Lia @liareplaysbk · 08:44 PM · Oct 26, 2020 Permalink
Off to Komo Mai to get some cookies, because I guess that’s our main quest in between bouts of world-saving. VIDEOGAMES
Lia @liareplaysbk · 08:55 PM · Oct 26, 2020 Permalink
We go find the cookie merchant, and Gibari apologizes for Kalas, because of course.
Cookie merchant: “Oh, I see you’ve returned. You didn’t come to buy some Komo Mai cookies now, did you?” Gibari: “Sorry about the other day. No need to hold grudges, right? Can I grab some o’ them Komo Mai cookies [cont]” Gibari: “[cont] from you now?” Cookie merchant: “Humph. Well, to tell you the truth, I was a bit offended last time, but all right... I can’t say no to a customer.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 08:57 PM · Oct 26, 2020 Permalink
Amazingly, the legendary festival cookies require a legendary rare ingredient. More fetch questing! (It’s not far)
Cookie merchant: “However, unfortunately for you, I’ve run out of the necessary ingredients.” Cookie merchant: “The bottom line is this: Bring me a Celestial Flower Seed, and I’ll bake you a delicious cookie.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:00 PM · Oct 26, 2020 Permalink
Remember how the Queen’s room is open to the public, and we already stole a bunch of stuff from there? Well, we need to steal MORE stuff. What good guests we are.
Knight: “You may enter, but please refrain from touching anything.” Knight: “Visitors are especially warned not to approach the shelf beside the Queen’s bed.” Examining the shelf we’re supposed to stay away from: “Dark brown seeds, each of them large enough to fill your palm, are inside the red pot.” Interface message: “Magna Essence of the Celestial Flower Seed has been trapped in a Blank Magnus.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:01 PM · Oct 26, 2020 Permalink
Cookies got, back to the other side of the island we go. Surely traversing this whole jungle only takes a minute or ten and this definitely doesn’t make the place feel absurdly tiny.
Cookie merchant: “Okay. They’re finished! You’ve got yourself some legendary Komo Mai cookies!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:09 PM · Oct 26, 2020 Permalink
Gibari is completely That Uncle Who Spoils The Kids Rotten.
Gibari: “Mayfee! Here, I got you something!” Mayfee: “Thank you! I’ll offer them immediately!” Mayfee, having put the cookies on the altar and back to praying: “Oh Guardian Angel, please make my grandmother well...” Mayfee: “Please make the waterwheel work soon...”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:11 PM · Oct 26, 2020 Permalink
The room shakes, and the waterwheel immediately unjams. Wish granted!
The waterwheel under the waterfall. Mayfee: “It worked! The angel heard my prayer! Now if I can get the Celestial [cont]” Mayfee: “[cont] Flowers, I’ll be able to make medicine for Grandma!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:14 PM · Oct 26, 2020 Permalink
Now obviously, our party isn’t a bunch of naive doofs... okay they are but not the superstitious kind.
Gibari and Kalas both state out loud that they’re not buying it - after Mayfee has left! - and the kid who’s been working on the waterwheel all along comes out of hiding.
Kalas: “Yeah, sorry to say it, but we’re not naive enough to believe in a miracle from the Guardian Angel.” Kid, hiding in the now open back room: “How did you know it was me?” Kalas: “A broken waterwheel doesn’t usually start working just because someone puts cookies on an altar.” Kid: “I just found the problem and had just finished fixing it.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:27 PM · Oct 26, 2020 Permalink
He doesn’t want us to tell Mayfee - back to that in a sec - and mentions that Savyna’s back, so off we go, right?
Kid: “But that doesn’t really matter.” Kid: “Just don’t tell Mayfee that I fixed it.” Kid: “By the way, you guys are waiting for that hermit woman, right?” Kid: “She’s back in her hut. Why don’t you go see her?”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:30 PM · Oct 26, 2020 Permalink
The next bit looks like moral fluff, mostly sweet: if a harmless falsehood means a ton to someone, it’s best to safeguard their feelings.
But it’s also a first serious hint at Xelha having a bit of a crush.
And back to the main plot we go.
Kalas: “Oh man, he digs Mayfee, doesn’t he? He should just tell her that he fixed [it.]” Xelha, looking serious: “He didn’t want to... destroy the hopes and beliefs of someone he likes.” Kalas, looking surprised: “Huh?” Xelha, looking facetious, Meemai visible in her hood: “Umm, nothing. Well, let’s go see that woman now.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:40 PM · Oct 26, 2020 Permalink
Mayfee said she was going to check on her grandmother, but when we look there she’s ran off to the Tree. Yes, we’ll get the rescue the reckless child, why wouldn’t we?
