Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:24 PM · Oct 23, 2020 Permalink
Off to the school of magic, to learn about the world and loot everything that isn’t nailed down!
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:35 PM · Oct 23, 2020 Permalink
First hint at Wazn, “a kingdom of ice populated by powerful witches”. Surely a tall tale, just like phantom ships, right? No way we’ll encounter both of those things.
Teacher: “It’s said there is a kingdom of ice, far to the north.” Teacher: “Of course, this could just be a fanciful tale, told by superstitious sailors.” Teacher: “Similar to rumors of phantom ships, and mermaids luring sailors into darkness.” Teacher: “Perhaps someone among us here today will someday find answers to these perplexing questions.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:42 PM · Oct 23, 2020 Permalink
Weirdly, in spite of the island being described as isolationist, many NPCs in the school have traveled from afar and praise it as attracting students from all over.
The Principal is a kid, because “scholarship is not determined by age”.
A child: “Indeed. I am the principal here at the School of Magic.” The Principal: “Scholarship is not determined by age. If there’s something you want to know, feel free to ask me.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:42 PM · Oct 23, 2020 Permalink
Also an early hint that we won’t be able to get past the jungle without a specific item, because it’s got a case of the Forbidden Woods. I’m guessing that’ll be signposted more heavily as it becomes relevant.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:53 PM · Oct 23, 2020 Permalink
The other side is mostly reminders: the five nations, more optimism about peace at large and Anuénué’s magical shield in particular, another serving of the Ocean legend.
Can you imagine? Islands on the GROUND, and WATER in between? So weird.
Teacher: “The ancient land of Sadal Suud. Diadem, Land of the Clouds. Our very own Anuenue, the Rainbow [cont]” Teacher: “[cont] Nation. Mira, City of Illusion. And Alfard, Empire of the Flame.” A student: “Even if the Empire were to try to invade us, they couldn’t breach the shield.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:54 PM · Oct 23, 2020 Permalink
With all that, we’ve killed enough time that the Portable Shrine procession is done and we can go into the palace. I’m sure everything will go swimmingly and we won’t run into anyone who wants us dead.
The path to the palace, now clear.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:00 PM · Oct 23, 2020 Permalink
We start with the traditional Steal Everything, which, weirdly, includes the Queen’s room being open to visitors and us stealing her mattress and hair dryer. I DON’T KNOW OKAY
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:02 PM · Oct 23, 2020 Permalink
It’s a lovely palace, too. The Greythornes bouncing on the railings are a nice touch.
Corellia’s Palace, entrance. Large windows show lush greenery with waterfalls. Another palace view.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:08 PM · Oct 23, 2020 Permalink
We’ve got a fancy letter so we’re allowed in without a hitch.
This is another scene from the opening, though with a very different mood.
Corellia: “You must be travelers. I welcome you to Anuenue. What can I do for you?” Xelha: “We bear important news from King Ladekahn.” Xelha: “Please take this letter, Your Highness.” Corellia, eyes downcast: “... The Five End Magnus, sealed away in times long past...”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:10 PM · Oct 23, 2020 Permalink
Not sure she’s buying the story. As Xelha finishes, footsteps start resonating...
Corellia: “So you believe one of these “End Magnus” is sealed away somewhere in our lands?” Corellia: “And that the Empire... Emperor Geldoblame... is looking for it?” Xelha: “Without a doubt, Your Highness.” Xelha: “We must find the End Magnus before he does...”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:12 PM · Oct 23, 2020 Permalink
A richly dressed man in heavy make-up: “Pardon me. I did not realize you were in audience with your guests.” Corellia: “Please join us, Emperor Geldoblame.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:30 PM · Oct 23, 2020 Permalink
Obviously the Emperor doesn’t know anything (another bit that’s in the opening). For once it’s not Kalas starting shit.
Corellia: “Emperor Geldoblame, if you please, would you happen to have heard of something called an “End Magnus”?” Geldoblame: “”End Magnus”? Hmmm... I don’t believe so. Is it of some special concern to Your Highness?” Gibari, looking furious: “You liar!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:33 PM · Oct 23, 2020 Permalink
Knights intervene, Geldoblame gracefully says that powerful leaders are always the target of such anger, and proceeds to turn the tables and point out that our ragtag crew is maybe not... y’know.
Geldoblame: “Who exactly are all of you anyway?” Geldoblame: “If I’m not mistaken, this young man is wearing an Imperial uniform.” Geldoblame: “What mission could possibly warrant his being here? Hm?” Lyude, looking sad: “...”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:35 PM · Oct 23, 2020 Permalink
IIRC what got Lyude exiled is talking back /directly/ to Geldoblame so it’s... interesting that the accusation isn’t more direct.
