Lia @liareplaysbk · 08:36 PM · Nov 01, 2020 Permalink
SP combo grinding is done, onwards to the last Anuénué cutscenes we go and then it’s Trail of Souls time. URGH.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 08:53 PM · Nov 01, 2020 Permalink
First off, let’s put a pin in this: along with keys that we DEFINITELY should have put back in the library shelves, we have the End Magnus in the Valuables inventory.
Valuables inventory screen, showing a half-dozen keys and the End Magnus (Che).
Lia @liareplaysbk · 08:56 PM · Nov 01, 2020 Permalink
Continuing our streak of becoming popular with the Anuénué knights, after “call the Emperor of Alfard a liar” and “almost start a brawl in the throne room”, we now have “hand the Queen a thing that gives her horrendous visions and makes her faint”. WOOPS.
Corellia, holding the golden End Magnus: “So this is one of the End Magnus you were talking about?” Guard, as the Queen has fallen unconscious on the floor: “Your Highness!!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:00 PM · Nov 01, 2020 Permalink
We’re shooed off to a side room, and Gibari decides to kill time by being considerably more diplomatic than a certain red-haired doof about finding out what Savyna’s background is.
Gibari: “Hey, Savyna. Why don’t you tell us about yourself. The where’s and what’s from before you came here.” Gibari: “What made you come here to Anuenue? I’m all ears, if you feel like talking.” Gibari: “... Hey, don’t worry. I’m not suspicious of you. Just curious.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:04 PM · Nov 01, 2020 Permalink
Savyna stays pretty vague.
I dunno that I’d call it great writing, but it’s interesting that she’s never telling plain falsehoods, just leaving the key “and there was that whole Lady Death special forces Empire thing” fact out.
Savyna: “I drifted around, from place to place...” Savyna: “Usually as a mercenary, protecting towns and caravans...” Savyna: “That was more or less the life I was living for years.” Savyna: “Then one day I came across a strange old woman.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:08 PM · Nov 01, 2020 Permalink
Smol flashback, with The Old Fortune Teller figure again. We’ll learn more about those eventually.
Mostly standard DestinyTM stuff, but also: that’s the words from the opening, and they weren’t for our protagonist, and that’s neat?
Old Lady: “Heed my words. The Celestial Tree, in Anuenue, is host to a dreadful power, hidden deep within its core.” Old Lady: “Before long, you will play your part in a great struggle over this power.” Old Lady: “The struggle alone will fill a great emptiness within you, and ease your pain...” Old Lady: “If you wish to return to the life you once lived, as your own person.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:13 PM · Nov 01, 2020 Permalink
What I love about this, besides the pretty efficient characterization of Savyna going on, is how it yet again sidelines Kalas as the protagonist. Xelha’s the hero in that prophecy, not him.
(For good reasons)
Savyna: “So I thought I might as well go see this tree she spoke of.” Savyna: “I was headed nowhere... A soldier-for-hire living an empty life one day after the next.” Savyna: “A young girl and her companions, shouldering a great burden, will arrive to claim it. That’s how she [cont]” Savyna: “[cont] put it.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:16 PM · Nov 01, 2020 Permalink
Laying it on a bit thick with the I’M NOT OKAY but fair enough.
Also establishing some kind of dynamic with Gibari, which IIRC will continue and of course makes this A Very Obvious Ship.
Gibari: “Quite a story. You’re a little strange yourself.” Savyna: “Nothing really mattered to me... Nothing at all...” Savyna: “I was just waiting, waiting for so long...” Savyna: “For fate to open its doors and show me something worth fighting for.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:31 PM · Nov 01, 2020 Permalink
By way of Convenient Plot Timing, we hear that the Queen is better just as that conversation wraps up, and off we go.
Lots of narrative connective tissue (with questionable editing at times), again establishing Xelha as mostly reasonable.