But let’s go see Savyna first.
Mayfee’s Grandmother: “Mayfee just left. She said the waterwheel started working again and that she was going out to get a [cont]” Mayfee’s Grandmother: “[cont] Celestial bud.” Mayfee’s Grandmother: “She kept asking me how I’m doing. So I told her nothing’s changed. Then she said “So, it didn’t work!””
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:45 PM · Oct 26, 2020 Permalink
Obligatory thanks that we didn’t really have time for previously.
Savyna keeps her sentences short and direct, is not keen on giving us answers, and seems more interested in figuring us out that anything.
Xelha: “Thank you again for saving us back there.” Savyna: “Don’t mention it. It’s no big deal.” Gibari: “Who are you anyway? Why did you help us?” Savyna: “Do you seriously intend to face Geldoblame?”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:46 PM · Oct 26, 2020 Permalink
“Sounds like you have a death wish, I’m in”
Gibari: “We’ll do what we can to thwart their plans.” Savyna: “Sounds like you have a death wish.” Kalas: “We’re not going down that easy, no matter who we’re up against.” Savyna, looking pleased: “Hmm... could be worse, I guess. Let’s go.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:48 PM · Oct 26, 2020 Permalink
Errrr why do you even know about THOSE
Kalas: “Hey! Where are you... we... going?” Savyna: “The Celestial Tree. To see it bloom.” Savyna: “To get the End Magnus. That’s what you’re here for, isn’t it?” Kalas, shocked: “...?! Hey... wait, wait up!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:52 PM · Oct 26, 2020 Permalink
She finally gives us her name, and walks out.
Lyude lags behind, lost in thought, actually trying to remember why she’s familiar, since they’re both Imperial and she was, er, famous. We’ll get to that soon enough.
Fifth character got, onwards to unseal bad things!
Gibari, after Savyna left: “Kinda weird, isn’t she?” Lyude, thoughtful: “Hmmm?” Xelha: “Let’s follow her. We’ve got nothing to lose.” Fullscreen card: “Savyna has joined the party!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:54 PM · Oct 26, 2020 Permalink
Narratively this obviously sets her up as Super Mega Suspicious, somewhat in parallel to Lyude himself but in a different, arguably more traditional and less heavy-handed way.
And when I say “soon enough” it’s “when we get to the top of the tree”, so we’ll discuss that then.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:56 PM · Oct 26, 2020 Permalink
VERY IMPORTANT ASIDE: now that the waterwheel works, the mill is back in operation and the Greythorne that was chilling there is constantly jumping to, er, not get crushed I guess.
It’s very cute in a mildly terrifying way.
On the right: a red greythorne halfway through a jump. On the right: a red greythorne at the top of a jump.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:04 PM · Oct 26, 2020 Permalink
To the Celestial Tree! It’s a very big tree.
Kalas: “So, this is the Celestial Tree...” The canopy of a giant tree, labeled “The Celestial Tree”.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:09 PM · Oct 26, 2020 Permalink
Ah and here is the first instance of Lyude Being An Intellectual, instead of Xelha Explaining Things.
At this point we’ve mostly seen him being clueless to the point of self-harm (Diadem) or near-silent (most of this island), so this rounds up the character.
Lyude: “This is a huge colony, made up of countless trees growing in symbiosis.” Lyude: “Most colonies would have decayed from the inside, turning into hollow vestiges...”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:15 PM · Oct 26, 2020 Permalink
The tree is off-limits! Mayfee’s gone up without permission! The local monsters are acting up (again)!
Keeper: “Strangers aren’t allowed to set foot here. Turn back immediately.” Keeper: “Mayfee has caused enough trouble already...” Keeper: “She seems to have gone up the tree on her own.” Keeper: “Tree vermin have really been worked up lately... which means it’s extra dangerous!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:22 PM · Oct 26, 2020 Permalink
Savyna goes through regardless of the Keeper’s complaints, the entire party follows while apologizing, Kalas... does the Reassuring Hero thing for once. Huh.
Gibari, walking past the Keeper: “Sorry, lady. We’re in a bit of a hurry, here.” Kalas: “Don’t worry. We’ll find Mayfee for you, and bring her back safe and sound.” Keeper: “No! Wait! All of you! ... Don’t say I didn’t warn you... Oh dear...”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:23 PM · Oct 26, 2020 Permalink
And with all that it’s Elder Dragon Time in a different videogame, so we’ll be climbing the tree NEXT TIME.
I expect that to take a full session at least since I’m planning to grind a twinge, so boss in two sessions maybe?