Lia @liareplaysbk · 06:31 PM · Nov 22, 2020 Permalink
Much comboing has been done, now let’s see about this whole rescue operation.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 06:34 PM · Nov 22, 2020 Permalink
Someone on Alfard DOES know that the dimensions are kinda messed up! It’s interesting how few hints there are for this one.
Maybe it assumes you’ll know to go back there eventually?
Mechanic: “News travel fast... I think I know why you’re here.” Mechanic: “You want to investigate the inexplicable chasm that suddenly broke open in the cave, don’t you?” Mechanic: “You are going to ask my permission to enter my cave, I presume.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 06:34 PM · Nov 22, 2020 Permalink
We get a lifetime authorization to go into the caves because we won’t mess them up like those Imperial clowns.
Should we tell him about the whole wicked god thing and how we very directly caused those interdimensional cracks, you think?
Lia @liareplaysbk · 06:36 PM · Nov 22, 2020 Permalink
Either way, back in the glitchy room we go, grabbing some lava on the way.
Textbox: “Magna Essence of the Lava has been trapped in a Blank Magnus.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 06:37 PM · Nov 22, 2020 Permalink
The way this works:
- Each crack is where an End Magnus was.
- There’s a gate that requires a quest item representative of that island.
- Then a boss.
And once we get past that we get a party member back.
You’re supposed to follow the game’s original island order...
Lia @liareplaysbk · 06:38 PM · Nov 22, 2020 Permalink
... because the bosses gets harder, mostly by having more health.
Because I’m a doof and have favorites, I’m going to try and do this backwards and see how badly it blows up in my face. ONWARDS.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 06:43 PM · Nov 22, 2020 Permalink
... That went splat really fast. I guess it actually adjust the bosses’ health based on how many you’ve defeated?
*adds to list of stuff to reverse-engineer*
Lia @liareplaysbk · 06:49 PM · Nov 22, 2020 Permalink
Stating the obvious MUCH
Xelha, observing a purple-black vortex: “This must be an Interdimensional Crack. Could everyone be trapped on the other side?” Xelha: “Let’s be cautious. This could be a trap.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 06:51 PM · Nov 22, 2020 Permalink
There’s writing on the gate, which is the hint for what Quest Magnus to use (here, Lava).
That makes the gate disappear and the boss appear.
Xelha, reading: “Set here the blistering hot Magnus. An all-consuming, fiery heat found in the infernal cavern.” A large centaur with spikes jutting out of its front knees.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 06:52 PM · Nov 22, 2020 Permalink
Battle is trivial and it turns out the name matches the first, not last boss. So yep, tied to how many you’ve killed, not location.
Combat turn result screen, showing the boss hitting for a pitiful 130-ish damage reduced to 28.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 06:59 PM · Nov 22, 2020 Permalink
Yep, they’re all pinned up like that, because DRAMA.
Bonus self-esteem issues, when the more reasonable surprise would be “They didn’t get you then?”.
The other side of the gate, a corridor of torches leading to a Y-shaped cross with poor Lyude attached to it. Lyude, looking surprised: “You came... to save me, Xelha!” Xelha: “Of course, Lyude. I’d never give up on my friends.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 07:02 PM · Nov 22, 2020 Permalink
There’s 6-7 textboxes of this, and TBH considering how much the plot’s tossed at him I AM also surprised he can walk on his own.
(The plot has one more major sucker punch in store, worry not)
Lyude, looking sad: “... Thank you for coming. To tell you the truth, I had almost given up hope.” Xelha: “It was nothing, really. Are you okay? Can you walk on your own?” Lyude: “Yes, I’ll be all right. Let’s rejoin the others!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 07:02 PM · Nov 22, 2020 Permalink
Combat drops are an equipment and a finisher for Gibari so yeah, intended order is to start with Diadem.
Magnus deck screen, focused on Gibari’s level 6 finisher.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 07:19 PM · Nov 22, 2020 Permalink
Rinse, repeat. Glad it’s not all the way at the bottom of the Labyrinth of Mirrors.
Textbox: “Magna Essence of the Mirage Weed has been trapped in a Blank Magnus.” Xelha standing in front of the blue-black vortex. An ominous orb of lightning beyond the gate. Another centaur, fallen on its knees.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 07:21 PM · Nov 22, 2020 Permalink
Mizuti was not actually in a different pose to normal at all and looked like flying off wouldn’t have been tough? Go figure.
