Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:24 PM · Nov 06, 2020 Permalink
To the Picture Book Village! Might also get through the next place / boss? Can’t actually remember this part super well, we’ll see.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:29 PM · Nov 06, 2020 Permalink
Mira why are you like this
A village built of strange shapes in flat color, title card: “Reverence, the Picture Book Village” A strange robot-like NPC named Clairvoyant: “Do not ask him for an answer!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:32 PM · Nov 06, 2020 Permalink
This strange NPC just starts doomsaying at no one in particular when we enter. I don’t think we ever get something resembling an answer about the nature of those creatures.
Clairvoyant: “He is the judge that confronts and accuses us with his questions! Questions as sharp as a dagger.” Clairvoyant: “Prepare yourselves, all of you... The day of his awakening is drawing near!” Clairvoyant: “After all these years, the legend of Cursed Malpercio will finally come to fruition!!” Clairvoyant: “There is no running. There is no hiding. Not from his wrath...”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:43 PM · Nov 06, 2020 Permalink
The couple humans around just drive home that the locals are weird and you shouldn’t pay too much attention.
Human NPC: “They say things that no one understands, and when they start dancing they never stop. I guess [cont]” Human NPC: “[cont] that’s called “releasing stress”.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:46 PM · Nov 06, 2020 Permalink
Though mostly they seem to be doing the kind of philosophy that’s either very advanced or of the “I’m so high right now, I can see through time” type. Who can tell.
A strange NPC: “This world consists of infinite fables that foolish people would never understand.” A strange NPC: “And humans are only distant travelers who hide their faces underneath their masks.” A strange NPC: “To find meaning in your life, [cont]” A strange NPC: “[cont] you must first discover the meaninglessness of your life.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:46 PM · Nov 06, 2020 Permalink
Also, the local merchant. NOPE.
Merchant, greeting: “WeLcoMe, hUmaNs.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:48 PM · Nov 06, 2020 Permalink
That house with the green glow at the back has the same type of glitching as Detourne, it looks like the glow should only affect the outlines at the back. So curious how that’s actually implemented...
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:00 PM · Nov 06, 2020 Permalink
A NPC says they’ll open the door to something if we bring them Mirage Weed, so we go fetch some of that. 
They do a little dance, which starts a Rube Goldberg sequence of steam - falling clock hand - firespitting head - rocket and flips the doors at the top. SURE.
Back in Detourne: “Magna Essence of the Mirage Weed has been trapped in a Blank Magnus.” A strange NPC: “I’ll open the path for the one who knows thee as thou hast offered this Mirage Weed.” The cow head on the left blowing steam through its nostrils. The large question mark door flips to the right, revealing a door on the left.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:04 PM · Nov 06, 2020 Permalink
Inside is a fortune teller helped by two Greythornes, who says that Kalas has no Magnus Essence. Which is WEIRD, as Lyude-taking-over-for-Xelha-in-explaining-all-the-things states.
Huh. Okay, let’s file that away I guess.
Old Fortune Teller: “Hmm... now this is strange... This young man here, I feel no Magnus within him.” Lyude: “Every life form, every tangible object in this universe, has its own unique Magnus.” Lyude: “He shouldn’t be able to exist if he doesn’t have one.” Old Fortune Teller: “Then it must mean he is not of this world.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:07 PM · Nov 06, 2020 Permalink
No, Kalas, even monsters have Magnus, you’re WEIRDER.
More cryptic dialog that’s really just communication theory 101, plus the sentence that concludes the opening cutscene.
Kalas, angry: “That’s ridiculous! You’re saying I’m a monster, or something?” Old Fortune Teller: “How a face looks depends on the eyes of he who sees. How a voice sounds depends on the ears of she [cont]” Old Fortune Teller: “[cont] who hears.” Old Fortune Teller: “Someday you will know, who you really are...”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:10 PM · Nov 06, 2020 Permalink
But none of that is important right, there’s a damsel in distress to rescue.
Yet again with impeccable timing, a bunch of guards show up, discussing Lady Mélodia. Strangers spotted in the Shrine of Spirits? Off we go!
Guardsman: “Any news of Lady Mélodia?” Guardsman: “Nope. Nothing. Can’t find her anywhere.” Guardsman: “I heard that a group of strangers entered the Shrine of Spirits! Supposedly a couple of villagers [cont]” Guardsman: [cont] saw them.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:17 PM · Nov 06, 2020 Permalink
Nekton, Shrine of Spirits, is a place we’ve heard a bunch about, and kinda seen before in the intro. It’s where people meet and bond with Guardian Spirits.
The fourth wall gets a brief punch as Kalas asks if we-the-player-slash-spirit remember.
Kalas, looking at the camera: “Wow, it’s been a while since I came here. This is where I met you.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:21 PM · Nov 06, 2020 Permalink
(The coming delay brought to you by photographing the local fauna and merging paintbrushes into a holy grail because VIDEOGAMES)
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:33 PM · Nov 06, 2020 Permalink
A fun consequence of this game’s combat system is the Headache and Confusion status ailments. One of them moves the numbers from the corners to the edges, meaning you have to tilt the stick differently to select them.
It’s minor but can mess with muscle memory!
Combat screen, showing Savyna’s hand with all numbers on the edges instead of in the corners.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:01 PM · Nov 06, 2020 Permalink
The paintbrushes combine into a grail, which combines with aged-up rice into the Sacred Wine.
It’s a decent healing item but mostly it ACTUALLY has 100% chance to bring back a KO’d character, instead of the 66% the two components have.
Turn result screen, showing a grail and a wine bottle combined into a new item. Loot screen, focus on Sacred Wine. Heal HP 500, 100% chance to cure Death. “Ceremonial wine offered to the gods. Use this on your enemies, then use Light Yell 1 repeatedly to gain a level.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:03 PM · Nov 06, 2020 Permalink
Heh, now that I’m paying attention (and have graphics coder eyes) I notice the obvious lingering shift in exposure when a light / dark flare goes off. Neat.
(It affects photo quality and sale price)
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:08 PM · Nov 06, 2020 Permalink
Look if we get into all the weird jokes in the combos we’ll be here all day but: yes. That’s a thing.
(Might make a dedicated thread about the weird mechanical humor of this system at some point)
Profile picture for user Baffan
Baffan @Baffan · 11:04 PM · Nov 06, 2020
@liareplaysbk You didn't describe that they are the MONOLITH and the TRI-CRESCENDO pens, that's why they create the Holy Grail together.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:09 PM · Nov 06, 2020 Permalink
I dislike hearing the chime telling me a Spirit spell just appeared right as I select a finisher, GRUMP
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:56 PM · Nov 06, 2020 Permalink
Not going to tackle the boss tonight because getting the photos / drops / constellations took a while and I’m dead tired. But this is the end of the area.
Next time: more DRAMA and another giant worm.
Kalas standing in a red save flower.