Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:05 PM · Nov 26, 2020 Permalink
Today we wrap things up in Wazn, do some more royal talking, and go back to Alfard to hit Kalas in the head until he stops being a douche. Might take a while.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:07 PM · Nov 26, 2020 Permalink
Probably won’t get that far though, because there’s all of Mintaka, a reasonably long dungeon plus an annoying boss before that.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:51 PM · Nov 26, 2020 Permalink
First: go check on our excellent child laborer, who has done a beautiful job.
Junior: “Ah, Queen Xelha! They’re done! Perfectly! These are the best sculptures I’ve [cont]” Junior: “[cont] ever made in my life!” Two ice sculptures, now with their weapons.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:53 PM · Nov 26, 2020 Permalink
That gets us our dragonriding permit. And YES, FOR ONCE, we address the fact that we were just going to leave the Royal Ship Of Diadem lying around freezing its hide off.
Barnette: “That ship you were on, Queen Xelha, is it the Mindeer?” Barnette: “We’ll take it to Diadem for you.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:59 PM · Nov 26, 2020 Permalink
Off we go and oh noooo, Barnette lied to make Xelha feel better, and Kalas is actually doomed!
(Spoiler: we will, somehow, alas, rescue him anyway, but it’ll take more of a beating than planned I guess)
Xelha standing in front of the White Dragon at the city dock. Barnette: “Please forgive me, Your Majesty...” Barnette: “Even the Ocean Mirror couldn’t possibly reclaim someone tainted by the breath of the evil god...” Barnette: “In order to save the world, you’ll just have to give up on him...”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:03 PM · Nov 26, 2020 Permalink
Act 2 Xelha isn’t doing the best of jobs of not looking like an airhead, TBH.
Something about Wazn’s commitment to extreme secrecy would have made more sense.
Corellia: “Why didn’t you tell us you were the Queen of Wazn?” Xelha: “I wasn’t sure we would find anything in Wazn...” Xelha: “And it just didn’t feel right to tell you all at that time.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:06 PM · Nov 26, 2020 Permalink
Poor Ladekahn really wants to follow protocol and ends up a mess. One of those bits that make him a really charming character in spite of how basic his narrative function is.
Ladekahn: “Though we didn’t know of your status, I apologize for any discourtesy, Xelha, Queen of Wazn.” Xelha: “I’m just Xelha, the same as I’ve always been.” Ladekahn: “Oh Queen of... err... Xelha... ahem! With you on our side, there is still hope, Your High... err... Xelha.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:08 PM · Nov 26, 2020 Permalink
More foreshadowing.
This would be another way of explaining the secrecy: She Never Asked For ThisTM and would really rather not be the Queen of Wazn.
(Spoiler: literally carrying the Ocean, will have to die to release it)
Xelha: “Just Xelha... When I’m here... I can forget about what I am...” Xelha: “The burden I carry as the Ice Queen...”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:11 PM · Nov 26, 2020 Permalink
Off to Mintaka, where things have gotten markedly worse since last time. Bodies and demons in the streets.
Xelha: “Well then... We’re off... Off to Mintaka, the Imperial capital!” The White Dragon docked in Mintaka. Two Imperial soldiers are lying face-first on the ground nearby. The streets of Mintaka, showing a cowering soldier and a demon with swords threatening a civilian.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:14 PM · Nov 26, 2020 Permalink
The people of Mintaka are either dead with grievous wounds, unconscious, or a traumatized mess suddenly not going on about superiority anymore.
(Which is how many fascists work, they’re generally sore losers and cowards. Not all, many)
Inspection text: “He’s slumped over with a bloody neck and no pulse.” Inspection text: “This person is only unconscious. It’s not serious.” Soldier: “He he he, look at me... Look at what a disgrace I am...” Soldier: “Sorry for all the bad things I said about you... What a mess this nation is... What a mess I am...”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:17 PM · Nov 26, 2020 Permalink
We don’t get any reward for rescuing people, but we can go fight the monsters, giving them time to run off.
Some of those fights are indoors, and reuse the Goldoba combat stage. Recycling, wooo!
The streets of Mintaka, showing a demon threatening a civilian. Combat screen, showing two demons with swords. The combat arena is the streets of Mintaka. Combat screen, showing two demon with swords. The combat arena is a large platform identical to the inside of the Goldoba.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:18 PM · Nov 26, 2020 Permalink
And don’t worry, Scalla is fine. Stuck inside, but fine.
Scalla: “Is everyone okay?”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:21 PM · Nov 26, 2020 Permalink
We get to the fortress, and a freaked out unarmed soldier rushes us. He was in the Lava Caves and is rethinking his allegiances a TWINGE.
Offscreen voice: “...!! You! You there!” Imperial Soldier: “I saw the Emperor change into that dreadful beast, then when Mélodia and the General came out and did [cont]” Imperial Soldier: “[cont] what they did...” Imperial Soldier: “What’s happening to our world? I feel you know something about all this craziness. Please... help us!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:22 PM · Nov 26, 2020 Permalink
Actual narrative function: confirm our target’s location.
Imperial Soldier: “Mélodia and General Fadroh are in the Fortress as we speak.” Imperial Soldier: “Up to something horrible, no doubt.” Xelha: “It’s all right. We’re here to help you.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:25 PM · Nov 26, 2020 Permalink
This looks a lot like the polite / pep-talk version of “go do your goddamn job and protect civilians, we can look into the whole authoritarian fascism thing when the threat is less immediate”
Lyude: “Yes. Please protect the people until then.” Lyude: “They need your help, as a soldier.” Imperial Soldier: “Yes... yes... absolutely... You’re absolutely right.” Imperial Soldier: “I’ll go do what I can for those back in the city.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:27 PM · Nov 26, 2020 Permalink
That Iron Beetle nearby now goes down in two turns, and that’s because the RNG was not being nice.
Next time: loot the fortress, rant angrily about Geldoblame’s gross queercoding, take down Fadroh and maybe even Kalas? We’ll see!