Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:03 PM · Dec 03, 2020 Permalink
It’s Evil God Showdown time! Depending on how much cutscenes happen, I might proceed to another round of chores around the Sky after that. We’ll see.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:50 PM · Dec 03, 2020 Permalink
We’re banned from getting a free heal back in Gemma (but the blue flower in the port is accessible and I had 5 levels to cash in, so STILL NOT USING CONSUMABLES HAHAHA).
Also putting a zillion cameras in Kalas’ deck because reasons, you’ll see.
Xelha: “We don’t have time to get sidetracked. We need to get to Algorab Village right away!” Inventory screen, showing 6 camera Magnus in Kalas’ deck.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:51 PM · Dec 03, 2020 Permalink
Thank you Gibari I think we had that part figured out
Gibari, entering Algorab village which is extremely on fire and filled with dead villagers: “This is terrible!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:54 PM · Dec 03, 2020 Permalink
The villagers from Gemma arrive and tell us off. Which isn’t unreasonable.
Kamroh’s newly revealed chunky high heels hurt just looking at them, but I guess it’s not a problem when you’re hovering above the ground?
Great Kamroh: “You’re too vulnerable to take on the evil god at this stage.” Great Kamroh: “Let us handle things here. You should return to your lands in the sky.” Great Kamroh: “Besides, this is our duty as the Children of the Earth.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:56 PM · Dec 03, 2020 Permalink
Mizuti gets some genuinely sweet family moments here. So young after all.
Great Mizuti: “Mizuti will fight with you!” Kay: “Mizuti, you must go with them.” Kay: “Your father and I, and everyone in this village, have a duty to fulfill. A duty that is different from yours.” Great Mizuti: “But... But... Mother!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 09:59 PM · Dec 03, 2020 Permalink
The “You should not die here today” is said out loud, the “we very much expect to not make it” isn’t. It’s a solid emotional beat!
Koh: “You must carry on, Mizuti, as the very last hope and pride of the Children of the Earth.” Koh: “Besides, you underestimate our powers, your mother’s and mine...” Great Mizuti: “Father! Mother!” Mizuti and Kay hugging.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:03 PM · Dec 03, 2020 Permalink
Kamroh’s literally the only one who has used pronouns for Mizuti at this point. BOO THIS VILLAGE ELDER.
(I’m guessing the original Japanese does stuff with modes of address, to be fair)
Kamroh might also need a pep talk refresher course because this is not convincing.
Kay: “Please take care of our Mizuti. I beg of you.” Great Kamroh: “Even though our powers have dimished, we still have our pride and will!” Great Kamroh: “A battle fought with heart is never lost!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:05 PM · Dec 03, 2020 Permalink
You might mean “that” village ‘cause this one is, er.
I’ve (gently) made fun of the outdated animations a bunch, but they get some genuinely good postures in at times.
Xelha: “The people of this village must do what they have to do.” Xelha, as Mizuti lags behind: “Come on... Great Mizuti...” Mizuti with hands crossed behind one’s back
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:07 PM · Dec 03, 2020 Permalink
For some godforsaken reason the party goes towards the Labyrinth, it seems?
Either way, since this is terrible timing, it is of course when Kalas decides to grow a conscience.
Xelha: “What’s wrong, Kalas?” Kalas, looking down: “Supposed we escape, but leave everyone to die.” Kalas: “Even if we do save the world, could you live with yourself?”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:11 PM · Dec 03, 2020 Permalink
It does remain in-character though because OF BLOODY COURSE it’s the gigantic ego at work again.
I get why the others don’t get to chime in for this scene, but I’d sure love them to!
Xelha: “The future of our world may depend on whether we can return to the Sky with this Sword.” Kalas: “I know...” Kalas: “But if the only future we have means leaving these people to die, then I want no part of it.” Kalas: “Besides, I don’t intend to lose.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:12 PM · Dec 03, 2020 Permalink
Like, Gibari would probably have some grim commentary, Savyna be pissed at Kalas’ bad tactics, and I think we’ve established by now that leaving people to die without saying a word is NOT EXACTLY Lyude’s forte.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:13 PM · Dec 03, 2020 Permalink
Either way, back to Algorab!
Xelha: “I was waiting for you to say that, Kalas.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:16 PM · Dec 03, 2020 Permalink
Back in the village, there are a bunch more bodies around. Villainous threats time again!
