology.” Inspection text: “This bed has been made with clean, white sheets.” Inspection text: “Air quality and temperature are fully regulated here, so only light bedding is required.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 03:37 PM · Jan 15, 2023 Permalink
Hidden BED FACTS! And what feels like a jab at functionalism (which is an actual architecture / design movement. It’s huge in Sweden, cf IKEA)
Inspection text: “With the bed stored within the wall, this room feels extremely empty.” Inspection text: “This streamlined design has eliminated all unnecessary elements.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 03:40 PM · Jan 15, 2023 Permalink
We find the machina bath house with individual cabinets. One holds Foul Air, which we need for mixing, and one has a grumpy Anuenue emigrant who gives us the last Sedna magnus.
Bye Vega we’ll be rrrrrright back
Vega resident 1: “Living in this city, you don’t even have to bathe yourself manually anymore.” Vega resident 2: “All the steam makes you kind of lightheaded if you’re not used to it, though…” Middle-Aged Man: “This is Vega’s famous machine bath house!” Textbox: “Obtained the magna essence [blue text] Foul Air [end blue text]!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 03:45 PM · Jan 15, 2023 Permalink
Okay not quite let’s finish this branch first.
Nasca and Valara’s machina arma (what an aliteration) are there as showpieces of sorts in front of the café, described as “prototypes”. Since they need god pieces I’m not sure why our group assumes mass-production is at all viable?
Vega resident: “It seems the emperor employed these machina in his efforts to bring machina to the other islands.” Vega resident: “I hear a crazy faction of extremists out to undermine the emperor got in the way of his plans, though.” Inspection text: “Promachination Project - Machina Arma TYPE-N - Prototype”. Guillo: “Having these things mass-produced would be a special kind of nightmare.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 03:48 PM · Jan 15, 2023 Permalink
The café is packed. There’s a welcome summary of everything that’s gone wrong thus far…
Middle-Aged Woman 1: “Yes, I know! And the woods of a place called Nunki Valley all burned down.” Middle-Aged Woman 2: “Yes, and where we lived, suddenly we couldn’t fish at all, and some important soldier person died and…” Middle-Aged Woman 3: “Right, and in Anuenue, the Celestial Tree grew all upset. I was so frightened.” Middle-Aged Woman 3: “Nothing beats the security of living here in peace.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 03:51 PM · Jan 15, 2023 Permalink
Heartbreaking chatter from kids, and parents who’ll be SO confused when said kids leave and never want to talk to them again a decade later
Girl 1: “Daddy, I don’t feel good.” Girl 2: “Me too. It’s like I can feel a draft at the pit of my stomach and across my back.” Middle-Aged Man: “What’s the matter with them? They’ve been complaining since we removed their wings of the heart.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 03:53 PM · Jan 15, 2023 Permalink
There’s a lot more, all very interesting, but most vitally there’s our engineer and things that should probably be written on a panel inside the mechanism.
Young Man: “Hmm? I was the one in charge of elevator maintenance, yes.” Young Man: “It’s simple enough to fix. First you take [blue text] blue [end blue text] wire and connect it to the [green text] green [end green text] wire.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 04:01 PM · Jan 15, 2023 Permalink
To Sedna, where turning in the magnus we got finally unlocks the chest in the church. It’s the constellations all over again!
Maia: “It’s hidden somewhere in the world, sealed away tight.” Maia: “Please, Sagi. Find the final magnus, [red text] Sedna’s Light [red text].” Textbox: “Obtained the magnus [blue text] Sedna’s Light [end blue text]!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 04:05 PM · Jan 15, 2023 Permalink
There’s a letter in there, too. Not a fancy one, but… significant.
Letter: “Our town was destroyed at the hands of a wizard calling himself Wiseman.” Letter: “Though nothing more than a simple decoration hung from the town center’s tree during festivals,” Letter: “this ornament bears witness to the truth: our town existed once, shining in its own corner of the […]” Letter: “[…] world.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 04:06 PM · Jan 15, 2023 Permalink
And so we restore it, and complete Sedna at last!
Textbox: “Restored - Sedna’s Light!” The town center’s tree now filled with baubles, two garlands and a whole bunch of shining sparkles. Maia: “It’s finally done! The finishing touches are in place. Sedna is finally back to its old self!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 04:09 PM · Jan 15, 2023 Permalink
The reason no one in town talks to or mentions Maia is that she’s another one of those ghosts we’ve met. There is one kid in the last restored house, who say the tree has feelings - sad before the light is back, happy after - but that’s it.
Maia: “You may have already guessed, but… I’m not a living person.” Maia: “I’m just one of many who were reduced to magnus by a powerful wizard long ago.” Maia: “Only my consciousness remained, sealed in this tree to watch over Sedna for the coming ages.” Maia: “Until the day this tree withers and dies, I’ll watch over these people. Forever…”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 04:11 PM · Jan 15, 2023 Permalink
A few bits of changed flavor text, not much, and that’s Sedna done. Bye Sedna, you were very, very weird.
Sedna resident: “I love the way the tree sparkles. It would be fun to hold a big festival around this tree.” Mayor: “Wow, this town has really come into bloom, and Sedna owes it all to me, the mayor…” Mayor: “who owes it all to you, of course! I thank you, along with all of Sedna’s townsfolk.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 05:16 PM · Jan 15, 2023 Permalink
I actually did Coliseum stuff in between but I’ll group all that together in the next thread so it makes more sense.
For now: fixing the elevator! Which gets us access to the rest of the place AND that second full party heal. Nice.
Middle-Aged Man: “First you have to take out one of the wires, if I’m not mistaken. [red text] Which color wire [end red text] is it?”
