Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:20 PM · Nov 05, 2020 Permalink
Tonight: a whole lot of this, because the result of this special combo heals for 500 and is reasonably shelf-stable. Then boss time!
Combat turn result screen, showing a small amount of damage and a successful combination of a chunk of meat plus fire into jerky.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:21 PM · Nov 05, 2020 Permalink
Goofy highlight so far is Lyude going “This was a lucky victory” at the end of a fight where every single attack landed in his face, dropping him to a glorious 100 health. Yeah, lucky indeed.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:37 PM · Nov 05, 2020 Permalink
That got me a bunch more armors and weapons I can definitely use, plus enough XP for another 4-batch level up.
Now let’s go beat up a giant card, and be the hell out of this silly place.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:59 PM · Nov 05, 2020 Permalink
Open the locked door in the maze, enter one more Definitely Not Suspicious place...
(Damn this stripey glitch, it’s everywhere here)
The pixel maze, with the golden walls gone and the locked door open. Gibari: “This must be the place your friend told us about...” Xelha: “The pendant doesn’t seem to be responding to anything...” Savyna: “Stay alert! There’s something here.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:01 AM · Nov 06, 2020 Permalink
Everyone’s cards fly up and away (somehow not affecting the decks, which is for the best mechanically but LUDONARRATIVE DISSO- *klaxon goes off*), and here comes the boss: a giant card-monster.
The alter, as cards fly upwards out of everyone’s pockets. Kalas, as the card form a circle in the air: “W... what’s going on?!” Gibari, as the outline of a giant card starts glowing: “That sucker is huge!” Combat screen, showing a giant card with a monster pattern.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:03 AM · Nov 06, 2020 Permalink
It’s got some annoying resistances that makes turns that should be glorious slightly less satisfying, but otherwise it’s not especially hard.
Fun feature is that it shows its health level more than most enemies! It loses corners as you keep beating it up.
Turn result screen, showing 50% resistances in all elements. The boss having lost one corner. The boss having lost three corners.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:06 AM · Nov 06, 2020 Permalink
We finish it off, and a Magnus appears... but it’s dark and ashy, “a mere shadow”. Turns out the thing’s been unsealed a good while back already.
Good instinct from Gibari here ‘cause it sure was the Duke who did it, not that we’ll learn that for a while.
Xelha: “Just an empty shell... a mere shadow of the real End Magnus.” Xelha: “I’ll bet the End Magnus was sealed away here at one time.” Xelha: “With the other End Magnus being unsealed, the shadow’s power must have increased...” Gibari: “Why don’t we go ask Duke Calbren?”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:10 AM · Nov 06, 2020 Permalink
Lyude’s pretty chatty in this scene, which is a marked change of pace from the last island. Besides pondering the history of the place aloud, as you do, he notably expresses concern that the Empire’s around, but for Kalas that’s a good thing because REVEEEEEENGE.
Lyude, in a thinking pose: “I think it unlikely that they would resort to open force, as they did back in Diadem...” Kalas: “Giacomo must be on that battleship.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:24 AM · Nov 06, 2020 Permalink
Back to Cake Village to rest up and figure out the next ste- uh oh. Kidnapped you say? By suspicious strangers? Ah.
Guards: “These must be the strangers they were talking about.” Kalas: “Hey, what’s the big idea? What do you want with us?” Guards: “Don’t play innocent! Lady Mélodia has been kidnapped!” Guards: “By a group of suspicious-looking strangers, from what we’ve heard.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:27 AM · Nov 06, 2020 Permalink
Trill vouches for Kalas (who WOULD definitely do something like that if it served his agenda), but since that only leaves the Empire as suspects, it’s obviously impossible.
Trill: “Wait! Everyone! He’s an old friend of mine. He’d never do something like that!” Guards: “Are you saying the Empire is behind this?” Guards: “The Lady is a personal friend of Emperor Geldoblame, as you well know.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:34 AM · Nov 06, 2020 Permalink
We get locked in a sugary house, and immediately decide that we’re going to break out somehow and go rescue Mélodia ourselves, because there is no time to lose and that will definitely not be suspicious.
Guard: “We’ve reported your capture to the Duke’s Manor. Palace Guards will be coming by shortly.” Kalas: “So now what? Any bright ideas?” Xelha: “We can’t just sit and wait. We must find Lady Mélodia and rescue her ourselves!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:40 AM · Nov 06, 2020 Permalink
Savyna acknowledge that we could punch our way through the village, but probably shouldn’t. Lyude’s extremely concerned about not hurting the villagers. Gibari is laughing at the house being candy, and eventually comes up with the answer... just eat the wall. SURE.
Gibari: “.........Hey I think I’ve got it!” Gibari: “We can just eat our way out. Just nibble a hole in the wall.” Gibari, looking proud of himself: “See? Great idea, huh?”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:43 AM · Nov 06, 2020 Permalink
Savyna: “I’m just asking who’s going to eat a huge clump of sugar.” Kalas: “Well, whoever thought up this idea should do it. Right?” Gibari, looking resigned: “...Fine!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:46 AM · Nov 06, 2020 Permalink
Turns out Trill was going to break us out, and is the smart one here.
Either way, after this bit of extremely serious drama, we’re off to Reverence, the Picture Book Village.
Trill, through the now-broken wall: “I can’t believe this! You ate the wall?? Are you insane?” Kalas: “What’s up, Trill? Did you come to break us out?” Trill: “Looks like the people who kidnapped Lady Mélodia were heading to Picture Book Village.” The Mira island map, focused on Reverence, the Picture Book Village.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:47 AM · Nov 06, 2020 Permalink
But that will be NEXT TIME because Reverence is also a major case of “Mira is a lot”. It’s most of the remaining WTF though and after that we’re mostly back to semi-reasonable JRPG territory.