Lia @liareplaysbk · 08:57 PM · Oct 28, 2020 Permalink
Off to unseal the third End Magnus, because we definitely make things better by collecting the things before the baddies.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:12 PM · Oct 28, 2020 Permalink
Weird location, big laser, ominous voice, we know the drill by now. Yes it called us woe-laden child again.
Savyna, looking at a glowing blue tangle of roots: “It must be. This is the heart of the Celestial Tree, where its flowers bloom.” A pink beam of light goes into the blue thing. Staring up at the bright white sky, a disembodied voice: “A millenium of sleep thou hath broken. The powers of a god thou haft awakened. Each and all must [cont]” Staring up at the bright white sky, a disembodied voice: “[cont] pay the price.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:14 PM · Oct 28, 2020 Permalink
Courtesy of beyond suboptimal party composition and deck building because I like making things harder: third Guardian is that weird glowy thing, plus two tentacles that go down easily and get resurrected a bunch.
It’s not a super tough fight.
Combat screen, showing Xelha’s hand of cards in the foreground and the boss in the background.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:15 PM · Oct 28, 2020 Permalink
5-combos start getting into decent numbers.
Result screen for Savyna’s turn, totaling 599 damage.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:22 PM · Oct 28, 2020 Permalink
Another glowing Magnus...
Disembodied voice: “Behold the mercy of Malpercio...” Savyna, holding the glowing End Magnus and looking worried: “...”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:24 PM · Oct 28, 2020 Permalink
And that made the Celestial Tree bloom. Keep in mind the thing had missed its last two blooms, so that’s weird.
Mayfee, looking at pink sparkles raining all over:” “Wow... Are these the Celestial Flowers?” The Celestial Tree seen from below, getting covered in pink blossoms. Festival goers in the city: “They’re in bloom! The Celestial Flowers are in bloom!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:25 PM · Oct 28, 2020 Permalink
Obligatory ominous screen with mysterious feminine voice. We’ll be meeting her pretty soon.
White text on a dark background with two floating stones: “The gate to Che has been opened.” “The world is in my hands... I am the blade of divine revenge!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:27 PM · Oct 28, 2020 Permalink
Somehow the thing causes quakes when held too long, hence Kalas yelling.
That second bit though, URGH SHUT UP KALAS
Kalas, to Savyna still holding the glowing End Magnus: “Savyna! Drop it!!” Kalas, having picked up the thing: “Phew... Chalk one up for the good guys!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:41 PM · Oct 28, 2020 Permalink
Belaboring the “BUT Y NO BADDIES” point a twinge...
Gibari: “Finally. And no Empire in sight. How refreshing.” Kalas: “But why didn’t the Empire show up this time?” Gibari: “Yeah... You’d think that Folon guy would be on our tail.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:49 PM · Oct 28, 2020 Permalink
Lyude, we need to talk about those “phrasing” and “timing” things
Lyude, ominously framed again the rest of the group: “Yes, in fact a hand of the Empire is here among us.” Xelha, surprised as Lyude gets his rifle out: “...?!” Kalas, furious: “Lyude! I knew we couldn’t trust you!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:52 PM · Oct 28, 2020 Permalink
Automatically Suspicious Character 1 accuses Automatically Suspicious Character 2 OH NO.
Sure hope he’s got decent trigger discipline
Kalas, as Lyude shifts to target Savyna: “...?!” Lyude: “Savyna. I have reason to believe you are an imperial soldier. Am I correct?” Gibari: “No way!!” Lyude: “I’m sure of it. The style of her tactics convinced me.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:54 PM · Oct 28, 2020 Permalink
Lyude’s actually 100% in the right here but - and I didn’t remember - we don’t actually get confirmation for a good long while.
Also in PHRASING PLEASE, Savyna, this isn’t how you respond to accusations, maybe.
Lyude: “She’s a solider in the imperial army. A member of the elite special forces, I believe.” Savyna, looking pleased: “... Let’s say I am. So what?” Savyna: “You only asked for my name. Not who I was.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:56 PM · Oct 28, 2020 Permalink
Boss battle part 2: Savyna herself. Not too tough either, she hits way harder when on our side, mercifully.
Savyna, facing the party: “... Wanna take me on, right here and now?” Kalas, furious: “Savyna, you’re not gettin’ your imperial hands on this End Magnus!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:02 PM · Oct 28, 2020 Permalink
She stops the fight before it goes too far, TECHNICALLY doesn’t lie (it’s missing an “anymore”), and kinda distorts the part where she didn’t exactly try to defuse anything.
A nice touch is how much more military her language turns right after this fight, hah.
Savyna, exhausted: “Enough sparring. I saw we stop now. It’s no use going on. The last thing we want is casualties.” Savyna: “At ease, all of you. I don’t belong to the Empire.” Kalas: “What? Then why did you fight us?” Savyna: “You jumped to a conclusion, and attacked me. I merely returned the favor.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:13 PM · Oct 28, 2020 Permalink
Everyone leaves the tree, Savyna goes on ahead because why wouldn’t she, and our merry crew of goody-two-shoes decides to trust her.
Lyude’s voicework strongly emphasizes the “Yeah you do you but I’m still not convinced” vibe the ellipses suggest.
Gibari: “Hey, I think we oughta trust her.” Gibari: “She has an attitude, but she doesn’t strike me as a liar.” Xelha: “Yeah. I think we can trust her, too. Wouldn’t you say so, Lyude?” Lyude: “Hmmm... If you all say so, then it’s all right with me...”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:15 PM · Oct 28, 2020 Permalink
I like this sequence of events a bunch, it sets up a whole lot of messy threads that the following Drama will be able to leverage.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:17 PM · Oct 28, 2020 Permalink
Kalas goes paranoid about Geldoblame maybe not having left, not much of import is said there, and we’re all done until we go talk to the Queen.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:19 PM · Oct 28, 2020 Permalink
This whole scene is another annoying example of how tropey bad writing becomes characterization in this dang game.
Lyude having the worst timing and utterly self-defeating phrasing? To quote Yoon Ha Lee about Jedao, “high INT low WIS characters are fun”.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:21 PM · Oct 28, 2020 Permalink
Savyna not deflecting the accusations is generic clumsy drama-building, but also establishing her as reckless, confident, mostly detached so long as she can handle the situation fine.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:22 PM · Oct 28, 2020 Permalink
In isolation none of it is especially good, but it comes together into some delightful characters that are wonky in just the right way and GODDAMNIT I LOVE THIS GAME.
Next time: we grind SP combos and probably have nothing interesting to talk about.