Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:09 PM · Nov 23, 2020 Permalink
Alright, we’ve saved everyone who isn’t a backstabbing blue-haired douchecanoe, time to go talk to Their Majesties and see what the plan even is at this point.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:24 PM · Nov 23, 2020 Permalink
Only Corellia’s still around. Obligatory niceties, probably unnecessary apologies...
Xelha: “We have returned, Your Highness.” Corellia: “Welcome back, Xelha. It’s good to see everyone is safe and sound.” Gibari, looking serious: “Sorry if we worried you, Your Highness.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:26 PM · Nov 23, 2020 Permalink
Mizuti wasn’t around last time and is, er, less deferential.
Corellia: “You must be the Great Mizuti. I am Corellia.” Corellia: “Though we can’t offer much in the way of hospitality, I welcome you to Anuenue.” Great Mizuti: “Hullo. The Great Mizuti bids everyone be at ease. Forget not, to call me the “Great Mizuti.”” Corellia: “*chuckles* It’s truly a pleasure to meet you.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:29 PM · Nov 23, 2020 Permalink
Situation update is much the same, with the Big Evil Castle not being as evil as it could be, and monsters and Imperials making a mess everywhere.
Corellia: “The Cor Hydrae has yet to break its silence.” Corellia: “The Imperial Army and the forces of darkness, both under Melodia’s command, have been launching [cont]” Corellia: “[cont] attacks on each island.” Corellia: “Duke Calbren and King Ladekahn are on the frontlines, leading our forces.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:32 PM · Nov 23, 2020 Permalink
But the troops are getting exhausted, understandably.
Xelha has a bad idea, Corellia is more reasonable.
(We can just waltz into Mintaka apparently, but going after the End Magnus is probably not smart indeed)
Xelha: “We have little choice but to sneak into the Empire again, and try to recover the End Magnus...” Corellia: “If you did, you would likely fall prey to Melodia and Kalas.” Corellia: “We need a miracle... Without some breakthrough, it would be fruitless to infiltrate the Empire.” Gibari: “We need some kinda plan here people!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:35 PM · Nov 23, 2020 Permalink
It’s actually Mizuti suggesting Wazn.
Joke’s on you Mizuti ‘cause the queen is RIGHT THERE and she sure isn’t saving the day right now.
Great Mizuti: “Wazn, the Ice Lands.” Great Mizuti: “The Great Mizuti has heard rumors... Rumors that the queen of Wazn be [cont]” Great Mizuti: “[cont] a witch, with tremendous magical powers.” Great Mizuti: “With her help, we might just make it.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:38 PM · Nov 23, 2020 Permalink
This whole build-up is a twinge undermined by the Family Tree sidequest, where one family member is just “Oh yeah you’ll find the rest of my relatives in Cursa!”
“Cut off” indeed. I’m gonna headcanon it as books and schools and mainstream rumors lagging behind folk knowledge.
Lyude: “A kingdom of witches. A land of perpetual blizzards, hidden away in ice.” Lyude: “An island cut off from the rest of the world...” Savyna: “If I remember correctly, there hasn’t been any contact between Wazn and the five islands for [cont]” Savyna: “[cont] several hundred years.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:40 PM · Nov 23, 2020 Permalink
(Again, Xelha’s the Ice Queen. Not sure why she doesn’t mention that right now.)
Corellia: “I hate to say this, but we can’t risk losing time and manpower...” Corellia: “[cont] in an attempt to contact someone that may not even exist.” Xelha: “I could go, Your Highness.” Xelha: “We need a miracle, right? Wazn may be our best bet.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:50 PM · Nov 23, 2020 Permalink
Obviously everyone else will be tagging along.
(Cringe award goes to Lyude as always, but also as always I was that kind of dork myself and THIS KIND OF STUFF IS LEGITIMATELY PAINFUL)
Gibari: “If that’s so Xelha, we’ll be tagging along, too.” Lyude, smiling: “Indeed we will. Through ice and flame, if need be.” Savyna, smiling: “Yes. Turning back is no longer an option.” Great Mizuti: “The Great Mizuti will accompany you. You may sit back, relax, and enjoy the view!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:52 PM · Nov 23, 2020 Permalink
Royal approval got, back to the Mindeer we go, new area time!
Corellia: “We’ll handle matters here. You go on ahead, Xelha.” Dialog box: “Okay, let’s ride!” or “Not now.” A windswept snow-covered ice cliff. Title card: “The Ice Cliffs of Gomeisa”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:53 PM · Nov 23, 2020 Permalink
It has dynamic snow! So next-gen. Legitimately curious how that is handled since the game primarily uses prerendered backgrouds.
The snow-covered ice cliff, with a path where Xelha has walked.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:49 PM · Nov 23, 2020 Permalink
Looks like a decently tight grid mesh pushed down where we walk.