Either way Mizuti was also certain we’d come because friendship, which might be the first strong hint of the character’s actual age.
Great Mizuti: “Late you be, Xelha! To be impatient for your arrival!” Xelha: “Forgive me, Great Mizuti, for taking so long to come get you...”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 07:33 PM · Nov 22, 2020 Permalink
(Well, the characters info menu says 14 all along, but you don’t REALLY internalize or believe that until... later events)
Lia @liareplaysbk · 08:36 PM · Nov 22, 2020 Permalink
We do however get to climb the entire darn Celestial Tree again.
Xelha at the top of the Celestial Tree, next to a dark blue-purple vortex. The Quest Magnus UI, focused on a Celestial Flower Seed. Another centaur going down. Savyna pinned to a Y-shaped cross.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 08:38 PM · Nov 22, 2020 Permalink
Someone give trauma therapy to the two ex-Imperials already.
That aside, this is a delightful interaction in how Xelha gives Savyna an easy out from talking about feelings.
Savyna: “What are you doing here? You shouldn’t be wasting time.” Xelha: “Oh, it was nothing. I just happened to pass by on my morning walk.” Savyna: “Hmm... must’ve been quite a walk.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 08:41 PM · Nov 22, 2020 Permalink
Switching right back to tactical mode, with what feels like a mild jab at the whole Kalas thing.
Savyna: “Be honest with me, Xelha. We need to face reality head on, [cont]” Savyna: “[cont] or it may stab us in the back someday...” Xelha: “Well... To be honest, things seem to be getting worse...” Savyna: “I’m not surprised. Apart from the knights, almost none of the troops have any combat experience.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:10 PM · Nov 22, 2020 Permalink
The crack in Sadal Suud is empty, though Xelha gets a strange dizzy spell with water noises playing.
Which... we’re right by a spring, so it can be read as that. But on repeat playthroughs it can be seen as a first hint of her connection to the Ocean, maybe?
Xelha at the spring in the forest, facing a dark blue-purple vortex. An empty Y-shaped cross. Xelha: “I just... felt a little dizzy for a moment...”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:12 PM · Nov 22, 2020 Permalink
To Diadem! This boss actually starts hitting hard enough that I have to vaguely pay attention, but it’s still no challenge.
Xelha in the Shrine of Winds, facing a dark blue-purple vortex. The Quest Magnus UI, focused on a Cloud. Combat turn result screen, showing 628 incoming damage. Gibari hanging from a Y-shaped cross.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:04 PM · Nov 22, 2020 Permalink
Gibari indulges in some bragging, of course, and is then also immediately in tactical mode. Which makes more sense when we know his past, which his sidequest might be explicit about? Can’t recall.
Gibari, flexing and laughing: “...Of course, with a little elbow grease, I could’ve broken outta here myself...” Gibari, serious again: “So, how are things going on the outside? I mean, how bad is it?” Xelha: “They’re hanging on somehow, keeping the enemy at bay...” Gibari: “Well, no time to waste. Let’s get back to business and save the world!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:08 PM · Nov 22, 2020 Permalink
That’s everyone rescued, we get the obvious pointer of going back to Anuénué where all the leaders are.
Gibari’s characterization is consistently delightful, just the right mix of taking things seriously while still being lighthearted in phrasing.
Gibari: “Great to see everyone back together!” Xelha: “I want to let Queen Corellia, King Ladekahn and Lord Calbren know that I’ve found everyone. We also [cont]” Xelha: “[cont] need to ask them about any new developments.” Gibari: “Right. Let’s move out. Time to kick some outer dimensional butt!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:11 PM · Nov 22, 2020 Permalink
Since Anna and Reblys were the only ones who really remarked on the absence of a specific character, let’s go check on them.
I do love the idea that the rest of us need to be careful around what he starts, when he’s clearly a pillar of reasonableness in this crew.
Anna: “Gibari, looks like you got yourself involved in something big again...” Anna: “Well, I guess that’s how you are. If you’re gonna go, go all the way.” Reblys: “Be careful. Once you get caught up in Gibari’s plans, he won’t let you go.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:24 PM · Nov 22, 2020 Permalink
And that’s it for today. Next time: moar talking, and off to the mystical land of witches!