Dialog choice: “The red wire”, “The blue wire”, “The yellow wire”, “The green wire”, “The white wire”, with each color name in that color. Middle-Aged Man: “I see, I see. And now I attach that one to [red text] which color wire [end red text]?”
Dialog choice: “The red wire”, “The blue wire”, “The yellow wire”, “The green wire”, “The black wire”, with each color name except black in that color. The elevator, going down. Textbox: “Obtained the magnus [blue text] Book of Mana [end blue text]!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 05:20 PM · Jan 15, 2023 Permalink
Remember the “natural food” thing in Hassaleh I told you to put a pin into? In Vega, food is all done through magnus mixing. There are mentions of it in the café, too.
Though the contents of the magnus have to come from somewhere, so… go figure.
Seller: “Fresh mountain apples! Get your fresh mountain apples here! They’re cheap! Act now!!” Seller: “Still nothing… It’s been rough running a business here. Everyone here has gone crazy magna mixing.” Middle-Aged Woman: “Who’d have thought you could mix together magnus contents just like cooking ingredients?”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 05:21 PM · Jan 15, 2023 Permalink
Yes, more BED FACTS, they never end
Inspection text: “Cottoncap fruits have been spliced into this synthetic mattress, making it extra fluffy.” Inspection text: “These are just your average sheets, but they feel oddly smooth to the touch.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 05:23 PM · Jan 15, 2023 Permalink
A very good question - I’m betting on Malpercio juice - and a VERY GOOD FEATURE. Everyone’s new here! It’s normal to be lost! So of course there’s someone to point at where things are!
Vega resident: “I have to wonder, though, where they’re getting the energy to power all this.” Helpful Vega resident: “I definitely remember the shop being over that way.” Helpful Vega resident: “And if you go under there, you’ll get to the concert hall.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 05:25 PM · Jan 15, 2023 Permalink
Speaking of the shop, we’ve got mail. It’s… wings enlargement spam. Moving on.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 05:27 PM · Jan 15, 2023 Permalink
The concert hall is a platform (with our friends the recycled sconces), full of more Very Subtle Dialog
Child: “When I told Daddy I was scared, he said to just listen to the music and dance.” Child: “But Daddy’s been dancing this whole time… Does that means [sic] he’s scared, too?” Dancer: “Song has a way of touching the heart like words alone never could.” Dancer: “And here, I took my heart, tore it into tiny bits, and threw it away…”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 05:29 PM · Jan 15, 2023 Permalink
Party reactions seem random since I got the same bits on different dialog.
There is so much to unpack in that Guillo sentence I’m not even gonna start
Milly: “It seems like everyone is desperate to convince themselves that they’re happy here…” Sagi: “They’re all unsure. They’ve thrown away the islands they called home to come live here.” Guillo: “It’s utterly pathetic. If you’re going to regret something, don’t do it in the first place.” Guillo: “I suppose it’s only human, though.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 05:32 PM · Jan 15, 2023 Permalink
More bummer dialog! More BED FACTS! Maybe the last?
Vega resident: “Ahh, seeing all those things and doing all that stuff sure was fun!” Vega resident: ““Was” fun… That about sums it up. It’s a great place to come play, but it’s not a place to live.” Inspection text: “This bed is made of a new material that sinks to conform to the body’s lines for maximum comfort.” Inspection text: “Just touching this mattress is enough to make you sleepy.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 05:40 PM · Jan 15, 2023 Permalink
There’s a… machina biker gang, I guess
Rockabilly Man: “I’m the chief of the Vega Thunderbolts. The name’s Shaun, dig?” Shaun: “That back there is our female lead, Lady, and our bruiser, Torque, dig?” Sagi: “Umm… What are the Thunderbolts, exactly?”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 05:44 PM · Jan 15, 2023 Permalink
But they’re all out of battery and the soldiers aren’t around to help (so much for fully automated luxury fascism). Sidequest, woo!
And also another minor but obvious dysfunction in this supposed utopia.
Shaun: “Flying around Vega on these horn pods feeling the wind is our style, but…” Shaun: “Well, it looks like we fly them too hard. They’re all out of energy now.” Shaun: “Is there any chance you’ve got one of those things they use to charge these horn pods?” Shaun: “You know, the [red text] jolting, shocking little lightning bolt guys [end red text].”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 05:46 PM · Jan 15, 2023 Permalink
There are spark shrooms nearby, and a battery to crank them up to jolt shrooms without mixing. But we need the next step up which means mixing which means combat, so the Thunderbolts will wait.
Sagi in front of a spark shroom growing out of the platform, an exclamation mark over his head. Sagi, in front of a defective battery: “If we use a [blue text] spark shroom [end blue text] here, it’ll turn into a jolt shroom. Shaun: “This one’s definitely jolting, but it still lacks punch. We can’t ride the wind on this.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 05:47 PM · Jan 15, 2023 Permalink
Okay okay but we do have an apocalypse to prevent, so let’s go forward
Vega resident: “The soldiers in the fortress area up ahead have been all abuzz for a while now.” Vega resident: “It may be about time… They’re going to take down all of the other islands.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 05:49 PM · Jan 15, 2023 Permalink
Once we go in, the music picks up BIG TIME, we get a false dialog choice, and it’s onwards to what smells like a very very large dungeon.
A massive entryway of brass pipes and columns, guarded by no fewer than two bots and two soldiers. Title card: “Tarazed”. Sagi: “Baelheit’s in here somewhere. Security’s bound to be tight. Are we all ready?”
Dialog choice: “Of course!” versus “I’m not feeling it”. Guillo: “Time to end this.” Milly: “…Father.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 05:50 PM · Jan 15, 2023 Permalink
Which obviously means going back to other way to go do some mixing, checking the Pac Snacks list, the Coliseum, and upgrading everything the Vega shop will allow me to.
Next thread: some of that.