Lia @liareplaysbk · 08:16 PM · Oct 24, 2020 Permalink
Off to the definitely not cursed, completely not haunted, absolutely not a trap for our usually smarter than that group Ancient Library Of Magic!
It’s mostly a ton of combat so don’t expect much besides screenshots of giant books trying to eat people.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 08:28 PM · Oct 24, 2020 Permalink
Oh yeah, we get another How Can We Possibly Hear This bit of monologue, this time the Queen pondering about Kalas and his unusually insightful words.
(Kalas’ true nature is Complicated, the TLDR is that he’s not quiiiite human and is carrying his brother’s soul around, ish)
Corellia: “That boy... his aura was quite unusual.” Corellia: “It was as if he was surrounded by the memories of someone very dear...” Corellia: “Staying nice and fair, while the whole world falls apart... He may be right.” Corellia: “The witches have disappeared, and the Celestial Tree has yet to bloom.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 08:29 PM · Oct 24, 2020 Permalink
Library time! It’s super duper cursed and haunted, surprise.
A very grey entrance corridor, with a bunch of skull-faced specters around and weird magical seals on the doors.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 08:35 PM · Oct 24, 2020 Permalink
Oh it is SO nice when the draw RNG cooperates.
Turn result: camera, two attacks and a finisher, as a 8-7-6-5 straight. Total is 227 + 45% = 329 damage. Turn result: two light spells and a finisher as a triple of 2, total is 277 +21% = 335 damage.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 08:47 PM · Oct 24, 2020 Permalink
I do love the silly magical version of “KEY OPENS DOOR”.
Xelha: “...Wow, this seal was created over a hundred years ago... I sense a very powerful magic.” Xelha: “This type of spell is usually cast on two objects. Those objects must be brought together to break the spell.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 08:55 PM · Oct 24, 2020 Permalink
Examine all the bookshelves for bits of lore and, er, occasionally more biting content
Examining a bookshelf: “There’s one book with a weird title called “We’re Easy Going”.” A living book with paper teeth and a bookmark tongue pops out of the shelf. Combat screen showing the book.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:17 PM · Oct 24, 2020 Permalink
Main annoyance in this place is that the spectres resurrect each other. Not really a problem if you hit hard enough.
Combat screen, showing an enemy being brought back in a flash of light with a heal for 142 points.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:19 PM · Oct 24, 2020 Permalink
You’ll see my party composition shift quite often in screenshots, because I keep the characters sorted by XP to keep them somewhat in sync level-wise.
I have mechanical AND narrative favorites, obviously, but I try to not let that make someone lag behind.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:36 PM · Oct 24, 2020 Permalink
After a lot of bookshelves-pushing, key-collecting, books-back-into-place-putting, and about a zillion trash mobs killed, we get into the former office of the Head Librarian.
It’s empty! There’s no witch! It was a trap! HOW SURPRISING.
Kalas: “Hmm... there isn’t anything here. It’s deserted.” A voice: “Very unlikely, I’m afraid. You idiots.” Folon: “Looks like you took the bait... How I love messing with you fools.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:38 PM · Oct 24, 2020 Permalink
Folon is pretty far off the whacky side of the cartoon villain end of the scale. Described as a “half-crazed Joker”.
Kalas: “So you set us up with that talk about the witch coming back.” Folon, pointing: “Ding Dong! That’s right!” Folon: “Today’s lucky winners will all receive a one-way ticket to hell!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:41 PM · Oct 24, 2020 Permalink
Establishing him as One Of The People Kalas Is Going To Have A Grudge With and also just plain old mean.
Folon: “I hear you’re a leftover from Giacomo and Ayme’s attack on that old fossil, Georg...” Kalas: “...?! So, you’re with Giacomo and Ayme?” Folon: “Your grandfather and kid brother have been asking for you down below.” Folon: “Don’t make them wait, Kalas.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:45 PM · Oct 24, 2020 Permalink
We defeat him without trouble even if Kalas’ deck refuses to cooperate. But in Proud JRPG Tradition, he shoots a bizarro super attack at the entire party and almost takes everyone out.
He goes on about the power of Malpercio and becoming more than human, readies a final blow...
Folon: “Heh, your friends aren’t too shabby, for mere humans. I must say you made it interesting.” Folon: “This is nothing compared to the cursed god’s true power, once fully awakened.” Folon: “When that happens, we’ll finally be able to shed these clumsy shells of ours.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:50 PM · Oct 24, 2020 Permalink
When a weird explosive dart attack comes out of nowhere, letting us escape. CONVENIENT.
Also the first hint of Savyna’s background, that won’t be all that mysterious for long.
Folon, shielding his face: “Ah!” Folon: “Humph, so they got away...” Folon: “Whoever it was that attacked me looked awfully like an Imperial...”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:53 PM · Oct 24, 2020 Permalink
No, Kalas, we absolutely did not.
Savyna gives us the next Main Quest Pointer, the village beyond the jungle. Not much more to do!
Kalas: “It isn’t like we needed help, you know... We almost had him.” Savyna, still unnamed: “Come to the village by the waterfall. Sorry I can’t stick around to hold your hands on the way.” Xelha, as Savyna walks out: “Thanks for saving us.” Gibari: “Anyway, let’s get moving. We gotta find this village of hers.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:11 PM · Oct 24, 2020 Permalink
And we’ll do that NEXT TIME, which will actually be mostly another round through town talking to everyone.