Also, probably should have changed clothes or something. Whatever, videogame logic.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:37 PM · Oct 23, 2020 Permalink
Geldoblame: “And the young lady there happens to remind me of a thief. A petty cutpurse that stole jewelry from my [cont]” Geldoblame: “[cont] palace and scampered away... Could this resemblance be... coincidental?” Xelha, looking distraught: “...!! I... I...”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:43 PM · Oct 23, 2020 Permalink
More conflict woooo
Kalas: “Have you already guessed where the third Magnus is, or are you still looking?” Geldoblame: “As stated previously, I have nary a clue as to what you are referring to.” Geldoblame: “I am here on vacation. A routine break from my grueling duties. Your accusations, I must observe, [cont]” Geldoblame: “[cont] are devoid of merit.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:46 PM · Oct 23, 2020 Permalink
The Queen remains impeccably polite, and turns out the Emperor is on his way out anyway.
His voicework is also much better than I remembered.
Corellia: “By the way, Emperor Geldoblame, is there something you need of me?” Geldoblame: “Oh yes, Queen Corellia... I merely intended to bid you farewell.” Corellia: “I understand. I do hope you enjoyed your stay.” Geldoblame: “My sincere thanks for your hospitality. My stay here has been... fruitful.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:49 PM · Oct 23, 2020 Permalink
(It’s Folon, Number 3 in the Chaotic Trio that murdered Kalas’ family)
Unknown character with an ominous portrait, staring at Kalas: “...” Kalas: “...”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:55 PM · Oct 23, 2020 Permalink
Oh come on you’re not even out of earshot yet.
(Another scene from the opening!)
Bit contrived to show us this, tho, when so much of this game relies on the player / character knowledge differential.
Geldoblame: “That Kalas!! I never imagined he would be alive!” Geldoblame: “... Kill him! Do whatever it takes!” Geldoblame: “If left alone, he will prove a threat to my Empire.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:02 PM · Oct 23, 2020 Permalink
Folon established as handling the messy work, and talking out of turn.
Folon, still unnamed: “As you wish... And what should be done about the End Magnus presumed to be on this island?” Geldoblame: “Fool. Lower your voice.” Geldoblame: “No matter. Concentrate on eliminating that winged mongrel.” Geldoblame: “I will consider alternative approaches to securing this particular End Magnus...”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:10 PM · Oct 23, 2020 Permalink
Anuenue is neutral and will do nothing.
Kinda rich from mister “Castles might fall, who cares” to criticize.
Corellia: “Now then, I’ve read the letter from King Ladekahn, and his points are well taken.” Corellia: “However, Anuenue cannot agree to help another nation face the might of the Empire.” Corellia: “We have a long-standing tradition of remaining neutral towards the other islands.” Kalas: “Staying nice and fair, while the whole world falls apart around you.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:14 PM · Oct 23, 2020 Permalink
Time for obligatory Group Discussion About What We Do Now!
Gibari, in the throne room: “There’s not much else we can do for now...” Kalas, outside: “So, what now?” Gibari: “Going back empty-handed ain’t an option.” Lyude: “I agree. Finding the Emperor here wasn’t exactly reassuring.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:20 PM · Oct 23, 2020 Permalink
Conclusion: we go find that Magnus ourselves. Kalas complains, as he does.
Surprise Random Helpful Definitely Not Suspicious NPC pops up.
Kalas: “Humph... More volunteer work.” Kalas: “So, where should we start looking?” Court Lady: “You all look very troubled about something. What’s the matter?”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:30 PM · Oct 23, 2020 Permalink
There’s an old library of magic, that’s been abandoned for ages but supposedly a witch has gone back there.
2) Of course Xelha would react, heh. (She’s actually from the Ice Kingdom Of Witches we just heard about)
Court Lady: “you could try visiting the Ancient Library of Magic.” Court Lady: “but I hear one of the witches had gone back there recently.” Xelha: “One of the witches? Are you sure?”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:33 PM · Oct 23, 2020 Permalink
And there’s our main quest pointer!
Plus Savyna being mildly ominous.
Court Lady: “It’s on the hill to the East of town. Just go along the road and I’m sure you’ll find it.” Gibari: “Hmm. It’s the only lead we have. Might be a good place to start.” Savyna, still unnamed, standing in the middle of the street: “...”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:33 PM · Oct 23, 2020 Permalink
Next time: we go to the Library and definitely do not fall into a trap.
Can’t quite recall if we get Savyna there or later, but she’ll be joining soon.