Guard: “Her Highness, Queen Corellia, has regained consciousness.” Corellia: “I am all right. My apologies for worrying you.” Corellia: “It seems what you told me about the legends in Diadem were indeed true.” Xelha: “No one would have believed such a wild story out of the blue like that.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:38 PM · Nov 01, 2020 Permalink
This miiiiight actually be the first time where it goes from “this Malpercio power thing is bad news” to “this might bring the god back”?
Since the opening sets that up it feels a bit redundant.
Corellia: “But... is Emperor Geldoblame really trying to release that... being?” Corellia: “The Magnus you brought here... it’s very dangerous.” Corellia: “Malpercio, cursed god of old, might be resurrected.” Corellia: “Should Malpercio return, our world would be in great peril...”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:41 PM · Nov 01, 2020 Permalink
Politically important and starting to setup the second half of the game: Anuénué leaving neutrality and working with Diadem.
I maintain that leaving the bloody things sealed would be smarter but WHATEVER.
Corellia: “I will send a message to King Ladekahn right away, to discuss what action should be taken.” Corellia: “The combined might of Anuenue and Diadem should be enough to keep the Empire at bay...” Xelha: “That would help greatly. We must do our utmost to stop Geldoblame, while there’s still time.” Gibari: “All we can do is find the other two and grab them before the Empire does.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:44 PM · Nov 01, 2020 Permalink
Somehow it’s not obvious in-universe that there are FIVE MacGuffins and FIVE islands, so there’s some babble about beams of light that appeared from the thing pointing at both Mira and Alfard.
Savyna taking point on strategy is probably for the best.
Savyna: “I say Mira. Infiltrating the Empire would be too risky at this point.” Savyna: “I’ll be coming with you, of course. Soldiers can’t leave the frontlines in the middle of an operation.” Kalas: “Yet another joins the motley crew.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:46 PM · Nov 01, 2020 Permalink
Kalas somehow agrees to come along without threats of violence being necessary.
This continues his fake arc from reluctant antihero to actual protagonist, so it can jam that particular knife in our back in a bunch of hours.
Gibari, talking to Kalas: “Of course, we don’t even know what your plans are...” Kalas: “Okay, okay. Guess I’m going, too.” Kalas: “If only Giacomo would do me a favor and pop up again.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:48 PM · Nov 01, 2020 Permalink
Lyude: “By the way, our next destination, Mira... what exactly are we in for?”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:51 PM · Nov 01, 2020 Permalink
“Mira’s a strange place bouncing between dimensions” is all we get for now. That does not do the bloody thing justice.
Also, Kalas, you’re from there, chime up you jerk.
Onwards. Urgh. Don’t wanna.
Corellia: “Mira is the City of Illusion...” Corellia: “You’ll need to take the Trail of Souls there, a border between dimensions.” Corellia: “It’s been said that those who become lost in the Trail of Souls wander within it forever, unable to [cont]” Corellia: “[cont] leave.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:00 PM · Nov 01, 2020 Permalink
I wish this was as weird as it gets but alas
A strange animal-ship-seashell-thing floating through a tunnel of swirling colors.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:02 PM · Nov 01, 2020 Permalink
Gibari basically telling Kalas “I’m driving, go away”.
Also, small rooms? Have you seen the SIZE of this thing? It looked ten times smaller when docked!
We start with idle chitchat and poor Meemai being airsick...
Gibari: “If you’re bored, why don’t you chat with the others to get your mind off things.” Kalas: “I hate being cramped up in small rooms.” Xelha: “Well, there isn’t much we can do until we reach Mira. Might as well get some rest while we can.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:06 PM · Nov 01, 2020 Permalink
Continue with Kalas being subtle and friendly as always, which again is bloody rich coming from the /actual/ traitor...
Lyude: “I wonder why they never came after us back in Anuenue.” Lyude: “They need all five for the Emperor’s plans, don’t they?” Kalas: “Don’t ask me! ...Maybe they don’t need to worry about us anymore.” Kalas: “Or maybe one of us is an Imperial spy.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:08 PM · Nov 01, 2020 Permalink
Lyude: reiterates concerns (which, again, will turn out to be correct)
Kalas: apparently was being too subtle
The plot’s punching bag, I’m telling you.