The snow trail, showing clear vertices.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:53 PM · Nov 23, 2020 Permalink
This area’s bit of light puzzling is a barrier blocking the way, which can be undone by poking some orbs floating around.
Textbox: “Destroy you must, the barrier of we, the ancient witches...” Gibari, as we face a huge force field with an eight-spoke wheel in the middle: “What? There’s no way we can get through this!” Xelha touching a floating light orb, causing it to dissolve in a spiral. The barrier collapsing in shards of ice.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:55 PM · Nov 23, 2020 Permalink
Oh noooo, there’s no path!
Gibari: “This place is nuts! I guess it ain’t called the Ice Lands for nothin’.” Lyude: “So the rumors were true... Wazn really exists.” The Great Mizuti: “But it be a dead end here. Look for another passage?” Xelha: “Hold on, just give me a minute.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:58 PM · Nov 23, 2020 Permalink
Sure, just stop the storm, revealing the place on the worldmap, and DO NOT EXPLAIN ANYTHING
Gibari: “What are you doing?” Xelha standing at the edge of the cliff, as the storm stops and a path takes shape. The entire party is reeling in surprise. World map, showing The Ice Lands of Wazn. Xelha: “That should do it. Let’s go.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:00 AM · Nov 24, 2020 Permalink
Xelha, please
Gibari: “Hey, Xelha! Wait up, will ya?” The party in town, Xelha walking ahead as the locals bow to her. Gibari, annoyed: “Hey! Hold up, already! Xelha!” The party in the castle. Title card: “Kaffaljidhma, Castle of Ice”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:03 AM · Nov 24, 2020 Permalink
Another one of Xelha’s trademark “Look we’ll discuss this EXTREMELY IMPORTANT THING later, we have no time for healthy social dynamics here”
Servant, bowing: “Welcome home, Your Majesty.” Gibari, as the entire party is reeling again: “Did I just imagine that?!” Lyude: “Your Majesty?! Are you telling me that...” Xelha, looking serious: “We’ll talk about it later.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:06 AM · Nov 24, 2020 Permalink
Hey remember that first boss fight which would now be easier than most regular encounters? Remember the two men who were with Xelha, and got instakilled by the thing before Kalas came to the rescue?
Barnette: “Queen Xelha, we’re relieved to see you safe and sound.” Xelha: “Gram and Leon came to protect me from a Sabre Dragon in Sadal Suud. They... didn’t make it.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:07 AM · Nov 24, 2020 Permalink
Aaaaaall the way back at the start of the game
Profile picture for user Lia
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:15 PM · Oct 14, 2020 Go
Noooo save the damsel in distress (who it turns out is a wizard and has her first finisher already, making her considerably more competent than Kalas at this point)
Kalas and Xelha fighting a big monster.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:09 AM · Nov 24, 2020 Permalink
With much in-between blabbing about how glad Barnette - probably some kind of intendant? - is to see Xelha safe, we tackle the main topic.
Barnette: “You must be tired. Please take a rest.” Xelha: “Barnette, we don’t have time to relax. We need your advice!” Barnette: “We certainly cannot allow this cursed god, Malpercio, to be awakened unto our world.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:11 AM · Nov 24, 2020 Permalink
There IS a magical MacGuffin that might help!
Barnette: “However, to face the power of the five End Magnus, the various limbs of ancient gods...” Barnette: “You would need something equally powerful.” Barnette: “The only thing that comes to mind is the Ocean Mirror, passed down from generation to generation.” Barnette: “The Mirror should be able to reflect the god’s vile powers, and provide some protection.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:14 AM · Nov 24, 2020 Permalink
“Because I kinda done fucked up and it’s on me to fix the mess”
Xelha: “Very well. I’ll go down to the Lake of the Dragon and get the Mirror.” Barnette: “Countless Queens have taken this path... Yet none of them, not a single one...” Xelha: “I know... To tell you the truth, I’m scared...” Xelha: “But we both know this is the only way. I can’t back down now.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:17 AM · Nov 24, 2020 Permalink
Yet again we’re shoved into exploring. Gibari’s excited to see the place, Lyude is curious about the local customs, you wouldn’t dare ever leave the Great Mizuti behind, and Savyna prefers that to sitting idle.
Barnette: “It may take a while to get everything ready.” Xelha, to the party: “Why don’t we go take a look around town while she’s preparing?”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:18 AM · Nov 24, 2020 Permalink
I do wish more of those instances caused a “Well, since we have some spare time, HOW ABOUT WE DISCUSS THAT RATHER CRITICAL STUFF YOU SHUT DOWN EARLIER”, but I guess that’s what fanfic is for
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:19 AM · Nov 24, 2020 Permalink
Might be part of why I’m stuck on this thing, because it leave those giant openings for extremely tense conversations that never happen?
NEXT TIME: exploring, all the talking, and looting everything that’s not nailed down!