Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:56 PM · Nov 25, 2020 Permalink
Much looting and reminiscing has been had, time to go see what this Mirror trial thingie is all about!
(It’s one of the worst things in the game, but at least it won’t take long)
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:04 PM · Nov 25, 2020 Permalink
Oh yeah, didn’t highlight this. It’ll turn out to be very literal and very important.
Child: “We protect Queen Xelha, who watches over the Ocean.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:12 PM · Nov 25, 2020 Permalink
More teleporting!
I guess the party tags along for moral support even if this is a Xelha-only ordeal.
A platform lit up with the Wazn eight-spoke seal. A deep cavern. Title card: “Lake of the Dragon”. Goddess of Ice: “You have been expected, Queen of the Ice Lands...” Goddess of Ice: “You must pass the test, to prove yourself worthy of receiving the Mirror.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:29 PM · Nov 25, 2020 Permalink
This fight is the worst. As far as I can tell, it’s 100% random, you just need to get lucky and pick the matching card. FOUR TIMES.
Every mistake costs you health.
Oh and better get a camera at some point if you want to 100% the thing.
Combat screen, with a hand of hidden cards. Combat screen, with a hand of hidden cards and showing a Wind card failing to match against a Wood card. Combat screen, showing a hand of hidden cards and two Wood cards being matched.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:32 PM · Nov 25, 2020 Permalink
I succeeded on first try but without the photo, and it took another four tries to get through. Urgh. And there’s another one of those later.
Aaaaanyway, we have passed the trial and get the mirror. This whole section feels brutally half-baked.
Combat screen, with a “You may proceed...” message. Goddess of Ice: “Take the Mirror now, my daughter.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:34 PM · Nov 25, 2020 Permalink
More Ocean foreshadowing for later.
Goddess of Ice: “Your possession of this Mirror means the time has drawn near...” Goddess of Ice: “[cont] when the mighty Ocean must be released...”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:36 PM · Nov 25, 2020 Permalink
Apparently the Goddess is the previous queen i.e. Xelha’s mom? I don’t think we ever get into that much.
The Mirror funnily enough is a regular combat Magnus.
Xelha: “Mother...” Combat drops screen, focused on the Ocean Mirror. “A sacred treasure of the Ice Lands. The divine light within this mirror contains power that can quell the spirits of darkness. This may be the only way to save Kalas from darkness...”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:57 PM · Nov 25, 2020 Permalink
We get back, Xelha passes out, and it’s lore dump the return while she recovers.
Barnette: “Thank the heavens you are safe! How did it go?” Xelha: “I have the Mirror.” Barnette, back in Xelha’s room: “About two years ago, I had a dream foreshadowing the end of the world.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:59 PM · Nov 25, 2020 Permalink
Convenient Explanation For Her Not Being Super Powerful From The Start
Barnette: “Queen Xelha also had a terrible nightmare.” Barnette: “It was then that she lost most of her magical powers.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:02 PM · Nov 25, 2020 Permalink
The Mirror won’t just help us face the bad guys, it should even bring Xelha’s crush back, promised!
Since said former self was a traitorous ass I’m not sure what we win but oh well
Xelha: “Do you think the Mirror would allow me to being them back?” Barnette: “The Mirror should be able to free anyone struck with the cursed god’s breath, taken by darkness, [cont]” Barnette: “[cont] and return them to their former selves.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:07 PM · Nov 25, 2020 Permalink
That’s rich coming from you, Xelha.
Really funny line from Mizuti, too, if we remember...
Barnette: “But, I often wonder... What ever happened to those who banished the evil god, long ago?” Barnette: “A race of beings with mysterious powers, the Children of the Earth.” Xelha: “We don’t have time to sit around pondering whether the people of these old legends exist or not to [help us.]” Great Mizuti: “Xelha need not be worried. The Great Mizuti be with you.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:08 PM · Nov 25, 2020 Permalink
... this “clarification” back in Mira.
Profile picture for user Lia
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:48 PM · Nov 11, 2020 Go
Kalas rightfully asks Mizuti who the heck Mizuti is.
Mizuti answers, clearly and truthfully but MAYBE not in a way that’s very believable.
Kalas: “Tell me, Great Mizuti. Who are you anyway?” Great Mizuti: “Hm? You wish to know who the Great Mizuti be? The Great Mizuti be...” Great Mizuti: “... Great. Simple. The Great Mizuti also happens to be a Child of the Earth, [cont]” Great Mizuti: “[cont] here to defeat the wicked god.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:11 PM · Nov 25, 2020 Permalink
We get our Dragon Permit, because it’s better than a ship. I think basic creature comforts disagree.
Xelha: “Barnette, it’s okay for me to use the White Dragon, right?” Barnette: “Aha ha ha. Of course, Queen Xelha.” Barnette: “Regular ships probably won’t be able to last nearly as long.” Barnette: “But before you ride her, there’s one more thing I’d like you to do, Queen Xelha.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:13 PM · Nov 25, 2020 Permalink
The statues are short their fancy weapons, so we need to go find a sculptor and fix that.
Luckily we met a terrible father who does just that!
Barnette: “Each of them was a veteran that specialized in a particular weapon.” Barnette: “But these sculptures... Don’t you feel as if something’s missing from them?” Barnette: “Of course, you should let a professional sculptor do the work.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:45 AM · Nov 26, 2020 Permalink
The terrible dad is terribly busy, but surely our request is nothing a little child labor can’t fix. I’m sure the Palace will pay in exposure.
Sculptor: “Oh, Queen Xelha, I can’t really take my hands off this project, so I’m sorry to talk to you like this.” Xelha: “Actually, I’d like you to make some ice sculptures for the knight statues in the ritual room.” Sculptor: “Right now? Hmm, it’d be a little hard.” Sculptor: “Maybe this doesn’t sound respectful, but my son, Junior, right there, can go in my place.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:46 AM · Nov 26, 2020 Permalink
Xelha: “I’d like you to do me a favor. Would you mind?” Junior: “I heard from my father. You’re gonna let me sculpt some statues in the castle, right?” Junior: “Only Sparkling Snow can make a sculpture appropriate enough for the castle.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:48 AM · Nov 26, 2020 Permalink
Regardless of terrible labor compensation, we go fetch the special snow in the stormy cliffs...
This might be why all the ice furniture / tools are not melting, this is the stuff that froze lava back in Alfard.
Textbox: “Magna Essence of Sparkling Snow has been extracted into a Blank Magnus!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:50 AM · Nov 26, 2020 Permalink
There is then a minor puzzle of “guessing” the right weapon for each statue. It’s not very hard.
Xelha: “There’s something inscribed on this ice sculpture. Perhaps the words of the Knight this is modeled after...” Xelha, reading: “I can take any attack. Guarding and protection are my forte. This piece of steel is my life.” Weapon choices: “A halberd” or “An axe” or “A bow” or “A shield” or “I don’t know”.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 12:50 AM · Nov 26, 2020 Permalink
The kid asks to be left to work overnight, meaning we’ll see the result NEXT TIME (after a bit of grinding and combos setup).