Lyude: “I... can’t help but wonder about Savyna. She just seems a little... something’s not right.” Kalas: “I know what you’re getting at. She is a little on the shady side, I’ll give you that.” Kalas: “But I’m not too sure about you either, Lyude.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:11 PM · Nov 01, 2020 Permalink
This leads into a Guardian Spirit choice of whether we trust poor Lyude or not. Pissing off Kalas means fewer OP spells but nah.
A nudge at the fourth wall here too: “need to be more discerning” indeed, rather than... trust our protagonist, say.
Kalas, annoyed, to the Spirit / player: “I’d say you need to be more discerning... Keep your eyes open for wolves...”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:13 PM · Nov 01, 2020 Permalink
Let’s go to the ship’s balcony for a lovely view and more Being Great At Diplomacy With Kalas!
Kalas: “...Well, okay, Savyna. No offense, but I don’t totally believe your story.” Savyna: “I don’t care whether you believe me or not.” Savyna: “Friend or foe... stand in my way, and I’ll take you out.” Savyna: “You maybe not believe my story, but you’d best believe my warning, for your own good.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:35 PM · Nov 01, 2020 Permalink
Gibari is the only functional adult in this group.
Also the plot putting our face in the exact way it’s misleading us, WELL DONE.
Kalas: “Gibari... I’ve been thinking about Savyna and Lyude...” Gibari: “Is it the trust issue? Once you doubt someone once, it grows and grows.” Gibari: “That’s human nature, kid. One could have similar doubts about Xelha, or you, ya know.” Gibari: “It ain’t like we really know who you are.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:38 PM · Nov 01, 2020 Permalink
Not a bad philosophy to have, if maybe not super-well-suited to life-and-death, world-ending situations.
Kalas: “...!! You don’t trust me?!” Gibari: “Ha ha! Just making a point. Don’t take it personally.” Gibari: “I’d rather give my trust and risk being deceived than live alone, trusting no one my whole life.” Gibari: “Of course, you gotta think twice if folks keep betraying you.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:40 PM · Nov 01, 2020 Permalink
More Convenient Plot Timing as the Goldoba shows up and starts shooting.
Savyna could clearly do this all week.
Kalas: “Huh? Gibari... what is that?!” The massive Goldoba battleship in front of the Mindeer. Gibari: “Damn. It’s the Goldoba!” Savyna: “Dive!! Take her under the battleship, lose them in the clouds!!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:44 PM · Nov 01, 2020 Permalink
Our best friends are in there, just “having some fun”, much to the dismay of their commander.
(Wondering if the badly clipped tunnel on the screen is also there on real hardware or if there’s a stencil / scissor bug, HMM)
Giacomo: “Cease fire!! Who gave you orders to attack?!” Ayme: “Lighten up! I’m just having a little fun.” Folon: “Why don’t we just blow them to bits, and sift through for the End Magnus later?” Giacomo: “No! Cease fire, you fools!!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:47 PM · Nov 01, 2020 Permalink
Namedrop major plot thing without any explanation bingo square.
Giacomo concludes by “all will be explained in time” or the like which is ON THE NOSE.
Giacomo: “The Divine Child is on that ship...” Ayme: “What?! That’s impossible! It died two years ago...” Giacomo: “But Kalas survived. They were both mortally wounded...” Giacomo: “Yet somehow he lives.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:50 PM · Nov 01, 2020 Permalink
Either way, the whole crew’s been kinda knocked out, we gather up everyone, Xelha explains things, Gibari says it’ll be fine and we just need to wait, Savyna is really good at boosting morale.
