Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:58 PM · Nov 19, 2020 Permalink
Videogame chores time! Will snippet interesting stuff but otherwise, not much to report, it’s a lot of shuttling Quest Magnus stuff back and forth.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:46 PM · Nov 19, 2020 Permalink
We get the Mindeer back, I’m guessing Calbren took it back to Anuénué from Mira?
The world map is now interactive and we can go to any of the five islands.
The Other Things on there will become accessible over time.
The world map, now with a cursor.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:48 PM · Nov 19, 2020 Permalink
Nashira is looking lovely now that fishes are flying around again.
Gibari either needs better friends or has exactly the perfect ones. It’s hard to tell. Still, Xelha could MAYBE SAY SOMETHING
The docks at Nashira, now with colorful fishes flying between the clouds. Anna: “I don’t see Gibari, has something happened to him?” Anna: “Well, he’s not the kind of guy who goes down without a fight, so I’m not worried...” Reblys: “Actually, why am I worrying? That cat’s got nine lives.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:14 AM · Nov 20, 2020 Permalink
The Fortune Tellers have gone AWOL, since they were the witches all along.
I... think we only met two of them, not three? I’m not sure anymore.
In Nashira, a child: “I haven’t seen the old fortune teller lately. I wanna hear her story again.” The fortune teller’s place in Reverence, empty except for two Greythornes.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:19 AM · Nov 20, 2020 Permalink
On each island, a bunch of NPCs will express concerns about a weird hole / crack / black void or the like that has appeared somewhere.
Those are the Interdimensional Cracks Corellia mentioned, so that’s our main quest hints. They’re where the End Magnus were.
A Keeper at the base of the Celestial Tree: “A peculiar hole’s opened at the top of the Celestial Tree.” A man in Castle Town Sheliak: “One of the knights from Castle Elnath reported seeing a strange “crack” in the Shrine of the Winds.” A man in Balançoire: “There’s been some trouble down at the manor. Apparently a giant hole has opened up in the manor’s floor.” Barkeep in Perkhad: “Here in Sadal Suud, it’s the mysterious crack in Moonguile Forest.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:22 AM · Nov 20, 2020 Permalink
In Balançoire, truth about class disparities comes from the mouth of children.
And Mélodia’s maid might, er, need a few updates about what’s happened.
A child visiting Calbren Manor: “Only two people live in this big manor? That’s so extravagant...” A maid in Mélodia’s room: “I supposed it’s back to lesson one in etiquette, once she returns.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:26 AM · Nov 20, 2020 Permalink
Mostly on Sadal Suud, but also at Trill’s parents’ place, people have a question or two about where Kalas went.
(He’s definitely involved and he’s extremely not all right)
Old lady in Cebalrai: “By the way, where is that young man with the blue hair? I hope he’s not involved in some way.” Palolo III: “Hey, lady. What happened to that dude named Kalas?” Trill’s father: “Oh, you’re Kalas’ friend, right? Hmm, I don’t see Kalas with you... What’s happened? Is he all right?”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:29 AM · Nov 20, 2020 Permalink
Also at Trill’s parents’ place: REAL SMOOTH, XELHA
Xelha: “Umm... Can I ask you something?” Xelha, blushing: “Well... umm... What exactly is the relationship between Miss Trill and umm... Kalas?” Trill’s Mother: “What’s their relationship? They’re just childhood friends.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:32 AM · Nov 20, 2020 Permalink
No option to ask Larikush about his past yet. Oh well.
Larikush: “I see... So that is the path Kalas chose...” Larikush: “I felt an unpleasant premonition that day. Perhaps this was inevitable. Maybe the wheel of [cont]” Larikush: “[cont] destiny had chosen Kalas’ destiny, long ago.” Larikush: “We can’t give up now. The wheel may turn differently, yet. Please, I ask of you, save Kalas...”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:34 AM · Nov 20, 2020 Permalink
For science!
Also note how Meemai jumps out of the hood on a successful leap? Adorable.