Kalas, furious: “Mélodia!!” Kay: “No! Why did you come back?!” Great Kamroh: “All hope is lost...” Mélodia: “You will never learn, will you? Coming back to face certain death?”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:19 PM · Dec 03, 2020 Permalink
Mizuti gets so pissed off that it breaks the mask in halves, and lets Mizuti zap Malpercio with a big beam of electricity.
Great Mizuti: “I... I will never forgive you! Never, never, never!!” Great Kamroh: “The power of our ancestor, the great wizard?!” Mizuti, without a mask and looking incredibly pissed off, eyes shadowed by the brim of the hat: “...”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:21 PM · Dec 03, 2020 Permalink
This type of line is a great example of “utterly cringy, but completely in-character and that helps a lot”
Kalas, furious: “Prepare to die, Mélodia! Geldoblame is asking for you in hell!!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:22 PM · Dec 03, 2020 Permalink
The battle’s not especially hard. Lots of health, decently strong attacks but nothing unmanageable, a life drain at the end but again not strong enough to matter with 3 versus 1.
The ACTUAL challenge is getting all three photos, when running 100%.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:24 PM · Dec 03, 2020 Permalink
Three? Yep.
- The boss;
- Maskless Mizuti;
- Maskless Mizuti, “megarare”.
Each character has two photo portraits you can get, the rarer one being random. This one’s got boosted odds it feels, but still.
That’s why Kalas got 6 cameras and I dragged the fight out to even the odds.
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:27 PM · Dec 03, 2020 Permalink
By the power of Plot Armor, we prevail.
By the power of Continued Drama, yet another Malpercio Laser destroys yet another Magical MacGuffin.
The whole Duhr arc ends up feeling, er, a bit moot.
Mélodia, next to a tired Malpercio: “Oooh! How is it possible?” Kalas, as the Sword of the Heavens starts floating in front of him: “...?!” Malpercio firing a pink bolt of light. Kalas, the camera pointing at the broken sword: “No! The Sword of the Heavens!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:29 PM · Dec 03, 2020 Permalink
Mélodia: “...Yet another of your hopes has been lost.” Mélodia: “The sword broken, the mirror shattered, the sphere smashed...” Mélodia: “Ha ha ha! We will leave you be for now, though.” Mélodia: “Next time we meet, it will be the end for you and your friends. You will all die!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:33 PM · Dec 03, 2020 Permalink
Now that the villain who was defeated but not has decided to spare us for no reason whatsoever, it’s back to Gemma and planning.
Xelha: “We did all we could...” Gibari: “This place isn’t safe anymore now that the tower’s barrier is broken.” Lyude: “I agree. The Children of the Earth should move to the Sky, to Anuénué.” Great Kamroh: “I’ll have everyone prepare right away. Once ready, our people will join you in the Sky.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:35 PM · Dec 03, 2020 Permalink
Worry not, Kalas has not magically stopped being an ass.
Xelha: “Please tell the people of Algorab to hurry, as well...” Kalas: “You must be happy! This is your first class ticket out of here...” Xelha: “Kalas!!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:38 PM · Dec 03, 2020 Permalink
Krumly’s just not very good at thinking long-term, it seems.
Makes sense that Savyna would be the one to say this. I do love that the plot consistently refuses to grant martyrdom, to gratify revenge for revenge’s sake.
(No, Giacomo is not an exception, we’ll get back to that)
Krumly: “...I’m... terrible sorry. I didn’t think it would come to this...” Krumly: “I... I will stay here...” Savyna: “If you fee guilty for what you’ve done, the best thing to do is join the others up there, and fight for [cont]” Savyna: “[cont] what’s right... This battle’s not gonna be pretty.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:40 PM · Dec 03, 2020 Permalink
Also, Mizuti gets a new mask!
This portrait is so cute aaaaaa
Great Kamroh: “Before you leave... take this, Mizuti.” Great Mizuti: “...? What be it?” Great Kamroh: “This mask has been passed on for generations among our village elders. It originally belonged to one [cont]” Great Kamroh: “[cont] of the ancient wizards.”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 10:40 PM · Dec 03, 2020 Permalink
Yes the new mask looks exactly like the old one. ONWARDS
Xelha: “Let’s go!”
Lia @liareplaysbk · 11:24 PM · Dec 03, 2020 Permalink
That’s actually going to be it for this session, ‘cause there’s a bunch of combos to get out of the way and some stuff to drop in Zosma.