The whole party knocked out around the ship, except for Kalas standing in the center. Kalas: “Damn! Where are we anyway? They’re probably way ahead of us by now!” Xelha: “Looks like we’ve fallen into one of the otherworldly planes surrounding Mira.” Savyna: “I’ve never heard of anyone getting out of here alive.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:53 PM · Nov 01, 2020 Permalink
Off to the balcony for another lovely view. Either Kalas memorized this thing in one go when Xelha said it over her fallen friends, or...?
Xelha, you’re supposed to be discreet about this whole legendary secretive ice nation of powerful witches thing. Also, lying, ish.
Kalas: “Cast light upon the darkened earth... Save those lost in despair...” Kalas: “O Mighty Ocean, guide us as we journey through... The darkest pit of night...” Xelha: “That’s my nation’s prayer. The one I said in Moonguile Forest, where we first met.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:58 PM · Nov 01, 2020 Permalink
More idle chitchat, if about important things like “what the hell are those End Magnus and what’s with the strange names”.
Kalas: “The only one we have is the one they call “Che”... What the heck are these things?” Xelha: “I don’t know... Some things in life we’re just not supposed to know...”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:01 PM · Nov 01, 2020 Permalink
Bit of useful background here: our Tropey Antihero is... an orphan!
(Except it’s more complicated than that because this is Baten Kaitos and tropes are things it plays with)
Xelha: “I see... Which part of Mira did you grow up in?” Kalas: “...I don’t know.” Kalas: “I never knew my parents... My grandfather found me when I was a child.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:03 PM · Nov 01, 2020 Permalink
Meemai suddenly gets agitated. What is that you see on the horizon, O Mighty Adorable Mascot?
Meemai: “Squeak squeak.” Xelha: “What’s wrong, Meemai?” Meemai, jumping up and down by the railing: “Squeak.” Xelha, looking surprised: “...? What is that... over there?”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:06 PM · Nov 01, 2020 Permalink
What is that, indeed. We’re treated to a... somewhat ominous song, and that ship’s definitely a bit threatening.
Meet Mizuti, I told you shit was about to get weird.
Song: “To the rounded moon, to the scarlet star, to your slumbering island off afar?” Song: “Ta-ladi-da-di-da, Ta-ladi-da”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:10 PM · Nov 01, 2020 Permalink
Mizuti’s voice uses the trick of layering different voices, resulting in something eerie and disturbing. You can hear the effect in the opening cutscene.
Otherwise, if you’re played Shadow of the Colossus, think higher-pitched Dormin.
Mizuti might have mild ego problems.
Person wearing a mask: “I be the Great Mizuti. What you be doing here?” Great Mizuti: “The Great Mizuti was headed for Mira, but took a wrong turn somewhere. Just a little wrong turn.” Kalas: “Do Would the Great Mizuti happen to know the way to Mira?” Great Mizuti: “The Great Mizuti couldn’t possible be disoriented. Most definitely not.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:10 PM · Nov 01, 2020 Permalink
Me neither, Xelha
Xelha: “I’m not sure I understand all this, but...”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:13 PM · Nov 01, 2020 Permalink
Again with the trust thing, could it be a theme of this game, maybe, perhaps
Xelha: “We’re headed for Mira as well. Would the Great Mizuti kindly take us along?” Great Mizuti: “Why not? You should follow the Great Mizuti, then.” Xelha: “The Great Mizuti has our gratitude!!” Kalas, to Xelha running off: “Hey... wait! Xelha! Don’t tell me you actually trust...”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:14 PM · Nov 01, 2020 Permalink
The rest of the party is mostly “Er, sure, I guess, it’s not like we have options, but er, okay”.
That all got me to 23:30 and I am NOT starting the damn shooter section that late, so we’re doing that NEXT TIME.
(Yes, there’s a shooter section. Still not as weird as Mira gets)
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:16 PM · Nov 01, 2020 Permalink
This whole sequence does more build-up than I recalled, it’ll pay off pretty soon when we hit a major crisis. Some frankly great lines in there too.