Xelha in front of the erratic waterfall. Xelha, falling: “Oh nooooooo!” Xelha: “Oh look at me, I’m completely drenched.” Xelha leaping over the gap, Meemai jumping over her.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:36 AM · Nov 20, 2020 Permalink
[cw: fat hate, fat joke]
We increment the fat joke counter again as Nubata - the Fat Joke Family Member Who Loves Food And Is Out Of Breath - gives us a hint as to where we’ll find his close relatives.
We literally have to push one of them up a hill, just, YIKES ALL AROUND.
Nubata: “They went hiking in the mountains to lose weight. They eat too much, so hiking is useless to them.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:40 AM · Nov 20, 2020 Permalink
There’s a general pattern of husband NPCs being mediocre and wife NPCs being competent / controlling / mistreated (pick 1-2 of those).
A grand family reunion creates a prrrrretty strong case of that. Those two women should team up and yeet Sabin out the window instead of arguing.
Sabin, holding his head in his hands: “I don’t know anything.” Tulun: “Oh, give me a break! I’m Sabin’s wife, Tulun!” Al-athir: “I don’t understand. I AM Sabin’s wife, Al-athir!” Al-athir: “This is funny. You can’t be married to my husband. That’s just impossible. Ha, ha, ha...”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:44 AM · Nov 20, 2020 Permalink
Also in family stuff, Quzman has kept “horrible” paintings by his second wife, which is how we convince her to come back. She can then sign them, and they’ll eventually become prized.
Bonus: scripting wonk, as she says “young man”!
Textbox: “You’ve obtained a Terrible Painting.” In Reverence, Misjah: “I was into painting. He was into chasing women. That’s why we decided to separate.” Back at Quzman’s home, Misjah: “Ah, you’re the young man from Picture Book Village. This is the dance for sending off the dead.” Textbox: “The Terrible Painting has become an Unpopular Painting...”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:45 AM · Nov 20, 2020 Permalink
I’m not playing optimally when it comes to Quest Magnus slot utilization, whatever.
Frankly I like the painter. She knows what she’s worth and seems to be having a grand old time going in circles with the kids.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:49 AM · Nov 20, 2020 Permalink
Rodolfo is indeed holed up in his manor, entirely unashamed of either how Xelha was treated or how cowardly he’s being.
The other leaders got this, why would he risk his hide? Not even his country’s well-being, no, HIMSELF.
Rodolfo: “You don’t need to put your guard up. I won’t do you any harm.” Rodolfo: “Besides, I’m very much afraid of the forces of darkness. I plan on keeping a low profile.” Rodolfo: “If I leave it all to them, everything should turn out just fine.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:50 AM · Nov 20, 2020 Permalink
Remember how there was a chest on the roof of the Manor that we couldn’t get? Me neither.
Either way the roof is under renovation due to our shenanigans, so we still can’t go get it.
A staffer blocking the stairs to the roof: “Come back later if you want to go up there.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:53 AM · Nov 20, 2020 Permalink
*stares at 2020*
And that is why you explain, diplomatically and clearly, that there is a deadly viru- er demon invasion outside and that’s why you stay at home, but really the Governor should pay you to do that and stay safe AHEM
Child: “My mom’s been acting strange lately. She used to tell me to play outside, but now she tells me to [cont]” Child: “[cont] stay at home.” Child: “When she tells me not to do something, I wanna do it. So I wanna go out.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:55 AM · Nov 20, 2020 Permalink
And we conclude with a guy too deep in his cups asking for more excitement.
I’ve helped unseal a wicked god and kickstart the end of the world, WHAT MORE DO YOU WANT FROM ME
Customer at the bar: “Hey, maybe you can do something about it. Life’s become so humdrum, I need more excitement!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:56 AM · Nov 20, 2020 Permalink
Next time: go look at what I can do SP-combo-wise while I age some more Quest Magnus to do more quests and free some room, and see what’s up on Alfard.
Might start on Operation Rescue Friends depending on time.